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Assignment 2 –COS1511

Question 1a,1b (question1.cpp)

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()
// Fill in the code to define an integer variable called beverage
int beverage;

cout << "Please enter the choice of dink "

<< "(a number from 1 to 4 or 0 to quit) " << endl;
cout << "Hot Beverage Menu" << endl << endl;
cout << "1: Coffee " << endl;
cout << "2: Tea " << endl;
cout << "3: Hot Chocolate " << endl;
cout << "4: Cappuccino " << endl;
cout << "0: QUIT " << endl <<endl << endl;
cin >> beverage ;

while (beverage<0 || beverage>4) //complete the condition

cout << "Invalid choice - Please re-enter ";
cin >> beverage;
cout << "You have selected option number " << beverage<< endl;

if (beverage !=0)
cout << "How many cups would you like?" << endl;
// Fill in the code to read in number
int number;
float cost;
number = 0;
cost = 0;
cin >> number;

// Fill in the code to begin a switch statement

// that is controlled by beverage
case 1: cost = number * 15.0;
cout << "The total cost is R " << cost << endl;
// Fill in the code to give the case for tea
case 2: cost = number * 12.50;
cout << "The total cost is R " << cost << endl;

// Fill in the code to give the case for hot chocolate

case 3: cost = number * 17.00;
cout << "The total cost is R " << cost << endl;

// Fill in the code to give the case for cappuccino

case 4: cost = number * 22.50;
cout << "The total cost is R " << cost << endl;
case 0: cout << " Please come again" << endl;
cout << "Invalid selection" << endl;
cout << " Try again please" << endl;
cout << "Thank you, come again" ;

return 0;

Question 2a (question2a.cpp)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int n,i;
i= 1;
cout<< "enter a number: ";
cin>> n;

while (i <= n)
if (i < 5 && i !=2)
cout << 'X';
return 0;
Question 2b (question2b.cpp)

The problem is the variable next is incremented before and resulting in incorrect calculation giving a
answer of 360 instead of 120.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int next = 2, product = 1;
while (next <= 5)
product = product * next;
cout << "The product of 2 through 5 is " << product << endl;

return 0;

Question 3 (question3.cpp)

// This program finds the average time spent programming by a student

// each day over a three day period.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int numStudents;
float numHoursBio, totalBio,numHoursPro, totalPro, averageBio,averagePro;
int student,day = 0; // these are the counters for the loops
int dayAmount = 1;
cout << "This program will find the average number of hours a day"
<< " that a student spent programming over a long weekend\n\n";
cout << "How many students are there ?" << endl << endl;
cin >> numStudents;
cout << "Enter number of days in long weekend " << endl << endl;
cin >> dayAmount;

for( student = 1; student <= numStudents; student++)

totalBio = 0;
totalPro = 0;

for(day = 1; day <= dayAmount; day++)
cout << "Please enter the number of hours student"
<< student <<" studied for biology on day " << day << "." << endl;
cin >> numHoursBio;
totalBio = totalBio + numHoursBio;
for(day = 1; day <= dayAmount; day++)
cout << "Please enter the number of hours student"
<< student <<" studied for programming on day " << day << "." << endl;
cin >> numHoursPro;
totalPro = totalPro + numHoursPro;

averageBio = totalBio / dayAmount;

averagePro = totalPro / dayAmount;
cout << endl;
cout << "The average number of hours per day spent programming "
<< "by student " << student << " is " << averagePro << endl<<" and for biology is "<< averageBio<<
endl<< endl;
if (averageBio>averagePro)
cout<< "The student spends more time on biology"<<endl<<endl;
cout<< "The student spends more time on Programming"<<endl<<endl;
return 0;
Question 4

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void printTabs(int number)
int square,cube;
square = pow(number,2);
cube = pow(number,3);
cout<<number << '\t'<< square << '\t'<< cube <<endl;

int main()
int number;
cout<< "Number" << '\t'<< "Square" << '\t'<< "Cube" <<endl;
for (number; number<=10,number++)

return 0;

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