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cents pel' lliate. All housekeepers know

that tllcir own snppers at hOllle ar(l
1\1 on' l'xpensh-e than that in theso
tim"s of H. C. or L, COllle allrl klloel(
Betty Baxter's Gossip NASH, OF THE NARBERTH
the H. ollt of the H. C, of L.
Cake, Candy and Miscellaneous Tableh
an Added Attractioll, To the Erlitor of Onr Town: planting ill park". 011 highways, boulo·
vards allll par1<wa~'s, ill alld about
All ,VI' who like hOllle-lllade ,'ake llll<l Then' are sl','eral 1Il0"ements on foot schools, puhlie buildings allu on college
('andy take notice! l\ot ollly will )'(,.:1 to establish a fitting memorial in honor ('alllll1lses in honor of those who gave
\w gi"en the opporhlliity to partake of' the ?\arherth boys who ha\'l~ ~i,·eu thl'ir all for their homes aJlll their coun-
of this dl'lieious supper, 1>ut ~'Oll wi11 Uu,ir lives to defeat autocracy. All of
han' the adrled opportullity of 1>uyill~ thpse movelllents sllOlIld he hrollght I t has heen deal', too. for SOllie timo
soml' home-mlllIe calw all,l "llllc1~', a real under II ('entral eOlllmittee as S("'11 as that Ih" countr~' is decidedl)' illlpatient
tr,'at. A miseellaneous tahle is al~o 1111 possihll' ~o as to enlist the serd('r's oj' with th,' general average of the soldier
1I0ulIC'ed. '1'he cOlltellt~ of that tahle ar~ ,wl'ry organ ir.ation in the horough. IIIr'morials that sprang np e,'eQ'\\,here
a mystpry to the writer, but yOIl are
........ -._~..:-: ... --_.,-----_._- - THE Narberth Guard onCan'ful thought shonld be bestowe,1 an .. r the Ci,:jl 'Var. 'fhe least. said
urged to cOll1e if for 110 other rea SOli the plaee, the kind aud the sir.e of
drills every Thursday sneh [I melllorial, and if it cOllies rlown ahout the most of them the better. So,
Y. M. C, A, Annnal Meeting a thall to get the pick of the ulII(J)own
arti~lcs that will he for sale 011 that evening in the Fire House, to a shaft or a drinking fountain or a
as th" hetter thought lHevails and there
is a dpmancI everywhere for pause anll
7.45 to 8.45
Ronsing Snccess tahle.
Gpt ~'our tickets at the Y, ~r. C, A.
tahlet of some kind, thc design should
he a'\'lIrelerl to thl' winner of' a (,O!ll-
jlldgllleut in s('leetillg the kind of me·
'.lIorial tha,t will meet the neeus of tho
ollieI' 01' from a melllher of thl' "'oman '" Thanksgiving ])a~' was Donation Day petition. The undersigned has no hour, the immediate desire to do some-
Auxiliary hefore Thurs,la~' if possihle, ,Iou bt t hn t stH'h a memorinl could he
TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY at the Bryn :Ma\\'I' Hospital. thing at once can. well take the form of
hnt the important thillg is to eOllle on made n. c0Jl1l1etition ill one of the ad-
THRONG THE GYMNASIUM TO tl'l'e 11lantirlg. For ~\'er a generation
Thursda~' eVl'lIillg. Tir'kl'1s \rill 1>1' 011 In- vancerl ela~ses of the Departlllent of
FOUXD-Sil\'t'r lillk hraeel"t. most of us have he en familiar with the
HEAR MR. BRADEN. sale at the rloor for those ullahle to Arehiteeturo at the Unh'ersity of
quin' at Post Om,'e, A rhor Day idea, llIid it will he "cry
seeure them pr(,,'ious to th" suppl'r, l'elllls~'lvanin, and so produce something
pasy to direct this vital idea into Dew
:"ot within the last j'l'ar has Ihe Y. CIlPster H. Smith ha>' returne,1 1I0n1l' artisti .. as wl'lI as useful. ('hann~1s ;~allcd for hy the proposed sol·
~r. C. A. capacitj' for seating a ,~rowd TAXPAYERS LOSE FIGHT from Ollieers' Train ing en IIIp. At the sallie time that suggestions for
,li"rs' Ulelllorials, tree groups and Jill'-
heen so o,'ertaxed as it \l'as last ~[on, ON WATER COMPANY, n memorial arc being brought fo 1'\\':1 1'<1,
morial a"enues.
day evening, when ~Ir. George 'V,. FOUKD-A carll "olltailling some it should not be forgottc:n that Xar Curiously enongh, .Joyce Kilmer, one
Braden told an enthusiastie town gath- Public Service Conmlission Dismisses Thrift. Stamps is at th" Post Ollicc l}('rth has alren,l)' started a custom of .the .militant poets who gave up their
ering of his experiencl's overseas in whieh seems to he more appreciated out-
Complaints of Increased Charges. awaiting identification, li",'s for their country, eddcntly hnd a
France and Italj' with tlIP Y. ::\L C. A. si,le thl' horoul!h thall by her OWII cit-
prelllOnitoQ' sense that the tree WIlS to
Space does not permit full .iustice to , ir.r'ns, I mean the tl'ee planting for
EFFECTS )11'. and )[rs. Franr·is II. Baker. of fign 1'1' more largely and emotionally in
he done to his address. Those who wem 'Vindsor a,-enue, have been notified of IIIl'n in the sen-icc. Anll'ri,'an life. And it would he Jit-
unable to attend had hl'st ask their tllC safe arri\'al of th"ir son, Sergeant Then' has bl'en pl'ellared by the Ci"ic ting, thprefore, if, whereYer the treo
'fIll' Puhlie S('rvi,'" ('Olllillissioll in Assoeiation a beautifal 'Charter which
neighbor who did attend to tell SOJl1(\ AncIr"w A, Baker, OH'rscas, memorials to our wl,liers anel sailors
sessioll at 1I1lrrishurg ill u hripj' order will he hung shortly in II public pla"l',
.of the details of Mr. Braden's exeiting' h" Sl't up, there .should appear ill im-
disllliss"ll thp eomplaints of t1l(' l'ightl'l'lI 011 this Charter appear the name of the
and interesting experienees. The '''fhank Bo).:ps" whil'1\ are h~­ I"'rishahlp h~onr.e his lovP1y trihute that
horou!!hs and townships ill th,· metro- lIIan. the arm of tile s('r"ice he enter-
J\fr. Stites presidell /lllll a,ldl',l to the ing' made for 'lishihlltioll in :'\arherth makes til<' trpps, as it were, hrothers tu
politan distrid ontsidl' \·1Iilari<'lphia. I'd, th" dOll 01' of the tree planted ill his
interl'st of the o('easion hv Ilis illtrodu'" will not he ready for at h'ast another 11)(' hertl!'s t111'i I' grl'('nery will commem-
fi"'d aga i n~t the Spri IIglh-ld ('on~ol i,la t' honor, llllri thl' tillle plant<'ll as well lb
tiOIlS and stories. . week. orate. 11 rtlllS as follows:
e<1 'Vater COIlIpan~' IWl'ausl' of its ill' lor'a tion of tllC tl'pe. If the hoy has
)Iiss Cross as thl' le:lll"r of the sing-
erl'ased rates for fire protedion. ginll his life for his country a gold
illl! helperl greatly to make the gatlH'r, )[iss Ada ClaytOJ' sp"n t t1l,' \Vl'pk en,1 I think that I ;;ha'lI lIe,'cr sel'
The deeision ends foul' ~'''ars "I' 1'011-
iIlg enthusiastic in spite of the pOtH
·trOyC'rRy 0,'(11' 'the rates allti ~t'r\'i('l~ uf in Bethlehem a~ ·~h·.' glH"t o~ ,rl'~. star is placed before his name. All :\ pOI'm 10\'('1," a~ a tree.
location of the piano, All of tlH'se men:
the cOlll'pany. Consumers he;!an litigll- George Rau, former1~' ~riss )fary Mel- appropriat" platp l'all hI' pla('eel 011
tioned desl'T\'e a vot" of thanks from ('hoiI'. tllP tn'e it~plf i!i\'ing further detaik
tion in the Courts and later the case :\ tree "'hose hungry mouth is prest
tllose in attendancc for their willillg- Alreaely in Xarllrook Park anel at tI\I'
was ('aniI'd to the Puhli" :-;I'r\'i,'" COlli' "\gaillst. th" earth's swer't flowing
ness to help. ~1"tho,list Church have trees hePII
missioll, the complaints then heing Be sur" to g"t your ti,'k"t ear1~' for hr"ast;
Annual Meeting of Members Follows the pla~', "The Oxford Atl'air," 'rh,' pl:1l1t"ll. Oth,'r tre"s arc being plautI'd
hasl',l on dOllll'sti,' ScI''' i(',' ra It's, A h~- illcliyielu:1ls so that in time eyer)'
This Public Meeting. valua t ion of the propprty was ask"d 1'01' proeeeds will he IIsl'd j'or ;Juuior n,',1 h"." \rill hI' relllelllher",1. A t rep t ha t looks a t God all rlay
anti the most eOlllpletl' surn'~' of :1 Cross \I'ork. Rellleml"'r the ,Inll', n,,· Alld lifts 11<'1' ll'afy arms to pray;
'Vith sixh'l'll Dirl'..tors ali<I all ""ual ~1I,'h a "IIStOlll is not only a heautiflll
nUlllber of 1I1emhers pn'sellt. tlJ(' aI"· water eompan)' lmown in the' country " ..III her 28. 0111' as far as hOlloring our hOYs, both
,\ t re'p that ma~' in SUIllmel' Wl'ar
nual ml'etillg' proeel'rh',1 ~\'ith its r"g- fo11owell. those who han' ,lil',l all,1 those "'ho
HOllie Bake an<1 l'r:ll·ti,'al :\lIIas Gifts ,\ IIr·~t of rohins in llPr hair;
ular ordl'r of husiness. 'fhe chief point The result was a decision h,\' the Com-
SaIl' (to-day) Saturday, \)eeellll}('r 7th, 1i n', hll t it is a last ing r'ustom whieh
mission some months ago h~' w1lir'h th,)
of diseussion was the possihility or not
only raising a suhscription hn(lg<'t of company was allO\yell to ohtain a 7 per
a 11 da~', hy the "T
olllan 's Community will go far to mal,l' 0111' to\l'1I a hett"r
pIa,'" to 1i,'e in.
('pon \I'hosl' hosolll sno\\' has lain;
Cluh of Xarherth. to he helrl in the "a- Who illlirllat"I~- li"es with rain.
$;"i,OOO fOl' 1919, but the clearing of the cent. profit on its in\'l'stmellt. This LPl liS thprC'fon' tal, .. h01,[ of thi"
('alit ~Iore, Y. ~r. c. A. hlo('1<, Ha"l'rfor<1
"II ti f(' ,Il'ht of the Associatioll llllri a meant a re,lul'1ion of :\:l~!:, 1"'1' ,'"nt. in r'usl<111I alre:llly starh'd au,l s"e to it
a '"("11\H', P''''II1S are IlIacII' hy fools like lIle,
possihll' "xtension of our building ~Oll­ dOlllestir' I'nh's. that uot :1 hoy is forgottl'lI, all,1 \\'h"I'1 Hili 0111,\' Gn,1 e[ln'mal<e a trpe. '
,"rll ipJ1('C':->. The {:olllmbsion, h,)\n'""r. alloted a ~1"1111}('rs of the S"l'holllOrl' Class '.\ ill th,'~' "Ollie haek allll rpn<1 o,'er the
~Ir, 1', Xrwl Buth'r lU' ehainllan, with s'pecifil'd SUIII as an pquitahl" n'tnl'n t,) ""r'or,] nil th .. Charter l..t uone h,' 5:1,1,
.~i\'l· a play for th" .hlllior n.. cl ('r<,~s Let's all gd to;..(pthl'l' l\ll,l ~ee thut
H,,\', Fl'1Ink )[, Gray, Hey. A""r\' S, the ('olllpany for fire protection and fixed oI,'II"cl It~- seeillg no Illent ion ma,le nf
on SatuJ'(ln~~ f'\'l~Tling, DCt'Plllher ~~. I'\· .. r~-
hoy i~ listed on th" 'Charter. One
DelllJll,v. :Mr. H. C. Gal'll allll ~I 1', Clar- the wat,'r rates for all municipalities at. T1Ie Hed Cross ne,.,ls your Iu'lp us lIIu~h his Ilallle. dollur SPilt ttl the Civic Assoeiation en-
ene" L. :1Iretr.g'ar werl' appoint,'ll a eOIll- $7 for eaeh fire h~'<1rant and $:1:\:; a mil,< as ""!'T. ~l'ickets ('an he houg·1It froll' ~1"lIt iOIl of Xarherth's '1'1'<'" Plan1- tit1<-s the selld"r to list on" lIalllC on
mitke to consider the variolls sllgg('s· for all mains ,'onnecting these pIngs. illg has heell gh'ell ill the press of Phii- the Charter. At the same time it con-
t h" Sophomore~,
tions offere'L and report at a suiJtie' 'I'he fin' h~·tlrant rat" was ahont what ad ..lphia, 'Yashingtoll, Baltill101'<' and stilnt"s a plerIge to plant a tree for the
fIuPII t IIlel'tillg of the memhership. th" munit'ipalities had hel'n paying, but Although t11(' eo"t oj' living has a,I, Hir'llIlIollel, .aJHl WI' 1m "I' jllst r",'pi ",',I bo,\", the' lopatioll [In,l ,late planted to
T1H' 1'1eetioll of Directors to fill the, the pipe mill'age ratl' ran the annual "alleerl 20 1"'1' ""nt, in this s"r'lion dur, tlll~ follo\l'illg' 1'1'0111 a I.. tt"r I'l", .. in'd appeal' Oil the Chartl'r.
"I:ll'l' of tllO~e whose terms hall expired hills of the munieipalities up to 800 ing the, past ~'l'ar, ther(' \1'''1'1' many 1'1'0111 l"'ivate Alfr.. rl L. CllttS. Co. A, .JOSEPH H. ?\ ASH,
l'esllltl'r1 in the election of He following anrl as high as lliOO per cent. aho,'e 1hings to 1)(' than1,I'1I1 for Inst Thllr~' ::1+1"h Int':lJltry O\·PI'~llas. :Jllil :tlldl'l,~~pd I'I'"si,lent Ch'ie Association.
for a tl'rlll of three years: William N, 10 ~lrs, CllttS:
former hills. day.
~Iills, Clarence L. Smith, T. Noel But·
The townships of Lowl'r :Merion, Ah- "'Xa I'hpl,t-1I 11111:,,\( llf' f'OIlI(\ plal'p \\"1IPII
leT, William .r. Baile\" F. W. Stite~ UNCLAIMED LETTERS AT NAR-
Geor!!e "T.'Vaidner' allel 'fhomas C:
ington, Cheltenham and Springfielcl,
:\fnntgolllery Count~·; H:l\'erforcl, Upper
Tn lllany respects Rex Beach's thrill-
illg stor~-, "Laughing Bill Hr<1e." is
1hl' LOlldon X('wspapers melltioll il.
Was looking at a 'Daily :l\fail' th~
Trotter. the finest acllievellient of the screeu. olhl'r ela~- 1I1111 np I\('ar Ihe heael of the
l>arhy, Ha,hlOr all,l Springli"ll1, Ikln-
11 oward Bo~·el'.
wart' Conllt~-; Lansclowne, Sharon II ill. '1'111' locatirllls ar" taken ill th,' 'Vest paper was a piece aboilt Narlwdh 1I11,1
~Iiss Elya DIakl'l'y.
8\1'arthmore, Conshohoeken, Rntledgl'. an<1 arl' impn'ssi\'l'I~' authentil', \Vill
LAST CALL FOR SUPPER (:ollingdale, l\or\l'oocI, Pros.peet Park. Hog"rs, of th" flllllOUS 7,iegfil'l<l 's Fol-
Xa rhrook Pa rk. It 'almost took 111\'
hr"ath a\l'lI~·. It w"nt 011 to 'a,' th:;!·
~rl'S, J. 'V. David,
~I iss A. Solly.
Hidll'~' Park anel ~[orton filed com- lies, lUIS the stal' role anrl arld~ a fresll XllrlH'rth hael stllrtl',1 T1'<'p 1'lanti'lIg' for
:Uiss Virginill D. Ward.
Next Thursday Is the Night for One of plaints against the new fire sen'ie" faee to He t."p" of 'Vestem hl'l'oe~, Ihe 111"11 \\'ho had l"ft town to d"I'I'n,1
rates and asketl the Commission to re- 1'he IIIl'n ll1ul WOIl1"1I in "Lau"llin<T Bill thpir eOUlltr)' ill Frallee, alHl thllt th"re Edward S. Haws,
op"n the ease for a readjnshnent of tlIP. H~'rle" rlepart from the fnll~i1iIl; 01)(1
Mrs. Odell's Famous Oyster Sup-
hael Iwell plallte,l as a starter with a hig' Postmaster.
pers-Ham Will Be Ready for \\'(,11 tl'~te<i trail anrl a)'(' guidl'rl h~- a ,·"Iphmtioll attpneI.',l hy hUlldr,,<!s of
rates, 'fhe Conllnission last wel'k h"lll',l
Those Who· Do Not final argnment in these eases. keen rlramatic sense that knows how to I"'opl,,, XlIrh"rth hl'illg tlw thirll p1:I<'" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
Like Oysters: n void e\"CIY pitfall. This photoplay will to adopt the ill I' a (The first plaee Oil
11(' sho\l'n at the Palace TheatJ'e on Werl- th" )raill Lille). ·Do r haye 0111' 01' i, Two cents per word each Insertion. casb
D"eemher 12th, starting ut
it for ~IJe f,'IIows ,,'ho are 'sbot 'np'·?"
WAR STAMP SALES. In advance. No advertisement accepted un·
uesday. lese cash accompanies copy.
6 P, M., :Mrs. Oclell will serve one of
her fumons oyster suppers ut thl' Y. M, It. is fitting that we quote also from FOR SALE-8mall G.()od Luck Gas
At Narberth Post Office there is a NARBERi'H WEATAHER REPORT an editorial in one of the recent Ph ila-
C. A., uncler the auspiees of the \Vo· Heating Stove; good as new; price
mnn's Auxiliary. If it so happens thl1t suftlcient amount of stamps yet to be FOR WEEK ENDING DEOEMBER 1. delphia papers: yery reasonllhle. Call eyenings, 345
you do not like oysters there will be a sold to make it imperative upon the The Trees and the Mero Memorials. )I"etillg House Lane, (9p)
suhstitute in the form of delicious hnm part of our citizens to come forwnrd High. Low
to appcnse your appetite. and inve~ in these stamps very liberal· Barometel', sea levl'l. ..... 30.20 29.57 'Vhile the 1'0nllllullities of tllC enulI- FOR SALE-Chickens and ducks. In·
ly during the remaining weeks of the ThermOlHeter ., .. ,....... 5;) 24 try, .large and small, arc getting thpir fIllire 3211 Woodbine avenue, Nnrberth.
Who Could Get Such a Supper at Home IIumidity, per een 1. . . . • . . 9::l 49 hen rings ns to the cbarncter of the per·
present yenr. A shect of 20 War
for Only F~fty Oents'? Stllmps cost $84.40, for which the pur' IIInnent memorials to the heroes of the NARBERTJi GARAGE, Ray Weiss,
chaser will receive $100 in 1923. Help Precipitation. \l'orld war there will be complete una· Proprietor. Expert repairing, gaso-
One of the main fealures of this sup·
push Narberth over. . Total for week .••...•.••••.... 1 inell nimit)' ns to the wisdom of formal tree line, oil, and supplies. ,Stornge. (9p)
per will he the low cost of only fifty
A.n Experiment In Co.operatiYe

] n order to insure the sale of snffi-

.lOUl'nallSDl-No Paid Workers. cient War Savings Stamps and Thrift To the Editor of Our Town: Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." He Will Appreciate
Stamps in Narberth that we may say
Owned and Published every Saturday our community has "gone over tho
The blight of Bucks County justice and Welcome These Comforts:
by the Narberth Civic Association. came in to the young life of one of our
top" in this very nece;;Sary war meas-
](wal school bo)"s the other day. .II J-
Subscription price one dollar per ure. a Committee of Fifty rl'prosenta,
though he was able to prove that on a
'i "0 wOlllen of the town is now being
year In advance.
fOl'llIl'd to boost. the pnl'chasing' of these
('ertai n ,lay he was diligently pursuin~
his studips at the Na;'herth School, .1
NAUUEItTJI CIVIC ASSOCIATION StUIllPS ,Yhieh, hy thl' way, is a i1ecided-
ly good in\'cstlllent-thl' rate of inter-
funller from the bellighted ('ollnt:--" 1'[" FOOT POWDERS STATIONERY
{'resident-Joseph H. Nash. I'PITcd to, s\\'ore that the larl ha~1 shot
est 011 the War S:I\'ings Stamps heing
Vlce-presldents-A. C. Shand, James it lot of the former's chicken .; in tl1l'
Telephones, Of course, we

4.4';1,. DlI1'ing' the rl'nJaiudor of this
Artman, A J. Loos. "il,iuity of Doylestown on the same deliver - any
month ahout. :f;lO.OOO must be purchasel1. 1267
Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. M. Coles- (lay. This is long distanee shooting Ih:lt p I ace - any
worthy. \\'ould put the Kaiser's seventy live-mile 1268 time.
Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C glln to shame. Those Big Bertha' e:all
P. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W. R. D.
I'nRh a missile a long distance, hut are The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Hall, George 1\1. Heury, H. R. Hillegas, OF NARBERTH, NOVEMBER, 1918.
OI.arles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch,
hardl.\- ('apable of aimillg at a chicken A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
se\-eral mill'S awuy and hitting it in __ .. _-===S
E. A. Muschamp, Mrs. A Perry Redi- Atmospheric Pressure (Inches and the eye. Ample proof waR tllrnished
fer, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Fletcher W
Stites, Walton M. Wentz, A. E. Woh-
Hundredths). that, the ho,Y hadn't left XarlJertll 011
lert, Mrs. Charles W. Young. A\'eragt' 30.06 that Ilay, and furthermore, that he had 11 1..•••. ' .•• '. f~====II
Highest ;{0.55 on 6th ne\"('r handled a ):,'111l in Bucks County,
hut he wus fined thirt.y odd nollai's just ....
I M:.",s I Qrne NOTICE
Lowcst 29.20 on ]8th M
Editor. the same. Somehody had to pay for tho
1 Have Removed to my
:' I RZ>.rments New Address
Mrs. Roy E. Clark A. J. Loos Temperature. l'hiekells, and why not hef
: i !-fe's jl U made from
234 Woodbine Ave.
~.". ~ ·.~III~-.~~-JID~'",,ere,.,'f Briiner
W. T. Melchior Heury Rose Average , ,~ .44.8
AssoCiate Editors Highest 68 on 8th Xow that President Wilson has gono
Narberth, Pa.
Lowest 22 on 24th to Enrope, perhaps he will bring bac.k i Phone Narberth 305
Greatest daily range, ao degrees, on 7th. u few 1IIore English ideas for Ed. Haws
to ('opy-something on the order of thnt
Woolens Will give my customers
Least daily range, 7 degrees, on 5th. every anentlon in every reo
send all letJterE\. and news Items to left-hulIIled door contmption. .... ,.: ILluminaled I3road 1 spect. Work iood; prices

1IIIr.,.'" 1......
P. O. Box 966. Precipitation.
Send all advertising copy to P. O. Novelly su;I'"i French Dry Cleaninll,
Box 39. ' Total for month 2.51 inches Xow if we Xarhl'rth folks had only
..' If by
made to your measure
D, einll and Pre..inll
Make all remittances to P. O. Box Greatest in 24 hours, 1 inch on 28·29th. pointed ont to the President the agony
we have to suffer through Ed's adop·
NarberthTaiioring CO,
118. --_._~---------

Our Town 111 on sale at the depot Number of days with 32 degrees or tion of these imported ideas, he would
newsstand, and at the frtore of H. E. below, 10. have stayed at home like the humane Essex Ave. abo Haverford
Davis. With precipitation .0] inch or more, 7. man he is. \Vhy worry about the atroc- Avenue Na~~::1b
Entered as second-class matter
October 15, 1914, at the I\)st omce at
Clear, 1:3; cloudy, 11; part cloudy, 6. ities in Europe wIlen we have wor"e
rigbt ltere' Overland Sales and Service Agency
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act Solar Halo on 24th, REPAIRS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
of March, 1879. Lunar Halo on 15th.
Prevailing wind, northw'est.
1 am llfraid Aloysius Scrub doesn't L. C. SHAHAN
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. apprl"'iate 1I1e und my good works in
hehalf of suffering Narberth. When he
assails 1I1e with poetry, he is taking nn
unfair advantage because ])oc\..ry, espl'-
Frank Crist
Fire, 350
Police, 1250 The co-opera tion of I. he public is de·
('iall.'- rotten pol'tfJ-, is unanswerable. Monday. MEATS &PROVISIONS
sired in the handling' of the Xmas lIIaii. CUB. Conway Avenue. Hiih Grade Butter
Obsen'unce of the following simple con- Windsor Avenue, Essex to Wynnewood. Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
EDITORIAL dit.ions will help: Wynnewood Avenue.
~Iontgomery Avenue, Wynnewood to
Fully prl'pay postnge on all parcels. To thl' Editor of 011, Town:
Fireside items are appreciated hy our
Addre;;s all parcels plainly. After two illonths" examination of Pr tpertles For Rent and Sale
Essex Avenue, west side, Haverford to Fire Insurance
Place nallle and address of sender on thl' templ'rature records and a shorter
l"\"laders. Surel)' you ean send us one
ull ilia tter. time for those of rainfall, the Weather
iMontgomery. BeD Phone 101 w.
Qr two short local happcnings each
week. Pack carefully and wrap securdy, hut BUl'l'an has decided to establish a pl'r-
Dudley A venue.
Stuart Avenue.
"'II BulldJng. Narber&ll. P..
do not seal thelll, ils scaled parcels arc' man('lIt station in Xarberth. To this Elm Terrace. Phone, Ardmore 967 W Day .nd N
subject to postage at letter rate. ['au oflil·illl forms and documents havl'
In last week's issue we published an
~rticle in which it was stated that the
':Mail parcels early. They ma~' he
marked, "Do not open till Xmas,"
hl'l'n sent to lIle.
Fl'Om now on the data will he puh'
Sabine Avenue.
JIome Guurds of Narherth have started Insure all valuable 11arcels. lbhell in till' hnlletins of the bureau. Tuesday. HaUling and Moving
~ movement which will insure a proper Xarherth will he thl' only plncl' on the Essex Avenue, eas~ side, Haverford to ANYWHERE
"Meny Xmas," "Happy ~ ew
:reception home-coming to our boys who :\[ain Line to he represente<1 in tho hul- Montgomery. Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.
Yl'ar," "Bcst \Vishes" arc permissi-
~n, and the erection in Narberth of letin~. Wa)'no Avenue.
hIe additious to fourth class lIIai1.
a m1lDlorial in Jnelllory of the Narberth
111 en who have gin'n their li\'es in the
In order to relit','e some of the con-
gl'stiou at stamp winllow, patrons ar,~
CHAS. DECKER. Price A venue.
Forrest Avenue. HARRY B. WALL
great wor1<1 war 01' ]914-1918.. Grayling Avenue.
requested to purchase stamps in quant·
Xarberth Avenue.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Plans are being rapidly de\'eloped b)'
nlcmbers of the HOllie Guard, and your
ity during the holiday Sl'ason. It is To the Editor of Our Town: and Heating
much hettl'r to buy 10 stamps at ono The war is not yct o\'er. our men arc NARBERTH. PA
~.o-operlltion will be expectcd for this
time than to cOllie to thl' wiullow teu Wednesday.
worthy aud patriotic cause. still in FraneI'; we may hm'e many re-
times llUying one stamp eaeh time. Hampden Avenue.
Ry obser\'ing thesl' silllpll! regulatiolls
portcd dead when thc last casualtics arc
reportcd. However, whcn that time lona Avenue. Why Go To City?
Tlwre should be no falling' off in the comfort aud pleasure of the Xmas comcs it would be well to name our Uli- Woodbine Avenue. 0r Buy Your

workers at the Hl'd Cross workroom in ti me nlllY be grea tlJ" increased. namcd streets so as to commemorate Montgomery A"enue, Narberth to Hav-
the Y. M.C. A. Building, on aecount our Heroes and the Great \Var for Lih- erford. . :'.l. VICTROLAS
lOll: tho 'ending of the war. The work· ~[eetjng House Lane.
ert\'. In Narhrook WI' hal'e seven dril'e ., ' and
room WIll be open e\'cry Monday night CLERK-POST OFFICE SERVICE. walks and they may be named after Williams Avenue.
~nd nll llll~' Tuesd:lY and \Vednesday. those who took part, or after battle- Haverford Avenue. . RECORDS
Worlwl's arc :Decoded as ncver IJCfore. fields in France wherc our hoys played At
Tho United States Ci\'il Serdce Com-
'J'hc ,Ioi\perah' condition of the peo- an important nart. I t is rct ton early Thursday.
ple of tll(' war-rid<1en eountril's requires
mission anllounces that on December 14,
to do thi;;. but not too soon to think j't Narberth Avenue, south side.
1918, at Narberth, Pa., an examination Hed Cross to supply thl'nl with
for the position of clerk in Narberth
ol·er and plan to thi;; end, \\'e m;IY Elmwood Avenue, Maple MUSIC STORE
do thing.
Post Office will "be held in the Y. ~I. C.
han' linl' sUV"l'stions hefore next May, Woodside Avenue.
Our soldiers and nurSl'S overseas will A, E, \\'OHLERT, Gro\'e Place.
A. at 9 A. M. ARDMORE, PA.
\'Iced aU sorts of warm l'iothillg' and
lmiU...11 articles. Applicants IIIUSt have reached tIleir
eighteenth, but not their forty-fifth Friday.
Are ~-on doing your share to help the A COMPLETE LINE OF
!ted Cross continue its great work? hirthdayon the wate of the examina- Play by Sophomore Class. Chestnut.
tion and must submit 1.1' t.llA examiner
The Red Cross has a great deal of
on the day of the examination tlleir Rockland Avenue. AT
work to do, even though the armistice is
SPECIAL MEETING. photographs, taken within two ;yearti, If possible the routes for the days
securely pasted in the space provided
on the admission cards sent them after'
sig-ncd, There is reconstrnction worK,
and plenty of it. Of course, this. will
specified will be followed out. When DAVIS'
it becomes necessary to change routing, CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
-l'>arlfcrtll, November :lOth, 1918. requirc moncy, so the melllhers of the
their applications are filed. due notice will be given. In ease of
Sophomore Class will give a play for
'Sl)ccial meeting of the Narbl'rth From eligibles resulting from. this ex- a severe storm or holiday interrupting
Fire COIllUlllny to be held Friday, De-
this cause, in the High School Auditor-
the collection will be one day late.
Before buying anything- as
amination it is expected that eel'tifica-
• eCluber 6th, lt91'8, 8 P. M., for the pur· tion will be made to fill future and ex"
ium, on Saturday e"ening, December
C. E. Humphreys,
important as a home, look
28th, 1918. ' the following over
pose of conSIdering the addllability of isting vacancies. Get your tickets from any of the Street Commissioner.
transferring the propCTtyof the Fire
• Company to the Borough of Narberth.
For application fornl 1371 and "In· Sophomores. No. 500 Woodside
structions to Applicants," address local
I..(Signed) EDWIN P. DOLD, Secretary at Narborth, Pa., in Post Of- ,
" 6 Elmwood
JOHN A. ,MILLER, fcc Building. Unanswerable. Save and Buddie "
14 Avon Road
16 Avon Road
RAYMOND C. JUNES, Application forms must be filed with Mrs. Kawler-UBut how do you know
FRED. E. DERBY, the Secretary of the Third Civil S~rvice
District, 402 Post Office Building, Phil-
what kind of. people the N ewcombs are YOUR NEWSPAPERS and. the White Colonial
Trustees. if you've' never met them?" House on Anthony'. Road.
V. F, 'CUNNINGHAM, Secretary.
adelphia, Pa., in time for the examina- Mrs. Flatt~UI ha~e heard their phon- For the Y. M. C. A.
tion. ograph selections." \1 WM. D. SMEDLEY
• 'C

You will find it 'convenient to SCHOOL NOTES WALTON BROS.' GARAGE

So mallY requests from various
have an account with sources ha\'c come for School Notes that TAXI SERVICE
wc shall again open this column.
"Don't vicw us with a critic's eyc,
Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight
But pass our imperfections by."

THE MERION,TITLE &TRUST CO. The total enrolhuent for the year has
been as follo\\'s:
Elcmcntary Department-Boys" 1!l0;
Women's Community Club En· CLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME
girls, 1!l2. tertains School Faculty OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED

Narberth Office, Arcade Building High Sehool DepartJllent-Boys, fill;

girls, 1':1.
Totals-Elementar.r, 3S2; High, 182.
GrllJHl total, 5/H.
On Tuesday, Xovemher 26th, thc Woo
lIIan's Community Club held its second
Pasteurized Milk
BrYOc:lovls CerllJl.ed

lIIeeting of thc season in the newly (Pedrlallc Soclely) OVERBROOK
appointed rOOIll in the Y. ~L C. A. The
Checking Accounts Saving Accounts The population of Xarherth has been
changing so rapidly during the past sehool faculty \\'ere thc guest;; on t.hi"
Special "Guernsey"

two ~'Pllrs tllllt there is a constant go· occasion and every effort was made to CRoberl..•'" Sharples..' BALA-CYNWY
make the afternoon an agreeable one. Dairies) NARBERTH
ing and coming of pupils. The number Cream BUllermllk ARDMORE
ST. MAUGAUET'S CHUUClI of pupils gcnerally enrolled at one time Mr. l\[elchoir, principal of the schools,
Table aod Whipping WYNNEWOOD
is-- addressed the gathering and spoke in Cream.
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. .ReT. R. F. Cowley, Rect.or the highest commcndablc terms of the
on A few yetlrs ago the faculty, and cluh's interest on behalf of the facultJ-
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
~[eetings for next Sunday:
Early Mass Sunday from Aprll
1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. From
NoVemlber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M.
even the Prcsident of the School Board
wcre proud to feel that they knew
and their upprcciation of this uHer-
noon's cntertainment. SCOTT-POWEtt DAIRIES
9.30 A. 1\1.-1\[ell 's Bible Class. How- Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the nearly every child and family reported :Mrs. Howard Hoffman and Mrs. G. 45th and Parrish 8ts.
ard A. Banks, Litt. D., teaeher. All yeaI'. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and in thc school. This is, of course, no Trainer rendered very pleasing instru-
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening more possible. The sallle interest, how- mental and vocul selcctions. Mrs. Jo·
men invited.
10 A.1\L-.'3unday School. All De- devotions and other services at regu-
lar times.
ever, is ~'et manifested, the aim of the seph Barday was aceompanist at the HOWARD F. COrTER
partments. school hei II;: to study so as to know piano.
] 1 A. M.-Public worship, with ser- the individual child. Patent mcdicine A group of poems by .Tames Whit·
mon by the pastor on "Desert Train- ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. dispensinl:( of instruction nnd penalties .'omh Riley and others by Richard Hard- 1~.lQUALITY
ing." is disapproved of. ing Davis· delighted those present and
Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
7 P. M.-Christian Endeavor Mee!· were exceptionally well given by Mrs.
ing. The Junior Sectioll will be led by The scrviees nt All Saints' P. E. All parents are invited, yes, urgently Imogene 'Chundler Greggory.
Miss Elizabeth Metzgar, and the Senior
Section by Miss Dorothy Wilson.
Church, Montgomery lind Wynnewood
avenues, for next Snnda,r arc lis fol-
requested, to come to the school when·
ever convenient. They should meet
1\frs. Roy E. Clark acted as hostess, CALDWELL & CO.
assistcd by Mrs. Horton Williamson and
7:45 P. l\L-Evening worship. Ser- lows: fhe teachers and frankly talk over the
:\rrs. W. S. Horna. Real Estate
mon theme, "Five Steps of Christ tl)
B.OO A. M.-Holy Communion.
9.45 A.M.-Sunduy School.
problem of the ehild.
Church Notes. 11.00 A.1.f.:-Morning prayer and, ser- The ThanksgiVing exercises heldJ on Soulb C,I~e" ,
AI tbe Sialloo
II J:.
PAft •.
mon. Wednesday morning were pronounced .BOWLING SCHEDULE,
] t has been decided to hold the Sun'
day School Christmas entertainment on
Friday, December 27. The exercises of
the Primary Department will be at ~.30
Any Episcopalians who have notaf-
filiated with any other Church are re-
questcd to deposit their letter at All
by "old comers" as the" best cver"!
The exercises were snuppy lind brief
'",t full of the true spirit of Thansgi\" December ll-Bryn Mawr Fire Co., at
to rna-II UB your Razor Blades a,i wen
your Razors when they need
Saints. ' ing cO'mingled with the glee of little Ardmore Y, M. C. A.; Radnor Fire Co., sharpening up
P. M:. and those> of the Junior Depart-
ment and Main School at 7.30 P. :M:. The Rector will he very glad to call
upon ~trangers or any ncw comers in
children enthusiastic over turkey and
pumpkin pics.
at Paoli Men's Club; Narberth Y. M, C.
A" at Rosemont Mello's Club; Autocar Safety Razor Sharpening Co.
The members of the Semper Fidelis Club, at Wayne Men's Club. 14 S. SEVENTEENTH STREET
Bible Class were entertainel1 at the this vicinity.
Christmas exercises of the Narberth PHILADELPHIA. PA.
home of Miss Ethel Wntts 011 last The wintcr work of thc Sunday Deccmber I8-Ardmore Y. M. C. A.,
School will eonsist of two programs. SJngle Edge Blades 20 each
School is progreiOsinl:(, nicely, llnd it ,s at Wayne 1\[en'8 Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
Thursday enming. On Monday evening, December 23rd, Gillette Blades 8e each
urged that parcnts ROC thnt their chil- Co" at Radnor Fir'e Co.; Rosemont Razors IIoned ., 25e each
dren attend regularl)". the High School will sing the old Christ· Men '8 'Club, at Autoear Club; Paoli
ST. PAUL'S-EVANGELICAL mns Carols. On Tues1111Y morning, the We guarantee complete satisfaction.
Try and follow thc Brotlie'rhood of l\Ien'8Club, at Narberth Y. M. C. A. Mall orde1'ls given prompt attention.
ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Snint Andrew plun and make an effort Elementary Department will cntertain.
January 8-Radnor Fire Co., at Ard- Try us.
each week to bri ng' sOllie person to The public is invited to both exereises.
Organized 176lJ-Ardmore, Pa. Xo a(lmission will he charged. more Y. 1\f. C. A.; Narberth Y. M. C.
Church or Sunday S('hool. If we all A., at Br;yn :Mawr Fire Co.; Autocar
would do this All Saints' would havc to
Rev. Charles Walker Anschutz, D. D., A .Tunior Red 'Cross henefit will he Club, at Paoli Men's Club; Wayne
be enlarg:ed to twice the present capac' Men '8 'Club, at RoseDlQnt Men's Club.
Pastor i t~-. gi\'cn hy the SO]lhomore Class on Sat·
Services every Sunday. The Church 'bus lea\'es Xarherth and urday, Deremher 28th. The play is en· January 15-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., at
Morning at 10.45.
Evening, 7.45.
Wynnewood Sta,tions at 10.40 on Sun-
dny mornings.
ti tIed "The Oxford Affair." Rosemont Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
Co., at Autocar Club; Radnor Fire Co.,
GARAnteed Roofs
Sunday school at 9.45 A. M. at Narberth Y. M. C. A.; Paoli 1\Ien's
Christian Endeavor meeting at 7. A Naughty Doll. Club. at Wayne Men's Club. l\len's Club, at Autocar Club; Rosemont
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE
January 22-Narberth Y. M. 'C. A., l\len's Club, at Wayne Men's Club.
at 8 o'clock. EVANGEL. Some time since a fond mother rei
turned from an a fternaon call and found at Ardmore Y. 1L C. A.; Autocar Club, lIiarch ii-Rosemont Men's Club, at
You are most cordially invited to
come and worship with us; the pews her fi \'('lyear-old daughter huddled up at Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne Men's Club, Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Autoear Club, at
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.
are' all free; you will be most wel- in a hig armchair, crying bittcrly. at Brj"ll Mawr Fire 00.; Rosemont Br;rn Mawr Fire Co.; Narberth Y. M.
come. Men's Club, at Paoli Mell's Club. C. A., at Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne Men's
S('l'\'ices Sunday: "\\'hy, Be,sie," exclaimed thc mother,
taking" the little one in her arms, "what Club, at Paoli Men's Club.
0,-1;'; A.1\L-Bible S,·llOOI. Second Half.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 11.00 A. M.-l\lorning' worship. in the world is the matter?" 1\1areh 12-Ardmore Y. 1\f. C. A., at
i.OO P.1\L-B. Y. P. 1'. JIleeting. "Sol11elin dwcdful has happened," sob- ,Januar)- 29-Ardlllore Y. 1If. C. A., at Narberth Y. 1\f. C. A.; Radnor Fire Co.,
, 'The Little Church on the Hill."
i,-l,j P. }L-E\'l'ning worship. hed the youngster, nestling closer to her Paoli Mcn's 'Club; Rosemont Men's at Autocar Club; Bryn Mawr Fire Co.,
ROO P.1\t. Wedlles<!a~' e\'('ning-Song mother. "1-1-" Club, at Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Wa;rne at Wayne Men's Club; Paoli Men's
Rev. T. M. Gray, Pastor.
a Ill! prayer service. "That's all right darling," coaxing,!,y lIfen's Club, at Hadnor Fire Co.; Auto· Club, at Rosemont Men's Club.
responded the mother. "Tcll me all ellr Club, at Narberth Y. 1\1. C. A, l\larch l!l-Paoli Men's 'Club, at Ard-
SIII1Ilay, De('eJllher Sth, 1!lIS: Church Notes.
Sunday S.·llOol for Ill! uges at !l.4;J ahout it," February 5-Autocn.r Club, at Ard- more Y. 1\L C. A.; Bryn Mawr Fire Co.,
A. l\L l\fen's Class taught hy the Hon. '1'he suhjeet of the pa~tt)r 'x xermon "I t was my dolly," was the tearful ey- more Y. 1\1. C. A.; Narberth Y. M. C. at. Hosolllont l\fcn's Club; Radnor Fire
F. W. Stites. Women's Class tuught by Sunday morniug will he, "Why Ger- planation of Bessie, "She dot awa'l' A., at Wayne Men's Club; Radnor Fire Co., at Wayne l\Ien's Club; Narberth Y.
1\frs. l\f cCracken. muny Failed." Thp Children 's Ohjec~ f rom me and hrcakcd a dish in the pan- Co., at Rosemont Men's Club; Bryn :\I. C. A., at Autocar Club.
Sermon Sunday morning will be on the try." :\Iawr Fire Co., at Paoli ~Icn 's Club. l\[al'eh 26-Ardmore Y. l\f. C. A., at
l\rorn~ng sen~iee, 11 A. 1f. Sermon
subject, "What ""Ve 1(eep in Our February 12-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., Autocar 'Club; Paoli Men's Club, at
hy pastor on "The Purposo of Disci-
Hearts." Explained. at Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Paoli Men's Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Rosemont Men '8
pline. " The leader of the R. Y. P. U, SUllllay
.\ chaplain, on making his rounds in Club, at Radnor Firc Co.; Roscmont Club, at Radnor Fire Co.; ""Vaync Men's
Children's Chureh 3 P. M. Music by evening will be ::\[isx l\largaret Harlan.
the base hospital of a large cantonment, 1\Ien's Club, at Narbcrth Y. 1\f. C. A.; Club, at Narberth Y. M:. C. A.
.. Children's Choir. Mrs. Barelay in Topic, "Begin Now," The numbers
stoppcd at thc cot of a darky and said: Wayne 1\Ien's Club, at Autocar Club. April 2-Bryn Mawr Fire 00., at Ard-
charge. Object tall,s 11y pastor. alld interest show an increase at each
"Sal11 hal\' i, it that you arc in bed February 19-Wayne Men's Club, at more Y. 1\1. C. A.; Radnor Fire Co., at
E1",I'orth League 7 P. M. Miss l\IiI- ,mceting, and new members arc heing
to-day? You were quite well when 1 Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A.; Radnor Fire Co., Paoli Men's Club; Narberth Y. 1\f. C.
dred Smith, Icader. added. Others, not Illemhers elsewhere,
spoke to you yesterday." nt Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Autocar 'Club, A., nt Rosemont Men's Club; Autocar
Evening sen'ice 7.4ii P. 1L Sel1J1on arc invited to coml'.
The darky replied: "\V'ell, pahson, ah at Rosemont Men's Club; Narberth Y. Club, at Wayne Men's Club.
by pastor on "The Brothers of Dh·es." At the hour of evening worship a
do'n was kicked by a mule," 1\L C. A., at Paoli Men's Club. April 9-Arduuore Y. M. C. A., at
1\[onday 8 P. 1f., the Ladics' Aid So- brollze tablet will ho dl',lica ted in
ciety will hold a social in the Sunday "\\'hat in the n1!mc of goodness diJ February 26-Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A., Wayne Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
memory of M:r, Harr~' S. Hopper. Rel-,
School room of the Church to welcome he kick you for?" at Radnor Fire Co.; Bryn IIIawr Fire Co., at Radnor Fire Co.; Rosemont
A. J. Rowland, D. D" and Hon, E1'Jlest
the new members of our Church. All ".\h guess ah don fo'got to salute." Co., at Narberth Y. M. C. A.; Paoli Men's Club, at Autocar 'Club; Paoli
L. Tustin will be the speakers, Mr.
Inemhers and friends of the Church are Men's Club, at Narberth Y. M. C. A.
Stanley T. Reiff, M:us. Bae. A. A. G. 0.,
cordially invited. will be at the organ. April 16-Radnor Fire 00., at Ard-
Wednesdny 8 P. M., Prayer Meeting. ' 1lI0re Y. 1\f. C. A.; Narberth Y. M. C.
The Sunday School rooms have been
Pastor's tnlk "About Jesus" and let- A., at Bryn M'awr Fire Co,; .t\utocar
ters read from Alvin C. Artman, ,r.
repainted and decorated" mnking the
church building tllrooghout very neat
ACT·TO-DAY Club, at Paoli Men '8 'Club; Wayne
Lewis Jenkins, Robert Collins, Every- Men'5 Club, at Rosemont 1\Ien '5 Club. .
and attractive.
body welcome. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY BUNDLED YOUR April 23-Ardmore Y. M. 'C. A., at
The attendance und interest shown at
Rosemont Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
all our eerviecs last Smid/ly were mos~ NEWSPAPERS FOR THE Y. M. C. A. COAL FUND
Co., at Autoear Club; Radnor Fire Co.,
MERION MEETING HOUSE encouraging and inspiring. The Church
at Narberth Y. M. C. A.; Paoli Men '8
is emerging' from epidemic cloMng and
Club,' at Wayne Men's Club.
Merion Meeting House iff opened for war depressing effeets in a vory prom- Ladies Auxiliary have secured Trucks and assisted by Boy
ising manner. April 30-Narberth Y. M. C. A., at
worship every First-day at 11 A.
. M. VIs1fm'a are cordially welcome. The public is cordially invited fo join Scouts ,will gather only those Papers securely tied to-day Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Autoear Club, at
A registrY book Is kept for visitors. with us in any or all of t.hese services, (SATURDAY.) Radnor Fire 00.; Wayne Men's Club, at
AU are I18ked to reg1&ter their lIlamt!l8. You will be maoo welcome. Bryn MaWr Fire Co.; Rosemont Men's
Clnb; at Paoli M'On's Club.
, '


Influenza and kindred SUFFRAGE NOTES It The Finest WilloU) Furniture in America"
diseases startwithacold.
Don't trifle with it. NEXT MEETING. Useful-Sensible-Economical
At the first shiver or The DecCluher meeting of the Nar-
sneeze, take
herth Branch of the 'Vomnn Suffrage
Party will he held in the Community
Room of the Y. l\[, C. A. on Friday
Christmas Gifts ~~~
a fternoon, December 13, at :: 0 'clock.
Dr. Self, of the Philadelphia Woman
Suffrage Party, will address the meet-
iIlg. Do not miss this opportunity to
}]('ar a good speaker. En'ry one inter'
Red Cross wool distributed
at Red Cross Workroom in Y.
M. C. A., Monday, Wednes~ay
niture makes the gift
Standard cold remedy for 20 yeara-in tablet, !lure, no opiates-breaks up a cold ested in suffrage is invitcd to he pres- and Friday. comfort and beauty to
in 24 hours-rclieves Ill"ip in 3 days. Money cnt.
back ifit failo. The genuine box has a Red top
wit:, Mr. Hill's picture. At All DrUll Stores.
any home-and appeals
Report on Petitions.
At the next nH'etiug of the Suffrage RED CROSS just as strongly from the
standpoint of economy

A ~s~r~.2!A
Party it is to be hoped that the mem-
l)(')'s will Ile able to make a report on - for it IS not high
Finest Photoplay The- "n work done on tho petitions whieh
Send for Our Free
atre 01 Its Size In the
Work Room Open MOllday Nights, priced. Illuatrat.d Catalol/ue
EnlireWorld. wc re distrihute(] at the X orcmIlcr Tuesday and Wednesday All Day.
PI>.. ,oplall's-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.38 meeting. While these petitions arc not
P.M. to he completed until spring, it is a In suites, single pieces or novelties the hundreds of gift
PhU.... Pe. good phn to start them now and 11fire There spems to be prc\'alent an im- suggestions to be found among our huge stocks offer to solve
purt, of the work doue before bad pres;;iou that with the signing of the
PROGRAM armistipe the nped for workers in the your gift problems not only correctly. but economically.
weather sets in.
Red Cros;.; has <'eased, and many work
WEEK OF DECEMBER 2nd rooms are in ('onsequpnce almost de- Whip-O-Will-O Furniture Company
·k WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB serted. The War Council of the Amer-
Scranton, Pa.
Pauline Fre deric
i('an Red Cross in ,Vashington, feeling
Dr. Elise Whitlock Rose, of the Llttle
tlla t this is such a Rerious misapprehen-
sion of the facts, lUIS just issued ,~
We Prepay Expre88 Charge8 to " Your Own Town"
House of Saint Pantaleon, will be heard strong plea to its memhers to "Carry
In First Presentation of in Narberth Tuesday, December 10th, On.' , On Saturday evening, December 28th,

"A Daughter of the

at 3 P. 1\1. in the Y. M. C. A., under the
auspices of the Woman's Club of Nar- Peace is not yet here and our men
and their families will need the Red
members of tho Sophomore Class will
give an amusing play called "The Ox-
bertll. ford Affair." The proceeds are to be
Old South" On the day that war was declared the
founder of this little house was bound
Cross for a long time to come. But
e\-en when peace does come the Red f()l' Junior Red (}r()SS work.
your old newspapers until the last
Saturday of each month. The Ladies'
Cross will ha\'e an enormous work to do. Auxiliary iJs planning to collect and
for Str~sbourg, and shortly heard the
IlAI1'i PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAR cries of suffering that echoed through- 'Ve mnst rememher that the Red Cro;;s The new 1919 series ()f War Stamps sell this otherwise wasted material as
AS POSSmLE TO 10.11l A. II.. a.DO. 11.00,
out tho world-the eries of hurt chil- was founded to aid in the pre\'cntion will bo blue instead of green, The same one means to cover the Y. M. C. A-
3.41l, 1l.4~. 7.45. 9.30 P. M. and alleviation of human suffering 'll
dren, of crazed women, of wounded on Thrift Stamps and Cards will continue coal bnI which it has so ably met in
the battlefield, the victims of uncivil- times of peace as well as in war. Tho to be used and esehanged for $5.00 War the past. Have your bundle of news-
ized warfare--and realized that she appalling suffering amI misery and Stamps by the method now in use. The
GOOD MORNING! must immediately do all in her power destitution of the inhabitants of tho 1919 Series will mature in 1924.
papers neatly tied on that day. ready
ill\'adell distrids pass description. 'Vo for call.
to help in this great struggle.
GEO. B. SUPLEE Dr. Rose has been right in the midst
of the suffering in France and can tell
must clothe them, feed them, work fOf
and with them. 'Ve llo not know in its
you interesting stories of the little hos- entirety what. \\'ill he necded, but we

Plumbing Establishment pitals that have sprung up all over

Franee--of the wonderful opportunities
do know that the urgent needs of the
present arc hospital supplies, reclama-
YlQur pledge for the War Chest
Fund is due \lnd paYl1ble 'to the
Treasurer. Chas. V. Noel, or th!!
OUR TOWN will gladly prfDt
any news item about any subject
IS NOW LOCATED AT to aid in the reclamation work of these tion of soldiers' clothes and rc.fugeo that Is of Interest to Narberth
garments in untold amounts. To fur- Merion Title and Trust Company. folks, but In orc{er to meet
104 Forrest Ave. splendid 'People at tMs time.
Each member is urged to keep this nish all these things in timo will TO, at Narberth.
If you pay by cheele, make
the printing scbC'lule, all "'copy"
At Your Service quire now and in thp future the samo -manuscripts-must reach the
date open and to bring their friends cheeles payable to the War Chest
persistent, unfaltering sacrifice of time editor b,· (I P. M. Monday eaeh
Prompt attention given all orders, and listen to one of the most interest- Fund. or mall direct to Chas. V.
Estimates Cheerfully Given. anll inclination of our whole body of l1 epk.
Noel, Treasurer.
workers that has chal'tleterize(l th;:>m
OFFICERS WOMEN'S COMMUNITY in the past. ,Varkel'S may ha \'C to
Don't forget to take your drink 01 CLUB, 1918.1919 change the character of their work,
S011le departments will have lpss to du,
Spring Valley Mineral Water

I Narberth Register
llotahly that of surgical dressings, hut
morning and evening, lor your President, Mrs, C. P. Fowler. ('\'ery one of us is needed at once in
health's sake Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. W. Young these other departmen ts.
Spring Valley Mineral Water sbould Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edward Two Lines, IOc per issue; Sc For each additional line
be in every home at this time. Sure OUl" men have ai<led most gloriously
and certain preventative of Constlpa· C. Batchelor. in bringing the victory within our ACCOUNTANTS I :I111.1{
tion, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Kidney Recording Secretary. Mrs. Harry A gra;;p. But their work will he only half Keirn, H. C. Certllled Public Accountant.' !;~olt-I''''\'''II llalrle8. Phone. Preston 2398.
21)2 Dudley ave. Phone. Narberth 300-W. ~ .. e dtsplay auverttt"ell1ent tn thhl t!!lsue.
and Liver Trouble, Gastric Catarrh, Jacobs. <lone if the reponstruction \\"ork fa ih. AIl\,mtTlSISG . Mt;,.,IC.
Bronchial Catarrh, Heartburn, Ne.... Treasurer, Mrs. Edgar H. Cockrm and fail it will without the RcLl Cross C I '" A tI ur Phone Spruce 1638.
o e, • r 1. , r h
T. StUllrt Cowin. 206 Merton ave.
See dl8play advertisement In thla Issue.
vonsness and all Digestive Tronbles, workers. Ideas. Plans. COPY. Art. Typog ap y. Loos, Fllnny II. Plano teacher.
Keep on tile ltiglnvay of good health. Chairmen of Committees AUTO~IOBII.ES StUdio, Arcade Bldg. Phone, 3I6-J.
Lee8' Gllrnge-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone, 1605. SJohohn. 1\I\S8 Ebbll. Mustc Teacher and Ac-
Order a bottle today.' , FOod Conservation, Mrs. A. B. Ross Orer there our men are under orLlers See display adverlisement In this Issue. companlst, 228 Iona ave.. Narberth.
Hospitality, Mrs. Charles A. Vern... to llo what they arc bid. ,Ve are under RANKS NOTARlI I"UBLlC
FOR SALE Merion Title &: Tru8t Co. Phone, Ardmore 8. Jell"erle8. J. Ii. III Narberth aVe.
orllel's too, and must do what we Ilrc See display adverlisement In this Issue. Phone. 666-M.
Legislation, Mrs. William H. Russell UUILDERS T,'Hon. "'lIrren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
asked to do, not only what we like to
HOWARD'S Drug Store Music, Mrs. Joseph A, Barclay.
<10. ,Vill you not therefore continuo
to work ns in the past, and giro your
Smedley. Wm. n. Phone. 600.
See display adve~t1sement In this Issue.
Phone, 1202- W.
01'TICIA1'oS .
J'enton, Cllr! }'. 506 ES8ex ave. Phone, 618.W
NARBERTH, PA. CANDY, ETC. Phlla. address, 1806 Che8tnut st. Locust 528.
help in any department wllere it lllt1Y ll"vI8. n. E. Phone. 1254-W. PAINTERS
See display adverlisement tn thiS tssue. Cole, Jllme8 R.
Y. M. C. A. HOSTS FOR he n~ost needed f . CAltPENTERS AND BUILDERS 246 Haverlord ave. Phone, Spruce 1638.
Jenkins. Cha8. L. W. G. Cummer. Phone. 12-62 W.
Shall we fnil our soldiers and sailors, 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 882·M. 210 Elmwood ave" Narberth.
PICTURES FRA.MED I. Saturday-F. W. Stitl's. our Gorernment, our Red Cross, OUI' .AI- DENTISTS
Orr. Dr. A. 1•• 101 Elmwood aVo Phone, 393-W.
Wlllzer, Fred. '
117 'Vlnsor ,ave. Phone• .I247-J.
At reasonable prices n. ~[onday-W. T. ~relchoir. lies, humanity? There can be but ono Phlla. Phone. Filbert 425~. Ketth Bldg. IAPER HANGERS
Denver. Rlchllrd A. Arcadeeaulldlng.
10. Tnesday-H. C. Ohdyke. reply from eyery loyal RedCToss \York- D R UGOISTS Phone, Narberth 1693-W
Telephone: Narberth 1261-W for prices I1owllrd's. Phone, 1267. 'Vltte. Geo. A. Fairview ~ve
and to Bee samples." 11. Wednesday-To X. Butler. er: See display advertisement In thlll I.sue. Phone, Cynwyd 778-J. Flrst-elass work.
12. Thursday-Miller Burkhardt. ELECTRICIANS PIIOTO PLAYS
CHAS. T. WEAVER "The Red Cross shall not call on u~ l'ugh, Veri 225 Iona ave. "Areadlll." 16th and Chestnut st•., Phil..
334 Dudley Avenue, N_rberth 13. Friday-T. C. Trotter. Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard, Phone, 168-J. See display advertls~ment In thl. mue.
14. Saturday~C. L. ~[etzgar. in vain. The Red Cross shall not fodl.'· FISH AND OYSTERS PLUIIIBING. £TV.
Imperllll Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Suplee. Oeo. B. Phone. 1289.
15. Monday-W. D. Smedley. See display advertisement tn this l88ue. See display advertisement In thle•.
GARDEN NURSERIES WillI. H. B. Phone, 319-J.
A New Meat Market 16. Tuesday-H. C. Gara.
17. Wednesda~·-W. N. )[ills.
Primrose Flower Sbop. Ardmore, P .. C ut
flowers and plante, funeral dealgn",
See dlsplllY advertisement In tbl. I••u •.
CaldwelI &: Co. Phone, 1271-W.
Will be Opened at 18. Thursday-Daniel Leitch. Crowded. 'Vohlert. A. E. See display advertisement In thlll IlIau•.
Montgomery ave. Phone. 696 Narberth. Fritsch, II. C. Phone. 252-W.
205 Haverford Ave. Ill. Friday-C. L. }\[etzgar. After receidng a pocket service book, GROCERS See dls.,lay advertisement In thlll la.u•.
20. Saturday-W. J. Bailey. Imperial Groeery Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Godlrey. 'Vm. B.
DeceJnber 8th a nockct Bible, a llocket album, a pocket See display advertisement In this Issue. 114 Woodside ave. Phone. 6n-W.
22. Mouday-W. D. Smedley. French dictionary and a pocket ~dition HAULING. E'J'V. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 605.
To give the people the best grade of 'Vlllton Bros. Phone, 672. Money for First and Second Mortsas...
meats at the Lo"',,'
Possible Price... 2:1. Tuesday-H. C. Obdyke.
N. 'Vednesday-T. N. Butler.
of the poels, Private Peters hurriedly See display advertlaement In this Issue.
Slmp80n. Jllmes C. 232 Essex ave.
Phone. 636, or 1420 Chestnut .t.
WATCH FOR OUR CIRCULAR wrote; "Please send no more pocket Bowman, Samuel P. (LIfe.) . ROOFING. E'J'V. ,
We will make it worth your time to 25. Thursday-Oharles E. Kreamer. editions until I get some pocket addi- 116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 66S-W. Gam-IIleGlnley Co. Phone. 12GB·W.
26. Friday-T. C. Trotter. iurkhardt. MUler. Generlll Inllurance. See display advertisement In thl. I..ue.
carry it home. tions,'·-Lifc. 100 Maple a\·e. Phone. 659-M. ,'lIlmer, John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 661-.1.
27. Saturday-A. J. Lees. ,Jones. Chas. R. Shop, 246 Haverto"'d ave. Phone, 1216-.1.
JOHN B. HERTZTER 29. Monday-J. G. Foote. 305 S Narberth ave. Phona, 682.d. SIIOEMAKERS
,Jones. ,Vo1. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone. Oood Wear Sboe RepaIr Sbop,
Stor.. in Darby, Swarthmore and Phila. 30. Tuesday-H. C. Gara. 680.d. Phlla. addresll, Penn Mutual BidS. Constllntlne, .B. G. Y. M. C. A. BIdS.
Angels Can Do No More. Trotter Bros. (Fire, etC.) The above department should be of th.
31. Wednesday-C. V. Noel. 209 Woodatde ave. Phone. 1262-R. crentellt use to the communIty, tha lIst eon·
The minister had been giving little , talns the name of every profe""lonal man,
, LAWYERS trlldellman, mechanic, IIhopkeeper. etc., wbo
lalks to the children before the regular Gilroy. Jobn 211 Essex ave. Phone, 12U-R. does or can In any way serve Iilll tello",.
Phil... addrass, Lincoln Bldg. tOlvnsman. and Who III progrellslve enougb
The Y. M. C. A. Educational Commit- sermon. One of the little boys was Stites. Fleteher W. ., a Haverford love. to add name to IIl1t of Register.

Don't Forget tee is planning a series of illustrated

lectures on "America at War" to start
moved to express his estimate of the
k:ndly notice thus taken of them, so he
Phone. 872-W Pblla. addra.... Croller Bldg.
MeDonald ,Jobn. Narbarth phone, 1lI88.
As It la dlmcult for tholl. contrlbutlq
their time and elforts to the productioD Of
"Our Town" to personally either know or
To Save and Bundle Your in the near future. The pietures are wrote the follow inK note: 1&33 Chest. at.. Phil... Pbone. Spruce 1118. Interview 1111 lIuch, It would be mo.t b.lp-
fill If tholle not now tound In th. PriDted
Newspapers furnished by the Government and are "Dear Pastor: I preachate your
HEATS. E'J'V.. 1Il1t would lIend In a memo of theIr Dune.,
Cotter. IIoward F, Phon.•, 1298. addreu, phone number. and bu.ln_.' or
y~ M. C. A. Collection-Nov. 30th official photographs. Watch for further preaching to us. I think you do the See dlsulay advertl...ment In thl. I..ue.
Crist, Frank. Phone, 368.
prote..lon. tor lI.tlng. ThIll will coat . . fol-
10'\'11: 10 cent. each luue tor I I\n•• ; Ii e.)llIB
nnnouncements. best you can. Tommy." See dIsplay advertl.ement In tbla I..ue. tor eacb additional llDL . .

L.- _

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