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Motivation theory 2:

Mayo’s Human relations theory

The human relation school of thought:

Some criticisms:
- Mayo’s research took place on workers
on a factory in Hawthorne. - even though Mayo’s theory
contributed the very idea of team
- his research on what motivates work, there are few criticisms that
workers came up with some interesting needed to be addressed
findings. - his research was conducted on
a small number of workers in one
- he concluded that when workers are factory/plant. It was not a wide
given better working conditions and spread research.
better pay it has very little to no - just like Taylor said money
increase in long term productivity motivates all, somewhere, Mayo
also tend to justify that team work
- instead workers are motivated by the motivates all.
following factors
- when seniors or managers take
interest in their work. (We all love a bit
of attention, don’t we?) Contribution of Mayo’s theory in the
- when workers can participate in business world:
team work (being part of a team
sometimes means a lot) - Form Mayo’s experiment, it was
- when workers are given some level apparent that group relationships,
of freedom over their working lives. group morale and the sense of worth
experienced by workers led to
- hence his theory was coined as human motivation.
relations theory, because unlike Taylor,
Mayo could see the human side of the -thus various changes were brought
workers. about by business owners:
- Mayo’s research findings led to
many businesses developing a
personnel department (the upgraded
version of which is known as Human
Resource Department

- Team work and participation was The manager who follows Mayo’s
encouraged. (The most important theory to motivate workers:
finding of Mayo)
- would try to arrange work in such
- social gatherings, sporting a way so that team work can be
facilities, work outings and trips promoted.
started to be incorporated in offices.
- might allow workers to take break
in-bet ween work according to
workers convenience.
Elton Mayo
- might arrange frequent social
gatherings for the work.

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