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REG No. : 17/U/2061/EVE

QN: In seeking to observe human rights the world is divided into those who
argue that human rights are universal and those who argue that human rights are
relative using relative examples explain your position in this matter.

Human Rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings, they are not
granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all regardless of nationality,
sex, nation or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or any other status. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nation general Assembly in
1948 was the first legal document to set out the fundamental human rights to be universally

In this matter therefore I stand on the side which argues that human rights are Universal
Human rights are Universal and Inalienable, Indivisible Interdependent and Interrelated. They
are Universal because everyone is born with and possess the same rights.

Human rights are universal because all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights everyone is entitled to right without destruction of race, sex or other status. Everyone
has the right to food, health, housing, education.
According to United Nation’s Declaration of Human rights (1948) everyone is entitled to
marriage and family every grown up has the right to marry and have family. It also declares
right to own things everyone has a right to own property and use it in his/ her own wish
without interference with these and more rights by United Nations show that human rights are

Universal human rights theory holds that human rights apply to everyone. Simply by virtue of
their being human. The most obvious challenge to the Universality factor comes from cultural
relativism which maintains that universal human rights are new imperialistic and culturally
hegemonic while this perspective may be tempting the relativist argument encompasses a
debitating self-contradiction. Universality of human rights means that human rights must be
the same everywhere and for everyone by virtue of being human.

According to parliamentary union 2016, human rights are bedroom principles which
underpins all societies where there is rule of law and democracy. Since the end of World War
II the core importance of human rights has universally acknowledged.

Universality of human rights is seen in the equality of all human beings. According to the
universal declaration of human rights 1948 by United Nations article I, all human beings are
born free and equal in dignity and rights this should enjoy the same rights without
discrimination hence clearly shows that human rights are universal.

According to B.G Ram Charan, how human rights are universal. Universality is consisted
with cultural diversity for far from negating the existence of universal rights, cultural rights
diversity reinforces and is protected by these very rights. Article 27 of the international
covenant o human rights is evidence of this it provides that in these states where ethnic
religious or linguistic minorities exist person belonging to such minorities shall not be denied
the right in community with the other members of their group to enjoy their own culture,
practice their own religion and use their language. This principle gives people In the
community chance to exercise their rights for example here in Uganda people within their
culture practices their own religion such as a born Again Christians are free to start
churches of their own and use their languages hence human rights are universal. Another
example are the Bagishu who practice “Embalu” every year so it is their freedom and choice
to practice their “Embalu’ hence human rights are universal

In conclusion therefore , some of the most widely accepted and central tenants of human
rights are universal inalienability indivisibility emerge as highly contentious upon close
inspection for yet rather than under cutting the entire concept of human rights these critiques
simply remind us to continually reevaluate our assumption of rights to make them over
more indusive and ever more tangible to those who remain on the outside I therefore still
stand on the side that human rights are universal
Meyer peter 2017 human rights and natural rights
Lera nasr. Human rights philosophical foundation of human rights

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