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ALEX R. DESEVO, ESQ. 714 WEST PARK AVUNE Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755 732-991-1976 October 16, 2020 New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission PO Box 185 Trenton New Jersey 08625-0185 Re: Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee Failure to file R-3 for final quarter of 2016 and Failure to file for 2017, 2018, 2019 & first 3 quarters of 2020. ‘Had $39,429.11 in account on 10/14/16 and there are 9 documented contributions in your database for the periods that R-3s were not filed. Dear ELEC: Please accept this request to open an investigation into the Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee for the failure to file R-3 reports for the final quarter of 2016, all of 2017, all 2018, all of 2019, and the first 3 quarters of 2020. They failed to file 16 reports. The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee had $39,429.11 in their account on 10/14/16 and there are 9 documented contributions in your database for the periods that R-3s, were not filed. Those documented contributions that can be viewed on your database are as follows: 1. 4/05/19 $3,000 Kevin Settembrino 2. 426/18 $3,000 Rich Hibell 3. 426/18 $3,000 Tony Perry 4, 428/17 $3,000 Tony Fiore 5. 428/17 $3,000 Stephanie Murray 6. 6/30/19 $1,200 Monmouth County Republican Committee 7. S/S/9 $1,400 Monmouth County Republican Committee 8. 2/11/20 $850 Shaun Golden Primary 2022 9. TATNT $1,200 Monmouth County Republican Committee Clearly, the account is active, as the most recent contribution was to Shaun Golden for the 2022 County Sheriff Republican Primary. That contribution was made on February 11, 2020. have attached the following, all of which was obtained from your database: 1. The last filed R-3 from October 26, 2016 showing $39,429.11 net worth. (Exhibit A) 2. Screenshots that the Committee filed R-3s on 4/11/14, 7/14/14 10/15/14, 1/15/15, 4/20/15, 7/15/15, 10/20/15, 1/19/16, 4/22/16, & 7/25/16 (Exhibit B) Screenshots showing no filing of R-3s for 2017, 2018, 2019, & 2020 (Exhibit C) 4, Three screenshots showing 3 of the 9 contributions above establishing the account is active, (Exhibit D) PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. ‘The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee acted in the capacity as the Republican Middletown Municipal Party from 2016 to the present day and undertook activity to support candidates for New Jersey elective public office, During the period of 2016 to present, the membership of that Committee included elected members of the Republican county political party committee residing in Middletown and members of the actual governing body of Middletown Township. ‘The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee filed D-3s on 7/15/14 and 1/5/16. (Exhibit B). ‘The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee maintained a depository account at Two River Community Bank in Tinton Falls, and had $39,429.11 in the account on October 26, 2016. (Exhibit A) ‘The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee has failed to file R-3s since October 26, 2016, specifically the final quarter of 2016; the Committee failed to file for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019; and the Committee failed to file for the first 3 quarters of 2020. A total of 16 reports on an account of at least $39,429.11. During the 16 quarters (2016 to 2020) of failed R-3 reporting, there were 9 contributions by the Committee in the amount of $19,650. The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee violated N.J.S.A. 19:44A-8 and N.J.A.C. 19:25-9.1 sixteen (16) times during the sixteen (16) failed reporting quarters. The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee was required to report all monies, loans, paid personal services, or other things of value during these sixteen (16) reporting periods which are from the end of 2016 to present day. ‘The Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee violated N.IS.A. 19:44A- 8 and N.J.A.C. 19:25-12.2 when it failed to disclose all expenditure information, including the date the expenditure was made, the full name and address of the payee, the purpose of the expenditure, the amount of the expenditure and the number of the check for each expenditure transaction. At a minimum, they violated the statute and administrative code on 9 occasions totaling $19,650.00. ‘As you are aware, the penalties prescribed by N.J.S.A. 19:44A-22 and N.I.A.C 19:25-17.1 et seq. may not be more than $8,600.00 for each reporting transaction that is not reported in the manner or not filed on the date established for reporting by the Campaign Act or Commission Regulations. There are obviously 9 violations visible in your database. Considering the failed reporting, the vast amount of time, and the fact that the Republican Candidates for office from 2016 to 2019 were successfully elected, I believe there are numerous failures to report expenditures and collections. Therefore, I ask that you conduct an investigation into the Middletown Township Republican Executive Committee's fundraising and expenditures. EXHIBIT A Od RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES QUARTERLY REPORT | ELEC RECEIVED _| [FOR STATE USE ONLY NEW JERSEY ELECTION LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION OCT 2 6 2016 .0, Box 188, Trenton, NJ 08625-0165 (609) 292-6700 or Tall Frae Within NJ 1-880-313-ELEC (3582) winv.loe stale njus PLEASE YI Middle Repo Guarer aie uc [Efnciment Cla Reon Fn [aes C1318 pats Chante Ye Botan “Dopey Pomorie "Ht have Sumi” vt Bese a com DEPOSITORY INFORMATION Sohne Cots % Than alandar pated Covered WONT So | roms 4. Cash oa Hand, January 1, . eet tn? 2. Cah on Hand, Begining of Reporting Period 2a. \\ 3, Monetary Recs wo 4, Subiotl BOGAN 5. Monee Expenaties a to — ‘8 Gash on Hand, Close of Reporting Period BO 42d. NET FINANGIAL SUMMARY e 7, Cosh on Hand, lose of Reporing Porod Aea.Al Debi oued to Commie re a 8 Svea BO 22a 1 76, Debt Owed by Commitee oo -—e — a1 Tal et ory eC qc. ‘TREASURER CERTIFICATION | cart thatthe statements on this document ave tue, and tha the contribution amounts reived canform with te Kiiations Seeigrotod bylaw. lam aware that if any of the statements sra wilful fale, I may be subject fo punishment FT \ Cv TREES ERE SSSR BSSaarrpos wltone mine's tte Panu HSA. A-side umber at bi entero tinnsbe pooh De not atiempt to complato Tables Tandll unll tho approprate schedules have boon completed. TABLE! RECEIPTS: ‘Column A Column 8 Calender Monetary Receipts This Report Yoarle-Date 1 Contibutions, $300 or ess ce 2 Contibutons, more than $300 (Schade A) ‘2a, Currency Contibutions (Schedule A) 3. Total (Add tings 1, 2 and 2a) “4 Refund of Contributions (Adjustment Schedule) '. Subtotal (Subtract ine 4 from line 3) Other Receipts 6. RelmbursementsiRefunds (Schedule A) 77. Dividendsinterest (Schedulo A) . Loans Received by Committan, $900 or Less 8, Loans Received by Commitee mere than $800 and al Currency Loans (Schedule B) 10, Total Monetary Receipts (Add lines 5 through 9) 1 Inckin Contbutions, $00 or ees 42. In-kind Contibutions, more than $300 (Schedule A) 18. Gross Receipts (AdG ines 10, 11 and 12) TABLE W EXPENDITURES: 14. Operating Disbursement (Schedule C) ‘Gontibutions (Tom the Committee) to 15a. Ny Gubernatorial Candidates/Commitees (Schedule D) “15D, NJ Lagislative Candidatos/Commitees (Schedule O) 16e. All other Candidates/Gommittoes (Schedule 0) Expondiures Made on Behalf of “16a. Ni) Gubernatorial Candlsates/Committess (Schedule E) 460. NJ Leglsintve Candidates/Committees (Schedule E) 16s, All ther Candidates/Commitiaes (Schedule €) 10d. Independent Expenditures (Schedule E) 17. Loan Payments (Schedule B) 18. Tote! Monetary Exponditues (Add lines 14 tough 17), 48, Inekind contibutions, $300 or Less (Table | Line #1) 20, neki eontibutions, mere than $800 (Tabie | Line 12} 2i,_ Gross Expenditures (Add tines 18 through 20) AOA, Toon a Bae or Road OTT a) DEPOSITORY SUMMARY - PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. ro im F : BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION (rea Code) Telophone Number HR Eee copmetsninny Boole Fide rete Lab 4 apa + : [Ae SO Sie ty Ay hint Aa Exec. Comn.- pNP Witalehet Bn aA ‘Ttka'cbmmitive has more than one bank account within the save bank, the name(a) of the adaitiondl account(s) must bo provides 1. Nery of Bank 5 Ne ‘esau Name ‘pening Balones is Parad Dapoais Wis Farad | Disbursements is Pated | Closing Balance ie Period E Namie of Bank area Cada) Tatepona Number Taig ROO iy, Stale, Zp Code esount Nae ‘Opening Balance Wik Porod | ~~ Deposit tis Pared | Disbursomenis tis Period | Closing Bafanco tis Period “Tne commltise ham more than one bank account within tho same bank, tho name(s) of the ad@itfonal acoounte) must be provided ‘Account Name ‘Opening Balance tis Peviod Depoale Tis Parcd —] Disbursernonta tis Paviad | Closing Balance tis Period OTHER ASSETS ‘Other tan the bank Gosounia) Taled abave, Joes Tis conmites hold any ofthe folowing (please Xi [D investment institution Monay Market Account 1 Bonds 1 Centiiate of Deposit (C.0.) stocks (D1 Mutual Fund Account 2 Real Property 1 other (please spect) For each tom checked (X’) above (oer than real propery), please cormplete the folcwing information. real property fs held, @ Rest Propary Schedule must be fled as part ofthe Form RS, Contact te Commission for a Rat Property Schedule and instuctions. 1 Nae of Daposliory or Tsu [area Code) Telephone Number Twaling Adsress Giy, State, Zp Code Tesount Narre Type of Ascot ~ tones Market C1... C1 MutualFuns _C) Bonds Stocks _O other (spooiy) ‘Value of Asset at Purchase Applicable ‘Date of ari, WAppIeabe ‘Opening Balance Wis Pariod Depeste tis Penod | Dsbureements is Period | Cosing Balance is Period TEMIZED RECEIPTS (Othor than Loans) [ecreoure AT Page No. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT, PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Receipt Type (Use a separate “Schedule A” foreach type and for each separate eccount) | Civ, Sale, Zp Code Receipt Description (in xand) Ragragets VaoarioDat| Free ree (Hee rather Monetary Contrbutons 2) ind Gontibutone-Gxpendities Mado by Others 1 Reimbursements/Refunds of Disbursements Ci Dividendssintarest oo TWe- Satan Dn Rent Nare ai \w ue ve oy Cena ars San DT ES Naw STE Caxipaon Gi. Se, Zo Coe Employer Namie [ Dateca Received —] Amourita) Receives ths Period ths Porod Erplayor is ‘Corirbater Name Contour Rédross (ober and Sve Oeaapalon Gig, Sia, Zip Code Employer Name Dataray Recawed | Arnouniay Rasswed Ermployer Adsress iy, Stale Zip Gode - Receipt Description (i in-Kind) ‘Aggregate Yearto-Data| Ermployar Address [Gig Sito, Zip Code _ oe Contributor Name “Cornnbuter Rarna (Naribar and Sire) Gecapaton Gi, Stats, Zip Code Ernployer Name Batata) Recswed ania) ReeNed Raceint Description (Fn-Kind) “Faavegate Yaario Date Centibvior Name Coniior Raaross (amber ne [ Oecupston Giy, State, ip Code Eirpioyer Narre Bieta) Received | Arunitey Received Enployer Adress iy, Sia, Zip Code Receipt Destino (fir-Kind) agragate Years Dat za [7 SUBTOTAL (Ada al eons listed on ie pane.) Garry forward to appleable ine on Page 2, Column A) 2 TOTAL REGEIPTS, THIS PERIOD (Comps this ne on te lal page uted for each receipt ype. [Tome RECEIVED SonEDUCE S| Page Ne. z ] PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT, PHOTOCOPIES MAY GE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Use a separate “SCHEDULE 8" for aach separate account Commitee Name ‘Resour Nerve ~ ‘Nama end Address of Lander Original Loan INew Loon Foil Arountof Outstanding Balance JArount this Perioa Loan Pls interest |this Peried Payments tis Poriod [Amount (Check Note) [Bate | Gccupation | Tom Date Incured Dale Due ‘Annual intereat Rate Employer Name and Address (umber, Ses, iy, Sate and Zip Goce) “Agarogate Veor-o-Dala {Name and Address of Guarantor “Amount Outstanding ‘Occupation Employer Name and Address (Wurnber, Seat, iy, Slale and Zp Code) | Aggregate Veerao-Date 2, Name and Address of Guerantor “Amunt Outstanding ‘Occupation — ‘Employer Name and Address (wamber, Sree, iy, Stale and Zip Code) | Aggregate Vearto-Date Tame ard Agarose of Lender (Orginal Loan INewLoan [Tela Amount of] Outstanding Balance ‘Amount this Period Loan Pius interest | this Period Paymanis this Pefiod [Amauri [Ghock Not Batreh ‘Occupation | Terms ate incurred Date Doe [Annual interest Rate ‘Employer Name and Address (Number, Steet. City, Stele and Zip Code) “Aggregate Yeer-to-Date “Name and Adress of Guaventor ‘Amount Oustanding ‘Occupation Employer Name and Adaross Number, Stee, Gly, Sale and Zp Code) 2, Namne and Adress of Guarantor ‘amount Oustanding Occupation Employer Name and AdGroGs (Number, Sues, Gly, Sate and 7 Code) | Aggregate Year-to-Date "TOTAL NEW LOANS, THIS PERIOD (Complete tis ne on the last page used Cary forward to Page 2 Line 8, Column A) 2. TOTAL AMOUNT OF LOANS PLUS INTEREST, THIS PERIOD 3, TOTAL LOAN PAYMENTS, THIS PERIOD (Complete this ne on tr Carry forward to Page 2, Line 17, Column A.) “4 TOTAL OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS PLUS INTEREST (Complete this ine on the last page used. Carry back fo Page 10, “Schedule F*, Line 1.) i page used 0d +) "ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE - REFUND OF CONTRIBUTIONS. Page No PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Use a separate “ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE" for each separate account Committee Name ‘Resount Name [THE REFUND OF THE EXCESS AMOUNT ON THIS ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE. IF A MONETARY. CONTRIBUTION IN EXCESS OF THE CONTRIBUTION LIMIT IS DEPOSITED, PLEASE REPORT Payment Date [Check No. Payee Name and Adsross Rotunda Amount 4. TOTAL REFUND OF CONTRIBUTIONS, THIS PERIOD (Completa bis ine onthe at page lwsed. Cary forward 10 Page 2, Line 4, Column A) Tani TTEMIZED OPERATING DISBURSEMENTS ‘SCHEDULE C] Page No. of PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Use a separale “SCHEDULE C” for each separate account ‘Committee Nama [Account Name ~ ‘Payee or Creditor Namo, Adress (Number, ] Purpose ‘Amouni() | Transaction | Chock Steet, State, City, State and Zip Code) Disbursed this | Dates Note) Period l “Legiaalve Leadership Conmitoes - Soe ietruciona Conaeming parminaibie uses of funds “{ SUBTOTAL (Add all dabursemonis feted on this page). 2. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS, THIS PERIOD (Complete this line on te las page used. Carty forward to Paga 2, Line 14, Column A.) od) ITEMIZED MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO CANDIOATESICOMMITTEES | SCHEDULE D[PageNo, of PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Use a separate “SCHEDULE D' for each sopsrate account and each separte recipient ype. Now Jersey Gubernatorial Cancidatow/Commitoes CAN other Candidates/Commitees 1G Now Jersey Legislative Candidatee/Commitoes Commitoe Name ‘oF Municipality, [Account Name Recipient Name and Aaarese Elastin Gate ‘Ghai Taunt (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Coda) Distiet or County —|—Nove). | Galata of each Contibution 1, SUBTOTAL (Add all contributions made fo each recipient ype lated on tis page) 2. TOTAL, THIS RECIPIENT TYPE, THIS PERIOD (Compote this lina onthe lat page used for {ach recipient type. Cary forward to Page 2, ethor Line 15a, Line 156, or Line 15c, Colran A) TTEMIZED EXPENDITURES MADE AND INCURRED ON ‘SCHEDULE Page No. of BEHALF OF CANDIDATES/COMMITTEES (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED. Use a separate “SCHEDULE "for each separate account and each separate recipient type. New Jersey Gubernatorial GandidatesiCommitiaes Cl Naw Jersey Legislative Candidates/Commiteas TAL other Considtes/Commiton CIndopendent Expenditures Commitee Name "Recount Name Payee Name ond Adare Purpose ‘Arvourle) his Paved | Transaction [Check (Wurber, toa, Cy, Site apd Zip Code) ToureaNotPalé | Ostursed | Dette) | —Novw) ‘ALLOGATION OF EXPENDITURES BENEFITING CANDIDATE(G)/COMMITTEE(S) ‘Condidste!Cormifiee Name Election Dietict or County | Pro-Rated Date crMunidpslly | Amount Payee Name ana Aaaress Purpose “Arnounifa this Period | Transaction | Check ‘umber, Steet. Cy, Site ond Zip Cove) TncureamerPaia| Disbursed | Dat) | No(s) [ALLOCATION OF EXPENDITURES BENEFITING CANDIDATE(S)/COMMITTEE(S) ‘Candidate/Commitee Name Eiecton Dist oF County | Pro-Ratod Date orMunispalty | “Amount 7. SUBTOTAL (Add all ubursamonts made fo each recent ype led on this page) 2. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS, THIS PERIOD (Complete this line on the last page used for each recipient type. Carry forward to Page 2, either Line 18s, Line 18D, or Line 16c, Column A) ‘3. SUBTOTAL (Add all cuisianding obigatone Incuredinol paid ted on Ova page) 4. TOTAL OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS INCURREDINOT PAID (Gompito tis ina on the lat page used. Cary back to Page 10, “Schedule F, Lng 2) [DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS OWED BY COMMITTEE. ‘SCHEDULE F[ PageNo, of PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED” \Use a separate "SCHEDULE F for each separate account. Committee Name ‘Account Name ‘Cretor Namie ana Adsreas Outstanding ‘Revount Payments ‘Outstaing (Number, Steet. City, Stata, and Zip Code) | Beginning Balance | Incutted this Peres | Balance this this Period this Pero Paviod ‘Bow Purpane Debt Purpose Debi Purpase Debt Purpose 'SUNIMARY OF DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS — 1. TOTAL OUTSTANDING LOANS PLUS INTEREST FROM SCHEDULE 6, PAGES, LINE 4 2 TOTAL OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS INCURREDINOT PAID ON BEHALF OF CANDIDA TESICOMMITTEES FROM SCHEDULE €, PAGE 9, LINE 4 3, TOTAL OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS, SCHEDULE F {Compiete this le on the iast page used.) 2 4. TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEBTS/OBLIGATIONS OWED BY COMMITTEE (Add lines 1, 2 and 3, Carry forward to front page, Ling 10,) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS OWED TO COMMITTEE ‘SCHEDULE G Page No.of (Accounts Receivable) PLEASE TYPE'OR PRINT. PHOTOCOPIES MAY BE USED IF ADDITIONAL FORMS ARE NEEDED, Use 9 separate “SCHEDULE G' far each separ Conmittes Name ‘Recount Name Debtor Name end Address Balance Due | New Amount | —TolalAmount | Bavancs Due (Number, Street, Cly, Stato, and Zip Coda) atbeginring |" this Period Recaived ‘Close of ofthis Peron this Period this Period ate Debt Incurred | Dodi Desaription ale Debi Incurred | Debt Description Date Debt incurred | Debt Descriplon Date Debt neutred | Dsbt Deseription Date Debt Incurred | Debt Description ‘SUMMARY OF DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 4. SUBTOTAL (Adc all debts and obligations owed fo committee Iisled on nis page) 2, TOTAL DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS OWED TO COMMITTEE (Complete this ine on the last page used. Carry forward to front page, Line 8.) aw ee Ec La ca Cone Tomiie tha Whee OT J EXHIBIT B xdse hye goegysiessiodeyo 13/08 astern sdat oss) TWatOINN NYOTaNdR NMOLTIGOIN mouaraaun ALLAN: 5 i SAunoax Anne wvonenaaal au isnot “aHSNM 0 ¢ $F Twat NvOrTANEsH NMOLS COT nwousidan ‘SSLUANO: ° z SANDS) Abe weonends au allison HSNO, ° e 2681 TWalOINAI NvOrIaNEs NMOLTIOON atousiaaia 33 LMNO: ° Y SAUD ax Aug weoniends aon et altismon HSNO, Ve teeeee lees 866) TWalONAN NOM anes NOLS TOON nwousidan Ke ALLNMWO: wrecrA Aa wvgttanase ‘ATeWUINS aad SIHSNMOL “dIHSNM rc 951 Twatontin wvorrenasu nos oUt nioLstaaia a SaMHO: i v0e| va | aaunoa | L 3 alisNMoL aIHSNMO BBLUNINOD NOUDY TWOUOd| :3dA1 NOWOTTE 966) TWaIONIA NOrIENeRH NMOLSHOONN vnaiods tain vt “WHOM dry ‘SLNOdTY OVd HO ALYVd V MBIA woussiona enieérg von Biman voonainiog arava ae [st "A_ SZ bed Jed spiooey 0 2qunN wAUIEW “yepeoy UU|c0 @LR Uo yoIP 'spuode! 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