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Adamson University

College of Science
Information Technology & Information Systems Department


Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor

Key Issues 100%

75% 50%
Identified Exceptionally 25%
Generally complete Incomplete
complete Fails to post/respond
posting/responses posting/responses
posting/responses with focused
with sharp focus; with limited focus;
with sharp focus; statements not
response directed response not directed
30% of total grade response directed to, to, and appropriate
consistent with class
to audience.
and appropriate for environment.
for classwork
Exceptionally 100% 75% 50%
complete Depth and Depth and Unelaborated idea
Minimal idea
posting/responses complexity of ideas complexity of ideas development;
with sharp focus; supported by rich, supported by unelaborated and/or
limited and/or
response directed engaging and/or pertinent detail repetitious details
unrelated details
to, and pertinent details; TO depth of idea
appropriate for evidence analysis, development
classwork reflection and supported by
insight. elaborated, relevant
30% of total grade details
100% 75% 50%
Exceptional Strong evidence of Good evidence of 25%
Sources evidence of supporting sources supporting sources No evidence of
supporting sources and correct and generally correct supporting sources
20% of total grade and correct formatting of formatting of or incorrect
formatting of references references formatting of
references references; use only
textbook as

100% 75%
50% 25%
Number & Response submitted Response
Original response Response submitted
Quality of before deadline; submitted before
submitted time; past deadline;
Responses to the required responses deadline; required
required responses to required responses
post of other to the post of others responses to the
the post of others not to the post of others
20% of total grade show exceptional post of others show
present or timely not present
depth acceptable depth


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