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Big Tennis Dance Holiday House Narberth, Bryn Mawr

Next Friday Night Directors Meet and Paoli Winners in
(By the COlllmittee.) Main Line Baseball
ELM HALL NEXT WEEK-LIVE- The Directors of thc Holilltlj' lionse :JECOND HALF OPENED LAST SAT-
LY JAZZ ORCHESTRA TO met Tuesday, Julj' 2Uth, with a very URDAY WITH NARBERTH
KEEP THINGS MOVING. goou attenuance, members being pres- WINNING AT ARDMORE.
ent from Pottstown, .Jellkintown, Gel'-
muntown, Bryn ~rawr and Narberth. NARBERTH VS. BRYN MAWR TO-
These meetings arc held every two DAY AT HIGH SCHOOL
Uembers of the Narberth Tennis As-
sociation and their friends arc urged
to rememher that next Fri<1ay e\"ell-
weeks during the time the House is
open, for the purpose of reporting ex-

pellses, etc. Standing of the Clulls Main Line

ing, July 30, is the dnte of tIle Shirt League.
The House has received donatiolls of Have you seen Narbl'ook Park lately?
"Waist Dance to be held in Elm HalJ.
Yegetables, for which they arc very 'Von. Lost. 1'. C.
The Entertainment Committee has ar-
grateful. Dr. Faries treated the chil- Our Bo.r Scouts arc getting for .N a rberth ..... , .. ,.... 1 o 1.000 HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN, POST 356,
ranged to hn ve nn excellent jazz orches- their SUmmer camp in August. Bryn ~ra \\"1' , ' . . . . . . . . 1 o 1.000 NARBERTH, PA.
dren to icc cream on the Fourth of
tra on the job nnd is also planlling a Paoli , 1 U 1.000
special feature which promises to in- 'V. L. LivingstOn and family arc St. Denis ' 0 ] .000
Donations of anj' kind will be appre-
terest everyone. spending the sUlllmer at their cottage Wayne 0 1 .000
ciated, as there is always a large family "'1'0 fosler alld pel"petuate 1l. one
Captain Follin says he ohjeds to be- to feed and the H. C. L. makes it very at Stone Harbor. Berwyn ' 0 1 .000
hUlldred pel" ccnt. AUlericanislll." "To
ing in the public eye so much, but just difficult. Money or checks should be illculeate a sellse of illlliviuual obliga-
the same lIe threateus to repeat the sent to Mrs. F. H. Baker, P. O. Box Come out to the High School grounds Narberth, 4; St. Denis, 1.
t ion to the cOllllllunity, State, and Na-
strenk of luck he had at the last dance. 711, Narberth. today and sec our cha2llpions pla;r Bryn Anlmore, July 17.-In a pitchers'
t ion."
Well, we'll see. And in the mean- '1'he group lIOW enjoyillg a vacation ~Iawr. hattIe here today bl'tll"een Yuwell [lIHI
while, lwep your cye on George Tomp- Hiehmond, Nnrberth, ch:LJlljlioJls for the Se\-eral new ml'lIl hers have !Jeen pro-
consists of :the mothers and twenty
kins, the southpaw of Sabine avenue. Fletcher W. Stites, of 1\ arherth, has Ii r~t hulf, defeateu St. Denis, 4-1. The posed, hut we st ill need a few more to
children. One mother is a widow with
George says lIe was glad that" Captain been elected for the Eighth (Bucks- hitting of n. Humphries and Groff pass the century mark.
six children dependent upon her, and
Follin carriell ofT the honors at the last needless to say, she appreciates a vaca- ~Iolltgolliery) Congressional District. r,'a t ured the game. IIa ve you planued to take au ,:II! tage
clance, but that he :JJ1<1 Bill Til<len al- t ion for herself and children. NAHBlmTlI. of the Atlautic City Post~ One or two
ways wcre close friends, while as for JIdp the House with the good work 'V.
:'11'. and l\frs. J. Bailey allu their H. H. O. A.. E. wpeks, reasonahle ratps. Ask the Post
~rl·. Bancroft, "WIly I went to school
. awl pay us a visit. three children nrc 011 an automobile Bums, c . o U 1U (I 0 .\djutant about it.
with him," says George. t rip through Pennsylvania and Ohio. Dickie, ss . 1 0 1 1 1 Too gl"ea t a eOllllllelldatioll cannot be
Alld there arc others who insist that CIVIC ASSOCIATION DAHLIA 'V. Humphries, 2h .. o 0 2 2 1 gin'lI to the J'u!llic Leclger for the fol-
tIl(' Goddess of Luck has touchecl them SHOW SEPTEMBER 25TH. H:l\-el'ford a venue is open to traffic H. Hlllnphries, 3h .. o 3 0 1 0 IOIl"illg editorial:
on tile shoul<ler alld that it WOIl't he again ana has a new coat of asphalt Stites, cf. ', ] 0 () o 0
this time, fronl Nar~lerth to Forrest P1eck, If . 1 0 ;l o 0 Sl'EAKIXG OF HEIWES.
long hefore ~-ou '11 scc them wei1<lillg a Vegetables.
new Cancroft-Tildell r:Iel,pt :In,l cle:In- The fo\lowillg list call ht, l'Iallted as a venues. ])a vis, Ih . o 0 11 o 0 Unly a well-deH'lupc,t sense of hUlllur
ill;! up e\-erybody. la teas July 2Hh and can be had for ;>.i i eh 'SOil, rf. . o 0 o o (l :lnd Jalltiliarity with the sUIH'rfit'ial
Th:It's tlll' spirit, fellows. Keep up shOll" on Septl'mber 25th: ~Ir. Hlld ~Irs. H. Y, ~Iessae, of I';ssex Yowell, p. . " . 1 2 o 1 1I Illoods of II is u\\"n peuple sen"e tu keep
the WH1tl work allll se]] all the tickets (J rl'ell Pocl Beans a vellllO, ha vc returned from Ch icago, t'x-:";L'l'\'icc lJltlll :..;afc frOBl ingrowing
that you can for the dance lIext Frida3' Beets where thtT attellue<1 the 1~lks COII\"en- '('otals ........... 4 ii 27 5 2 t.·.YlljCj~Ul. The~~ were glorious dongh-
night. It's going to he a hig party Carrots t.ion. ST. DENIS. "oys a few years ago, thc flower of the
a1111 n jolly one. Swiss Charll H. "II. U. A. I':. laud, the pride of t.he nation and the
CuclIJllbers ~rr. allll :'III'S.•Tame; C. Simpson, of W. N'JI, ss. 0 0 1 2 1 saviors of France. Nothing \\"as tuu
Friell<ls of members may purch:Ise
Endive Essex a yellUe, arc at Alhambra, Cali- Groff, 1'1'. O' .00 •••• U 2 0 0 0 good for the \II j n those days, 'll'l 1'01'
tickt'ts frolll memhers or :I1 the door
l'omia. They eXIJecl" ,0 reLurll LU Nar- .t. .x'aH, cf. ....... U 0 0 0 0 \IIonths the folk II-ho stayed at lIollle
lIcxt ]<'riday night. Kohl llabi
Lettuce berth ahout September 1st. ])c\"lin, 2b ••••• 0 •• 0 1 3 3 0 lIaye been bla\lling" t he increase of pctty
Helllem her-the ~'ennis Association's Uenzy, Ib ........ 0 0 10 crinlcs of violclIcc oil ., youlIg tHelL who
Squash, Patty Pan 1 1
S"hirt "'nist Dance is next ]<'riuny even- Str<'et COllllllissionl'1" Humphries is Wilsoll, If. 0 0
Turnips ••• 0 •• " 2 1 0 learned rough and wicked ways in the
ing, .July :l0, at Elm Hall. making' very good pr(lgl""ss wi t h !fa \"('1'- I(cefe, ;lb ......... 0 0 1
J>1:\lI t August 1st: 2 1 army." Of course, this was neyer true,
Peas. ford avenue, an,l when our main thoro- Kirk, c. ..0 ....... 0 () !) 1 3 "u t we have yet to sec anyone ques-
Plnllt August ]!ith: fare is completed our husiness section Hiehmolld, p. ...... 1 1 (l 0 0 tion au implication that is as graeeless
About Dahlias Radish. will he a credit 10 0111" hurough. .r, Nunan • •••• 0 ••• 0 1 0 0 0 a~ it is foolish.

All soldiers were not angels. 'rhey

While the ntteudancc at the baseball Totals 1 a 27 12 4
Some timc bctwcen now ILllll August Women as games is quite large, yet considering Xarherth ,0 1 0 1 0.1 ] 0 0--01
0 ••••
I\"pre not intendell to be angels. There
lI"ere good and bad among t hem, as
14th I'rocure a quantity of pulverized
sheel) nlallUrC, shredded cow mallure or Fire Fighters the quality of baseball which our local
hoys arc playing, morc interest should
St. Denis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Two-basc hit-H. Hlllllphries. ~'hree­
t l1l're arc goou aud· lJad everywhere.
But almost el"ery recent arrest made in
potato fertilizer, about two poulltls for he taken in their efforts, more partic- hnse hit-Hil'hIlI01lll. Slrllck out-By this eity and the obs"n"aliolls of police
each dUhlia I'lallt, if you arc alJlbitio,us Se\""ral 1I"0lllen Oil Dudley avenue are u!n rly when they ha \"e won the first Yo \\,pll , f); HichlllOJlll, 7. Hases 011 balls oJlicials as rcported hy Director Cortel-
to show nHlIlY antI large lluhlias. qualified for auxiliary membership in hn If of tlle Mnin Lille championship. -Off 1'0\\'('11, 2; Hichlllond, 8. UJIlpire you show that th,) "crime w:tve" of
the Fin' COlul'allY hy saving a Sedan The schedule of each week is printed -~rorris.
Do not fertilize now. See Our Town, the Jl\OllleIJl, Ihe ],ol,[-ups and the ama-
autolliobile from llestruction on Mon- Ol\ the second pngo of Our Towu.
August 14th. Meanwhile, keep the teur bandit ry ha \"c! no relation to arlllY
d:ly. Thl' car, whi"h was nelY and ha,1 Paoli, 13; Berwyn, 5.
buds pinehed off. Yon might out of (Continued on Page 3.) life, hut an eYen more significant and
jllst I"'l'n ,klin'I"('d to Hobert C. .Nash, Bel"ll"yll .. _. , 2 0 (l 1 n I l 1I 0- ;j
curiosity allow one bull to open just to picturesque origin. j\ great lIIallY
1',':11 eslate hroker, on Saturday, had Paoli ..... _ ;j 1 2 (I 0 2 :l 0 x-I::
see what color the flower \yill he, but youths and YOUlI g 1I1l'n who stayed at
heen 1<'1't stalldin)! 011 Dudley aVl'lIne 'J'wo·h:u;p llih..:-SiIllIlIOIl:-1, EYan:--. :!;
otherwise ha ye patience. lIomc allll earneu high wagcs ill the war
hy .John C, .Nash, local representative CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS K Patton, Cogan. 'l'hr<>('-IJ:ls(, hits-
If your plants have grown lIIore than industries aequirc,1 the Iwhits of high-
of the linll. A 1"'11" IlIillllles after )11". EnlJ1s, H:I~-lIwn. HOIllP run-Kirke.
fOllr feet tall pinch the top ant. The Two ccnts per word If casb accom- rollers. They culti\"ated ('xpellsive
:\:Ish had left the car flames were seen Double pla.r-Ha~'lIlnll, Kirk :11\(1 ~rllr­
plant will branch ant at the sides a]](1 panies advertisement; otherwise, live lastes of t.he sort that. were unknown
hursting out heneath the body. Some- cell ts /leI' word. ray. Strucl, ollt-By Sampl<" 12; BauJll-
becollle stoclder and stronger. Stakillg, and ulldrealllcu of iu and behind the
one niell lin! allll in a moment ~Irs, gardner, a; Lcwis, 2, Basps 011 balls-
of course, will preyent the tall plants lincs. :'\[ost of them were content to
Edward 11 a ws, follo,,-ed by :l\Irs. oW. B. Off Sample, 3; B:1I1111gardner, 3; Lewis,
from being hlo\yn over by a high wina. ehallge Iheir ways when cOlluitions
Goodall and ~Irs. A. G. Kohler, were on PLANTS FOR SALE-~'omatocs, Egg I. Umpire, Heake. ehang"ll. Others still insist 011 hadng
DAHLIA SHOW COl\BUTTEE. the joh armecl with fire extinguishers, Plan ts, Peppers, Lettuce, Mi n t and
Cahhagl'. Asters, Sca.rlet Sage, .Mari- Illolley to throw away-cven if they
the l'OJJtellts of whidl \\"e1'e at once Bryn Mawr, 8; Wayne, 7.
golds, Chrysanthemums, Geraniums, Sun have to gel it from other people with a
llashcll on the Iml'lliug car, smothering Flowers. 313 Essex a \'enue. Wayne 0 11 7 0 n () 0 0 0-7 ,·Inh or pistol. They arc the ones who"
the :flames. Though the .Narherth Fire Bryn Mawr 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2-8
OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX- FOR SALE-Large Cabinet Phono- an' 1101\" Jl\aking trouble for the police:
Compall~- \\":IS only three minutes in 1'1'- Two-base llits-Rogers. ~re~roni!!aI.
ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. O. A. spon<1ing to an alarm turned in, the~' graph, in good condition, $50.00. Box Head the first article on YOllr Amer-
!J66, Narberth. Home run-Hallowell. Douhle play-
fonnd the WOl11en ha<1 completed the i,'a 1I Ll'gi on 'Veekly, entitled "Your
President-Mrs. D. D. Stickney. Noblett and 'Veuyer. Struck out-B\-
"oice allll Your Vote."
Vice-President-Mrs. J. B. Darlington. ;ioh, ollly sli!!ht damage being clone, FOR SALE-White enameleu wicker
hnby conch, re\'ersilJle hody. Pho1le
Ua 11 o"l\"cll, 3; Cooney, 2; Rogers, B. The pIau t.o luake Armistice Day cer-
Secretary-Mrs. C. L. McLean. whi~h is "ov"rccl h~- illsurance. Bases on bn lis-Off Coolley, 3; Rogers,
6I:l-W, Narberth CU-p) emonies one of the grcatest: in history
Treasurer-Mrs. H. C. Keim. 2; Hallowell, 2; DUllne, 3. Umpire-
PLENTY OF TIME. FOR SALE-White Crih Bassinette on Korle hy distrihuting the Victory Medals
Ohairmen of Committees. Teacher: ",\rhat, Bohh~-, you say wheels, with lICW lIIattress. Neyer throug-Il the American Legion is a fino
you dOll't wall! to he President of the heen used. Sell cheal" Box 33, Nar- nlllllllllllll11UlIIlIllllllUIlIIIlIIlllIllllIlIIUlIInrUlIIlllIllllllIIllllllllIllllI'.: idea.
Membership-Mrs. Samuel Diclde. herth. Phonc 1642-J. (·H-c)
FlIited States'" 'lYe ask all ex-service men, whether
Visiting-Mrs. Romaine Hoffman.
House--Mrs. W. N. Mills.
Bright Lad: "Not ;just no\\', thanIts,
lf it's nll the same to you I'd rather
FOR RENT-'l'hird-storj' front rooin,
furnished. 205 Forest: an'. (H-p)
ALL LETTERS members of this Post or not, to olltain
their medals though tIle Legion.
Social-Mrs. G. Merritt Davis. \\"ait until after a couple of more elec-
"FAMILY wants to lease i)-room apart- OlJicial application blan~ts may be ob-
Music-Mrs. T. Noel Butler. tions.' ' ment Or mediUIll sized house in Nar-
hl'rth by September 1st. Liberal rental.
NARBERTH tained from the Post Adjutant. Head
the page in ~-our weekly palled the
Addl'ess D, cltre Our Town. (41-p) Malt Carry a "Ohsel"Ylltion Post."

Accommodations are Wanted NOTICEI

for Several School T eachere of the Narberth Schools. And Be Addressed
Rooms, preferably with board, from September 1st. FORMATION LEADING TO To The Street Number 'rhe Holiday Honse will welcome do-
THE ARREST AND OONVIC· nations of )'OU1' surplus fruits, berries
Will those who are likely to be interested kindly TION OF ANYONE TAMPER- And NOT to th. and YegetlLbles. The,\- will surely be
communicate with ING WITH THE STEAM ROLL- appreciated by the King's Daughters
ER WIDOH IS THE PROP- P. O. Box Number and their guests.
Mrs. A. M. Crater, 218 Hampden Ave., Narberth ERTY OF THE BOROUGH OF
i Con8ult Your Telephone Telephone Mrs. Fred E. Derby, Nar-
~ Directory berth, 386-R. 106 North Narherth aye-
I 111l1l1l11l11ll1l1l1ll11111ll11l1111111l1l1l1l11ll11ll1l111l111ll111111l1l11ll1ll1l111111111
r. lIUII IUlIWWUlUlIlllUllIIlIIlIIllllllllUlIIllllllllllllUlIllllllIUIIIIIIIllIlIIIllIIIIIIIIIII11Il11II1l1ll1111ll1
nue, Narberth.

begin to form, buds appearing before Of course, ".
OUR TOWN this time should be pinched off; they
will appear again and produce better
Fall Flower Show 1267 deliver - al11
place - aDJ

An Ex~riment in CO-operative
flowers later. The cooler nights of
September make Jhe finer flowers. Elm Ball, Sept. 25th 1268 time.

Joumalism-No Paid Workers. J f two 01' more shoots have appearcu

from a tuber it will be found better to
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
remove all but the strongest stem, dO Asters,
tha t the strength in the grounrl will go Cosmos,
Owned and Published every Saturday to make one good stem, rather than Snnpdragons,
several inferior ones. In cases IVh'~re Zinnias,
by the Narberth Civic ASBQciation.
only two stems nre growing nicely bv.l-
nnced, it is possibly safer to allow them
to remain rather than risk injuring the
Aunual Larkspur.
Rubscription price one dollar and fifty plnnt.
ecnts per year in advance. Keep the hed free from weeds, 'lnd
keep surfnce of ground rulwd or hoed,
·Classes helow, special prizes to be an-
nounced later. For Good Taxi Service
Three ribbons each class.


net only to kill weeds, but to moisten
and aerate the soil. Do not let the
grounu cake. Nature will tlll,e care of
Clnss I-Beans, green pod. 1 qnart.
Class 2-Beans, W:lX. 1 qunrt.
Call Narberth 1633
CIVIC ASSOCIATION watering for the present. Class 3-Beans, lima, bush. 1 qt.
Class 4-Beans, lima, pole. 1 qt.
24 Hour Service
March 26, 1920. The Dahlia Show Committee will be
Class 5-Beets. 6. (Shown with
Prcsidcll t, Robert J. Edgar.
Vice-President, Joseph II. Nash.
Vice-President, Augustus J. Loos.
glad to answer questions to the best
of their ability and expericnce as anlU-
teur growers, if letters arc addressed
Class 6-Brusscls Sprouts. 3 stems.
Class 7~Cahbage. I heau.
to Box No. U8.
Vice-President, Mrs. C. P. Fowler. Class 8-Cantaloupe. 1 head.
Treasurcr, Miss Maisie J. Simpson. DAHLIA SHOW COMMITTEE. Class 9'Carrot. 6. (Shown with tops.)
Secrctary, Miss Huth E. Prcseott. Class 10-Cauliflower. 1 head. We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
Celery. 5 stalks.
Directors 1923, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. It is to ,be regrette,l that a number Class ll-Chard, Swiss. 3 heads. Narberth Real Estate
D. D. Stickney, J. Garfield Atherholt, Class 12-'Chinese.Cabbage. 1 head.
T. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, A. of our Narberth boys uo not seem to
cousir.ler the value of the property of
Class 13-Corn. white. 6 cars. and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
E. Wohlert; Directors 1922, J. J. Ca- CIa;:,; H-Corn, ~'eJlow. 6 etlrs.
brey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, our residcnts and of the horough. Class I5--eucumber. 6. to Answer Your Requirements
Charles H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, 011 'Veunesday night the town roller I (J!ass 16-F.qg Plant. 1.
Harry A. Jacobs; Directors 1921, F. A. L:1nRs 17--}o'ldi\'e, green curled. 3 This office does a strictly brokerage business and bas no par-
was tamJlered with and quite a good
Lanahan~ Daniel Leitch, George T. plan.t s. tioular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
Knutzen, J. B. Nesper, E. A. Muschamp, deal of damage thereby was caused. C1uss 18-Kale. 1 head.
Fletcher W. Stites. Elsewhere ill this issue the Borough has Class 19-Kohl Babi. 3 plants. buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
offered a rewanl of fifty dollars for in- Class 20-Lettuce. 3 heads. Oar Ref.rences-Anyone with whom we have done business
formation leading to the arrest and Class 21-0nions, white. 6.
HARRY A. JACOBS, Class 22-0nions, yellow. 6.
con\'iction of anyone tampering with
Editor. the roller and the Borough will use
Class 2'3-0Ilions, red. 6. ROBERT J. NASH
Class 24~Parsnips. 3. (Shown with Real Estate Broker
e\'erj' effort to hring the boys to ac- tops.)
count for t.heir uncitizenshipliko meth- Clnss 25-Pepper, red or green. 3. tOOl CHESTNUT S fREET, PHILADELPHIA
A. J. Loos, Henry Rose, Class 26~Peas in pod. 1 quart. MEMBER, PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
Associate Editors. Class 27-Potato, COhbler. 14 peck.
A number of our residcnts from time' Relidence, 104 Gray ling Avenue, Narberth
Class 28-Potafo, extra early. 1fl pk.
to time complain as to the damage caus- Class 29-Potato, late wintel'. lA, pk. RelideDce Phone: Nerberth 605
ed by our boys, and we hope such ac- (An~' yarietJ.)
tions will be discontinued. Class 30-Pull1]Jldn. 1.
Cashier. Class 31-Radish. 6. (Sho1\'n with
Such tactics, if pursued, not only tops.)
gi\"e trouhle to c\'er~'one cOJllwcted Class 32-Ruta Baga. 6.
Send all advertising and news items to therel\"ith, hut do not llI:lke for good 'Class ilil-Salsifv. 6.
Clnss 34-Squasit. 1.
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
newsstand, and at the store of H. E.
Class il5-Tomato. 6.
Class 36,-Turnip. 6. The Pocket Bank
THING.. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR LAWS. is neither safe nor profitable because money carried in
Entered as second-class mattilr
(Continued from Last Week) one's p'1ckets or kept at home is often lost, and often
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t
EI'l'I',I'thjllg that is made of papcl' is
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
l"uIIstalltly ilJ('l'l':lsillg ill priee-aud the It is a fplony to take or steal a motor unwisely spent.
of March, 1879. vehicle, or to I'cceive or purchase a
lll(l~t ral'~sl'l'illg' I1WIl call't sec anything
hut all upgrade ahead. :Mellnwhile, stolen motor vehicle. :JIaximum penalty Money deposited in a checking account here is safe;
el'cry week, wc stick into our stol'es $5,000, and ill1prisonment of ten (10)
years. (Pennsyh'ania La\\'s 75, 1919.) an easily accessible record of expenditures revealing
alld t'Ul'lIuecs or take out into our back
OUR TOWN will gladly print .\'a rds anu bul'll o~'er 125,000,000 Jlounds It is a misdemcunor to drive over any ways to economize is provided; and many avenues of
a.ny news it'.!m about any subject puhlic hridge with a motor-driven ve-
of paper that 'has comc illto our homes profits are opened to depositors.
that is of interest to Narberth ill one way' or another. Most of us do hiele with a gross weight of four (4)
folks, but in order to meet the it thoughtlessly, though IllallY see in tons, faster than six (6) miles per hour.
printing schedule, all "copy" their \Yeekl.r task a contribution to an All information for offenses under
-manuscripts-must reach the appalling national wastc of a resource the nIotor Vehicle Law shall be brought
under the act, 283 Pennsylvania Laws,
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
that is steadily and rapitlly dimillish-
illg. But there scems to be nothing HHO, anll not unller any local ordinanc('. The Merion Title and Trust Company
that the individual call do about it- rule or regulation, and shall be mad~
except to burn the p:lpel'. And more hefore a mayor, burgess, magistmte, Narberth Office • • Opposite Station
t.rees have to be cut down amI the day alderman, or .iustice of the peace.
SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 when c\llleriea will he without a forest Motor vehicle may be given by own-
draws a little nearer.Comllllllli 1:, ac- er as hail for a llcaring or appearance
tion CUll operate to postpone this dis- at court.
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS aster. The schoolhouse can again be Speetl.
Fire, 350 ('allt'tl upon to rcnder a public service. Do not operate a motor vehicle reck-
Police, 1250 St. Louis has s'hown the way with lIII
org:lIlization of more thall 100,OUO IJl1-
pils who take papers anu magazilles to
the schools ollce a week, where the.\· arc
lessly or at a rate of speed greater
than is rensonable and proper. Speed
limit 30 miles an hour except where
signs arc displayed lirniting speed to 15
Baseball Today
Editorial paeketl antl solli. In two years they
ha \"e F:l\'e,l almost 2,000 tons of paper,
miles an hour.
Do not talw part in any race or
whieh has been sold for about $38,000. speed contest. HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS
The money is used to pay annuities to The rate of speed of any motor ve-
NOTICE. hicle when timed shall be made on u
t"aehers who retire after long service
All perSOll~' resiuing in the Borough 1I1111 for gh'ing relief to teachers t"lIl- mellsured stretch of highway not less
of Narherth :.. e requested to report con, porarily in need. Here is a comhina- than one-eighth (1-8) of a mile in Game Called 3.15 P. M,
tagious ,Iisen'('s to the Board of Health. t ion of two worthy services that is rec- lCJlgth and shall be taken by not less
Those not lUI I ,ng a doctor for Whooping than two persons.
cough u:nst report sueh cases an,1 ollllllelllled to the careful consideration
keep chihlren OIL their own premises. of every community that has a school- No conviction shall be made upon the
This is a St:~ te law, :lIHl all those neg-
lect iug to report same arc suhject to a
house-and burns its waste paper.-
William Frederick Bigelow, I~ditor, in
Good Housekeeping, August.
unsupported evidence of one person.
Rules of the Road.
Do not pass street car taking on or
Narberth vs. Bryn Mawr
Secretary. The nhoYe might present nn iucn to discharging passengers.
tIll' Nnrberth Boy Scouts, an energetic 'Vhen meeting or overtaken by an-
GET READY FOR THE DAHLIA organization of well trained anu man- other vehicle legally traveling at a
Stop upon signal or request of lIny or seller shall furnish to the vendee o'r
SHOW. nerly young men, who could usc the greater speed, turn t~ the right of the
constable, police officer, member of the purchaser an affidavit and statement in
mllney for the expenses of their summer center of the highway, allowing other
:::ltate police force, or any officer of duplicate giving a full descriptiou of
Perhaps the amateur grower is won· t'llmp.' vehicle free passage to the left.
the State Highway Department, who the used motor vehicle, using Depart-
dering just what to do at this time in When overtaking another vehicle
order to have more and bettcr flowers shall he in uniform or shall exhibit ment form N·175, (, Affidavit by Vendor
puss same to the left; do not attempt
at the proper flowering time, late Au- HIS ANNIVERSARY. his badge or other sign of authority. of Sale, etc., of Used Motor Vchicle. "
gust to Octoher 1st or the first killi ng to pass at un intersection, sharp turn,
If requested, show officer your regis- The vendee, or purchaser, shall make
frost. curve or on approaching crest of a hill.
tration eertificate or license and write affidavit and statement ilL duplicate
A great llIany dahlia tubers are " And 1I0W," asked the Sunday Be sure you have an unobstructed view
plunted in soil that has been formerly your name in the presence of such of- giving full description of the used
School superintendent, smiling benignly of two hundred (200) feet ahead and
used for vegetable gardens and which ficer to establish your identity. motor vehicle, on Department form
upon the class, "can any little boy or thus avoid accident.
has been richly fertilized. A ,soil of No city, borough, or incorporated N-159, "Affidavit by Vendee Purchaser
about 50 per cent. coal ashes has been girl tel! me wltnt great event took place All motor vehicles, especially heavy
town., township, or county, shall adopt, of Used Motor Vehicle," one copy of
found to he the best, as dahlias dll not upon Good Friday." trucks, should, as far as possible, keep
need. much nonrishment early in their maintain, or enforce any rule, regula- which shall bo filed witll the State
"Yessir, I can," replied a youthful to the right-hand side of highway to
groWlllg season, the idea being to just tion, or ordinance, regulating the speed, Higllway Department together with
\'oice from the back row. "That's tho allow for safety and passage of faster
keep them growing in order that the equipment, use or operation of motor vendor's affidavit, form N-175, and fee
substance wiII not all go to bush, at day I whaled hell out of Red Smith." moving vehicles, and vehicles coming in
vehicles, other than city or borough or- of $2.50. If, upon acquisition of used
the expense of flowers, later in the opposite direetion.
season. . uinances regulating the stopping ancl motor vehicle, registration or transfer
Keep to the right of the intersection
There is a time to fbrtilize and that pnrldng of vehicles, the nse of certain of registration is desired, execute proper
of the centers of highways, and pass
is about August 15th, or whe~ tIle buds FOR SAFETY'S SAKE. streets as one way streets or regulating form, forward to State Highway' De-
to the right of such intersection before
the kind and weight of traffic on cer- partment with proper fee, together with
turning to the left.
"Dellr God," prayed golden-haired tain streets and public parks, -and es- Von dec Affidavit, N·159 ($2.50), and
Wben' two vehicles approach the in-
1i ttle Willie, "pleas'e watch over my tablishing safety zones; no such special Vendor Affidavit, N-175 (no fee), at
Frederic A. Lanahan :'~nlnnln.' ,
tersection of two public highways at
the same time the vehicle approaching
regulations effeetive unless notice of
same is conspicuously posted.
wMeh time registration tags will be
And then he added as an after- issued. The remaining copy of form
In.urance • Service from the right has the right of way.
Used Motor Vehicle. N-159, "Vendee's 'Affidavit," to be
thought, "And I dunno as it would do Wllen signalled to do 80 by the rider
205 Forest Ave. Na.h~~:i.D344 R any harm to keep an eye on the old or driver of any horse or other animal, Upon a sale or a tran.sfer of owner-
mn n, too." stop until danger has 'been avoided. ship of a used Illotor vehicle the vendor (Continued on Page 3.)

A ~S~VT~.2 !A
vision of the driver of an approaching
THE FIRESIDE highways shallJ from one hour after
sunset until one hour before sunrise, or yehicle, and it shall be the duty ot
, (Oontinued from Page 1.) whenever it is impossible to see clearly every operator of such motor vehicle Floesl ....0.0111.,. The-
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. for a distance of two hundred (200) equipped with and using electric lights atre 01 Its size In Ibe
Entire World.
The Rev. 'V.Scott Nevin, pastor of feet, show at least two lights of approx-
imately equal power on the front' of
upon the public highways of this State
to effectually apply such dimmer to the Pb.'oplaY8-Cootlounus IDA. M.'o U.S.
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa. the Steel Memorial Presbyterian P.M.
Church, Philadelph'ia, died at his home such vehicle. forward lights of the vehicle operated
on Sunday the 18th. Mr. Nevin and Motor-cycle without side ear attach- by him or her, Rnd cause such lights to PhUa.• Pa.
Merion Meeting is open for worship mont may display but one light on the be dimmed and lessened so as not to
his family were former residents of
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. front. interfere with the sight or temporarily
We cUldially welcome any visitors who No brilliant light shall be displayed blind the vision of the operator of any
desire to worship with us. on any motor vehicle standing on the approaching vehicle.
Extensive improvements are being
During July and August the First made on the south side of Narberth left side of the highway. (To be Continued Next Week.)
---------,----_ ..- .. _-
Day (Sunday) School will be closed. Do not display red light on the front
station. The platform and station are PROGRAM
On Se\"Cnth ~Ionth (July), 31st, at 4 being elevated in order to shorten the of any motor vehicle.
P. ~I., the }'riends \rill hold a confet· step between the platform and the train Every motor vehicle, including
ence at Merion Meeting House on the step. motor-cyeles, whether standing or in
"Possihilities of the Friends ~Icet­
ing." We shall cordially welcome all
those who are interested cnough to at·
tend, and we hope that many will be.
Mrs. Carrie Wyman Lamb, of Bethel,
Alaska, announces the marriage of her
daughter, Zelinda 'Lamb Johnstone, to
motion, shall display one red light on
the rear, and if a trailer be attached
to such motor vehicle, or another ve-
hiclo is being towed so as to obscure

William Loxley Peebles, of Narberth, such red light, then a red light shall
be displayed on the rear of such vehicle All Summer Shoes "Lets Be
Pa. The marriage was solemnized at
ST. MARGARET'S R. O. OHUROH. the First Presbyterian Church, Nar-
berth, on Thursday, July 8th.
or such trailer.
Registration plate on the rear of Reduced to Cost Fashionable"
every motor vehicle, motor·cyde and
Rev. R. F. Oowley, :Rector. trailer shall te clearly illuminated dur-
Members of the Pennsylvania Nurs-
Better come in and Jook
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 ing the same period as stated above.
erymen's Association assembled at Mr. them over
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No- All motor vehicles equipped with and
A. E. Wohlert's home in Narbrook Park using electric headlights of more than MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NBA.
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late
Mass, 9.30.
on their way to Valley Forge on
Thursday. Needless to say, the nurs-
four (4) candle-power, not equipped
with a permanent deflecting or diffusing
Narberth Shoe Store AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M., 11.00, ••00,
s..J~, 11.411, 7.411. 9.80 P. U.
erymen were all praise for the develop-
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30
ment nnd hig'hly complimented the
device, Shall be provided and equipped 209 Haverford Avenue
A. M. Weekdsys at 8. Evening devo- with some practical and efficient de- Narberth
spirit of Narberth and the men who vice or devices whereby the forward
and other service8 at regular mad,e Norlirook Park a realization.

Dahlias, Asters, Cosmos, Snapdrag-

lights of such vehicle may be dimmed
or lessened at the will of the operator
to such nn extent that such light or Raymond Weils, Proprietor
ons, Zinnias, Vegetables Classes for gar-
den vegetables grown by Narberth gar-
reflection therefrom through said for- Subscribe for GASOLl.NE, OIL, SUPPLIES
ward lights will not interfere with the
deners will be added to the list of ex-
hibits for t.he Fall Flower Show in Elm
sight of', nor tcmporarily blind the "Our Town" EXPERT REPAIRING
Hall. Telephone Narberth 1633
Many yegetable seeds can be planted - - - - - - _._--------
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens.
<1lll'ing .July and August to be gathered
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. in late September in time for the
Sunday services: show. Wateh Our Town for list of
8.15 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9.45 A. M:.-8unday School.
classes and also information on What ~o
11.00 A. :r.I.-Morning service and ser- 250 Haverford Ave.
A free autobus brings the children to Memhers of the Narherth Tennis As- Patrick F. Donahue
and from Sunday School and the mem- soication. their wives, anel their frienels
bers to and frOJil Church, leaving Nar-
berth Slation at 9.40 and 10.40. If
are \\'an{ed not to sc.heelule their \'aca-
tions to include Frielay cYening, .July
Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered PLUMBING
requested it will leave the station at
8.00 for the early service.
:\0. For on that dntl' the Association
will g-iw a shirt waist elance.
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered HEATING
Chairman Pattison, of the Entertain-
ment Committee, is already arranging • Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 ROOFING
an interesting program, including one
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. special frature which he says will make
a hig hit with all tennis players.
,\'ithin a \\'cek or ten clays lIIcndJCrs
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. will he supplied wi th tieJ,ets a wI all

Sunl!aJ', July 25, lU20:

9.45 A. ~I. -Sl!I\(laJ' School.
other det.ails of the affair.
The Ladies' Committee of the Asso·
ciation also wishes to announce that
it has planned a masque ball for Hal-
Narberth Register
Two Line., IOc per i.Bue; 5c for each aclclitionalline
Clarence A. Speakman
11.00 A. ~I.-~[orning w(lr~hip. Ser- lo\\'e 'en, Satunlay r\,('Iling, October 30,
mon by t he pastor.
in Elm Hall.
Carpenter and Builder
7.00 P. ~L-lJnion twilight scn'ice at Gottshall, II. K. Public Accountant; Tax lIf1LK
~I(jlllhcrs of the Narberth Tenni~ A~· Phone 1652·R Narberth
corner of Hampden and 'Vinusor a \'C- Heports, Audits, etc.• accomplished. 303 Scott-Powell Dalrlel. Phone. Preston 2398.
sociation, their wins, anu their friends Conway avenue. Narberth, Pa. See display ad vertt.ement In this Is.ue.
llues. Sermon hy thc Hcv. Arthur S. arc warucu not to schedule their yaca· Kelm. H. (J. Certified Publlc Acoountant. MUSI(J
tions to include Friday eycmng, July 202 Dudley a.v-. Phone. Narberth 100·W. Loos, I'allllY II. Plano teacber.
We,lIlCsdaJ', July ::!Sth, 8.00 P. ~L­
Union prayer meeting at thc .Methodist
30. Par on that datc t.he Association
will give a shirt waist dance.
Ltlee' Garage-Repairing. Etc. Phon.. 1605.
StUdIo, Arcade IlhIg. Phone. 310-J.
For Permanent
Chairman Pattison, of the Entertain- Sarberth (iaraJ;e. 1'11Oue Narberth 1G33.
Church. ment Committee, is already arranging
an interesting program, including one
See display advertisement In this Issue.
"ell'erles, J. 11. 111 Narberth ave.
Phone. 666.M.
Simpson, Harry A. 232 Essex Ave.
special feature which hl' says \\'ill I]!ake Censore, Soble. Phone, 672. Phone. Narbertll GSG.
See display advertlsemcnt In t1l1s Issue. Tyson, Warreu It. Pllone. Narberth 1202-W.
a big hit ,ritl! all tennis players.
Members ,dll be suppliell with tick-
Dona.hue, Patrick"''' Plloue 11i33.
See display advertlsemcnt in tllls Issue. OI'TIClAl\15
ets and all other details uf the affair BANKS Fenton. Carl "". 606 E •• ex ave. Phone. 618-\\
this coming week. Merion Title 61 Trult Co. Phone. Ardmore I. Phlla. addre... 1808 Chestnut st. LocUlt .11

Smedley Buill Home

Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. See dlspla~' a.dvertlsement In this Ilsue. ZentmaYer, Josel.h. 228 S. 15th st.. PbU•.
The Ladies' Committee of the Asso- BUILDERS
ciation .also wishes to announce that PAINTERS
Shand, Alex. C., Jr. Phone, No. 1710. Walzer, Fred.
it. has planlled a masqne ball for Hal- Narberth Station.
Meetings for next Sunday: 117 Wlnaor aVe. Phone, 12t7-J.
lo\\'e 'en, Saturday e\'ening, October 30, SmedleY. Wm. D. & H. T. Phone, 600.
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. A place in Elm Hall. See dleplay advertisement tn this Issue, PAI'ER I1A~(aX().
and a welcome for all. CANDY. ETC. llo~'l1. 1Iorace S. 1().! Forrest A \'e. 1'1Iollc 3;;0
11.00 A. M.-~Iol'lling worship. Ser- PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR LAWS.
Da.vll, 11. E. Phone, 1254-W.
See display advertisement In thll luue. PHOTO PLAYS WM. D. & H. T.-SMEDLEY
mon by the pastor. Ivy Candy Shop, "Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut sll Phil.
(Continued from Page 2.) 219 Haverford Ave. Phone. Narberth 1705. See dl~play advertisement In thl~ ISlue
i P. ::\L-Union t.wilight meeting on CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS PLUlIlBINO, ETC. Phone, Narberth 1687
the lawn adjoining this church. "enklnl, Cbas. L. Cook Bros. Phone 302.J.
filed with the police department in mu-
WednesdaJ, Julr 28-Union pruy,~r in t.he Methodist Church. Lead-
er, Mr. Jacob K. Lesscy.
nicipality where vehicle was acquired
or, if no poliee department, with the
103 Dudley Phone. 182·M.
Speakman, Clarence A. Pllone 1652-R.
See display advertisement In thl8 Issue.
See display advertisement In tbls Issue.
Wall, H. B. 1'1Ione, Narbertll 1l102.J.
See display advertllement In this
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions.
During the month of August the fol- The remaining copy (}f form N-175,
Cook, C. P. Pllone. Narberth 302-J.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Coldwell, J. A. Phone. 108i
See advertllement In thl, luu.
lowing minist.ers will supplr tbe pulpit "Yendor'6 .A1lidaXit," is to be retained CONTRACTOR. Fritsch, H. (J. Phone. 152.W.
of this church on Sunday mornings: by the .vendee for his information. Caradettl, Fra.nk. Phone Narberth 1689.
See display advertisement In tbIs Issue.
See dlaplay advertisement III this IllUt
H)"berg. Bent T. Phone 1718.
August 1, Rev. It H. Gage, D. D., of Do not purchase used or second·hand CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERINO See dIsplay advertisement In tbls Issue.
Wenonah, N. J. vehicles unless vendor furnishes you Fratantonl, James, 61 Sonl. Nalh, Bobert J. Phone. 60•.
with affidavit and statement in dupli·
230 Hampden ave. Phone, 1697·W. Money for Flr.t and Second Morteaeea NARBERTH, PAt
August 8, Re\', A. II. Simpson, of Simpson, .Jamee (J. 232 Essex ave.
cate, Department form N-175. You may DENTISTS Phone. 636. or 1420 Cheslnut It.
Pottstown, Pa. Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Phons. IU-W.
be purchasing a stolen car. Phlla. Phone. FIl bert 4251. Keltb Bide. HOOFING. ETO.
August 15, Hev. Wm. K. Foster, of Scllembl, D... John. Phone Narberth 816·W. GlOre-McGinley 00. Phone, 1251-W.
Proprietors of public garages, opon Cor. Grayllng and Windsor aves• See dlaplay advertllem.nt In thla Isaue.
•Jenkintown, Plio.
air garages aoo repair shops, must keep Offiee Hours until 9 P. M. dally. lillieI', John A. 241 IOna ave. Phone. 861.J
August 22, Rev. vr. B. Lower, D. D.,
of Philadelphia, Plio.
record of cars left for storage or 're· DBUGGISTS
Boward'.. Phone, 1267.
Shop. 24' Haverford ave. Phone. 1UI.J
Cotter's Meats
pairs. See display a.dvertlsement In this luus.
August 29, Hev. L. III. Keim, of Xar- ELECTBIOlANS Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop,
Lights. Conslautille, B. G. 252 Haverford ave
Case, W. G. Phone. 395-W.
berth, Plio. Every motor vehicle on the public See display advertisement In this Issue. Phone, Narberth 1700-W. . A Quality For
Pueh. VerI 225 Iona ave. 8el'Inelll, Frank. 209 Haverford ave.
Nor. Phone, 860-W. Ard, Phons. 111-J. See display advertIsement In thIs IS8ue. People Who
Imperla.1 Grocel7 Co. Phone. N.rbertb 606. Want The Best
Bopper. Wm. G., & Oo.PhlIadeiphla.
1li8UBANCE See display advertisement In thIs Issue.
..•.........•..•• -_.- INVEST
--_ .
Bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Pbons, ,n·w.
Trotter Brol. (Fire. etc.)
209 Woodehie ave. Phone. 1282-1\.
Wimer. Wm. Wood. 106 Forest Avenue.
The above department should bl of tb'
createst use to the community. the lilt Con
Groceries and Provitions
fl Narberth American Legion Build- Phone, 826 R. taln. ,the name of every profeulonal man
tradeeman. mechanlo. ehoPkeeper. eto., whl
i ng and Loan Association will 0 pen GUroy, .John 211 Essex ave. Phone. U45-R.
doe. or can In any :lVay .erve hll fellow. and who I. proerellive enouell
their first series in Septe mber.~ Phlla. addrese, Lincoln Bide.
Stites. Fletcher W. 418 Havertord ave.
to add name to lIet of I\eelllter.
Aa It la dlmoult for thoae contrlbatln8 ~ C. FRITSCH
.... ~ Phone. 172-W Phlla. addrels. Crossr Bide. their time and e«ortll to the production ot
~ WatCh for further
"Our Town" to peraonally either know OJ
McDonald .Jobu. Narberth phOne. 1188.
Interview all .ucb, It would be moat help.
ful If thoae not now found In the printeCI
Prtpertlel For' Bent and
ments. [380 1511 Chelt. It.. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1118.
l\lEATS. ET(J.
lIet would lend In a of th,lr nam.l.
addre... phone numbera and blJlllna_ or
FIre IBI8I'aDCle

Ootter, Bo".rd l!'. Phone. 1281.

profe..lolIJI for IlIItine. Tblll will coat .. fol. Bell PhOBe III W.
Ilee advertleement In thll luu.. 10wI: 10 cents eaoh t"ue for J !Ine.: I Mlltl
for each additional 1111.. W.lII BuDdlBl.
\ --- liliiii

Pasteurized Milk I.DELIVERIES

Brynelovls Cerlilled WEST PHILA
Milk •
(Pedrlalle Soelety) OVERBROOK
Speelal "Guernsey" MERION
(Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CVNWY
Dalrle.. ) NARBERTH
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD

45th and Parrish 5ts.


Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating
Phone, Narberth 319 J


Now the whole famih" can 'b0 KREIDER SHOES

Spring Styles Now in

out on a Summer eveninb NARBERTH SHOE STORE

Frank Reginelli, Prop,
209 Haverford Avenue
HE women should cer- they're beginning to insist
T tainly be thanldul for the
automobile. It has given
on kllowing what they are
Tbe Narbertb Electric Shop
that dries without a wringer
them a chance to see a lot
more of their husband[L And the more they insist, W. G. CASE. 323 Conway Ave
Phone, Narbarth 395 W
the better it will be for us.
But it has done 9. great U [23 South 17!l! S!. PhiladeliiblCl: ~

deal more than that. W'e want bur customers

Select your tires ac- to know what they are GARAnteed Roofs
cordin~ to the roads
they have to travel: It has brought people closer getting.
In sandy or hiJIy coun-
try, wherever the going
together, given then1. neVE
is apt to be heavy-The interests, swept a.way old That's why we represent
U. S.Nobby.
U. S. Tires-so there will be
For ordinary country prejudices. Complete Line of
roads-The U. S. Chain
or Usco. no doubt about it. Goodyear Tennis Shoes
For front wheels- What affects one man now CIGARS. STATIONERY. MAGAZINES
The U. S. Plain. generally affects a good many
For best results-
Whatever the size of your
everywhere-U. S.
Royal Cords.
of his neighbors in the same car, you know that the U. S.
way. And they have a better Tire you put on it is the best
chance to get together and
talk things over 0
kind of tire its makers know
how to make.
III U. S. Tires are guaranteed
It's had its effect on the for life, without any limi- SALE
tire business. t'ation of mileage. BENT T. HYBERG
At Narberth Station
When automobiles were That ought to mean some-
new people ViJere willing to thing to the man who has
buy any kind of a tire. Now thought about tires. NARBERTH 17 J 3

United States Tires
c. P. COOK
DORAN'S GARAGE Coal, Wood and
ARDMORE, PA. Building Supplies
We have a few tons of
By-Product Coke for sale
at $ 8.50 per ton deliver-
ed in cellar.
SABlE CENSORE Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service, Quick deliveries on
SUCCESSOR TO all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies BUSINESS NOTICE !
WALTON BROS. The General Insurance Busi-
Narberth 1805 L. C. SHAHAN. Prop.
ness of the late
Phone 672 100 ESSEX A VENUE


An investment of about $1100. in a Prior Lien railroad security will purchase will be continued. Address
$2000. of par value and return $80. a year in income
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. Full particulars on request all inquiries to
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. WILLIAM G. HOPPER & CO. Walter M. Bark.ardt, Elq~
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. ~8 South Third "treet 1203·04 Land Title Buildin.
Membera oj Philadelphia Slock &chatlge PHILADELPHIA

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