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Pembahasan dan Kunci Jawaban

Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter in front of it!

1. John_________the Southern Overland company with two stagecoaches in 1858.

a. he set up
b. setting up
c. set up, karena tahunnya 1858 (lampau) maka kalimatnya bentuk Past Tense (S + V2 +
d. the set up
2. By 1870 over 30 nations__________ their own postage stamps.
a. the issue
b. were issuing, bentuk Past Continuous Tense (S + to be + V ing)
c. issuing
d. they issued
3. With his friend________ found the movie theater.
a. has
b. he, bentuk Appositive (Noun /Noun Phrase yang letaknya bersebelahan dg Noun yg
lain), fungsinya untuk menamai ulang atau untuk mendeskripsikan.
c. later
d. when
4. _______ George, is attending the lecture.
a. right now
b. happily
c. because of the time
d. my friend, bentuk Appositive (sda)
5. The child______ playing in the yard is my son.
a. now, reduced/menghilangkan adjective clauses correctly, jika tidak direduce: The
child who is playing in the yard.
b. is
c. he
d. was
6. The bread _______ baked this morning smelled delicious.
a. has
b. was
c. it
d. just, reduced/menghilangkan adjective clauses correctly, jika tidak direduce: The
bread which is baked.
7. A power failure occurred _______ the lamps went out.

a. then
b. so, penggunaan coordinate connector (and, but, or, so, yet) yg tepat.
c. later
d. next
8. ________was late, I missed the appointment.
a. i
b. because
c. the train
d. since he, penggunaan conjunction (as, since, because) yg tepat.
9. You will get a good grade on the exam provided___________.
a. studying
b. study
c. to study
d. you study, reduced adverb clause correctly.
10. ____________ was late caused many problem.
a. that he, kalimat minimal ada S dan P nya.
b. the driver
c. there
d. because
11. The gift __________ selected for the bride was rather expensive.
a. because
b. was
c. since
d. which we, penggunaan relative pronoun (who, that, whom, which, etc) yang tepat
12. _____________ is on the table has four sections.
a. The notebook
b. The notebook which, penggunaan relative pronoun (who, that, whom, which, etc)
yang tepat
c. Because the notebook
d. In the notebook
13. The four – character drama Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?, _________by Edward
Albee, opened on Broadway.
a. it was written
b. who was written
c. written, parallel structure (written, opened)
d. was written
14. While repositioning, cruise ships __________passengers for what is called a line voyage.
a. the embarkation of
b. embark, bentuk past continuous tense (penandanya: “kata while). Kata kerja yg
durasinya lebih lama memakai bentuk ing, yg lebih pendek memakai bentuk past.
c. embarking
d. they embark
15. The lawyer asked the client why_____________it.
a. did he do
b. did he
c. he did (kalimat tidak langsung / indirect speech)
d. did

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