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Unit 31 / 9 Hoyle Avenue

Castle Hill, NSW 2154

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Using customized title block
Created: 25.06.09 by: Ralph Kottmann
Last change: xx.xx.xx by: -
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The imos software allows to save up to 15 customized fields with additional informations per order.

Under IMOS Options the name of the field can be customized.

This settings are stored in the file \IMOS\CONFIG\IMOS.INI.
Therefore this should be repeated on each client PC using the imos software.

The regarding variable can be used in documents and attribute blocks of the drawings.
Color-Info1 as IMOSORDERCOLOR1 and so on.
Info-Info6 as IMOSORDERINFO1 and so on.

By integrating this IMOS-Variables in a title block of a drawing frame [by IMOS-Menu Output-
>Border->Configure Attribute] the informations stored within the order can be transferred to the title
block [by IMOS-Menu Output->Border->Fill Attribute].
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More than 15 variables are not possible and each variable value is limited to a maximum of 80
characters (and the visible space in the order-entry field is with 30 characters even less).

If more information is needed it is possible to create a customized title block with variables
(AutoCAD-Attributes) independent from IMOS (just for the drawing title block).

To make the definition of the value of each self defined variable (AutoCAD-Attribute) more
comfortable it is better to load this title block on demand and not integrate it already in the drawing.
Because when loading the title block on demand AutoCAD will request each value in the command

This manual the use of a title block like this.

First create a new layout which allows for the title block.

Before importing the title block make sure you are in paper

Then import the customized title block with Import/Export-

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The customized title blocks are stored in the imos sub folder SYS\BORD\FLAG (1).
Select the regarding file from there.
The title block should be designed already in the correct dimension so stretch factor is always 1.0
The position will be selection on the screen (3) by clicking on the bottom right edge of the viewset
(green-blue colored border).

Before showing the imported title block AutoCAD will request now the value for each defined
variable (AutoCAD-Attribute).
By pressing Enter on the keyboard the predefined default will the used as value (which is maybe and
can be left empty).
The value can be entered in the command line or in the additional request field next to the cursor on
the screen (if active and at least IMOS OEM 8 SR2).

AutoCAD will ask for each value and show the filled title block when finished.
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Changing values later is possible by clicking (in Paper mode) on the title block and selecting
Properties in the right mouse click menu – under Attributes the values can be changed.

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