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Ministerul Educaţiei, Culturii și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei

Facultatea Calculatoare Informatica și Microelectronică

Lucrare de laborator Nr.1
Disciplina: Calitatea Software

Tema: Bug Specification

A efectuat: st. gr. TI-171, Iepuraș Daniel

A verificat: asist. univ., Lungu Mihai

Chișinău 2020
Laboratory task:
Identify application deviations (bugs) of a given website. Try to register them on Jira.
Each bug should contain a justified priority and severity field values. All fields should
be filled with correct and valid information applied to your project.
Work requirements (prerequisites):
Each user should be added to a Jira Project
Each user should have first website domain: https://loving-hermann-

Work progress:
What is JIRA?

JIRA is a tool developed by Australian Company Atlassian. This software is used

for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. The name "JIRA" is
actually inherited from the Japanese word "Gojira" which means "Godzilla". The
basic use of this tool is to track issue and bugs related to your software
and Mobile apps.

It is also used for project management. The JIRA dashboard consists of many useful
functions and features which make handling of issues easy. Some of the key features
are listed below. Let's learn JIRA Defect and Project tracking software with this
Training Course.

Date: 10.09.2020
Product: EliteShoppy Version xx.xx.xx
Gadget: Asus Vivobook OS Windows 10
Severity: High
Name: D.Iepuras

Bug 1:
Bug Summary:
The search field/future doesn't work.

1. User is on Elite Shoppy home page

Steps to reproduce:

1. Fill the search field with any product are you looking for
2. Click search button
Expected results:
If the searched product exists, it is displayed, if not, then a message that product
doesn't exist is displayed
Actual results:
Page Not Found Error; (See the attachments)

Bug 2:
Bug Summary:
By clicking on a product card we receive the page with information about another

1. To be in any category of products

Steps to reproduce:
1. Click on any product card to see all the information

Expected results:
To display the details of the product that was clicked
Actual results:
Big Wing Sneakers (Navy) details is displayed every time; (See the attachments)

Bug 3:
Bug Summary:
Cannot log in

1. User is already registered

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click sign in button

2. Fill the credential fields
3. Click sign in button

Expected results:
User is successfully logged in
Actual results:
Page not found error (See the attachments)

Bug 4:
Bug Summary:
Cannot send a review

1. Be in Elite Shoppy Home Page

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click on any product card

2. Click review button
3. Fill the fields
4. Click send button

Expected results:
Displaying the message that review has been sent
Actual results:
Page not found error (See the attachments)

Bug 5:
Bug Summary:
It is not possible to delete only one product for cart

1. two or more products should be added to the cart

Steps to reproduce:

1. Add two products to cart

2. Go to top on the page and click cart button
3. Press X button to delete a product
Expected results:
Only one product is deleted
Actual results:
All the products are deleted

Bug 6:
Bug Summary:
It is not possible to read store terms by clicking "By clicking register, I agree to your

1. Be in Elite Shoppy Home Page

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click sign up button

2. Click By clicking register, I agree to your terms link

Expected results:
Terms are displayed
Actual results:
Nothing happens

Bug 7:
Bug Summary:
User registration doesn’t work

1. Be in Elite Shoppy Home Page

Steps to reproduce:

1. ** Click sign up button

2. ** Fill the fields which are required
3. ** Click sign up button

Expected results:
Displaying message that user was successfully registered and redirect to the home
Actual results:
Page not found error

Bug 8:
Bug Summary:
Registration doesn’t support social media connectivity

1. Be in Elite Shoppy Home Page

Steps to reproduce:

1. Click sign up button

2. Click on any social media icon.

Expected results:
User is signed in
Actual results:
Nothing happens

Bug reports are the most important test results. They are as important as the test plan
and have a greater impact on product quality than other test results. Effective defect
reports can: reduce the number of defects returned from the development phase;
increase the speed of error correction; raise the credibility of the test; improve the
connection between the testing and development team.

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