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Mastering Time and Setting Goals

Mastering Time

If you want to take control of your life, take control of your time. Mastering time is goal setting,
planning and acting in what is planned.

8 Secrets for Mastering Time Management

1. Declutter - Declutter your desk, you inbox, your task list and your life
2. Plan - plan out your work day and stick to it. (check off accomplished task as you go)
3. Prioritize - rank you task in terms of priority and align them with you goals
4. Be Effective - It’s not a race. Don’t try to be the most efficient; try to be the most effective
5. Focus - focus on the “vital few” rather than on the “vital many”
6. Finish your job - develop your “finishing instinct” - when you get to a task, complete it no matter
7. Stop Procrastinating - most people tend to tackle easy tasks first and pushb out the difficult ones.
8. Stay Organized

It doesnt matter how fast you drive if you don’t know where you’re going. That is why you need
to have goals. It creates the map to the destination that is your definition of success.

Goal Setting - demands a desired result, and could be simplu defined as the process of deciding what
to accomplish, and devise a plan.

How to use goals to spur achievement:

(3 points to consider)
- choose goals that are challenging
- choose and monitor both short term and long term goals
- keep goals consistent

*The challenge is what makes result feel worthwhile and self-actualizing , and makes the goal setting
feel rewarding.
*predetermined daily reminders will help you stay focused on your goals.
*be sure your short-term goals don’t contradict or undermine each other and they’re consistebt with
your long term objectives.


Goal setting is less than half of the battle. It is great. But to actually achieve your goals, it takes goal
planning. It sets you up for success mentally, emotionally, and specially time-wise.

Goal Planning - in this the question is “HOW” to achieve your goals.

-simply take a goal and break it down into the work or effort required

5 Questions to help Effective Goal Planning

1. What is the specific work required to achieve your goal?
2. What resources or dependencies do you need to help you succeed?
3. What is you action plan to achieve this goal?
4. Waht time investment is actually required?
5. What obstacles will you face and how will you respond?

*It’s better to figure out this now than to waste your time and effort
Acting on what is planned

We’ve heard the phrase “Live you dreams” and “Never Quit”. The deeper meaning of this lies in
the action. All dream, plans and goals are useless if we never take action.

I read a line that says, “Dreaming is fun. Future results are enjoyable to talk about. Present
efforts are not.” I believe it to be necessary that we also temper those expectations to the amount of
work we are willing to invest.

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