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By: Alan Stang

First, let’s discuss (but not dwell on) something no one – least of all your Obedient Servant – wants to
mention. Consider what happens when a carnivore with bad digestion accidentally passes wind in a crowded
room. Everyone pretends it hasn’t happened, especially if ladies are present, hoping that if the pretense
continues long enough, if no one says anything crass, like, "Somebody break a window! I’m suffocating,"
the problem will dissipate.
I’m talking of course about what we all see approaching, and about what the man who manufactured girdles
on Seventh Avenue said: "Something’s got to give." How long can the pressure continue, how many more
rights can be denied, how much more property can our Communist leaders steal, how many more illegal
aliens can they illegally admit, how many more flawed believers can they incinerate, how many more
Africans who don’t know how to use a doorknob can they import and settle in hitherto tranquil American
towns – and on and on and on – before there is an explosion?
We all know that explosion is coming. We don’t like it and don’t want it, but if you heat it long enough, the
kettle will whistle. Already there are signs of confrontation. In Wyoming, sheriffs have told the federal
government to stand down or get out. Along the Mexican border, independent groups of citizens are doing
what Communist world government traitor George W. Bush refuses to do.
The coming confrontation will turn on the question of who is the government. Bush and his fellow
Communists insist they are. But there is a lot of ground and there are a lot of people between the Hudson
River and Los Angeles who think they are. There are many people in Montgomery who think they are.
Bush and his fellow Communists apparently believe (or maybe just hope) they can impose their world
government dictatorship without incident. But because there are so many Green Beanies out there, so many
Force Recons, so many SEALS and Army Rangers, the ones who still remember how to do it and have the
Tennessee long rifles in cosmoline stored out back, I don’t think they can.
The anti-American Communist Liars Union has quoted Tom Jefferson so much on the "separation of church
and state," that many Americans think the phrase is somewhere in the Constitution. Tom also said that every
generation or so, the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants. Tom did use the
words "blood" and "tyrants."
I believe that some government agents will leave the office to confiscate something and will never come
back; that some version of the race war the Communists have been promoting will erupt; that there will be
sporadic, violent confrontations maybe even approaching anarchy, between federal usurpers and people they
have driven mad, and that Communist Bush or his Communist successor will use those confrontations as the
excuse to impose their dictatorship completely.
Remember that the Republican Party is no help. Clinton could never have gotten away with what Bush has
done. Now Bush has sent the Arnold to prevent Republican Tom McClintock from becoming Governor of
California. The Bush Communists feared a genuine Republican could be elected. There was no time to
construct a statewide reputation – in a state so vast – for someone unknown. So Bush sent the Terminator.
But – but – but, if our people remain hypnotized, if there is no galvanizing incident, no domestic Pearl
Harbor, if the Bush Communists can keep the lid on long enough, they could pull it off. And recent history
shows that most such dictatorships are imposed in sly stages, not all at once. One morning, the people
awaken to learn that their liberty is gone, and ask each other how it happened.
"My name is Adolf Hitler. I have failed at everything I have ever done, with the single exception that I was a
great success as a sodomite prostitute in Vienna. I have always wanted to be Dictator of der new vorld
ordnung and to kill untermenschen, so I am seizing power today."
Would an ambitious politician get farther with a spiel like that, do you think, or by promising to put a
Volkswagen in every garage, prescription drugs for seniors, free medical care and education for imported
Somalis and illegal aliens, environmental legislation that gives government title to the land, et cetera and so
on? Historians a century from now will know what happened. We don’t.
In the face of all this, what can we realistically do? When asked that question, my dear friend, Dr. Larry
McDonald, the Member of Congress the Soviets probably kidnapped when they shot down Korean Air Lines
Flight 007, on September 1, 1983, used to tell the following story.
A couple of men were traveling down a beautiful freeway in an SUV. Without warning, the driver took the
next exit. Now they were on a blacktop state highway. The passenger told the driver, "Charlie, you shouldn’t
have turned off. You should have stayed on the freeway." Charlie replied, "I know what I’m doing."
In a few minutes, Charlie turned off onto a dirt road. Again, his passenger admonished him. "Charlie, you
should have stayed on the blacktop." Again, Charlie said he knew what he was doing. Next, Charlie turned
off the dirt road. Now, they were four-wheeling across a rocky field. The passenger was near hysteria.
"Charlie, please! Go back to the road." By now, the passenger’s endless complaints were annoying. "I told
you!" said Charlie. "I know what I’m doing!"
Suddenly, the vehicle soared out over a precipice 5,000 feet deep. The driver calmly folded his arms over his
chest, turned to the annoying passenger and said, "Okay, wise guy. If you’re so smart, you solve the
Larry’s point was that we have inherited this problem. We didn’t start it. We didn’t want it. God knows, your
Intrepid Correspondent for one has been fighting it all his life. The "playing field" is definitely not open and
even. Others have done this to us, but we realistically must deal with what they have done. And we are now
sailing out over that 5,000-foot precipice.
First, if you are serious about fighting this thing, you must protect your property. If you don’t protect your
property, and if you start to be effective, the Bush Communists will take it away, leading to divorce,
demoralization, even death, which has been the unsung fate of many patriots. To protect your property, you
must get it out of your name and put it into a trust or corporation, domestic or foreign. There are people who
can do that for you. Even your lawyer knows how to do it. If he doesn’t, let me know. Your Intrepid
Correspondent learned it worked when we fought World War III with IRS.
Once your affairs are good to go, what could we do? Well, what’s the most important thing? Many
commentators have remarked on the curious demeanor of today’s crop of white men. They have no sperm
count and therefore no children. They certainly have no cojones. The nation is coming apart because they
allow the enemies of our nation to cover them with slime and voice no complaint. Why?
This reminds me that for many years I crisscrossed the country on speaking tours. My hosts would take me
to radio and television stations to be interviewed. There, the hosts would dump on me, humiliate me; call me
every name the obscenity laws (then still in effect) let them get away with. I would not respond in kind. I
would bow my head and smile, inviting them to cover me with still more slime, grateful that they had
allowed me a few minutes to expose our nation’s enemies, and to say a few words in defense of our
civilization and constitution. I did this for a couple of years.
Then, testosterone kicked in. I decided I wasn’t going to take it any more. I became a version of the
Incredible Hulk. I would enter the studio as usual, mild and smiling, grateful that they were allowing me a
few minutes to spread the word. If they gave me a fair shot, I would speak my piece and leave. If not, if they
tried to run over me, if it turned out that they had brought me there to serve as the butt for their jokes, you
know what happened. You’ve seen the show. And I should point out that every time I became the Incredible
Hulk I would ruin a good suit.
I would mow them down. Since they had rejected civility, I never shut up. On the Communist News
Network’s Cross Fire, Tom Braden dumped on me. Tom was a "former" CIA agent. Dr. Bob Jones III,
President of the University, once asked me about him. I asked Dr. Bob why he wanted to know. Dr. Bob
replied: "Tom Braden is the foulest human being I’ve ever met." So I talked over, under and around him. I
never stopped until we went off the air. My new theory was – is – that if you won’t let me get out my
message, you won’t get out yours.
Pilgrim, you don’t have to take it any more. It’s time for the testosterone to kick in. Be with me next week,
when we’ll look at the reason today’s white man is the way he is and what he must do.



By: Alan Stang

I promised I would give you the Conspiracy’s address. It has many. Here is one. Go to the Southwest corner
of 68th Street and Park Avenue in New York, just across the street from the Soviet consulate. There you will
see an impressive building. A sign will tell you it is the home of the Council on Foreign Relations. Inside,
men – conspirators – sit down around tables and conspire to submerge our country in a world government.
If you don’t understand this, you will never understand what is happening. The CFR publishes a magazine
called Foreign Affairs. In the April, 1974 issue, Richard Gardner wrote about "the house of world order."
According to Gardner it "will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. . . . An end
run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old
fashioned frontal assault." Most interesting was Gardner’s explanation of how it will look while it is under
construction. ". . . It will look like a great booming, buzzing confusion . . . ."
It will look like that to people who don’t know what is happening, who don’t know that behind the booming
and buzzing is an exquisitely orchestrated plan. For instance, by now everyone knows that our government is
invading our country with an army of illegal aliens. At the same time, our government is deporting our jobs.
Remember that the conspiratorial goal is to merge the United States and the rest of the world. But when the
process began, the United States far outstripped the rest of the world in almost every respect, and the Great
Merger cannot be completed with the United States way up here while the rest of the world is way down
there. To complete the transformation into totalitarian world government, the United States and all other
countries must be generally the same.
That is the purpose of the present booming and buzzing. First, our Communist government deported our
industry. No problem, they said. We shall continue to lead the world with our computer services. But now
those jobs too are being deported. Now, when I talk with my credit card company, I am talking to a man in
Bombay. Yes, new jobs are being created here. Men who used to run companies are now flipping burgers.
Meanwhile, our Communist government is replacing our population – which, according to the Communist
UN, is genocide – by importing illegal aliens. That is why Somalis who don’t know how to use a doorknob
are being settled in our cities. The predictable result of all this is that our standard of living is falling. As a
conquered nation, we are being reduced, so we can more easily be swallowed.
Some observers understand all this, but make excuses for Bush, calling him a "dupe," as if any of this could
continue without his approval. But, according to a hallowed principle of American jurisprudence, a man is
presumed to intend the natural consequences of his acts. Suppose the police ask one man why he hit another
in the head with a baseball bat, so hard that the victim’s brains wound up in his wife’s lap. If the perpetrator
says he had no idea that would happen if he hit the other man with the bat, the cops won’t buy it. They will
say he should have known.
Again I ask, how long could the reduction of our country continue – how many minutes – after Bush picks
up the phone and tells it to stop? Under the "dupe" theory, we are asked to believe that the Bush
Administration operates without the Bush imprimatur; that, for instance, the federal agencies that supervise
the illegal alien invasion do so on their own; that Bush doesn’t know and can’t do anything about it; that he
isn’t responsible for it. Don’t all those guilty officials serve "at the pleasure of the President?"
Now, what can we do about all this? My bride said something the other day that shook me to the core. God
instructed us to multiply. The more of us there are, the more of us there are to worship Him and praise is
what He wants. Also, God is no respecter of persons. To Him there is no spiritual difference between a
Mexican, a Somali who can’t figure out a doorknob and me.
We don’t know God’s ways, but we do know He doesn’t think about the 2.1 children every couple must
harvest to keep our population number stable. He told us to "multiply" not merely to add; certainly not
merely to maintain stability. American women no longer multiply. Mexicans do. Muslims do. Is the Lord
telling us something? Do we still deserve to be the custodians of our country?
For those of you who wonder, yes, we have done our part. We have five. I was on a roll and would have
continued, but after the arrival of the Princess Royal my bride told me I could do that only if I took on
another wife, and I couldn’t afford another wife.
So, what can we do? By now, you have protected your assets from seizure, which we recommended last
week. But nothing can be done that does not include either risk or inconvenience, or both. Yes, many
decades ago the problem could have been solved with a few telephone calls and some hangings. No longer.
Today our only choice is danger or slavery.
First, let’s consider a weapon that is as inconvenient as it is enormously effective, but not at all dangerous.
Go out of your way to serve on juries, which will consume considerable, precious time. Remember that
juries, not the Congress, repealed Prohibition. When enough prosecutors could not get enough convictions,
Congress simply signed off on what the juries had done and then typically took credit for it.
In the courtroom, the judge will tell you that he rules on the law. You are there, he says, only to rule on the
facts. When he asks you whether you can live with that, smile. Then go to work. When the defendant is
someone the facts prove beyond a shadow of a doubt committed rape, armed robbery, murder, etc., vote of
course to convict, regardless of race, color, creed or childhood deprivation.
When the defendant is accused of some income tax violation, maybe failure to file, maybe evasion, vote to
acquit. When the plaintiff is not some other citizen but the government, when the defendant is accused of
protecting his property from eminent domain gone utterly crazy, vote to acquit. Whenever the issue is one or
another of the government’s unconstitutional and therefore illegal impositions, vote to acquit.
At first, you may well have to stand alone. Your fellow eleven jurors probably will pressure you to come
aboard so they can go home and watch the latest episode of "Acne Frenzy." But you will stand fast. You will
smile, but you don’t need to say why you are voting as you do. No law requires you to give a reason, other
than you don’t think the defendant is guilty. You certainly don’t need to say you read a certain article on
You could gradually bring the others over to your side. They won’t stand as fast as you do because you are
not in a frenzy to watch "Acne Frenzy." If they refuse, at least you could get a hung jury, which means no
conviction. The effect of even a little of this across the country could be enormous. Look at the effect of just
one such case, in which Vernice Kuglin was recently acquitted of income tax evasion in Memphis.
Remember that what is known as "jury nullification" goes all the way back to William Penn and John Peter
Zenger. John Jay, one of the authors of the Federalist Papers, and the nation’s first Chief Justice, endorsed it.
So have many court rulings down through the years. At least a couple of state constitutions enshrine it. But in
today’s typical courtroom, the judge won’t mention it, or will lie about it.
You will find something about jury nullification in my book, Taxscam: How IRS Swindles You and What
You Can Do About It. Go to for information. There are organizations that specialize in
spreading the word about it. Do a google on the Fully Informed Jury Association. For those who like
stronger wine, there is an outfit in California called Jail 4 Judges, which sponsors J.A.I.L., the Judicial
Accountability Initiative Law.
Maybe it would inspire you to stand fast in the jury room by keeping an image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in
mind. Ruth gets paid these days for sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court. She comes to us from the anti-
American Communist Liars Union. Recently, she said the United States needs to pay more attention to
foreign court rulings. She always comes down on the side of world government and the subversion of our
It isn’t Ruth’s fault that she even looks like a rat, like one of those huge carnivores festooned with slime one
sees crawling on unattended garbage. Ruth should wear contacts, because her glasses sadly add to the effect.
The problem is that so does her black robe. She needs to wear frilly pink so supplicants won’t notice her
face. It could help in the jury box if you keep her face in mind.
Next week we’ll look at the single most important thing we can do to defeat the totalitarian Socialist world
government that Bush & Company are trying to impose on the United States.

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