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Dribbling Lesson Plan

Warm-Up (Line drills):

To begin, I will have all of the students line up on a marker in the gym. I will then explain
to the children that they will complete each skill listed, from one designated line to the
other. When the student sare all line up with safe space between them, I can start to call
out basic locomotor movements such as, running, skipping, hopping, and kicking. This
will help get the students heart rate going and get them ready for your class activity. Be
sure to not over do this warm-up and wear the children out. This should take less than
10 minutes.

Skill (dribbling):
Break the students into pairs or small groups. This will help when in between walking
around to overview progress. Show the student an example of you dribbling a soccer
ball from one end of the gym to another. As you are presenting, explain that the child
must only use the inside and outsides of their feet. Stress to the children that you want
soft and light kicks. This will help them with better control over their ball, as well as
mastering the skill quicker.
After the skill is demonstrated to the children, let them go off into their groups. Have
them dribble and pass the ball back and forth in their groups. Walk around to assist
children who are struggling. Be sure to give constant feedback and guidance during this
time. Keep the children woking on the skill until they have mastered their own

Student Objectives:
The student will be able to dribble in their own space with good form.
The student will be able to tell the teacher what part of the foot you dribble a ball with.
The student will be able to perform the dribbling technique while playing soccer or any
Equipment and materials:
● Soccer ball
● Tennis shoes
● Boundary lines or cones
● Large open area

Safety tips:
● Make sure student are a safe distance apart.
● Remind all the children to run with their heads looking up.
● Stress to the children that they are kicking the ball lightly.
● Never leave the students without a task, when they are bored, that's when balls
gets thrown.
● Remind the student that the balls stay on the ground and we do not touch them
with our hands for this activity.

So this game has many different names and variations, but we will be playing the one
related to dribbling. Line all the students up on one side of the gym. Explain that each
child is responsible for their own ball and must keep it between their own legs. Pick two
people to come to the center of the gym. They will be your taggers. They are able to
kick the ball from the players legs. Stress that there is no kicking above the knees. The
goal is for each player to dribble their ball out the other end of the gym. If your ball is
kicked from you, you are now a tagger. You may leave your ball where you were
tagged, this will act as an obstacle to the remaining players. The last two players
standing will be the winners. If we play more than one time, the two winners will become
the taggers in the next game.

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