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1. Write a message to inspire your ministry, by adopting CICM missionary?

Thank you for putting all your efforts and service in helping other people specially the youth.
Just like the CICM missionaries who give importance in proclaiming the word of God and
molding the minds of the youth. I know helping people to enrich specially their spiritual needs is
not easy but like the CICIM missionaries they put their hope and faith in God so up until today
they bring the Kingdom of God to all people.

2. Reflect on the song: “Be not Afraid” relate this to your ministry.

The song Be Not Afraid meant to help us realize that Jesus is walking next to us, carrying us
even, in your times of trouble. It is much like the story of a man and Jesus walking in the sand.
There will always be footprints in the sand where god walks, and those footprints are the
absence of evil. In those footprints you find happiness and joy and safety. Always remember
this song in times of great pearl, for it will strength your site of god. It reminds us that God and
Jesus Christ are always with us, especially in times of struggle. It touches a deep cord in us, as
we try to be a strong and optimistic person. But even that takes effort, God's support and grace.
Not easy to always smile and keep pressing on. Through this song I have come to better
appreciate Jesus Christ's ever present compassion and support in my life

3. Discuss the activities of each countries, (Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe) where CICM
missionaries are present?


The first mission territory of the CICM. In many parts of Asia, people belong to different races,
religions, beliefs and mostly victims of discrimination. So as an act of kindness the CICM
missionaries stay with them to evangelize and help them to be hopeful specially in facing
problems and difficulties. They also build schools like here in the Philippines wherein there are 6
schools who are still managed by CICM.


The CICM went to Africa to help strengthen their faith by catechizing and baptizing them. They
have 3 specific domains that they follow to help the people of Africa namely: Justice, peace and
ecology- wholeness of creation. Reflections – is part of spiritual life, gets inspiration from the
Bible. In the Frontline- to answer the needs of the people and to see them discern, and act with


In America the CICM is doing apostolate among Mexicans and black Americans. They
established different home for orphans and abandoned children and gave them things that will
help them improve their lives. They dedicate to share the hope and comfort of the Gospel.

It is where the CICM begun. CICM missionaries in the Europe build a community of CICM with
the different parishes and schools that help them enrich their lifestyle. They help the poor and
marginalized people as their priority since the beginning of the Congregation.

4. Explain the main Mission of the Twelve Apostles as entrusted by Jesus?

Luke 9:1-6

When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all
demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to
heal the sick. 3 He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no
money, no extra shirt. 4 Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. 5 If
people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony
against them.” 6 So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and
healing people everywhere.

Mission which Jesus entrusted to the Disciples is:

Liberating, Transforming, Salvific

5. Discuss the Distinct contribution of the CICM missionaries in bringing Social Transformation?
(Pioneering/ Daring Spirit, Multi-Culturality and Social Transformation)


CICM manifest kind of leadership, she assumes in the world. Wherein the motto of CICM came
from “ONE HEART, ONE SOUL. CICM leadership derives unconditional service to others.


The CICIM is challenged to respond to the Love of God by uniting all humans into a single
family of brothers and sisters. They geared towards social transformation especially about
educating postulate which is in line with their mission and vision to mold the minds of the youth.


a) The work of the CICM towards social transformation is rooted in the consecration of the
congregation to the incarnate Word., responds to the love of God by uniting all
humanity into a single family of brothers and sisters.

b) . The list of endeavors of the CICM missionaries geared towards social transformation is
endless, education apostolate, which is part of youth ministry,

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