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Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721

1st International Conference on Structural Integrity

Behaviour characterization and rehabilitation of adobe construction

Humberto Varuma*, Aníbal Costab, Jorge Fonsecab,André Furtadoa
CONSTRUCT-LESE, Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), University of Porto,,
University of Aveiro, Department of Civil Engineering, Portugal,,


Earth construction is one of the oldest and most widespread construction system. Around 30% of world population
lives in earth buildings. About 50% of population in developing countries, including the majority of rural areas, and
at least 20% of urban and marginal urban areas, lives in earth buildings.The main general objectives of this study are
the behaviour characterisation of adobe and rammed earth constructions along with the research for the development
of retrofitting and seismic performance enhancement solutions, considering the relevant earthen heritage built in
Portugal. In fact,until the first half of the last century, earth was commonlyadopted as a construction material in
Portugal. Adobe was used in almost all types of constructionin littoral centre, particularly in Aveiro region.
The consolidation of the knowledge on this technique and on the mechanical behaviour of adobe masonry will play
a fundamental role on the preservation of the earthen built heritage. In addition, it maycontribute to the development
of innovative earth construction solutions for new buildings, following current concerns but also respecting
structural safety demands, which will allow accommodatingthe increasing interest on this type of building solutions.
The mechanical properties of adobe units and mortars were studied and a series of tests for the characterization of
the adobe masonry behaviour were carried out, in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Aveiro,
namely: (i) bond strength and (ii) joint shear tests. Additionally,a full-scale adobe building model was subjected to
monotonic and cyclic horizontal lateral loads until failure. The present paper present the main results and
conclusions of the experimental campaign developed.
© 2015
2015Published by Elsevier
The Authors. Ltd. This
Published is an openLtd.
by Elsevier access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of INEGI - Institute of Science
Peer-review under responsibility of INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation
and Innovation in Mechanical
in Mechanical andEngineering
and Industrial Industrial Engineering.

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+351919369393

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Keywords:Adobe masonry, Mechanical characterization, structural behaviour characterization

1877-7058 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721 715


fm Compresssive strength
fvoi Initial sheear strength
Em Elasticity modulus
fpiPre-axial compreession strength h
fvok Characterristic shear streength

1. In

The earth consttruction is onee of the oldestt and most wiidespread consstruction system m. Around 300% of World
popuulation lives inn earth buildings. About 50% % of population in developinng countries, inncluding manyy rural areas,
and at least 20% of o urban and marginal
m urbann areas, lives in i earth buildinngs. The mainn general objecctives of this
studyy are the behavviour characterrization of adobe earth constrructions along with the reseaarch for the devvelopment of
retroofitting and seeismic perform mance enhanceement solutionns, consideringg the relevantt earthen herittage built in
Portuugal. In fact, until
u the first half
h of the last century, earth was also a com mmonly adoptted constructionn material in
Portuugal. Adobe was
w used in alm most all types off construction ini littoral Centtre, particularlyy in Aveiro reggion.
Inn a recent studdy developed at the Departm ment of Civil Engineering of o the Universiity of Aveiro adobes from
existting structures fated to demo olition were gaathered. The mechanical,
m phyysical and chemical properties of adobes
and mortars were studied and a series of tests for the characcterization of the t interface between the adobes and the
morttar joints were carried out, naamely: (i) bondd strength and (ii)( joints shearr strength tests, as illustrated in Fig. a and
Fig. b, respectivelly. The descrip ption of the teesting setup anda campaign, as well as thhe experimentaal results are
preseented and disccussed.Additionally,a full-scaale adobe buillding model was w constructedd and tested foor horizontal
monnotonic and cycclic lateral load ding conditionss until its failurre.

a) b)

Fig. –Adobe maasonry mechanicall characterization tests:

t a) bond strenngth and b) shear strength.

2. M
Mechanical chaaracterization of adobe massonry specimeens

Adobe unitsandd mortar sam mples were colllected in exiisting structurees and tested at the laboraatory of the
Depaartment of Civvil Engineering g of the Univeersity of Aveirro. Tests to acccess mechaniccal, physical and
a chemical
propperties of the addobe units andd of the mortarr were carried out. The tradittional method of adobe' prodduction n and
the ccomposition off adobe units and
a mortars weere studied. Masonry
M specimmens with diffeerent dimensionns were built
to teest the behaviorr of masonry systems
s under different demaands. To represent the characcteristics of thee masonry in
tradiitional existingg constructions[1]: (i) hydrauulic lime mortaar similar to thee one used in the
t constructioons of Aveiro
distrrict has been used;
u (ii)adobe units collecteed in existing structures
s weree used, and (iiii) adobe masoonry samples
havee been construccted according to the traditionnal layout and construction methods.
716 Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721

Accid dissolutionn for the deterrmination of binder/aggregatte ratio, wet annd dry sievingg for the deterrrmination of
particcle size distribbution, capillarry water absorp
rption and drying tests were carried out [2]]. The results obtained by
Velossa and Varum (2013) revealeed a clear influeence of the binnder and aggreggate on the mortar properties..
Too determine thee mechanical properties
p of addobe units and mortars, comp
mpressive, flexurral and tensile strength
s and
moduulus of elasticity tests were carried
c out [1, 3].A summaryy of the mechaanical properties of the colleected adobes
and mmortars samplees from ancientt constructions in Aveiro distrrict are given ini Table .
Table - Mechanical
M prooperties of adobbe and mortar specimens [3-55]

C Flexural sttrength Tennsile strength Modulus off Elasticity
streengthhfm (MPa)) (MPaa) (MPa) Em(M
Adobbe units (from houses)
h 0.70
0 to 2.15 - 0.13 tot 0.4 87 too 448
Morttar 1.19 0.4 - 128 too 251

Mechanical charracterization of o masonry waalls was perforrmed on speciimens built in the laboratoryy and tested
underr different loading
d demands, namely: (i) coompressive streength test, acccording to BS E 1052-1 [6], on o six walls
with 0.9x0.9m2(3 plastered and d 3 without plaster);
p (ii) diagonal
d tensille strength teest, according to RILEM
LUMMB6[7], on fivve plastered walls with 0.9x0.9m
0 ; (iiii) out-of-planee flexural streength tests, parallel
p and
perpeendicular to beed joints, accorrding to EN 10052-2 [8], on 10 walls (5 tessted for flexural demands paarallel to the
bed jooints, and 5 forr perpendicular).
r The obtaineed test results on
o masonry speecimens are givven in
Taaable .

Tablee - Mechanicaal properties off masonry speciimens [3-5].

0.79 (plastereed)
Compression n strength (MP
0.59 (non-plasteered)
1365 (plastereed)
Shear modullus of elasticity
ty (MPa)
10086 (non-plastered)
Flexural streength perpendiccular to bed joiints (MPa)

Flexural streength parallel too bed joints (M

MPa) 0.16

Thee interface bettween the adob be units and beed mortar joinnts were also studied, namelyy in terms of fflexural and
shearr behaviour. Thhus, (i) bond stttrength tests were
w performedd following thee bond wrench test method, according
a to
RILEEM LUMB3 [99]; and (ii) sheear tests were developed to study the inteerface betweenn the adobe unnits and bed
mortaar, according to RILEM LUM MB5 [10]; (iii)) determinationn of initial sheaar strength ((ffvoi
o ) was made, according
a to
EN 1052-3 [11]. The setups ussed for the threee tests stated aabove are shownw inFig. .

a) b) c))
Fig. -Test setuup for bond and sheear strength, accorrding to: a) RILEM
M LUMB3 [9]; b) EN1052-3
E [12]; c)) RILEM LUMB5 [10].
Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721 717

2.1. RILEM Lumb33

Inn the first phasse, one wall off 11 adobe unitts high wasbuiilt with adobess from a land-ddividing wall, in
i the city of
Aveiiro, with averaage dimension ns of 28x42cm m2, and 11cm thick.
t The ultiimate mean boond strength achieved
a was
61kPPa [1], from a set of 8 valid test results. Inn a second phasse, three other walls of 15 addobe units highh were built,
usingg adobes colleected in the village of Arcoss, municipalityy of Anadia, district
d of Aveiiro. These adoobe units had
average dimensionns of 32x42cm m2, and a thicknness of 11cm. The ultimate meanm bond strrength achievedd was 57kPa
for w
wall 2, 76kPa forf wall 3 and 55kPa
5 for wall 4. These averaage results werre obtained from experimentaal results sets
of 9, 6 and 11 adoobes,for wall 2, 2 3 and 4, respectively. Thhe same proporrtionmortars 1:1:2 (hydratedd lime, earth,
sandd) were used inn the constructtion of all speccimens. The avverage bond sttrength resultinng from all vaalid tests was
61kPPa, as illustrateed in Fig. .

Fig. –Ultimate
– flexurall bond strength.

For wall 2 andd wall 3 some of the results were w considereed not valid, since:
s (i) the fiirst adobes on wall 2 were
usedd to verify and calibrate the teesting setup, (iii) on wall 3 soome specimenss were damagedby the clamp and the two
steell plates used inn the tests or (iiii) by applying tension on thee loading strapss, used to stabilize the wall.
After each bondd test developeed in wall 2, 3 and 4, the failuure mode was registered,
r as shown in
Table . In 84.6% of the casess, the failure occcurs at lower brick-mortar interface,
i for 11.5%
1 at both brick-mortar
and for 3.8% at thhe upper brick--mortar interfaace. Failure in tension at thee mortar joints was never observed. This
sugggests that the mortar
m used posssess adequate mechanical prooperties [13].

Table – Typee of failure obsserved in the teests according with EN 1052--5 [14].
Typeoffaailure Wall2 Wall3
W Wall4
AtupperbrickͲmortarinterfacee Ͳ Ͳ 1
werbrickͲmortarinterfacee 9 4 9
AtboothbrickͲmorrtarinterface Ͳ 2 1
withinmortar Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ

The average fllexural bond strength
s obtainned was 61kPaa. This testingg protocol is very v simple annd expedite,
conssidering the coonstruction, thee execution andd data analysiss. Although thhe results show wn a pronounceeddispersion
(CoV V=30%) and even e if adobees were used from two diffferent sources, the failure mode m observedd was quite
In the literaturee, namely in VenuMadhava
V Rao et al. [15], it is presentted a work usinng various typpes of blocks
and mortars, and itt was obtained d an average flexural bond sttrength of 0.1332MPa. These authors concluuded that the
flexuural bond strenngth increasess with the morrtar strength, independently
i of the type of
o masonry uniit used. The
moissture content of o the masonrry unit (at thee time of castiing) has a siggnificant influeence on the fllexural bond
strenngth. An optimmum moisture content
c is identtified, that leadds to a maximuum bond strenggth. Also,Paviaa and Hanley
[13] concluded thaat the water reetention is the parameter thaat more influennces the bond strength, folloowed by the
wateer content and, finally, by thee hydraulic streength. Therefore, the bond sttrength is not determined
d uniquely by the
718 Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721

hydraulic strength of the binder. As stated before, the bond strength of masonry is strongly governed by the mortar’s
water retention: the higher the water retention the strongest the bond.

2.2. RILEM Lumb5 and BS EN 1052-3

The shear strength tests for the characterization of the interface between the adobe units and bed mortar and the
determination of initial shear strength (fvoi), were characterized in tests according to RILEM LUMB5 (RILEM,
1991a) and EN1052-3 (CEN, 2002) standards. This study was divided in two stages: (i) initially eighteen specimens
were built, constructed in sets of 9, to be tested according each standard, and three levels of pre-axial stress were
considered: 100, 150 and 200kPa (see Fig. a). The proportionof the mortar used was 1:1:2 (hydraulic lime, earth,
sand); (ii) in a second stage,60 specimens were build, in sets of 30 for test following each standard. Again, the same
three levels of pre-axial stress (fpi) were considered (see Fig. b) and the mortar used was the same than for the first
set of specimens. The specimens were equally divided,for testing, for each level of pre-axial stress. The obtained
results, from the two shear tests series explained above, are given in Fig. .

250 250
fv0i = 0.56 fpi + 71.33 fvoi = 0.84 fpi + 60.16
R² = 0.92 R² = 0.93
200 Shear strength, fv0i (kPa) 200
Shear strength, fv0i (kPa)

fv0i = 0.2 fpi + 76.70 fvoi = 0.80 fpi + 65.90

R² = 0.77 R² = 0.99
150 150

100 100
EN 1052-3
EN 1052-3
50 50 RILEM LUMB 5
Linear (EN 1052-3) Linear (EN 1052-3)
Linear (RILEM LUMB5) Linear (RILEM LUMB 5)
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Compression strength, fpi (kPa) Compression strength, fpi (kPa)

a) b)

Fig. – Shear strength results in accordance with RILEM LUMB5 (RILEM, 1991c) and EN 1052-3 (CEN, 2002)
standards: a) initial test (18 specimens); b) second test (60 specimens).

For the first test series, Fig. a, the mean shear strength achieved according to RILEM LUMB5 [10], for each
level of pre-stress was, respectively, 100, 101 and 120MPa. The initial shear strength (fvoi), according to BS EN
1052-3 [11], for each level of pre-stress was, respectively, 132, 146 and 188kPa. For the second test seriesFig. b, the
mean shear achieved according to RILEM LUMB5 [10] was 144, 188 and 224kPa, and according to BS EN 1052-3
[11] 137, 199 and 221kPa, for each level of pre-stress adopted.
According to Eurocode 6 [16], the masonry characteristic shear strength (fvk) for new constructions can be defined
following the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria fvk= fvk0+ 0.4 ıd, where fvk0is the characteristic shear strength with zero
compression stress and ıd is the average compression stress for the respective normal load [17].The characteristic
shear strength (fvk) obtained from the specimens tested according with the RILEM LUMB5 [10], for the first and
second testseriesare given in Equation 1 and 2, respectively, in kPa:
݂௩௞ ൌ ͸ͳǤͶ ൅ ͲǤͳ͸ʹߪௗ Equation 1
݂௩௞ ൌ ͷ͵ǤͲ ൅ ͲǤͺͳ͸ߪௗ Equation 2
The characteristic shear strength (fvk) obtained fromspecimens tested according with BS EN 1052-3 [11], for the first
and second testserieswas, respectively, in kPa:
݂௩௞ ൌ ͷ͹ǤͲ ൅ ͲǤͶͺ͸ߪௗ Equation 1
݂௩௞ ൌ ͶͺǤͳ ൅ ͲǤͺͻͲߪௗ Equation 2
In the second testseries, a higher coefficient of friction was observed. For the tests performed according to RILEM
LUMB5 [10] it was observed a difference of about 80% between the results for the first and second test series. Also,
larger (45% difference) values were obtained for the second series of specimens tested according with the BS EN
1052-3 [11]. Zimmermann, et al. [18]compiled from the literature characteristic values,obtained by different authors,
Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721 719

of friction coefficient, ranging from 0.560 to 0.880.

The initial shear strength (fvk0) of the masonry depends on the bond strength between the units and the mortar joints,
which in turn depends on gluey properties of the mortar of the joint (adhesion), and on the surface quality of the
units. Thus, the initial shear strength of the masonry depends on the following important factors: composition and
strength of the mortar; workability and water absorption of the mortar; water absorption capacity of the units; the
type and quality of the surface of the units being in direct contact with the mortar; the mortar curing conditions
(ambient temperature, relative humidity); the age of the mortar at the testing; and shrinkage of the mortar [19]. A
high shrinkage of mortar may induce high local stresses that may separate the mortar from the units in certain
regions of the bed joints. This phenomenon reduces the adhesion properties. The appropriate selection of the
optimum proportionfor the mortar (cement, aggregates and plasticizers) [20] will contribute for the adhesion of the
mortar.The shear strength of masonry depends largely on the capacity in terms of friction forces that the horizontal
joints can resist, on the tensile strength of the bricks, on the compressive strength of masonry and on the bond
strength between bricks and mortar. For the adobe masonry studied, it was observed also that the normal stress level
also influences largely the shear strength of the masonry.

3. Full-scale test of an adobe masonry model

3.1. Description of the model

A full-scale adobe model was built and tested for unidirectional (E-W) lateral demands. It was built with adobe
units from a land dividing wall, using traditional methods of construction. Figure 4 shows the model and part of the
instrumentation used, as well as the dimensions in plan. The model has a rectangular geometry in-plan, with
dimensions 3.00x4.00m2, 2.35m height and an average wall thickness (with plaster) of 0.35m (see Figure 4). The
model has three openings: one window located on the south wall and two doors located on the east and west walls.
The entire structure was fixed on a rigid foundation, connected to the strong reaction floor. On top of the walls,
along the entire perimeter of the model, a reinforced concrete beam, with a total weight of approximately 60kN, was
constructed and linked to the adobe walls in order to guarantee the distribution of the horizontal lateral loads and to
simulate the other permanent loads (associated to the roof system and respective live-loads).The first bottom row of
adobe blocks was laid perpendicular to the walls longitudinal direction and these blocks were linked with cement
mortar in order to avoid possible sliding relatively to the concrete base. All subsequent rows of adobe bricks were
build following the traditional techniques and using representative mortar for the joints and plaster. The mortar
joints had 2cm thicknessand were prepared with a proportion1:1:2 (hydrated lime, earth, sand). An aluminum rigid
frame, non-linked to the testing model, was mounted to support all external sensors. Other sensors were
installeddirectly on the model in order to register the relative displacement in specific points to characterize the
behavior of the model.The imposed lateral demands are applied in the horizontal East-West direction. To avoid
global torsion of the model, steel reaction elements were mounted in the north and south walls, linked by rollers
minimizing the friction forces (seeFig. a).

a) b)
Fig. –Full-scale adobe model: a) general view (south and east facade); b) plan view of the model.
720 Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721

3.2. P
Pushover and cyclic
c test

The test was perrformed in two o phases: initiallly one monotoonic test ("pushhover") was peerformed follow wed by a
cyclicc test. The "pushover" test waas developed until
u a considerrable level of damage
d was insstalled in the sttructure,
havinng been recordeed a maximum m shear strengthh at the base off 43kPa for a drrift of 0.21%. The
T maximum m lateral
drift iimposed was ofo 0.50% with a shear stress of o approximateely 37kPa. Afteer the monotonnic test, a cyclicc test was
perfoormed, and at thhe 3rd cycle waas yielded a sheear strength of 25kPa for a drrift of 0.36%. TheT results for bothb tests,
in terrms of strengthh versusdrift is shown in Fig. a.During the teests measurements of accelerration were perrformed,
usingg an optical acccelerometer loccated on top off the concrete beam,
b from whhich are estimatted the frequenncies of the
structture. In Fig. baare represented
d theevolutions of the model natural
n frequenncy in the direcction north-souuth (N-S)
and eeast-west (E-W W).The damage pattern observved in the modeelrepresents the typical damaage in adobe strructures
whenn subjected to seismic
s actionss: in-plane X-shhapedcracks, and
a cracks in oppenings, as illuustrated in Fig. .
A Drift=0.21%
A: A 7
stress= 43kPa
40 B
B: Drift=0.50%
stress= 37kPa 6
C: Drift=0.36% 30
stress= 25kPa C

Frequency (Hz)
Stress (kPa)


0 3
6 -0.4 -
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
-10 2

1st cycle 10 Direction N-S
d cycle Direction E-W
3rd cycle 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drift (%) Test Number

a) b)
Fig. – Experimentaal test results: a) Pushover annd cyclic stresss-drift; b) evoluution of the firsst natural frequuency (E-W
and N-Z)).

Figg. – Final dam


nal commentss
4. Fin

Thhe mechanical characterizatio on of the adobbe masonry waalls was perforrmed in order to t study the boond strength
betweeen adobe unitts and mortar using
u the bond wrench methood;and to charaacterise the shear strength of the t interface
betweeen the adobe unit and mortaar.Also, a full-sscale model waas constructed and tested in the t laboratory, from which
it waas possible to study
s the globaal structural beehavior of typiical adobe builldingssubjectedd to monotonicc and cyclic
lateraal demands. It is
i noticeable th
hat experimenttal results confifirmed the brittle failure that structures
s withh this type of
materrials tends to exhibit.
Humberto Varum et al. / Procedia Engineering 114 (2015) 714 – 721 721


The work presented was developed within the Be+Earth project, with reference PTDC/ECM-EST/2396/2012,
funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal. The collaboration of the engineers Rodrigo
Carvalho and Bruno Lobo is acknowledged in the preparation and development of the tests on the adobe model.


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