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Automated Bill to Coin Money Exchanger

(Philippine Peso)


Mangino, Florabel M.
Manuel, Neil Angelito
Mateo, John Lorenz
Nicolas, Anne Bernadette M.
Chapter 1


This chapter provides an overview of the project specifications, descriptions, the

objectives the proponents attained in pursuing the project, and the scope and delimitations of

the device.

1.1. Specifications

This proposed project aims to minimize the effort of the client in finding where to or

who to exchange a peso bill to coin. The system is designed to automatically exchange the

peso bill inserted in the machine to peso coins ranging from 1 peso, 5 peso coin and 10 peso

coin. The peso bill exchanger is made out of the following components:

Table 1 — Project Specifications

Materials Unit Price Quantity Total
Color Sensor P350.00 1 P350.00
Jumper Wires P60.00 P60.00
LCD (20x4) P150.00 1 P150.00
Servo Motor P200.00 4 P200.00
Keypad P120.00 1 P120.00
1.1. Project Descriptions

Finding an exchange for bill is sometimes tedious for some people. The system

provides solution by automating the process of exchanging peso bill to coins. The designed

system reduces the worries and minimizes the effort of the customers in finding a place to

exchange money.

The project is developed using a Basic Stamp 2P Microcontroller. The device is

consisted of color sensor since the bill sensor is not economical and servo motors. The sensor

is programmed to detect the amount of the bill inserted by the user. The LCD is programmed

to display how much inserted. The keypad is used to input the value of the coin the user

wanted to be dispensed. The system is programmed to detect the bill inserted convert it in the

same amount in coins and then dispense it.

1.2. Objectives

1.2.1. General Objective

This study aimed to develop a Basic Stamp 2p Microcontroller based device

that automatically exchanges peso bill to coins.

1.2.2. Specific Objectives

 Create as system with Basic Stamp 2p for functions and programming;

 Create a program that will accept peso bill in the machine;

 Create a program that will automatically exchange the bill to coin;

 Integrate motors that will dispense the converted coins;

 Generate an output of with 80% reliability

1.3. Scope and Limitations

This project will be designated in places wherein a lot of money is involved; in

jeepney bays, bus stations, convenient stores, and etc. The proposed project is designed

depending on the experiences of the proponents with regards to the problem of finding an

exchanger. The project offers a quick solution in addressing the stated problem by designing a

device that accepts peso bill and automatically exchanging it to coins of the same amount.

The proposed project is however limited in accepting only peso bills from 20 pesos

to 500 pesos. The coins dispensed is only limited to 1 peso coin, 5 peso coin and 10 peso coin.

Since the sensor used in accepting bill is a color sensor, the device requires a certain spot

wherein the sensor can capture well the color of the bill inserted. The accuracy in capturing

the color of the twenty peso bill and fifty peso bill is quite low for the reason that both money

are somewhat the same in color shade, the proposed device might take time in determining the

value of the bill between twenty peso and fifty peso bill.
Chapter 2


This chapter contains similar projects and references that supported and helped the

proponents in planning a solution to the problems in order to produce the proposed system.

The proponents were able to gather information related to the problem from these sources.

2.1. Related Theories

2.1.1. Robust & Effective Coin Exchanger System with Fake Note Detector

In the present days the need of coins in our everyday life at

shopping centers, railroad and transport station, parking lots, even in provincial

regions where daily transaction is being made. The objective of planning this

effective and efficient machine is to satisfy need of coins on exchanging. In the past,

the worth of coins was more than what it is today. Therefore, the system is design to

address the issue of coin shortage in the public places. The system has the capacity

to dispense coins and to check whether the money that was inserted was fake or real

2.1.2. Microcontroller based Bill-to-Coin Changer with UV Light-Dependent

Counterfeit Sensor

The bill to coin changer is a microcontroller based plan that changes

peso bills inserted by the client and convert it to peso coins. It is only limited to 20

pesos, 50 pesos, and 100 bills, with coin divisions of 25 cents, 1 peso, 5 pesos, and

10 peso coins. The system is composed of a sensor with an Ultra Violet light that can

detect if the inserted bill is valid or real. After that The machine will also now the

value of the inserted bill and the system will also have coin sensor as that will serve

as counter while the coin is being issued out, relay driver circuit as changing gadget

for gear engines and light, and the microcontroller circuit combined with a keypad

and LCD for controlling and for the Input and Output Process. The product used to

program PIC16F877 is Proton IDE which utilizes PICBASIC programming for easy

troubleshooting ability [3].

2.1.3. Money Changing System

The system is a modular money changer with PC and database

technology produced by GeWeTe. The application in the “Exchanger” allows the

changing of bills of different currencies into on currency. The exchange rates and

exchange fee are displayed the LCD of the machine. The machine allows more than

one bill of different currency even without the user sorting out the other. The

existing system is programmed to detect the bill currency and convert it to the

desired currency of the user. The sum is displayed along with the deducted exchange
fee in the LCD. For accounting and adjustment of the exchange rate and fee, the

program is designed to be restarted anytime. That machine statistics and sales is

printed in the integrated printer and the statics is saved in a flash drive at the same

time. The “Exchange” works by inserting the bills to be exchanged and clicking the

“OKAY” button once. Afterwards, the LCD will display the calculated exchanged

cash-out sum then the customer will receive the bill and coins in accordance with the

displayed sum plus the printed receipt [2].

Chapter 3


This chapter provides a detailed presentation and discussion of the procedures in

developing the project.

3.1. Block Diagram

Figure 1 – Block diagram of Automated Bill to Coin Exchanger (Philippine


Figure 1 is the representation of the block diagram of the system and on how the

hardware components are connected to each other. The device used color sensor, servo motors

and other components. The BS2 Stamp microcontroller is used to control all the modules used

in the system.
3.2. Circuit Diagram

3.3. Flowchart

3.4. Testing Procedure

3.4.1. Testing of accepting bill and dispensing of coin

This procedure will determine if the prototype can successfully

accept peso bill and dispense the designated coin with the same amount as the bill.


 To show that the system will accept bill and dispense coins



1. The user will turn on the machine.

2. The system will accept peso bill.

3. The system will allow the user to choose what coin to dispense.

4. The system will convert the amount of the bill to coin.

5. The project will dispense coin.

Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the overall testing of the prototype. This chapter includes the

discussion of testing of the whole system to ensure the reliability of the proposed system.

5.1. Testing of accepting bill and dispensing coin

This procedure will determine if the project can successfully accept bill and dispense

coins of the same amount.


 To show that the system would be able to accept and dispense money

Table 2 — Testing of the whole system

Acceptance of Dispensing of

Peso Bill Coin

Trial 1 ✔ ✔
Trial 2 ✔ ✔
Trial 3 ✔ ✔
Trial 4 ✔ ✔
Trial 5 ✔ ✔
Trial 6 ✔ ✔
Trial 7  
Trial 8 ✔ ✔
Trial 9 ✔ ✔
Trial 10 ✔ ✔
Reliability 90% 90%


 - Successful

 - Not Successful

Reliability formula: ∗100=%


The objective of the test was to determine if the system could successfully
produce an output with 90% reliability. The proponents prepared 10 trials for the test. A
check mark denotes that the system was able to dispense the same amount of coins as is to
the bill inserted. The proponents attained 90% reliability in testing the functionality of the
Chapter 5


The creation of the project named Automated Bill to Coin Exchanger was made

possible by several researches stated in the Review of Related Literature. The purpose of the

said study is to automate the process of exchanging Philippine peso bill to coins and to

minimize the effort of the user in finding and exchanger by providing one. The system allows

the user to insert the desired bill to be exchanged and the device will automatically convert it

to coins and dispense it. The testing of the project, revisions in both hardware and software

parts of the system took several weeks to meet the objectives that were stated.

The proponents were able to meet each objective and test the reliability of the

system by attaining more than 80% success.

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