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Heavenly Kingdom

As we can clearly see from a basic examina on of the world we are living in, our outlook on life
slowly but surely manifests itself as a universal condi on. The way we think, feel and exist
definitely forms the world we experience. Thus, what during medieval mes would be
considered beyond magic in this day and age has been realized and is considered everyday
In fact, our thought has managed to be expressed as a real tangible experience into the
material plane. The power of our inner experience, which enables us to form the world we are
living in as world builders, gives us a great hope. If we manage to conceive the Kingdom of God
in our souls, it will surely be implemented as a reality in the future. But how can one conceive
and know of the Heavenly Kingdom when one lacks the experience of it in actuality.
We will take three basic elements to combine and use as guides to form an inner image of the
true Kingdom of our Father, Creator and Lord.
The first is nature, the second is our childhood and the third the teaching of our Master, Lord
and King Jesus Christ.
What can we know of the natural world if it isn’t the incredible love of the Father and his
desire to offer us a world filled with pleasure, enjoyments of different kinds for us to explore
and feel its unique wonderful and miraculous quali es, a world filled with amazing places to
explore, with flying, swimming and walking creatures of extreme variety and crea vity,
conceived in an endlessly vast and deep Mind, above all other minds. That means that our
Father loves variety and to offer pleasure, ecstasy and different experiences to His beloved
He has given us five amazing senses to experience sounds, colors, scents, touches and tastes.
He has created an endless richness of fragrant flowers, sweet fruits, singing birds, so grass and
trees, wind to feel like a sweet touch on our skin, rainbows and a sky filled with bright magical
lights at night, and has made a whole colorful majes c awe inspiring world to fill our souls with
images of almost unbearable beauty.
But, if the material world has all this amazing richness, how much more rich and filled with
experiences must the Heavenly Kingdom be? How many wonderful experiences one can have
there and how many senses will we have, in order to be able to enjoy this eternal, endless
wealth of infinite experiences? Surely five are not close to being enough and the Father is able
to create even infinite senses and also infinite experiences for each one of them.
Now from our childhood we have the experience of innocence, of trus ng others, of being
looked a er by someone bigger and stronger. At least we know that is what we naturally
expect as children. We have the Adamic experience of the Eden of innocence, of pure joy, of
playful discovery and of an ignorance of death or at least that’s the most usual and normal
experience for children.
Therefore we know that our spirit originates from a world where all these condi ons are
natural and permanent. That leads us to the natural conclusion that in the Kingdom of our
Father the factors that would render such feelings possible and normal are ever-present.
Now we’ll move to the third source we have to create a powerful image of the Heavenly
Kingdom, the teaching of Christ, our Lord and Savior. If we see what He expects of us, it will be
made clear how exactly do things function in the perfection of Father’s supreme rule.
He asks us to love our neighbor like ourselves, so we know that’s a given. In the Kingdom of the
Father anyone can feel what everyone else feels, as if he were feeling it himself, and therefore
no one would make someone else feel pain or nega vity, because he would subsequently
experience it himself and, if we love others, we would want to also love and treat ourselves
with kindness, because, if we allowed a bad experience to be enforced on us, the others would
have to experience it too. In that sense happiness is guaranteed.
There is not even need for forgiveness in that perfect Kingdom, since no one in his right mind
would even conceive harming us, since that would mean he would have to experience that
harm himself and there is no need to worry about anything, because no one would conceive
harming us in the future. There is no death because there life is eternal and therefore there is
no fear of that happiness and peace of mind ending.
The Father provides everything for us and there is a constant replenishment of wonder and
beauty, of food for the spirit and soul, of enjoyment and pleasure. There are always new
wonderful experiences to be discovered and, if someone is great there, his greatness comes
from the power he has to become a vessel of the Father to offer greater pleasure and spiritual
service to others.
There are no sexes or genders, there is no male or female because we are like angels, therefore
there is no need for procrea on, we are pure beings perfect in every respect, so there is no
sense of inadequacy or imperfec on. All one has to do is enjoy the gi s of the Father in the
form of wisdom, pleasure and ecstasy and our Father is absolute love. And there is no
experience of the other as something separate, because everything we feel is freely transferred
to any other and all we feel is positive and pleasurable.
So in fact one doesn’t simply love others. In the Heavenly Kingdom one is in love with everyone
else, a form of love with no carnal element but strong and powerful all the same. In the
Kingdom there is no old age or death, so the emo on of being in love is eternal and, even
though that absolute emo on is not carnal, there is a way for true union, a specific form of
interaction and union with everyone.
Every child of the Father is uniquely and indescribably beau ful and its special irreplaceable
essence is a precious nectar. For everyone there is a deep closeness and comunica on with
every child of the Father, admira on and enchantment based on perfect flawless eternal
beauty of everyone you can perceive.
There is no limit to our thoughts, since we are not hindered by the boundaries of speech and
language but there is a deeper communica on and the ability to express wisdom without any
obstacle. There is the light of truth and the spiritual dimension of things all around, so there is
deep meaning and significance to our experience, no triviality or routine.
There is a vast space filled with wonders for us to explore and discover, like nature in this world
but spiritual and incredibly more diverse and exci ng. There is a pure holy magic in everyone
and everything, a magic that we can experience like nectar. So the uniqueness of every being
and creation is a source of pleasure for all the others.
In a sense there is no linear me because there is no need for it. Everything occur in a single
eternal present and though we enrich our beings with experience we are reborn through that
new pleasurable joy of wondrous experience eternally as greater, wiser beings of ever-
increasing perfection.
Of course the necessi es of the flesh are nonexistent in the spiritual world and there is
enjoyment without unpleasant needs to be covered. All the glory and power and rule belong to
the Father and to His Son, to whom the Father gives everything that is His and so all beings can
concentrate to give pleasure and joy to others. Joy that they also enjoy of which the Father is
the source. We are all precious, valuable and unique and have gi s no one else has, so our
sense of self-worth comes from our inner uniqueness that everyone experiences with us and
not of anything external.
The concepts of I do and I have are not essen al if existent at all, while the concept of I am is
more than adequate so that everyone can feel complete, immensely happy and content. This
deep sense of existence, of being and experiencing emanates also from our Father. We are
grateful and we can love Him and His Son with all our strength and might, not because we are
obliged to, but because we are allowed to.
Now we come to a really amazing part: all this experience can become a reality in the material
plane also. We can establish this Heavenly rule of pure pleasure on earth, so that life becomes
perfect in this world too.
Christ through his teaching creates the all powerful image of perfec on and makes this reality
tangible for all of us that live in this limited material world.
It may sound utopic but, due to the nature of or consciousness and to its ability to affect the
material world, all we need to do is to cul vate in ourselves this powerful image, in order to
realize it on this limited plane of being. By experiencing the Heavenly Kingdom in us we create
the prerequisites for the establishment of it in the three-dimensional reality, so that earth
becomes an equally unimaginably perfect, just, peaceful, rich in beauty place.
Of course it took millenniums to establish a reality based on our existen al sickness but, if the
Lord wishes it, we can reach the establishment of the Kingdom much more easily than we
suspect or think we can. It all depends on the strength of our desire for it and on our
disposi on to sacrifice what we thought un l now precious for something immensely more
perfect and great.
Let’s not forget that the Lord can destroy everything with a sole word and build a whole world
with a word also! So why should it be difficult for him to destroy the power of the current
system and erect something u erly new and perfect in a few genera ons. If we truly desire for
the Kingdom of God on earth, if we deny falsehood and embrace truth, if we deny darkness and
embrace light, if we deny death and embrace life, if we deny the way that leads to destruc on
and embrace the way leading to salva on, everything will be available for us, in order to have
the new inconceivably fulfilling reality on this earth that now we consider impossible and
everything will be given to us in order to realize it. It’s a ma er of a decision and our reluctance
to make it is solely because all we’ve known un l now was the limited subs tutes this world
has to offer, trapped as it is in existential sickness.
So all it takes is a change of heart for everything to be reborn and recreated and a desire for
godly existence in order to build a perfec on like never before and an experience beyond
everything we have ever felt or even desired. In the Heavenly Kingdom there is no “I have” “I
do”, “I make” or “I look like”, there is only “I AM”, so there our treasure is at a level of true
identity and deeply existential.
Our true treasure is our existen al essence, our uniqueness and perfec on. Nothing less can be
considered true wealth but our inner sense of self. As long as we enrich our being and use
experience to develop ourselves as en es, we are becoming wealthy. Indeed, if we give up on
that and find subs tutes in possessions, achievements or appearances, we are becoming
existen ally poorer by the moment and we are cu ng ourselves off from the true essence and
substance of the cosmos.
As long as we are feeling separated from other human beings and consider their problems
secondary, while we exaggerate our own difficul es, we are deluding ourselves and fail to see
the common problem of humanity that renders us sick as a whole. If I support even from an
especially posi ve, well inten oned posi on a system that creates murdering dictators,
pedophiles, destruc ve luna cs and sadists, I am responsible to a certain extent for their
misbehavior and crimes. If I write about them, I acknowledge that fact. If I serve an educa on
that condones antagonism and greed, I know that I par cipate in all this. If I consider money
and power my main values, although I’ve experienced how destruc ve they are to a person’s
character, I am responsible for all the evil caused by greed.
If I am greedy to a small extent, I can’t judge a politician serving his greed by organizing wars for
profit and ensuring that weapons of mass destruc on are produced, since he has the same
values as me, but happens to be in a posi on of power, where he can serve his greed be er
than I can with my small job and limited influence.
Therefore establishing the Kingdom of God on this earth is not a utopic luxury, but a most vital
necessity in order to render this life happy and a hospitable home for our existen al core, not
just a fight for survival with bearable condi ons, it’s a ma er of turning this world into a
sustainable paradise of fulfillment and love not an infernal hellhole of earthly punishment.
Currently this world is a prepara on for spiritual death and separa on from life, it is a place
prepared by the system to cut the link of the person from the source of being. But because of
Christ’s our Lord self-sacrifice a new reality is available for us. He has won, so that we can enjoy
a holy maybe even a divine life leading to a perfect existence close to the Father and His Son.
We ask for the Kingdom of Heaven to come in the prayer given by our Lord, we ask for Father’s
Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, but do we really desire it or are these empty words?
If we realize the perfection offered freely to us, we will truly feel a real desire for the triumph of
Truth. We need to believe Truth can save and free us and Truth is the inner vision of the
perfect Kingdom of our Lord. His teaching can be our sole guide to a fulfilled, complete life. By
knowing the Joy of the Kingdom and having a clear picture of it in our hearts we can use our
worldbuilding abili es to turn this world into a true prepara on for this perfec on and turn
this earth into an actual paradise on this material plane.
The material plane does not have to be an imperfect plane of being, in constant opposi on
with the spirit, as the Gnos cs would have it. Ma er can be used to prepare humanity for a
transcendence to the Heavenly Kingdom and the blessed rule of our Creator, King and Father.
It’s a ma er of reexamining and reinven ng our logic and experience and func oning outside
the premade rails of thought, emotion and being.
There is no limit to the new reali es available to us and there is literally vast room for rebirth
and reinven on of ourselves by use of the gi s offered to us by Christ in His teaching. The
worst one can do is believe nothing can ever change, because that mode of thought hinders
our progress and makes us feel we are attempting the impossible and that is simply untrue.
Anything we form as a prototype in our inner world will surely be expressed and realized
around us and Christ our Lord gave us the tools to conceive and remember the perfec on of
the Spiritual Kingdom to create the prerequisites for our salvation.
There is nothing else we need in order to change everything.

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