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Two cents per word In odmnee; mlnlmUlIl


SOTICI~The Imperial 1'allorlllj:\" C:ompanl'

l\.anager Walzer's Candidates
ha:-o 11lO"f\tl frol11
tht> "~all Building'
the Arcndp Building to
(second floor). 213-21;;
Han·rfonl ''''ellIlO, and are roadl' "'Ith their
· ~prlng find ~un1tner lint>. Ca.1l and inspect
Friends and fellow citizens of Nar-
herth, let me' introduce you to myoid.
D e f eat South Siders, 14-1 their _._-
. offerlll!>s. ---_._----
,\1.1, )1,\I,E doscenonnts of Ualon "elerans
fat and ,estimable friend-Everett In the t!'I'st game of the season the of the War of ISHI to ISHr.. who are past
champions came out victorious b.\· a elg-hleen Ye"rs or age, will learn or some-
T thing to their interest hy promptly senll-
rue. School motto: one-sided score. The game was just Ing their names and addresses to Bo" 675.

I wouldn't attempt this portrait In
words if Mr. True's pictures were not
all copyrighted. To be brief, E:verett
I \Vithout without rest.
Lifting better up to hest.
an eye-opener, and Manag,er Walzer :-:arherth. Pli.
was much pleased with the showing ,\SY person wishing a good thermometer
of the candidates. i g2~~nX~~~:rt~\~e~;:: addressing P. O. Bo".
nctt)" nllX{t2r'S GosslII. TruE'" is a character in .a newspaper I L k 1\1 r. M cCarter, preSident .
The field was in fairly good eondi-: -
tion for this time of tile veal' alld tile' FOR
SAI,l,-Stahle withhay twoloft stalls
ast wee' • stall. wagon house, and"nd hox
Be ye in love with April-tide?
l' faith, in love am I!
of a v,ery serious turn of mind, and cipal Melchior attended the Mont- I
comJe. He IS short a;al fat, generally 1 of the Board of Education and Prin- ho~'s seemed to enjoy their first onting. ,room. C:~"t SlOOf). (;ood eonditlon. Sal~
The score:
disposed to be rough on folks who in- gomery County Directors' Association "arhHth. ,0 233 00 3 3 x-14 18 2: ]0'(11':\11-"" Ilw lawn at ~":I I':""PX "",·nue.
: price, $1;,0. F. )f. JUstlee. Xarberlh. Penna.

For now 'tis sun and now 'tis shower,

And now ·tis frost and now 'tis flower. {
'rl'llge 011 tile nl'cetl'es of cI'vI'II'ze(l II·fe. at Pottstown. Elmwood ., 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 1 4 6 erl~' a pair' andof Pll~' p~·e-!-:I"s,,'".
lCU' thisCall anol pr""" pl"Op.

{'. Seollllrd. EYerett's chief virtue is that he does Batteries-Bowen,

Ensinger, Long, Fine. Durbin. Koons, Fllit l',\/.E-I,ar!-:" pael,lng- hn"o". ~I.', to :I
W Ilat most of us would, at times, like 0 n S a t ur(1ay, tie I f ollowing members fl'el wl,lo ""01 I; 10 1" f",,1 lOllg-. ""' e"nls
On Saturday eYenlng, April 1st, Mr. to do to,.Qffensivc IJoersons who have of the faculty w.ere present at the' a 11,1 $1 pa"h, ll('('"rdlng I" slz... A. I';. "'oh-
annoyed us, but are still 'within the meeting of the Montgomery County' Next week a regular game will be' Ip~:-:11 "he,_t_h_,_1_.,_,. _
aud :'III'S. Joseph H, "ash, of Forre:;t
law.' l~or instance, you ICllow the Teachers' Association, at Ambler; I played-tlL(~ opponents being the P. R. W,\:"TI·:lI-'I'h,· t;ard"n :-:ursO"'lf's, )I"nl-
avenue, cntertained the fol1owing at t t' 1M" r 1\.... T R Transportation tean} COlne out g-lImror~' a,"PlltU', :"nrhflorth. wallt~ lahorpr~
cards: Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. YPe 0 man who persists In reading I ISS • ryeI'. ! lISS urncr and Mr. . .' f"l" pialltlll!-: Iroes ,,"01 0111l'r !':anl,," worlt.
your newspaper over your shoulder. I\lelchior. 'and look o\'er Manager \Valze,"s re- o\pply III th,' n"'l"nlll.<;' hotwoell ';.~Il al1,1 7.~1l.
~ickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc-
There are times wiLen you would likc cruits. .\.~:-1.:-:.-::-"_·'_,I_i1_,.'_·I_. _
Clellan, Mr. allli Mrs. Aldine K.
to throw
Siler, :\[1'. and Mrs. Clemcnt Booth, don't dare. Annoying?-\.'e·s, Ililt . lie t· him off the trolley-but yOU \Ve are inllehtell to Professor :'o;ash \\'.\:\'I''':II-YOlll1<;' l1I:<n ,,, """.\, :oroUIIOI
or surveying the nl'~'v athletic fiEld. ORITl'AUY. 1:<\1'11 ,"'.1 g:<nlp,l.Boxaft"r
unlayl"....\ddr'j·:-;:-;, ·11t·1.s,'Ii",,1. or "" Sal-
);arhf·I'th. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston, Mr.
and i\lrs. C. T. Moore, Miss Flor- hasn't really committed a erim" and Thank you! On Friday, March 31st. Colonel K\\·t; yolll' J'ag:-t and m:l1;azlnl'~' Wp will
ence Lyon and Mr. Percival Nash.
you 1000w you would not he justified
in takin~ th~ law it~to. YO~I.~ own hands. I
Last week the Sophomore class' roll Downes. passed away. Colonel Pa.
Bnt With b\'..~relt ~t IS IhtlerenL When chaperoned hy Mr. Melchior. and Mr. Bowers' home was in Paris, Texas,
i Tom 1\1. Bowers, father of Mrs. Ca 1'- pay yuu wI'11 for tlu'lll. Fllr pal·t!cul:lr....
:.. ldI'P:-:~ :\II'I'(·1Inllt. ("art' UuI' Towll. Xarherth,

Essex avenues, has heen entertain- a \lla~l reads over hiS shoulder or steps Eshleman visited the places of his-' where he spent his winters, but yis- UIST-, '" SUllOlay. :< P:<;;:-;;-;olf'''''i1 Sf"''''
Mrs. William Parker, of Merion and
Ing her friend, l\li!'s May Trussel1, o[ O~I 11I~ toe or .~('r~~~ts in inte~ru~tin~ tor.ical anll educational interest In ited his daughter during the sum-' w,~,'::;"';:·\.,,::,,;:~:anl If ,·... ,"·11.'.1 t" Illl Elm-
West Virginia. 1~1~1l \\he~1 he IS tl)lIIg t~ IEll a stor). Philadelphia. Man~' peopl,e living near mel'S. He was 79 years o[ age, hav-'-==================;;
1'.\ erett Just ups and fhl1shes the an- I Philadelphia do not realir.c the verv ing always been strong and healthy, Ii
i great educational advantages whil·il until rheumatism attacked him elev-,
Base Ball
Mrs. Rohert. E. Pattison. Jr.. has no):er then anll there:
been entertaining her sister, Miss' :'\0'1' comes the spnng and the green' exist so near at. hal:d. en )'cars ago, during which time he'
Evelyn Sllrtees. of Atlantic City. grass and the budding flowers-! i was a great. suffercr, but. always:
espEcially here in "arherth. cheerful and hright. with a wonderful:
Also comes the butcher, the haker I OUl' hasket hall team has linishetl mind. While he was obliged to spen.l!
1\Irs. E. ('ol'krill, of Dudley aYen\l~.
allli the delivery hoy-tramp. tramp, its basl,et ba~1 season, whieh was a most of his time sitting around, his, Saturday, 3.30 P. M.
is vislling; her immediate relatives in tramping straight across the lawn. It i \'C:y sIl<T.'c!s.slul one. We' scorell 5~1 mind waH most active. Iwing a mall i
Buffalo. x. Y. ,wouldn't be so bad if the house~ ~ all,l IIHJlntH
. agalllst our opponents' 3S7 of great. inventive ability. He has i
Charlefl Laurence Warwick, J I' ar
_ lawns were reversell. lIlHI 1110 front pOllltS, and won 9 out of Iti gaml.'H.
rived at tile home of his parents:' Mr. i ',1"1'1'1' the hack ~11(1. the hack were the ;~l~~:s:esults of the games wcre as fol- 'He hall dnring the first seventy years
C ohtained quite a numher of patents.
all "u l\[r.~. ~ C. [.allrence
• Warwick, 20~ I Bnt as Jt JS. some of th·e de- . :'0;. 1!. S. ,,0 l' II" Is ..eII'f ne \'e I' nee(Ie"u mellclne 1" or VS.
'[erl'on a"elllie.
• 011 l\·[,arcll ~8tll.
_ ;I I\'ery )O~·S and men march straight. Jenkl11t ()\\. I ')~ 1.". a p IIY811~la n ' s scrVll~es. . .
oWlllg t.0 a- I
lI ___ ; aeross the lawn: and they keep it u pAl .. t I -, .,.," ways having lived the simple Hfe.
The Garden Xnr<:eries rec<:>ivef1 and tlJ(' lirst thing yon ]mow, a niee
• '_.".,
from Europe one solId carload 0 'aeross Your f ront lawn
[hroad tow path tlnd~ its wav straight :'o;ar1!erth A. ('.............!l
ling on
Headillg 1·1 . •.............
,'~ ed
('010 el B

wyer in the South,
l' t'
owers was _a lIS IIlgUIS 1-.
and 'was
. I
P. R. R. Transportation
S 'I _., I :
I T~am
flowering trees anll evergreen trees,: B t II tl i· :'o;orristown "nll 22 "4 very Interesting conversationalist.
among them more t.han 1,000 box- I
woods. III large .sIzes
. ' .
prmclpally; a I
n Ie o. tel' lI~y plclwd up a " 'I . '
newspaper In which Everelt True Sc 1Il~ lIoll Sem
a dally app,~arance. To tell the l'pp
' er I)'.11' Il~'
- .. . .. ..
11. i, heing not onh.' a wcIl read man, Illlt'
lH1vinO' h j'ept . 1111 \\'1' til tile I'sslle~~ of'
. mal,es. Ij9' ' "Coffee Pot Park"
con. pie ncw val'lettes of holly and1 ' '
qUIte a number ~f rar: trees alll : short scenes.
. of tl' IlS pie , .t ure reqUlres . I
t wo Lower 1\I€I'ion "nll . _. ....... I" -., ,
:>" the day. Hc will he greatly mlssell'
Ambler 1" 4" I h)' a 11 who eame in eon tact. with Narberth & Price Aves,
shrubs. The freight tlllS f year
' has
."I S('elle , 1- T'\'
~ e rett , \ \. a t '
enng po t 'III Perkiomen "Illl _ , ] •~ :',1 : him.
heen \'ery II1Uel~ :IS ocean relght I.:; .hanll, is ahout to water a flOWEr hed I('hestnut. Hill :1:: 2,,: lie lea\'es two ehilliren, a son, Mr. J:================~
eha~gell hY ('U1:1: fpc I. and ~rees ,arc: As he turns around he sp,~s a deliver): Doylestown :W 29 i Tom 1\1. BowerH. or Chieago. and.
lJUI~Y. The ftelgl~t rates \\ere \€r~ man. from a grover)' store, walldng Conshohocken 22 2" ; Mrs. ('arroll Downes, or :'o;arherth. UE.\L ":~'I'.\'I'E 8.\I,E8.
notlceahle-the freIght ratcs and the, straight across his lawn. I
Ahington 27 :'1 . -,---
freight costing as mueh as the tree". I Scene 2-Mr. True seen in thl' atti_1t'onshohO(']\E,n Ii :],,' .\HBOH 11.\ YS ~,un:ll. WiIliam E. Yost. 209 Chcstnut ave-
The entire. shipm~nt carne to th: tUlle of a large eoast-defpnse gnn re- Yilla "m'a Prpp 27 26 Govrrnor Brnmhaugh on Montlay is- nue. reprcsenting Harhert & Clag-
port of PhiladelphIa as requestcd In ; coiling aft"~r the discharge or n 110- , . . snell a proclamation tixing [o'rillay, horn. Philadelphia. reports thc fol·
the Philadelphia Board of Trade. For-; int:h shell. A euryetl doltptl line ~ he toIlow1llg shows .the nnmhpr of April 14. and Prida)·. April 2S, as tIll', lowing recent transactions in "ar·
merly the Garden "urseries hall all through thc atmosphere inllieates the P01llts scored hy eaeh tellow: Spring Arhor ))a~'s in Penns~'I\'ania. herth:
their shipments t:ome to New Yorl,. course taken hv the lleliyery man who Durbin ;10:: He urge!' a general ohservant:e of one: 200 Woollhine :t\'enue rente,1 to C.
The Japanese shipments hayc not ar- has lanllell hea'lI tirst on th~ sidpwallc McCarter liR of the two llays. ,H. i\1t:Kellllry, of Pittshurgh.
I' I\'e ll. As soon as they do, every- thc pat:kages in his hasl,et flying iu Smith , , 6~ . Ins Woodhine avenuc rented to
hody will he notified. every llirpction, anti 1\11'. True saying: Downes 410 EYEUl'HOIlY WI':LC'O~IE. 'James A. [';ngland, of Philu'lelphla.
"Yon :1I1l1 the milk man are doing Harsch , 2~ 205 FOlTest avenue sold to F. A.
Hum I . IS' The COlllmuuitr Bihle Stlllir Chl!'s I I .
Mrs. Carl Ludo\'iei, of ElmwoOlI your best to wear a pig path aeross P HIes.............. ..ana Ian. 01 \\'yneote.
this lawn! Ovel' there is the walk!!!" Anderson........................ 2 which has he~n hehl e\'ery 1'ueslla~·. Corner "arhcrth avcnue and 1\[ont-
avenue. is Yisitiug rclatives in "ew evening in th,~ CO\llmunit." room ot' the
:'o;o\\', of course. no respedahle dti- ,gcmery avenne rented to Lro\l;; Tobin,
York City.
zen of "arherth would want to 110 Thp athletip field is progr,essing Y. M. C. A. has arousecl a great deal lOS l\Iaple avcnuc rentell to H. C.
• I of interest, ant! so IIItleh has heell
lIlr, ('raig, who resillell with MI'. cxactly as Everett True does. But T SOW)'. I I .ome
S 0 j tie t reI's have Ilpen; Bruhal,er, of Indianapolls.
t] I ""11 1 manifested that the memhers hll\',~
E. E. Bossert. of \'"oodside avenue, venture the thought. thaI thl~ disposi- a;en lown. '1 WI.' Ie ahle tn use, 1 Chestnut avenue to M C \Vright,
tion to emulate Mr. True is in the it. this rear? almost unanimonsly voted to have the "f "arllel·th.
was stricken while on a trip to the
mimI of many a resident. these fine Rev. \V. W. Hugh continne the t'lasH Lots 215, 216, 217 (,he't.uu: avenue
South, and died Sunday evening. spring days. when the frost comps out : for anothel' series ot' lessons on thp fold to a prospective builder.
. I JIE~'~ BIIII,E ('LA~~ JIl'~H·ALE. ,book of Hehrews The lir!'t ]psSlln o!"
Mr. Charles Chauncey dictl at his 0 I tie grounll allll the gr,een comes ,. ,,,, Lot on Merion avenue s(lill h James
l'ountry home. Ardilage, Xarherth. 011 into the gra!'s. However, some irate Any organization Which aimH to cUI-; the new l'ourse was /?;I\'pn TIlPsllay :llc:'llaldn.
Monday aftcrnoon. Mr. Chauncey was eitizen ma)', in a moment of anger, tivate, and cater to a taste for refinell , evening, April 4. at R o't'\ot'\(. ]n the
meantim.~ all those interest ell in Bihle
taken ill with pneumonia severnl lOse his self-restraint-l have alreallv
('\('1,,\ DI t: II U:1''I'I-: us Al'
. and high-dass entertainment. merits slully are cordia 11)' invited to he" I' t hc :UHln:U1'1I POST Ot'Flrt:
days ago. , leaI'd sev,cral
II . make threats--and then the thanks and encouragement of the closing lessons of t he present scrip,;
. I somethmg serious may happen. commuuity in which such organiza- l\Ir!'. E. S. Dourtc, Miss Llle\' \\'al-
At the annual mceting of thel So here and now I introduce Evcrett tion is located. Hight along this line on the Tahernacle. 11 is not Ilenollli- Idns. '
, " national anll cvelTholly is we1f'onw. I':dm\l'd S. Haws. Posfmllst!'!',
Ladies' A ill Sopjetr of thc Narhe~·th I True: ex?lain to ~'Otl his methods, a.nd the I\Len's Dihle Class of the Methodist
Presbyterian Chnrch, the folloWIl1~i ~n heh.all of the fo\1,s who take pride Churl'h mIllie a dedllell hit with the' ------------------...~---------
officers were eleetcd: President, Mrs'l In thmr lawns, appeal to the store- musicale given under its auspices on i :- --::
Edwarn S. Haws: first vice pre;;l-l kcepers to instrul't their llclivery boys Tuesda~' ('vening, March 28. There,
lIent. 1111'5. Arthur G. Compton; sec-! :tllll mEn not to mal,e short cut:; across ha\'c bEen lIIany ent.ertainments In i OU<;'\" m:('IT,\J, HAI"rlS'I' ('II('Jl('H
ond vice president. Mrs. John callI-I th; lawn~. . . :'o;arherth, ~JUt f~r refinemen.t. high .tone i BY
well; secretary. Mrs. Edward G.I fhere IS not!llng partlcularlr mean and elasslcal features, tillS lIIusH~ale I
Schauroth; treasurer, Mrs. Anna M.I ahout n~en ~nd wom~n who p.refer to! has, not b~en surpassed. if .equalled. I JIISS '\('II:"AII ,n:\1'Z
Owens; assistant tl'easurer. l\I1'''.1111~v their milk or th,'c!lr grocertes from! .111o':! artistes were at their hest and sr'UA Y SlmYU'l;S
Gcorge Coleworthy. Chairman of: ~lIlkmen or grocerympn whose lle-' displayed excellent judgment in the HEAUTY
('alling Committee, Mrs. Robert I... ' \Inry men and bors stid, to the sille- of ,their seIE:ct.lons. The ap- WISPEI, SO~(; SEHYI(''': (lrndl'd nihil' Sehoul
BeaU)'. The retiring president. Mrs. walk anll respect the lawns., precllltlOn of the aUlhence was ma~li-
Lestcr "'. KIe1,er!'OIl. was prcsentell }.. A. Jr.fested hy spontaneous applaus,2, willch Sermull "
with a beautiful hasket of cut flow- , • , .. • , " wa~ reslJon~led to with liheral eneores. JHSS m"I'1I I'HliS('OTT
ers as an expression of appreciation 1~;A ~b ~n.u~o~1 S( lIoor: (.,\lW~.~. 1 he t~rtt.stes. WlllO contrlhuted to "Till' ('IIlIIIellg-e of LOH'"
of her most successfnl admlnlstra- em ers ~ t leo \~'oman s ~OI~lI1l1ttee ma 1,e Ie muslca e such a sucecss J,,\lW}; CIIORl'S ('nOm
t' 10f the MerIOn CIVIC ASSOCIatIOn are: were: Mrs. Anna MacCardle. soprano;
IOn. plannin~ a school garden alongsille; MI·s. SamlLel Gerhard, contralto: MI'. AHI))U:SS
co t 1'1 'Co the Merion Country Day Rehool for S. A, Rudolph. 2nd" tenor; Mr. L. W. IU;Y. C. (;. KOPI'I::rJ Sileaker lit ' •.J:i
Pd osSt masd t er . 1-1 aws
B sp•e n t N,.,a YII {a, t IIe use of the natllr.~ study
II . . class, of Arny, 'cellist; Mrs. I:... W. Arny, aceom-
an un ay III roo { )In, ,. that institution. The garllen will he panlst, for Mr. Arny; Miss Mar)' SU~D,\.Y NWlIl'
JII'••Josellh Kl'D1II, Ilefrlllt
' S d I B II 1 f I na v nl eouloped and ready so the youngsters Gyger. accompanist. JlETIIOIHST CIIUU{'U
MISS . y. I n et' F'0 eH1, 0d 0d a Se t Ie, I () f tlIe se I1001 can raise . t11'11'
l ' " crops .. TI Ie comm Itt ee IIllV I ng t.le I mUSicale . l'I'C81'1ItJlIg' fhl' Salvulloll Arm,.
~ntertfamel a IHre un rte on ~'Illir-, this season. In line with this plan in charge and to whom too much
(laY a tprnoon,
Editl H m hrevs erMiss e:ues.s we r e 11Mc-
Madeline ss [. tlle comml' t,~e t 'III c Ilarge WI'11' gl\'e acre dl t ea~not. b e f',j.1 ven, consisted . of A SlmYICE 01" JlEUl1' COJlE!
, 1 up" I flower market at the school on Aprfl F, C. SmIth, H. E. McKee, Robert E,
Continued on Third page, I Hi. Pattison, Jr. ._--------_.,~----------'
OUR TOWN to tiLe school locat:on. From the
standpoint of economy and as a busi-
ness proposition the SCllOOI should be

Owned, and Published every Thura- I<ept under one roof so that the man-
day by the l"arberth CiVic Associa- agement would remain undivided. The
only objection put fortll seems to be
that of too great dlstanc.e for some of
"ANationofMarksmen" Can you handle a rifle, or are you
Anthracite Coal
the children to walk. It may be that
the parents of these cbildren are ob-
only prepared to be a Target? WOOD AND
jecting to a condition which is bene-
~1rs. C. H. Blackall G. M. Henry
l\lrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos
;'Ilrs. E. C. Stokes Henry Rose
ficial rather than detrimental to the
welfar.e of th€'ir offspring. Exercise
is regarded as being essential to good
The Main Line Rifle Club I BUILDING SUPPLIES I

;'IIiss Adah Durbin W. T. Melchior health. What better exercise is there WILL MAKE YOU A MARKSMAN Narberth, Pa.
Earl F. Smith O. L. Hampton
Associate Jo:dltors.
than walking? The writer believes
Xol a military organization. No drills; no special obligation for military
------------_._--- -
that a child who walks a half mile
or even a mile to school will be great- service. Simply voluntary practice at accessible ranges with modern military JAMES G. SCANLIN
l\IAIZIE J. SIMPSON, rifles and under competent instructors. Affiliation with National Rifle AHSO-
ly benefited thereby. It was his for- elation will enable best HhotH to enter big national tournaments and con-
Cashier. lune to be a memher of an old-fash- tests between local teallls on the Main Line will be a feature. Members 16
ionEd family of twelve children, all of yeal'S and up.
Contracting Painter
I-I. C. GARA. whom traveled to school a distance Initiation fee, 50 cents. Annual Dues, One Dollar. Narberth, Pa.
'\cherUsing lUanager. of one mile and some of them one and Send membership application to I"rancis K. Okie, Seeretary, Berwyn, Pa. Estimates Telephone
- ------------------- II half miles. We did not have sld,e-
Send all letters and news item to wall<s cleaned off by a snow plow (IJWA~IZ}:nS
That i, i. iust
1'. O. Box 404. when the snows came, but real old PreHldent, Captain l':dward B. Cassatt; Vice-president, Dr. G. L. S.
Send all advertising copy to P. O. country roads and there were times Jamel-;on; Secretary, I". G. Okie, Berwyn; Treasurer, H. O. Garber; Executive ARE YOU AWARE about as cheap
and much more
Box 820. when the walking was not good, but l Officer, ·William H. Doyle; Colonel John P. Wood, A. J. County, R. Francis
i\lake all remittances to P. O. Box we managed to there, and of the' Wood, DI·. Ross Hall Skillern, Fletcher W. Stites, the Rev. Horace A. 'Valton,
satisfactory to se-
lect your lot from ...
118. twelve ehildren there are twelve still Charles A. McCrea. Charles S. Wood, Henry P. Conner, Lieutenant George C. Narberth's Highest Tract
Our Town is on sale at the depot living, the youngest being past the _T_h_a.:.y_e_r_a_n_(..."l...C,. '.la_r_e.... ... n_c....e_'_V_._W_a_g,:.a_r_. -:-:=- ~ and build your bOllse according 10 your own plans
newsstand, and at tbe store of H. E. quarter century nlark, and all enjoy- ---- -- lnd the way you want it-and Where you want
Davis. iug gooll health up to the present '!',U,KS OX nA~KI:\"G. wno's WllO IN NARBERTH. ,I-as to buy a Ready-Made House'"
Entered as second-class matter, Oc- time. We do not think 1111lt walking a This is to be the centennial year or· MAKE SURE OF YOUR CBOICE NOW
toher 15, 1914, at the Post Office at 'I mile to school did us a great amount I tile Havings hank. We shall hear! nOnOUGJI OF}'ICERS.
:\arberth, Pennsylvania, under the of harm-ralher, I would say, we I much of tI.1e savings bank, wh:lt it.!S; Burge~s-Geo. ~I. Henry. TERMS TO SUIT
Act of March 3, 1879. were greatly lwnefite(l thereby. It I and what It does, aud much of thl'lft, Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold. 'F M JUstl'ce
Montgomery Avenue.
.., would see III that rather than obj,eet to I whieh is the foundation on whicll it i Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel. 612 Chesinul 51., "hila.
1 HL:RSDA'\, APRIL 6, 1916 having the children take the exercise I iH built. , Tax Collector-James F. Sherron.
--EMERGE:NCY PI~ONECAI,LS - required to walk to lhe Xarberth i It is hul Jitting that an institution; Street commissloner-W. S. McClel·
, school, from any house in the horough, '.\·hieh haH survived II century should Ian.
Fire 350. the parents should w,elcome the con- I,elehl·ate. for it haR hecome an es- Building Inspector - J. Howard USE
Police 1250. rlition there this heneficial exercise, sen.tial part of our everyday life, and SmedleY.

S'J'ATIDn:~'r OJ' THE OWXEUSnIP, velopment, may h.e secured.

which is necessary to tlle child's de- whether we know it or not, we could
,not very well get. along without it.
Counselor-Fletcher W, Stites.
)L\XAGJ~~IEN'j', CIltCULA. A }'rl('I141 of fhl' (,hilth'l'll. II It. is proposed to tell you in this series
of "Our Town," published weekly at HAW;; ,\~n I' J I'}:n. I
, (whieh will run throughout the year) ~n:~nn:ns 01"
somet hing abont the practical side of SCnOOI, RoARn.
Xarberth, Pa., required by Act of
AUgust 24, 1912.
--- the bank, what it lIoes for the in(H-
ltl'llIU·fll1l'llt. of ('011I111('1'('1' Achist's I vidual, lhe community and the nation. I Vice-President-Carroll Downes.
President-C. Howard McCarter.
Guaranteed 5000 MilesService
Editor-Harry A. Jacobs, Xarberth, 'I'her All Up Slll"l'lI. I YO\1 may think that when you hand i Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
Pa. Few persons realize the immense I in your money, and get a b~nl( llook , Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
l\lanaging Edilor--Harry A. Jacobs, amount of paper and cardboard made in retul'1l, that the matter IS ended, Rohert H. Dothard.
Narberth, Pa. dailY in the United States. Ther,e are hut the ·wheels have just begun to
Business Manager-Harry A. Jacobs, 15,000 tons of paper and cardboard move, and they g,rind a grist which: BOA.Rn OJ' flEALTH.
~arberth P1. d Cb E K Duplex tircR are 1l1Rue of the beost of ma-
o ,. • made even'" day in this country. Most heneHts you anll the community more Presl ent- as. '. reamer. terlal from slanllar<l II res. 1'hl. means 100
. • Civic Associa- of this paper and cardboard in a very than you may k'now. S ecre t A p . R e d·t
ary-,~. I er. pcr ccnt. morc wearing surfacc. Which mcans
tlOn , Narberth • ' Pa.,'" ., short tIme . hecomes waste paper and T a s1l1g
,. Ie 0 \It tl Ie S.'av'nIT I "s Ihank for'. Health Officer-'V. S. McClellan. addcd IIfc to theOur
of a puncturc. tire,conslructlon
a!HI Ihcrc isgives
no chance
Owners-~ar~erth CIVIC ASSOCiatIOn: where does it go? It is either burned special attention woulll be a very Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, 10 10 12 plies of fabric,
Officers-I reSIdent, George M. Henry, I tl' tl d 'I r 't 's worUl\' compliment to a very worthy· T. B. Du Marias, Carden Warner and For rough counlry usc thc Dl:'PLEX tire
, . I
vice-presidents Augustus J. Loos, I or lrO\\ n upon Ie umps ,\ Ie e l l . .'. ,
ruined for any other use. The Depart- InstitutIOn, hut \\ auld do an inJustice, Chas. V. Noel.
A. C. Sha1ld, Dr. O. J. Snyder, secre- nlent (11' Conlmerce wants the people to to other banks. many of which per-·
. . ' cannol be exccllel!. And Ihc~' are as easy
rliling as any on Ihe marke!. The air space
and pressure Is the sallle as wllh pneu- ,
tary-treasurer Samuel T. Atherholt. " . tl: CO A y malles, which makcs them vcry resilient.
. . , save the waste paper and cardboard torm, 111 a certa1l1 :o;ense, Ie same, }'IRE ~IP N • The~' are the most economic,,1 for the car
DIrectors 'V Arthur Cole Mrs A, d C E K owner and Rflve time lJ.y the elhllinatlon or
- . '" S '-t ~v' and thus give relief to the paper in- functious for the individual an serve President, has. . reamer; sec- lire troubles-no Slopping 10 IIx punClures.
c. Shandd , I<'leRtcbhter H T' D tlb~s, Mm. dustry. The department states that the communlt)' lUllt us effectively as retary, Cllal'les V. ~oel; financial TII·o" or lhis type are used bl' the lJ. S. Gov-
Il. Sme ey, .0 'E 'A u1\~ III '1 rs. there is a scarcity of materials from does the savings hank, although it may secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, cr~~~~c~,I"~~d,,I~:-I~~I~~'tI~~~~:1°~·~will offer at
Geo. M. Barne, 'll' ~. 1\" .IUSCClamp,. R whIch to make . the paper. Muc II I le '111 a (I I'ff eren t way. Car d en 'Or "arner; c h'Ie fengmeer,
' Ihe fo 11 oW ing Pl' Iccs;
,To 111 B • W I tams, Irs. ., . 1 f 1 I 1'1 A I I 't' b Ik is a Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin. 30x3 ...... $ !•. oo 3;;x4 $17.95
Blackall, E. S. Haws, H. C. Gara, paper IS mal.e rom WdOO( Plu p. I I?U- H;~ lrlOa( yroPofsl IOn a tal. I' fi :lox3 % •••.•• 10.2;; 3;;x4',;, , .. 2\.00
E P D Id A E sands of ac·res of woo lan( are le1llg hanl" III tlat Jt per arms cer alii ,e - eer, Ed\\'. V.ripf; second assistant en- 32x3\~ 13.1& 26xH" 22.90
J ames A r t man, '.. . 0, . ' . swep t (a1 1'1 y an d I't t a I<es yea I' s f or tl1 e nl't e f uncI t'o ns II'
. re e tive of its char' :l7x4~2
'Wohlert, Mrs. Edwin C. Towne. - gtneer, APR . . e d'te I r; th'rd IS aS sl tant 33x4
34x4 16.1.;
17.10 37x5 24.00
(SI g ned) HARR" ,'. JACOBS, trees to grow. The best grades of aeter, whether savlllgs bank, bank. of engineer, H. B. ""all; fourth as- ,\11 olhcr sland"rd slzcs also furnished.
. "
B uSllless l\T
r 1
paper are mac e rom rags.
I I' t
f tlIe pape.r In
I tl I
n Ie d scoun or t t I 1
rust eompany, w I1C 1 sistant engineer, A.
. dUslT )'Ifnnc t·IOns are: ( a ) t a recel\'e . 1 ·t·
"'T. ". dh
nee am. i,
Add 10 per cent. for non·Mklll.
Tcrms: ,",cl cash al 10 pel' cent. discount,
'1'ry t 1ICSe II "OS no\\", and 10 assure prompt
Sworll to an(l sullscrl'lled Ilefore nle earbIy. ,liS ory o. t1 t k ] I ( )
( S, .
: uel1ver~· senu (Inter todar. luuking remit..
t1. I ' of M r 1 1916 pu IClty was gIven to Ie 1mpor ance i (hI to ma 'e oans, an( c to Issue' nOAUn OJ<' l'IANAGERS OJ' lallCe by P. U. ~loncY Urdel', dmft. or check.
II(SS ' a )
ea l
, aTI~ Il'tj\:'
n a er • 'J.
Ba I e
( r) r,
of saving rags. It is o[ scarcely less! banl{ noles, the latter being confined
. I . F I I
"·OMEN'S COMMUNITY CLCH :';old direct 10 COIiSUmel' onl)". Descriptive
folder uJJon rc(!uest.
~otarY. Important now. . '10 the natIOnal banks and •el era Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore.
.. .
111\' commISSion expIres Feb. D, 1 1. l I b '
~ 9 9 The Department of Commerce IS reHerve banks.
tl . It. t tl t
I . 1 I" f tl '
1anager- Irs.
1\" R
oy •.
E Akron Duplex Tire andj Rubber Co.
. g a(. to nng liS. m.a er a Ie a -: It IS we I at the .1e?,lnn.m g 0 ,lIS Clark. AKRON, OHIO.
To th.e EdItor of Our Town:
. tentlon of the pubhc m t.he hope that I series to mal<e a IhstmctlOn. When, L"b ry
practical r,esu!ts may flow from it. A I \'ou opell aceount with a bank of dis- H .1
It. is with conside'rable inlerest that ,I little altention to the saving of rags II ;~ount in itR eheeking department )'ou
t: .
aHlg 1 • 1\.1
Manager _ Miss

e -1\"rs
Alexander WOMA~'S SU,n~'RAGE•
. Ies on an,1 0 Id papers WI'11 mean genUIne 'rl~' b
1 have been readin the artlc . re- create a different relationship than Ch ouse bl allag I' ! • 10 "ar erth Branch of the
!he school situation: To .me the stand- ~ief. to the .paper industry and a (:imin- when you open aecount in the savings I
;~ia;Y~1anager-:Mrs. F. W. Stites. Women's S,ulIrage Organization of
mg o[ the .majorlty of ~he School Isl!lI1g dram upon o~r sources of sup- IIppartulCnt. When you open a eheck- Membership Manager-Mrs. David i Peunsrlval11u will hold its monthly
Board is lIlcomprchenslbl:.. :r hey phes for new matenals. ing aecount you say in the eyes of D. Sticknev. meeting at the home of 1\1rs. W. 1\1.
seelU to ignore the emphatIC wishes, ---. the law: "This money is mine. I Athletic' Manager-Mrs. Walter Cameron, 202 X. ;o.;arberth avenue, on
of a majority of our people.. They I ThIS matter was dl~c~lssed at .so~lLe depoRit it with rem-it is now yours. Dothard.
('all upon the Stat~ Boar.d to straIghten lengt.h at our last CIVIC ASSOCIatIOn I accept a e1'edit. on your bookH and ,__
Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
All interesting and instructive pro-
out the tangle 111 whIch they hav,e Imeetlllg.-Cnt from !lIe Bryn Mawr \'ou are my debtor. I shall expect m~' COJDIl1''j'}:t:S OJ<' COUXCIL. gram combined with a social hour
enmeshed themselves by endeavoring I "Home :'\ews." ~lOney on demand, and will make this are the features of these meetings.
to force the taxpayers to grant a loan 1 demand hY drawing checks on vou," Finance anll Law Committee-A. P. Anyone favorably inclined toward
to increas~ t~le facilities of a prop.erty II'~' .]S~'T YOI'R. ,T(~W~-I~':S YOC.! But '.\'hen 'YOU 0pPn a savings acc~unt, Redifer, chairman; "". D. Smedley, this suffrage movement will be most

the edge or the limits.• Do I . town,.. . I:l

located wlth1l1 a few hundred feet of If )OU want to Il\e 111 the kmd of a I'OU sal': "I am willing to enter Int.o H. D. Xarrigan.
spec'ial eon tract with you. I will
they ~onsider the resH:ents of l'ar- ,LIke the, klll.d of a town yo.u like,. aceept Ihe pass book you g,ive me as gan, chairman; E. C. Stokes, Robert (;O~\'}:XIEl'iC}; AX}) ECO~OMY
Highway Commiltee--H. D. Narri-
cordially welcomed.
------ _

herlh I1Icompetent to t1llnk for them- '\ au needn t shp your clothes II~ a gnp eVidence of my deposit with you, and Saville. OJ' !'OS'j'AL MONEY ORDERS
The crow61ed condltlOns of O\~r . , .
. . I And start on a long, long luke.
I a~ree to be. bound by the rules and Police and lIealth-W. D. Smedley"
regulations found therein. I will not chairman; E. C. Slol<es, William J./ • 1he attentIOn of the patrons o! the
" . • •

schools would have been averted tlus 11 o~ II only ,fllld wl~at you left belnnd. draw ehecks on you, but will present Henderson. Narberth Post Office is called to the
fall if the board had asked for a loan I- or there s nothlllg really new. th h ok at every withdrawal and I Water, Fire and Light.-William convenience of sending money by pos-
for a centrally located school. We It's a knock at yourself when yon al:o aOgree to giv~ vou notice ~f with- Henderson, chairman; A. P. Redifer, tal money order. The following low
are losing time IlY allowing this to .Imock your town, dl'awal, shonld '''O~I require it as a Robert Saville. rates are charged for sending sums to
continue. It IHn 't )'our t own- it's . vou
necessary measure of protection."
any money order post office in the
United States:
Why not take th,e hull by the horns, t In a l'uutual savings bank you go 1'1l0T}:CT YOUU nOG. For orders f r o m '
and the necessary voters go before the Heal towns are not mayo by 1IIen afraid a bit further and say: "Take this Have you paid your dog tax? cents. $.01 to $2.50, "
courts and eomp~1 a. c?entral school I,est somebody else gets ahead; monel' and invest it for me. Yon are Put the tag on the dog collar.
for the smaller c1llldren. Surely there When everyone works and nobodY mv t'rus t ees t a d a tl' liS TI Ie Ia \v tells All dogs not wearing tag WIll . Ile From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents.
is some remedy besides appealing to shirks ' . . . Frolll $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
~ur board wh~ fail to acquiesce to You can raise a town from the dead. you what securIties you may purchase destroyed. I"rom $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.
the desire of our people. and I expect you to ob.e y the law. Do )'Ou value your dog enough to From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.
r ma" be wrong, but it would ap- And if can make your personal Pay your expenses, establish a surplus pay tax and get tag? From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents,
J I' gu r It f nit save me from All tramp dogs will be taken up
peal to me that within a short time stake, 0 a al y u I a . From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.
(as time- goes along) the property Your neighbor can make one, too. losses b)' reason of depreciation or In the spring not wearing a tag.
I tl I I a me This is a good law to get rid of
From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents.
Imown as the Anthryn FarmS and th.e Your town will be what )'OU want to secnr It es or 0 se, ant p y From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents.
. proper,,' known as the Sullivan Estate se.e, tl Ie kIla Ian c e ~s 11!I t e.res t . it Itf Is Ill')" dogs that are dumped into Narberth.
I l'rom 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.
The law requires to have published
~r t me , In a local paper the names of all per-
\\'111 be a part of our borough. Then It isn't your town-It's you. ~,an ; I1~ou s~m~l~ run Same fees as quoted above charged
we wIll be compelled to supply addi- Dott~d LII1('. au w see y 1 S process. la )'OU for remittances to a number of !oreign
I t · U b k sons that have paid 1916 tax on their
tlonal facilities. The present location - leeome a par ner 1!1 Ie sav1l1gs an eountries. Orders are paid at 52,000
of the scllool is impossible. NO'rICE. an(l a ~relIlt or i n tI Ie 0 tller. dog or dogs. post offices In the United States. Re-
Yours truly, Miss Ella Frances Lynch, of Bryn AMERICAN BANKERS ASSO. A~-A-C-C-O-~-O-I-O-D-A--T-ION. mittances received in this waY are
C. A. S. )IcC.:>lInll. Mawr, author of Educating the Child convenient for merchants, publishers,
at Home, is interested in forming a SPECIAl; NOTICE. It Is greatly appreciated that Post- seedsmen, insurance companies, etc.,
To tll.e Editor of Our Town: Teacher-Mother League in Narberth. When mailing parcels containing master Haws holds the post office etc.

A recent writer to Our Town ex- Anyone interested in the formation of anything fragile, patrons will so ad- open until the arrival of the 6.45 I Edward S. IIllws, Postmaster.
pressed the hope that the citizens such a. club will kimlly communicate vise the clerks or postmaster so that train, which, oftentimes, keeps the of-
might expr.ess themselves through the with Mrs. F. H. Harjes, Jr., Post Office the parcel may 1:'e properly marked flce open until considerably past seven Pursuit of wealth Is the great human
columns of Our Town with ref~rence Box 531. for transmission tnrough the malls. I o'clock. hurlde race.

N'AHB~HTH, PA.-OUR rl"OWN-A¥RIL 6. 1916
. -=-===============:====:===:==================-
A week-end surprise party was
Merion Meeting House is opened for
.Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. given G,eorge B. Sheldon, Sr., 104 Elm-
: wood av,enue, Saturday, April I, in
Sunday. 9.30 A. M. Prayer service: honor of his birthday. Those present
Book Lover's Library
worship cvery First-day at 10.30 A.
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. for teachers and friends of the Bible; were his mother, Mrs. I. S. Sheldon, AT FIEDLER'S DRUG STORE
A registry book is kept for visitors. School. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wallen, Mrs. Wyn- The very latest book.-any book you wi.h by request
!.l,45 A. M. Bible School. A fUll, fleld Parsons, Mrs. Rebecca Hausen,
All are asked to register their names.
attendanee is desired to forward the i Mrs. Wilbur Doughty, all of Millville,
preparation for the Easter service.: N, J.; Mrs. Joseph Williams, of Mina-
ST. .UARGAIn;'I"S CHURClI. Everyone enjoyed the fine lecture by I tala, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Gooilwln Don-
Early Mass on Sundtl.y from J\prll Hev. S. G. Ncil last Sunday.
1'it to October 31st at r..JO A. :\:1. From
nelly and Mr. Oscar Donnelly, of Flor-
11.00 A. M. Morning worship. Sub-' ence, N. J.; Mrs. Harry Cheeseman and
~O\'cmber 1st to IIIarcn 31st at 7 A. M. ject of the sermon, "The Challenge Mrs. Edith Smith, of Burlington, N. J. The next lillie you are in wanl 01
Late 1\lass, 9.30 A. ~l. throughout the of Love." All were relatives of Mr. Sheldon.
l·ear. :'II asses on holydays, 6.30 and 7.00 P. M. Young People's service. They spent a very enjoyable time and
8.30 A.?l1. Weekdays at 8. Evening Group l"our, of Which Elizabeth Mil-' return.ed to their homes Monday.
devotions and other services at regular ler is chairman, will be in charge.
times. The meeting last Sunday evening was JI<~tt)' Unxtl'r's Gossip.
very well attended and helpful. Be At a Reasonable Price,
.'1 E'I' II OHI 8'1' }:I'ISl:OI'AIJ CHURCH. sure to be present this week. (Continued from Page ODA) call
I 7,45 P. M. Evening worship. Mr. Coy. Miss Margaret Hayes, Miss Mar-

?liss Achsah Wentz, Organist.

Jfiss Huth Prescott, Leader.
Joseph Kemp, member of the First garet Eyre, Miss H.elen Duff, Miss
Baptist Church. Detroit, wl11 speak in Agnes Hose, Miss Huth Diamond, Miss
the interest of the Salvation Army. Marlon Trotter. Miss Hilda Smedley,
He is a fluent, forceful speaker, a. Miss Jane Laird, MisR Marian Haws,
Sunday services: lllan of especially attractive manner,: Miss Eleanor Wilson, Miss Dorothy THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST
• ~1.45. Sunday School. who will certainly delight all who Durbin, Miss Mildred Harris, Miss
11.00. Public worship. Sermon by desire to hear the Gospel message. Huth Haws, Miss Virginia Downes,
the pastor. Singing by the chorus Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. Prayer and; Miss Huth Joues, Miss Augusta With-
choir. praise serviee. The Helping Hand' erow. Miss Jean Justice and Miss ER- We also carry a complete line of W rit-
6.45. Epworth League. Speaker, ('1asR will have full charge. Mr. J.: telle Cohic.
:.'\lr. Edward Pedriek. W. Shinn will be the leader. This
ing Paper, Correspondence Cards
7.45. Organ recital llY l\~iss Wentz. will he an important meeting. We MiRs Helen Duff entertained a num- and Writing Tablets
S.OO. Gospel song servIce led by invite you to be present. her of friends at her home on Satur-
dlUreh ehorus choir. Hearty, help- The Everv Member Canvass last day evening. The guests included
ful congregational singing. Stirring I SUllday afte~noon was a great suc-, l\!iss M~delin.e McCoy, ~1iss .Margaret Phones, Narberth 625 and 1284
address by the pastor. Strangers I cess. Twenty-six members were en- F"yr,e. Mlld:cd Harns. 1\lIs.s Agnes
welcome always. , I
gaged in the work of calling. peo-. no~e. MI~s MarIan !rotter, MISS Jane
Hecltal. pie abRent from home when the vlsi- LaIrd, MISS Ruth DIamond, Mr. Henry
The fifteen minute organ recital by I tors called as well as the visitors: Howes, Mr. Gilder. J~coby. Mr.. Chas.
Hl'a.tin~ Arl'li;lIh.':I..·~
:.'\1iss Wentz was greatly enjoyed ~un-: themselves will receive a visit later.! MeCarter: Mr. WIlham Har:ls, Mr. R. W. CASE (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
day evening. The newly orgamzed I The impulse of this concerted move- i Frank Wmne, ~1r. Gerard Enghsl.l..Mr.
chorus sang . . The recitals I,men t WI'11 reurn
splcndidly t a bessmg
l' t 0 th e.I DSchuyler
I' Enghsh and Mr. WIlham Electrical Contractor SLATE AND TIN ROOFER
104 Forrest ATeDue
and song .services '~i11 b; continued I church of spiritual strength and ag-: ur Jill. 242 HAVERFORD AVE. Jobbing a SpecIalty. Narberth, P..
eaeh evenmg at 7.4;:,.
I 111mI ret1 pe~pI e were presen t a nd ev - I
Nearly one. gressiveness.
The Ushers' Association will hold· Mr. and Mrs.
ery effort w111 be. made IJY past~r and its annual banquet at the Y. M. C. tain,eil thE.' Mary Marthas on Friday
John Van Ness enter-
Rerairil1J.,:" Tl:'ll'r honc

Iloward F. Cotter
officials to sustam the popularIty of I A. Mondav evening, April 17. Dr. W. ev~ning. ~mong. those ~resent were
these happy Snnday evenings. H 1\1' . Ph'l d I hi
. ,am.
il b th MISs Sydllle Bohch. MISS DorothY
I a e p. a, w l e e Durbin, Miss Edith Humphreys. Miss CLEAN---SAFE--·WHOLESOME 'MEATS of
,\ U, SAI~'rS' P. };. CUURCn. speaker. PreparatIons are being i Agnes Rose, Miss l\ladeline McCoy, l~.l
made for an even larger attendance! Miss Dorothy WilRon, Miss Eleanor OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
He'f. J\ 11Ilrl'w S. Rurk..., Hector.

The services at All Saints' P. E.

Churcl1. Montgomery and Wynnewoo(l
than last year.

X};Enl,RWORK Grn.n.
The next meeting of the l'\eedlework I
I Brown, Mis~ Marjorie Warner, Miss UNDER BAC IERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
Mildred Harris, Miss EstelLe Cohic
and Miss Helen Duff.

avenucs, for next Sunday are as fol- Guild will he held in the l'\arberth Y.: Mrs Henry Hose, of WoodsHle ave- (Pedrlalic Society)

Pasteurized Milk I
Brynclovi.. Certllied WEST PilILA.
George B. Suplee
Steam & Hot Water Heating
lows: ]\f. C. A. on Wednesday, April 12. at: nue, entertained the Thimble Cluh on Special "Guernsey" MERION Plumbing
8.00 A. :rvr. Holy Communion. 2.30 P. M. The society is now working Wednesday afternoon. Milk WYNNEFlELD
9,45 A. M. Sunday school. Bell Telephone.
for the Red Cross Society and it is: (Roberls·&Sharpless· BALA-CYNWYD
11.00 A. 1\1. :Morning prayer with hoped all members will come if pos-· A scientist statos that fully two- Dairies) NARBERTH
sermon. sihlf'. thirds of a woman's pleasures in lifo Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE MA Y I PROVE.
3.00 P. 1\1. Confirmation instruc- )Jrs. A••T. I,oos. . are derived from her ability to glted Table :and Whipping WYNNEWOOD T
tions. Secretarv. i tears at will. Cream. 1 a you what an advantage it is

At .

WH~I;~Od~~~~~J~;:J#:~:~:th~~~: a:~~ ~~~u~~r; Iscon-POWEL~ DAIRIES t~::~~~~t~:::::~:~"

4.00 P. M. Evening prayer.
Last Sunday, the Rev. A. D. Heff-
ren, Professor of Languages at the
Philadelphia Divinity School, ha(l II
charge of the services during the ab-
sence of the rector.
The Wednesda~- and Friday Lenten WHY CLEAN SILVER \~Tith salt and soda devices that in a II 45th and ParrIsh Sts. I Telephone-Narberth 368.
services will be omitteil until further short time give a dead, lusterless ap- EDWARD HAWS
notice. pearance to the silver and often make it necessary to have I I PI t de
All Saints' Guild held the regular it replated? I Try a Pound of as er an ement Work
meeting for April at the residence ; Estimates Furnished Jobbing
of the Misses Shand in Nal'lJerth last WHY CLEAN SILVER With U·Kan-Plate Silver Polish (label HOME-MADE FUDGE I .
Monday afternoon. April 3ril.
The church choir is preparing a
blue) that positively does NOT wear
away the surface-that does NOT blacken the hands-that H E DAVIS HARRY B· WALL
special musical program for Easter. actually RESISTS the l·eturn of tarnish, keeping the silver •• PI b· G F' t·
The Sunday school is getting larg~r bright, and saving labor-that makes the silver wear longer urn mg, as It mg
every Sunday. and it is hoped you -that is very sanitary and clean to use? and Heating
will asl, any children who do not at-
tend Sunday school to come up to All NARBERTH, PAl

A ~S~UT~'!?s~A GEO. ~ W. J. MARKLE

Saints' next Sunday morning at 9.45. Buy a Bottle, 2Sc, or Can, SOc, To-day!
Church 'busses leave Wynnewood
and !'\arberth stations at 10,40 on Finest Photoplay The-
Sunday morning. Dept. Stores or Imperial Grocery Co., Narberth, PaI' atre 01 Its Size In the
Entire World.
THE PHE8RfTERIAN CHlJRCR. A. R. JUSTICE CO.• Makers. 612 Chestnut Street
Photoplay..-ConUnunu!I 10 A. M. 10 11.30
P. M. Select Dairies
H.-v••Tohn Van Xesll, lIlnlster.
I:::=======~====::::=========::::===::::::::=== Program Entire
Phil&.. Pa.
Week Commencing
Spel,lnl Nursery Milk in Paper Car.
Meetings for next Sunday:
10 A. M. Sunday school. The NARBERTH FIRE COMPANY ~loJldll)',
Allril lid, 19i('. I
ton Filled at Penhurst Farm.
Triangle PreRents the D. W. Griflith Bell PJlOne-Narbertll 669 D. .
Easter music will be rehearsed under Production, Featuring The Popular 100 N b
the direction of Prof. W. T. Melchior. }Inke )'our 1I11l1liCOUOll for contributing membcrshJll to.dll)'. Cost, $3.00 per Jellr and Always Interesting star ar erth Avenue
11 A. M. Public worship. In con- ]1)' thJs meuns the COlli pun)' is sUPllOrted, kellt Ull to stundurd, and Cl'er)" DOUGLASS l~AlRBANKS NARBERTH P
nection with this meeting the Sacra- owner of Ilropert)·, or owner of housellOhl goo(ls gets 11l'otectJon from serious In a Play Built Upon Optimism ' A.
ments of Baptism and of the Lord's
"The Habit of Happiness" ~;R;;~N'S
loss lind benefits b)' lower insurunce rutes.
Supper will be observed, and there
will be a public reception of new
Cut this coupon out, fill In 1ID11 mltll to alll)' one of the membership com. B
mittee or to BOX 2. Story of an Idler who Sueceeds in Ob- READ,
III embers.
7 P. 1\1. Young People's Meeting. taining Wealth and a Beautiful Wife ROLLS PIES AND CAKES
Because of His Cheerfulness '
Leader, Edyth Humphreys.
S P. M. Evening worship with Xltl'berth, })o•.•................ 191 .. Prices-Daily, 15c; evenings, 25c. Sat-
urdays and HolidaY8, Evening Prices b The Impcfl"al rroccry
sermon by the pastor on the theme: Prevail After 1 P. M. - _
"With Christ at Bethany." ~'o the ~ltrberth }'Jre Co.
Church Notes. I)OS'f O}'}'ICE NOTES.
Special meetings are being arrang- 'l'he undersigued ltl1lllies for Dlembershlp iu the KAUnt;uTlI The postmaster is required to place
ed for the Lenten season. Next Wed·
nesday evening the Rev. Sydney S. The Real Estate Man at I
the box rent due notice in each rented
box on tbe 20th of the last month at
Conger, of the Presbyterian Church Signllture of AllllUeltnt............................•........... 114 Woodside Ave" each quarter for the succeeding
of Bryn Mawr, will preach on "The MIl be pleased to assist you in get· quarter's rent. Those renters who
Seven .Words from the Cross," On l)rollOsed by ................•............................ ting a home. have- loek boxes will receive their
Good Friday night Dr. John B. Laird, Telephone-Narbertb 685 A. notices enclosed In an envelope with
Moderator of the Synod of Pennsyl- ])UES $3.00 I)};n YEAR IN ADVAKCE. the request that the amount of the
vania, will preach. rent be placed In the envelope with
Rehearsals are being held by the
chorus for tlte music on Easter Sun- ME]IBEnSIUP COMMITTEE. Niesen's Bakery the notice and deposited in the post
office drop box, the same as a letter.
day morning. NARBERTH ARCADE This request is made of the lock box
Miss Mary Gara will entertain the J. HOWARD WILSON CHAS. V. NOEL BUILDING renters for the purpose of minimizing
Young Ladies' Bible Class at which EDW. WIP}' E. P. DOL]) Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies, the annoyance of making change at
she is a member at her home on Next busJness meeting of CompouJ' }'ebruor)' 29, 1916. Have your IIpplJ. candy. lee Cream the window and waiting for the re-
next Thursday evening. I cation In before tJlllt dote. OUR l)nESE~T AIM Is a MEMBERSHIP O}' DOO•• CATERING FOR PARTIES ceipt.
~ AHBElt'l'I-[. PA.-( lUll TOWK-AI>I~IJ..,j 6. IH16
=========1============ Moving Furniture and Hauling! NOTICE I :H va.; rOl;U WAST};
IF IT'S TO BE BI\D IN A Automobiles for Passenger Service -- II
William C. Redfield, secretary of
. h T' Wh 0 d d [ The law requires that there shall the Department of Commerce Wash-
be advertised in a local paper names ington, D. C., has sent out n~tices to
Drug Store 'AL TON BROS N 19 t TIPS en r ere
of all persons having paid tax on be displayed in the lobbies of all post
_w: '=================.===========~P~h~o=n=e~,=N:;a~rb;e=r;th~6;7;21
-::==n===~== their
must dog and receiving
be worn a tag which,
on the dog. shortagecalling of raw attention to the
material for serious

Wm. W. Akers. facturing paper. This Includes 01(1
H. Buchanan, A. 'V. Brockmeyer, papers and rags. He urges that the
WIll. H. Benjamin, Samuel B. Bow- department should make it known

Has It "Every one can spen d money; most peo-

man, Rezo Brooks. 111at the collecting and saving of rags
Charles Caldwell, A. A. Chalker, aud old paper would greatly better
\\'. G. CUIllmer, C. H. Churchill, W. existing conditions for American
ple can make It; only a few know how to H. Carmint, W. H. Cohic, W. Cowen. manufacturers. What becomes of all
At The save it. The difference between the prosper-
H. Davis. Carroll Downs, Kennedy the olel paper? About 15,000 tons is
Duff, Elliott Dodge. manufactured every day, of different
ous and the poor is largely a difference in K P. Flannery, Dr. C. T. Faries, kinds. A large proportion of this
Right Price willingness or ability to save..,
W11I. F. Fielden, H. R. Felton. could be used over again for som.e
'If. B. Goodall, Guyan G. Gray, Geo. class of paper. A little attention to
II. Gifford. the saving of rags and papers will
Why not teach your children to save?
Phone, Narberth 1267 We can help you. We have home saving
Lewis Hatton, 'N. F. Hodges, F. mean genuine relief to our paper in-
H. Harjes, Jr., H. G. Hamer, ChBs. dustry, and a diminishing drain up our
- - - - - - - - .. _--------
-~--_ Humphreys, H. R. Hillegas, E. J. Hal sources of supply for new materials.
banks. By depositing a dollar you will re- lahan. It may he dispos.ed of to anyone
DR. W. M. CAMERON ceive a bank. Put your savings in it at home, Havmond Jones Korman Jeffries dealing in paper and rags, or given
Dent;ist; when you have saved a dollar or more bring it
John·R. Johnson, 'E. C. Jacoby, 1".
Justice, H. A. Jacobs.
M: ~ to any charitable organization which
!~olleets. suc.h. matter, so that it finds
202 Narberth Avenue Ii to us, we will give you a pass- book. Your Charles E. Kreamer, Adolph Kuy- I ts wa) back to the paper manufac-

;::;h Fish I 'VENING

money will then draw interest; Start Now!
Narberth Office, Arcade Building
lensgat. Jolin S. Ketchum, Eric Krell, i turers.
.J. R. Kernan, Wm. Kirl"
Richard Lacy. Samuel Laird, A. L
Lamhert. A. O. Leighton.
W. J·I

Ellwnrll S. IInws,

1. Jr. r. A. Board of Directors.

An.d Oysters A. H. Mueller, E. A. lVIuschamp, 0.\ H.. S. Hopper. president; C. E.
S. Mellor. Frederick MoeI', Will. J. Kreamer, vice president; R L. Beatty,
Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday Eve- l\JUlholla~1(I. Wm. 1\1ann, C. H. MCCal'-!secretarr; D. D. Stickney, treasurer;
THE IMPERIAL GROCERY nings, 7 to 9. tel'. Daniel J. McGarry. .J. W. Mc- IG. 1\1. Henry, J. S. Harris, E. S. Haws.
Allliffe. W. S. McClellan, J. W. Me- IDr. R. C. Hoffman, W. D. Smedley, E.
IE. Seaver, Carrol Downes, G. H. Gif-
How t"l
IllUCll better il Is
!ttll hy a ~ulY firc-!oidc aud think
Jos. II. :'\a:-;h, Robert ,T. Nash, J. If('rd. ,T. B. Esenwein. T. C. Trotler, C.
hllw I11lh:h heller it i:'o to ~it h\' a
E. Xillecker. in. McCarter, T. n. Coggeshall, A. J.
ruuf. dC3l1il1f,t thl! snnw off. think- =~=~....-~=~=~'":":'=====-~~:=~==-:-:-------­ Dr. A. L. Orr.
~n~y fin.. -.:'idc than to he on ihe
;Loos, Franl, Stone. J. G. Walton, 1.
inlot' hllw mudl ht.'tter it l!o to he I
sittinj.t' hy a 4.:oz,· fire-side than
4.:kanhl)t the ~nnw off the rouf.
. PATENTS ,Tos. Parke, W. D. Price. T. F. Phil· i1 '. Ward, Vernon Fleck.
hnJ out if that iJea of yours is ratental'I,.. It lips. F. L. Padget, I". l!:. Patlon, H.: Board of lUaungers•
may lTll'an rnw:h to you. No trolll'lc to ;:111s\\'~r I G P
we ARC
s~ow O~tR5 Rt ....
• ,..O.L[_",_[XTFI",CTOP<;i
quest""". eillwr I': ",ali. pl\<lne or per""'''1 ",- . arl,el.. . Wm. Pugh. I'
Ip a) ,Xlg.llt-·-lI.
.. , .
C. Gara, financial
G1\Ri\. McGINLEY <:!0.
Rooferr.;_ 2;) SOUTH 17TH STREET
ternew. I A. P. Redifer. P. L. Heed. ,Jl1annger.
FOSTER AND WEBSTER H. G. f;,wille. W. E. Speal,man. W I Tuesday :'\ight-A. G. MacKenzie,
Suite 631-1011 Chesll1ut Street D. Smedle,;-. Harry Street, Willlan. rpligio\H-; and educational work man-
Frank C~ist Bell Phone, Walnut 1564. Selfridge. G. n. Sheldon, C. 1". Shoe-' agel'.
maker. Wednesllay Xight-House manager.
MEATS & PROVISIONS XARBl:U'fH CIVIC ASSOCIATIOS. ~tephen Tasker. Thursllay Xight--F. W. Stites, so-
The Japanese
Hilth Grade Butter I President-George 1\1 Henry
Vice.Presidents-Augustus J. Laos Witherow. Wm. Wright.
,T. B. Williams. ,T. H. ·Wilson. Jas. P. dal worl;: manager.
Friday :o.:ight-F. n. Rainear (re-
Telephone-Narberth 644 A
FJowering I
A. C. Shand, Dr. O..J. Snyder.
Secretary.Treasurer-Sam'l T. Ath.
'j .Jeff Yowell, Charles Yocum.
Dr. ·Wm. 7.entmeyer.
~ignell). memb.ershi P manager.
. Saturday :'\ight-R. G. Savill. athlet-
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE Cherry Trees erholt.
Directors-"\\'. Arthur Cole, Mrs.
Geo. lTrquardt.
A. G. MacKenzie.
11' managpr.
O. L. Hampton. execntive secretan'.
Prime Meats Am~ 'J'IIE )IOST A'l''l'IUCTIYE O}' A. C. Shand, Fletcher W. Stites, Milton Townsend. Alex. ChaIllhley. (It. ~ECESSITY
Home DresseJ Poultry', Butter. El=:'~"; an~t GatnL-, '\'m. D. Smedley. Robt. H. Durbin, K Cameron. J. V. Laird. Albert S.
ran,,' FlIlil anJ Vel!etal'!t·s. "A STORE FOH AI,), onXAJn:X'J',\I, TRn:s. Mrs. Geo. 1\1. Barrie. E. A., Smith. .Joe Donohoe. H. S. Getz. '
'J'HEY Am~ Ol'l{ 1'OW~'S TUE};S. .Tohn B. Williams Mrs. C. R. Blackall. Cle\'elanll Yowell, George Baree, ' The father of a family presented
Telephone. NARBERTH, PA. E. S. Haws. H. C. Gara, James Art. Mrs.l<;ndnll1an. GOll.Butiom. EllwllU,I: himself at an emigration office, an"
$t:!;; I~nrb. a to 4 ft. high. man, E. P. Dold. A. E. Wohlert, Mrs. Sieldes, Lew Hess. Isaak Block. J. H. 'asked for tickets.
H. C. FRITSCH t2 Tre('s, $I:!, :I 104ft. high. Edwin C. Towne. ,Jeffries..J. S. Diamond. Ca 1'1 Newhor~, "How many are you?" inquired cne
ProperUes For Rent and Sale 2;; 'I'rees iur $211, :~ to 4 ft. h.igh. I Ra)' Jone~. Horace 1\1. Schell. C. W. agent.
Fire Insurance TI1l' sUlll,lr is limited. Orllel' 1I0W
1l0JU;STIC RA'l'ES Ot' POSTAGE I Heritage. ,Tad,'s Friend. S. W. Fos- "Three-myself. wife and child."
Bell Phone 852 W. United States, Canada, two cents'" tel'. "Your ag,e and profession?" went on
if wnlltell. an the clerk.
Wall BuildIng. Narberth, P.. ounce, 1irst-elass. Magazines and ''I've J'ust turned thl'rty,' profess'Ion.
newspapers one cent for each four LEG}:~DS 01' ~ATIO~AL E~mLElIIS.
Nan.Splashing Pasiti"
Apple Trees
ounces or fraction.
t'oreign Countries. Most people are acquain ted with the'
"Three of
my wife, a needlewoman."
yon, you said?" inquired
Oaick Acting Shut.Otl I: Reg. U. S. Pat. Offi ee Have fresh frnit by picking your England, Ireland, Scotland and legend of St. Patrick and the sham- the man. "What about the child-sex
Recommended an~ In· !
stall. OUler Countries.
"-- "-1 Pat. own. anI' trees will bear the same Wales, two cents an ounce, first-class. rock, which has given Irishmen their and age?"
~ duu
special decoration. In somewhat simi- "Boy; seven months."
ed by t8, '12 year as planted.
All as Savill's Five cents first ounce; three cents lar manner most nations have equip- "Profession?"
S 10 HI it. hig'h, well "rauehell for each addition ounce first-class ped themselves with a symbolical The father's eyebrows were raised
"Ium· Sons $2.;;0 to $:~.;;O ench
bera ·14 Wallace St. mail. !\ewspapers and printed mat- plant to which is generally attached 0 mUch that they almost formed Goth-
tel', one cent for each two ounces or a legend. ie arches on his forehead.

NOW IS TBE TIME TO Oriental Planes fraction.

I I'm'eels I'ost to All l'oreign Countries.
' Scotsmen are said to owe their sym-
hoI of a thistle to the fact that when agent.
"His profession, I say?" repeated the

to to 12 ft. higll, $1.;;0 finch Twelve cents per pound, limit a party of invading Danes were ap- The astounded father paused just a
Buy a Home :!O trees for
12 to It H. high,
$2.00 ench
ele\'en pounds. Ship all parcels,
foreign and domestic, by parcels post.
proaching the slumbering camp in moment lon~er wondering where rell
the darlmess, one of them trod on the tape would stop; then, as if inspired.
Before Prices Advance Safe nlHI rell'allle, rates low. pnc,
. II Y tlllstle,
. all(I announced his he said:
20 trees lor $:IiJ.OO
l~llwnrll S. Jlnw~. Postmaster. contact with it In rather loud tones, "Bachelor!"
CALDWELL & CO. Special Prices 011 largeL· IlunllUtles which awal,ened the Scots, who drove 1 ., --.------.
off the enemv ! British eyeSIght tests reqUIre men to
ont 'J'UEE8 calOW. l'08T OH'IC}; NOTES. Patriotic W~lshmen decorate their llist~np;uish (:ol~rell lights the size of
The Imperial Tailor Co. Stamps are on sale of every de-
IlftIllinatlon from one cent to fifteen
caps with a leek on St. David's Day a PlIl.head U teet. away.before they

Charles Schwartz Norway Maples cents. except eleven and fourteen;

a Iso a plentifnl supply of postal cards.
1 tl t . t .
leC~l1Se la sa~n IS suppose
d t h a r e lJcensed to pIlot mall streamers
adnsed the Britons on the eve of a
0 ave on the Atlantic.
AND ft. 10 to 12 high, $2.00 ('nell stamped envelopes and newspaper hattle with the Saxons to wear leeks
The Narberth Tailoring Co. -------------_._--
Wish to announce that their tai-
12 to H H. hil-t'h. $:1.110 l'adl wrappers.
Prices of stamped em'elopes:
in their caps so as to distinguish
easily friends frotl1 foes.
loring eSlablishment
25 lc envelopes $ .25 England has always been famed
100 lc envelopes 1.10 for her roses, but the adoption of the
Will Close Every Evening at 25 2c envelopes........ .5::1 I
7 o'Clock ; - - - - - - - - - - - - -.........
OUR TOWN will gladly print
100 2c euvelopes 2.10
rose as the national symbol does not'
seem to have taken pl~ce till Edward: Build Up Your Home
Anyone wishing to do business with thelll
after. thaI hour can do ~o unly by speCial any news Item about nny subject GOT IllS ~IONEY'S WORTH. I IV.Theintroduced it on his seal.
traced I
lily of France has been J)OIl't forget that this is n com·
appolllllllen t. that Is of Interest to Narberth OIuui1)· of home mnkers nnd horne
"D rI d to \'ery early times. but probably
folks, but In order to meet
the printing sehe4ule, all "copy"
. 0 you
bought Interesting?" I
n that set of books you owes its adoption to the Franl,s at the
"Not very," confessed the man wh hattle of Tolbiac, who crowned them-
keepers nnd thnt one of YOUR
l'lOS'l' mpORTA~T DUTIES is to
keep it so.
tries to Improve himself. "But I'~ selves with lilies after the battle.
-manuscripts-must rench the You cnu aid materially by do·
G.OO-All points. editor by G P. 1'1. l'Iondny enclJ iug your shollpillg and marketing
6.30-Philadelphia. week. feel better about it If the man who H's sometiJl\es easier to settle down ,,·ith the ndl'ertisers In this paper.
G.50-All points. comes aroun d to collect were as g·:>o d
nn entertainer as the one who sold than it is to settle up.
9.00-Local West.
10.34-All points. me the books."
11.50-All points. ..,------~---_.~.........,....,---------
12.29-Local West.
1.34-All points.
:l.29-Local West. Every citizen of Narberth who is inter-
5.04-All points. ),OW IU.TES CHARGEIl
6.29-Local West.
ested In the move to have Essex Avenue cut To remit $2.;;0 or any smaller sum, will cost hut 3 cents
Departure through under the railroad, should stop at 0.00 l) "
9.00 A.M. East all points. 10.00 8
10.34 Local West.
once in Caldwell &: Co.'s office and sign the 100.00 30
11.59 - Phila. and all pointIJ. petition for this good cause. Tnter'mediate HU1llR at pruportionately low l'alp-s. Same !c(>s tor retnltlnnces to u nurnb("r
ot (orel,;n countries.
12.30 - All points. Ir order I" lo"t. n. dupllcntc will he pronlptl~' Issued upon nppllcntlon ther"for
1.34 P.M. Local West. Over one hundred and Iilty BIlmes have Orders Pllid Ilt G2.000 POMt otnees (Including branches Ilntl stations I
ahm at otherR In nil pllrts of the world.
III the United 'Slates

3.18 All points. already been placed on the list. ' About 86 ~'"nr "nded .Tune 30. 1911.
mllll.on Po"tal Or.Jers wpre I"sll"d durIng the IIsenl
Rlnountlng to o,er $687.700.000. PrncUcnllr no risk and nO loss. Renllttnnces received tn
4.34 Local West. \ th!~ wny nre convenIent tor mcrchll.nts. publishers. scedsmen. tm~urnnce conlpanles, etc.
6.59 Phila. and all points. I he Postmll"ter or Carrl"r will furnish other Informatlon desired nbout Monel' Orders.

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