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Unit 3

Unit 3.1
I. Study the list of the words.
1. achievement (n) – a thing that sb has done successfully, especially using their own
effort or skill (great/outstanding/significant/considerable achievement)
2. live (adj) – not recorded first and broadcast later (seen while the event is happening)
(Is the show live or recorded?/The band have never played this song live before.)
3. journey (n) – an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are
far apart (to have/make/go on/undertake a journey) The journey from London to
Athens took 60 hours.
4. trip (n) – a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again
(to have/to be on/to go on/to make/ to take/to return from a trip) Did you have a good
trip? He has just returned from a trip to Alaska.
5. to lift (v) – to raise sth/sb to a higher position or level (to lift
carefully/easily/effortlessly) She lifted the book up off the table. He lifted the baby out
of its cradle.
6. view (n) – what you can see from a particular place or position
(wonderful/picturesque/breathtaking view/ view of the sea/bird’s-eye view/a room with
a view/ to see an amazing view) They stood waving on the platform, until the train
disappeared from view.
7. to go wrong – to stop working correctly (The clock went wrong. Everything went
8. to be in danger – to have the possibility to be injured, harmed or killed or to be
damaged or destroyed
9. to float (v) – to move slowly on water or in air (A few leaves floated on the surface
of the water.)
10. desert (n) [ˈdezət] – a large, hot area of land with very little water and very few
plants (He became the first person to cross the desert on foot. The land loses its
protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.)
11. to land (v) – to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface (The
pilot managed to land the plane safely. The plane was forced to land in a nearby field.)
12. to drop (v) – to fall or allow sth to fall by accident (I accidentally dropped my
glasses into the water.)
13. to rise (rose; risen) (v) – to move up, to reach a higher level or position (Smoke
rose from the chimney. House prices have risen sharply in recent months.)
14. to climb (v) – to go up sth towards the top (Don’t climb too high. He climbed
slowly up the ladder. We climbed right to the top of the mountain.)
15. to take off (took; taken) (v) – to leave the ground and begin to fly (The plane took
off an hour late)
16. scuba diver – someone who swims underwater using special breathing equipment
17. to set a world record (to set-set-set)– to reach the best result in the world especially
in sport
II. Choose the best word.
1. The balloon rose gently (up) into the air.
2. Somalia is mostly desert .
3. Two hundred scuba divers descended on the island to clean up the harbour.
4. It was the first interview I’d done in front of a live audience.
5. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.
6. The bird landed gracefully on the water.
7. Fluffy white clouds were floating across the sky.
8. He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
9. One in seven mobile phones goes wrong within a year.
III. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex.I.
1. She lifted the baby up and put him in his chair.
2. He dropped his cigarette and burnt a hole in his jacket.
3. This evening there will be a live broadcast of the debate.
4. They climbed up the hill to get a better view.
5. The helicopter slowly landed in the soft sand of a desert in the middle of nowhere,
6. You've managed to complete the course - that in itself is an achievement .
7. The journey will take an hour at the most.
8. Temperatures … as high as 40 degrees.
9. There was a lovely view of the lake from the bedroom window.
10. Dead leaves were floating on the surface of the water.
IV. Complete the sentences with the prepositions.
1. We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.
2. She lifted the baby up in her chair.
3. Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross the road.
4. We take games for the children when we go for long journeys.
5. In science we learned about density, and why oil floats on water.
6. The view from the top of the mountain is magnificent.
7. There was a magnificent view of the sea.
V. Ask questions to the underlined words.
1. A large balloon took him up into space. (a general question)
2. In 1999, he set the world record for the highest jump from a building. (a special
3. He parachuted down towards the desert. (an alternative question)
4. He didn’t think about the breathtaking view. (a tag question)
5. The skydiving team were worried he was in terrible danger, because the pilot was
falling too fast. (a question to the subject; a special question)
6. It took him seven years to prepare for the space dive. (a special question)
VI. Complete the table of the irregular verbs.
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
be was been
begin began begun
choose chose chosen
fly flew flown
leave left left
make made made
pay paid paid
see saw seen
swim swam swum
understand understood understood
win won won

VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

One night a girl and her boyfriend (a) was (to be) in the middle of a long phone
conversation about their future. Suddenly the boy (b) … (to stop) talking. The girl (c) …
(to become) very worried. She (d) … (to begin) to shout but he (e) … (not to reply). She
(f) … (to think) that her boyfriend (g) … (to be) in some kind of danger. At first, the girl
(h) … (not to know) what to do. But then she (i) … (to make) decision and (j) … (to call)
the police. Officers (k) … (to run) to her boyfriend’s house in Nuremburg, Germany.
They (l) … (to expect) to find a murderer or a burglar, but they (m) … (not to find) any
criminals. They just (n) … (to find) the boyfriend sleeping next to the phone!
VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple.
1. What … … … (you / to do) last summer?
2. I … (to work) in a fast food restaurant.
3. What kind of work … … … (you / to do)?
4. I … (to take) orders from customers.
5. … … … (you / to earn) much money?
6. Yes, but I … (to spend) most of it.
7. What … … … (you / to spend) it on?
8. I … (to go) on holiday to the Greek islands.
9. … … … (you / to have) a good time?
10. Yes, it … (to be wonderful).
IX. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Дорога к заповеднику не заняла у нас много времени. Более того, по пути мы
останавливались несколько раз, чтобы насладиться красивыми видами на горы.
The trip for the reservation didnt take much time for us/ Moreover we stopped several
time during the way to enjoy the beautiful mountain views
2. Аквалангист опустился на дно озера, но что-то пошло не так, и вскоре он
поднялся на поверхность воды.
Scuba diver dropped to the bottom of the lake, but something went wrong, and soon he
rose to the surface of the water
3. Когда Гарри был студентом, для него было большим достижением взять
интервью в прямом эфире. Теперь это его ежедневная работа.
When Harry was a student, taking live interview was a great achievement for him. Now
its his daily job
4. Во время экспедиции в пустыне археологи несколько раз оказывались в
During the expedition in the desert, archaeologists found themselves in danger several
5. Почему самолёт приземлился через десять минут после того, как он взлетел?
Why did the plane land ten minutes after it took off?
6. В 2018 году альпинист из Непала установил мировой рекорд, поднявшись на
Эверест в 22-ой раз. In 2018, a climber from Nepal set a world record by climbing
mount Everest for the 22nd time.
7. Почему наш плот не остался на поверхности, а утонул?
Why didn't our raft float on the surface of the water and sink?
8. После операции Джеймс не поднимал тяжёлые вещи целый год.
After the operation, James did not lift heavy things for a year.
9. Мальчик бросил несколько монет в шляпу музыканта.
The boy dropped a few coins into the musician's hat.
10. За пределами деревни дорога резко поднимается в гору.
Outside the village, the road rises sharply up the mountain.

Unit 3.2
I. Study the list of the words.
1. guilty (adj) – ashamed because you have done something wrong (to feel/look guilty.
I feel very guilty about leaving her. He was found guilty of murder.)
2. to be in a good mood – to be friendly to other people (Don’t talk to Mary today – she
is in a terrible mood.)
3. scared (adj) – frightened or worried (to be/feel/look/seem scared) I’m really scared
of heights.
4. nervous (adj) – worried and anxious (to be/feel/look/seem nervous/to become
nervous/to make sb nervous) Both men seemed nervous. Sit down – you are making
me nervous.
5. pleased (adj) – happy or satisfied (to be/feel/look/seem pleased) They were pleased
with the result.
6. exhausted (adj) – extremely tired (to be/feel/look/seem exhausted) She felt
emotionally exhausted. I was exhausted from the day’s work.
7. embarrassed (adj) – feeling ashamed or shy (to be/feel/look/seem/ to become
embarrassed) He looked slightly embarrassed. She is embarrassed about her height.
8. confused (adj) – unable to think clearly or to understand something (to
be/feel/look/seem confused) The policeman looked a little confused at her question.
9. disappointed (adj) – unhappy because sb/sth was not as good as you hoped or
expected, or because sth did not happen (to be/feel/look/seem disappointed) I am
disappointed about John not coming. We are disappointed with the new car.
10. calm (adj) – relaxed and not worried, frightened, or excited (to be/feel/look/seem
calm) He looked calm but he wasn’t. Sit down and keep calm.
11. lonely (adj) – unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to
(to be/feel/look/seem lonely) She was desperately lonely at school.
12. alone (adj) – without other people Don’t touch me! Leave me alone!
13. anxious (adj) – worried and nervous (to be/feel/look/seem/become anxious) Students
are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation. I am becoming very
anxious about my son.
14. stressed (adj) – worried and not able to relax (to be/feel/look/seem/become stressed)
She felt completely stressed and needed to calm down.
15. excited (adj) – feeling very happy and enthusiastic ( to be/feel/look/seem/become
excited) He was extremely excited about his new car. The kids seem pretty excited
about the holidays.
16. to take a lift – to use a lift floor. We took the lift down to the ground floor.
17. to get stuck in a lift – to get unable to come out of a lift He got stuck in the lift and
had to spend several hours there.
18. to push a button – to press a switch to control a piece of equipment She pushed the
alarm button as fast as she could but nothing happened.
19. to last (v) – to continue to exist The war lasted for three years. Nothing lasts
II. Complete the table. Use the words and expressions from ex. I.
Word Synonym Antonym
1. frustrated pleased
2. afraid brave
3. nervous calm
4. friendless sociable
5. responsible innocent
6. tired out refreshed
7. happy bored
8. press pull

III. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex.I.
1. By the time they reached the summit they were … .
2. Take the … to the sixth floor.
3. She looked calm but was feeling … inside.
4. I had never seen Ann in such a good … before.
5. You shouldn’t feel … all the time – you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of.
6. I'm a bit … . Was that her husband or her son she was with?
7. My mother always gets a bit … if we don't arrive when we say we will.
8. I was extremely angry but I'm feeling a little … now.
9. They say the snow will … until the end of next week.
IV. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. She's very nervous … her driving test.
2. The drought lasted … several months.
3. I'm really pleased … your work this term.
4. The politicians themselves are confused … what to do.
5. I feel so guilty … not going to see them.
6. Robert's scared … heights.
7. We were bitterly disappointed … the decision.
8. I felt embarrassed … how untidy the house was.
9. I was quite excited … the idea of leaving home, but I was a bit frightened, too.
10. Excited … the news, Marie phoned her mother immediately.
V. Ask questions to the underlined words.
1. The police weren’t searching for him for 41 hours. (a question to the subject)
2. Sometimes Nicholas lay on the floor, with his face down, because the light was too
bright. (a special question)
3. Nicholas decided to go outside for a quick cigarette. (an alternative question)
4. The guard asked Nicolas a lot of security questions. (a tag question)
5. He heard the voice at 4p.m. on Sunday. (general question)
VI. Complete the sentences using Past Continuous.
1. The young man … … (not / to play) tennis at 6 o’clock yesterday evening.
2. The girls … … (to listen) to music at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
3. The older man … … (to read) a book at 9 o’clock Sunday evening..
4. You … … (to work) at noon last Saturday?
5. The couple … … (to travel) at that time last summer.
6. The students … … (not / to study) at that moment.
7. The children … … (to swim) in the river at 4 o’clock.
8. The boy … … (to walk) his dog at 8 o’clock last night?
9. The man … … (not / to repair) his car at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
10. The women … … (to talk) on the phone?
VII. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. As I … (to do) the washing-up, I … (to break) a glass.
2. We … (to walk) in the woods, when the storm … (to begin).
3. John … (to repair) his motor bike when his father … (to arrive).
4. I … (to eat) my lunch when the phone … (to ring).
5. He … (to ride) his bike to school when he … (to drop) his bag.
6. We … (to see) a bad accident as we … (to drive) to the airport.
7. Tom … (to watch) the match when the TV … (to break down).
8. He … (to talk) when she… (to come) into the room.
VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.
A. Steve … (to have) an accident yesterday. He … (to drive) his car when a bird … (to
fly) into his windscreen. He … (to try) to stop quickly but he … (to crash) into a wall.
Luckily, he … (not / to be) hurt.
B. Last week I … (to go) to a talk by a famous writer. He … (to talk) about his new book
when I … (to arrive). He … (to give) such an interesting talk that I … (to be)
disappointed when it … (to end).
C. Julie … (to tidy) her bedroom last weekend. While she … (to tidy) it, she … (to find)
some of the toys she … (to have) when she was a child. She … (not / to want) to throw
them away, so she … (to put) them in a box and … (to store) them in the attic.
IX. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Марк вчера весь день выглядел виноватым, потому что утром накричал на
2. Она была очень довольна, когда осматривала свою новую машину.
3. Марта очень нервничала, когда сдавала свой первый экзамен.
4. Уильям был напряжён, когда выступал с презентацией перед участниками
5. Ты же хорошо подготовился к экзамену. Почему ты отвечал так растерянно,
когда профессор задавал тебе вопросы?
6. Фред рассказывал забавную историю о том, как он познакомился с девушкой в
лифте, как вдруг мы застряли.
7. Вчера вечером Хилари играла роль одинокой женщины, которая отправилась в
путешествие по Южной Америке.
8. Весь прошлый месяц мы занимались организацией международной
конференции. Теперь мы чувствуем себя очень уставшими.
9. Тед очень воодушевился, когда узнал, что его любимая группа давала концерты
в его городе.
10. Его родители были очень взволнованы, пока шла операция.

Unit 3.3
I. Study the list of the words.
1. to turn smth. on – to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that it starts working
2. to turn smth. down – to reduce the level of sound or heat that a machine produces
3. to turn smth. off – to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment such as
television, engine, light etc stop operating by pushing a button, turning a key etc.
4. to make a decision – to decide (I had to make a difficult decision about what to do
with the money. Key decisions are always taken by the editor.
5. cook (n) – someone who prepares and cooks food (She wants to become a
professional cook. )
6. careful (adj) – giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have
an accident, make a mistake, or damage something (Be particularly careful when
swimming in the lake. She was very careful about how she spoke to him. He is very
careful of his reputation. She is extremely careful with money.)
7. slow (adj) – not fast (My computer is noticeably slower than before.)
8. psychologist (n) – someone who has studied the human mind and feelings
9. to behave (v) – to do or say things in a particular way (to behave
well/badly/stupidly/aggressively) I know I should have behaved differently.
10. behaviour (n) – the way that you behave (Parents can influence the behaviour of
their children. I know you were upset, but that doesn’t excuse your behaviour.)
11. triangle (n) – a flat shape with three sides (right-angled triangle)
12. square (n) – a shape with four equal sides and four 90° angles
13. to make eye contact – to look at each other
14. reason (n) – the facts about why something happens or why someone does something
(I was never good at school for the simple reason that I never studied. Isolation and
loneliness are common reasons for depression. The reasons for her decision soon
became clear.)
15. queue (n) – a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something (the
people in the queue/ the queue for tickets/the end of the queue) The queue is not
moving at all. The queue stretched for more than a mile.
II. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex.I.
1. Did you notice anything odd about his … ?
2. Be … when you cross the road.
3. To make a star, put two … together.
4. Business is always … during those months because everyone is on holiday.
5. Geometric designs are created by combining or putting together triangles, … and
6. Is there any … why he doesn't want to come?
7. Let's stay calm and try to … like responsible adults.
8. There was a long … of traffic stretching down the road.
9. She was employed as a … in a hotel.
10. A … is someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour,
and how different situations have an effect on people.
III. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. Be careful … that vase - it's very fragile.
2. Don’t forget to turn the lights … when you leave.
3. Are you … the queue … tickets?
4. I started learning Spanish … various reasons.
5. Her main reason … moving is to be nearer her mother.
6. Jake turned … his computer and checked his mail.
7. They can help with decisions … where to invest your money.
8. Can you turn the TV … , please? I’m trying to work.
IV. Ask questions to the underlined words.
1. The company made the decision quickly. (a special question)
2. She always behaves badly when her aunts come to visit. (a special question)
3. The official reason for the delay was bad weather. (a special question)
4. She was wearing a white blouse and a skirt. (a general question)
5. They were travelling on a train. (a question to the subject)
6. He turned the television off before he went to bed. (a general question)
7. The researchers were studying how genes control animal behavior. (a question to the
8. We had to make an important decision yesterday. (a tag question)
9. The plane was flying over the city. (an alternative question)
10. We had to queue for three hours to get in. (a special question)
V. Choose an appropriate adjective from the list, turn it into an adverb and put it in
the correct sentence.
careless fluent proud polite happy angry heavy serious quick careful

1. The children were playing … .

2. The man drove … and crashed his car.
3. The teacher shouted … because the students were making too much noise.
4. Jonathan speaks English … .
5. It was raining … yesterday, so we stayed indoors.
6. The shop assistant placed the crystal vase … on the shelf.
7. I asked the man … to help me cross the road.
8. Harry ran … to catch the bus, but it had already left.
9. The actor who won the Academy Award was smiling … on the stage.
10. He looked at me … and told me never to lie to him again.
VI. Put the adverb made from the adjectives in brackets in each sentence in the
correct place.
1. He died trying to save their lives. (heroic)
2. The children were playing in the garden. (noisy)
3. Please, answer my questions. (truthful)
4. The film ended with the hero’s death in a gun-fight. (dramatic)
5. She worked. (hard)
6. He looked at the person who had interrupted. (angry)
7. She promised that the government would not raise taxes. (public)
8. He is usually very lively, but today he’s quiet. (strange)
9. I agree with you. You are right. (complete; absolute)

VII. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Ты сделал звук очень тихо. Я ничего не слышу.
2. Очередь перед музеем на выставку итальянского художника была большой и
двигалась медленно, но люди не уходили.
3. Молодой человек внимательно изучил договор перед тем, как принять решение
взять кредит в банке.
4. Психолог посоветовал родителям внимательно наблюдать за поведением сына.
5. Зоологам пришлось много работать, чтобы понять причину необычного
поведения медведей в этом заповеднике.
6. После окончания кулинарного шоу судьи быстро приняли решение и выбрали
лучшего повара.
7. Если ты говорил правду, почему ты избегал зрительного контакта и вёл себя так
8. Если в лифт входит третий человек, вы быстро поменяете своё место и станете в
9. Если в лифт зайдёт четвертый человек, все встанут в квадрат и каждый будет
стоять в углу.
10. Кажется, мы никогда не узнаем, по какой причине он так неожиданно бросил
свою профессию и стал поваром.

Unit 3.4
I. Study the list of the words.
1. smart (about appearance) (adj)– clean, tidy, and stylish (a smart hat/you look smart)
2. carton (n) – a container for food and drink that is made from strong, stiff paper
3. straw (n) – a thin plastic or paper tube that you use for drinking through (to drink
lemonade through a straw/ to catch, clutch at a straw)
4. blackcurrant (n) – a small black berry that grows in bunches on a garden bush and
can be eaten
5. an experience (n) – knowledge/skill obtained by seeing or doing something (to
have/share experience) Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. Do you
have any previous experience of this type of work? She wasn’t paid much but it was all
good experience. We all learn from experience.
6. to touch (v) – to put your hand on sth You have hardly touched your food. He
accidentally touched a live wire. She touched him with her hand.
7. to make an announcement – to say officially, giving information about sth (in an
announcement to the press/an official announcement about the disaster/ an
announcement by/from the president) He will make a formal announcement
tomorrow. We are still awaiting an announcement on the possible closure of the plant.
8. runway (n) – a large road that aircraft use to land on or to start flying from
9. to go snowboarding – to slide on the snow by standing on a specially shaped board
10. to crash (v) – to have an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is
damaged and someone is hurt (The plane crashed. She crashed into a wall.)
11. to scream (v) – to shout something in a loud, high voice because you are afraid, hurt,
or angry (He was screaming for help. You will scream with laughter.)
12. to complain (v) – to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory He has no right
to complain. All the guests complained about the noise. He complains of frequent
headaches. I’m going to complain to the authorities about this.
13. complaint (n) – a statement that something is wrong or not satisfactory (a letter of
complaint/complaints from parents/complaints against the police/ to have a complaint
about the food/ to make a complaint about working conditions/to make a complaint to
the authorities
14. rescue team – a group of people who help someone out of a dangerous or unpleasant
15. to be off college – to be not at work, school, college
16. in the end – finally, after something has been thought about or discussed a lot (In
the end they decided to spend this weekend at home.)
II. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex. I.
1. He … that a member of staff had been rude to him.
2. I've made a … to the police about the noise.
3. Running a red light, the young man's car … into a vehicle driven by a woman.
4. The Prime Minister … an unexpected … this morning.
5. She tends to wear quite … clothes for work.
6. It was interesting to hear about his … as a policeman.
7. In his spare time, he loves … and skiing in winter and tennis in summer.
8. I once saw a girl drinking beer from a pint glass … a straw.
9. The plane braked hard as its wheels touched the … .
10. A spider landed on her pillow and she … .
III. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. The plane crashed … a mountainside.
2. She screamed … help.
3. The children screamed … delight.
4. She completely forgot herself and started screaming … him.
5. If the service was so bad why didn't you complain … the manager?
6. Lots of people have complained … the noise.
7. We were thinking about going to Switzerland, but … the end we went to Austria.
8. The book has exercises … the end of every chapter.
9. We've received a complaint … one of our listeners … offensive language.
10. Stephen Byers is to make an announcement … the firm's future today.

IV. Ask questions to the underlined words.
1. She had a bad experience last year. (a special question)
2. The accident happened when she was snowboarding. (a special question)
3. The plane flew over the sea for a minute. (a general question)
4. The young man was drinking a blackcurrant juice. (a tag question)
5. Martina was snowboarding very fast when a little boy stopped in front of her. (a
question to the subject)
6. Over three hundred listeners phoned in to complain about the programme. (a special
7. The rescue team saved a Hawaii hiker after 17 days. (a question to the subject)
8. She was going to take some time off to work on her house. (a special question)
V. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. He … (to hurt) his leg when he … (to fall) off the ladder.
2. I … (to see) that she … (to enjoy) the concert. She … … (to sit / to smile).
3. Why … … … … (you / not / to open) the door at once? – Sorry, I … (not / to hear) the
4. I … (to break) the plate while I … (to do) the washing-up.
5. At two o’clock this afternoon I … (to have) lunch that’s why you … (not / to get) me
on the phone. What … … (you / to want) to tell me? – Actually, I … (to call) to tell you
that I … (to come) by the 7 o’clock train.
6. I … (to find) that old photo when I … (to look) through the album.
7. He … (to look) through the article for some time and then … (to make) notes.
8. They … (to discuss) the situation for about an hour at yesterday’s meeting.
9. While the Coppards … (to work) in the garden Mr. Coppard … (to have) a heart attack
and his wife … (to call) the doctor.
10. I … (to know) for sure what … (to happen) in the next room at that moment.
11. I … (to ask) her something but she … (not to answer) as she … (to taste) some dish.

VI. Translate the sentences into English.
1. В зал вошёл элегантно одетый молодой человек и сделал неожиданное
2. Курьезный случай произошёл с Марком, когда он путешествовал по Швейцарии.
3. Спасательная команда работала вчера весь вечер на взлетно-посадочной полосе.
4. Маленькая девочка громко закричала, когда увидела, как паук ползёт к её ногам.
5. Листья черной смородины содержат больше витамина С, чем ягоды.
6. Сок из маленького тетрапакета с трубочкой оказался опасным для жизни.
7. Он постоянно жаловался, что его никто не слушал.
8. Машина ехала на слишком большой скорости, когда врезалась в грузовик.
9. Ева сейчас не ходит на занятия в колледж, она готовиться к экзаменам дома.
10. Алиса мечтала о профессии художника, дизайнера, архитектора, но в конечном
счёте поступила на экономический факультет.

Unit 3.5
I. Study the list of the words.
1. government (n) – the group of people who officially control a country The present
government was elected last year. The report on world poverty calls for urgent action
from Western governments. A new government was formed in September of that
2. to explore (v) – to examine sth carefully in order to find out more about it;
to go to an area in order to learn about it
3. sail (n) – a sheet of material attached to a pole on a boat to catch the wind and make
the boat move (to go for a sail) The sails caught the wind once more and they were on
their way.
4. to sail (v) – to travel on water using sails or an engine We sailed 100 miles. He sailed
across the Atlantic.
5. steam engine – the part of a vehicle that uses energy from steam to make it move
6. adventurous (adj) – willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new,
exciting and often dangerous situations
7. on board – on a boat, train, or aircraft (come, go on board a ship/aircraft)
8. to make a camp – to arrange a place where people stay in tents
9. hut (n) – a small, simple building, often made of wood
10. to freeze (froze; frozen) (v) – to become hard and often turn to ice because it is very
cold; to make smth do this (Hundreds of homeless people could freeze to death this
winter. She froze with horror when she saw the body. Prices have been frozen at this
level for over a year now.)
11. crew (n) – all the people working on a ship, plane etc. (a member of the crew/a crew
member/all the men in the crew)
12. to melt (v) – to become liquid as a result of heating (Her heart melted at the sight.)
13. blizzard (n) – a storm with strong winds and snow (The blizzard struck while we
were still on the mountain. He fought his way through the blizzard.)
14. the Pole (n) – either of the two points at the opposite ends of the line on which the
earth turns (The north magnetic pole lies to the west of the geographic North Pole.
The meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.
15. to survive (v) – to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, illness,
etc. (Nobody can survive long without water. A young boy miraculously survived a
25000-volt electric shock. Doctors did not expect him to survive the night. She
survived through two world wars.
16. to sink (sank; sunk) (v) – to go down or make something go down below the surface
of water and not come back up
17. to drown (v) – to die because you are under water and cannot breathe, or to kill
someone in this way
18. lifeboat (n) – a special boat that is used to help people who are in danger at sea
19. navy (n) – ships and soldiers used for fighting wars at sea
20. to succeed (v) – to achieve what you are trying to achieve (He succeeded as a
lawyer. He succeeded in tricking us all.)
II. Complete the table.
Verb Noun Adjective
to explore (two nouns) –
– adventurous
to survive –
to succeed
to sail (two nouns) –

III. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex.I.
1. The … … was not originally developed for power locomotives.
2. We went on an expedition to … the flora and fauna of Hornchurch Wood.
3. When the lake … , we can go skating on it.
4. It was not exactly clear how many people were … the chartered aircraft.
5. The … is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse.
6. He's looking for an … companion to go backpacking with in China.
7. The doctors said her condition was critical and she might not … .
8. The … caught the wind once more and they were on their way.
9. The hikers made a … just before sunset.
10. The sun soon … the ice on the pond.
IV. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. The ship was sailing … China.
2. Water freezes … the temperature of 0°C.
3. The metal will melt … very high temperatures.
4. He has finally succeeded … passing his exams.
5. As soon as I was … board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.

V. Ask questions to the underlined words.
1. The Discovery left the UK on the 6th August 1901. (a special question)
2. Some of Britain’s most adventurous explorers were on board. (a question to the
3. The scientists wanted to learn about the area’s plants and animals. (a general question)
4. The crew needed to wait for the ice to melt. (a general question)
5. Scott and Shackleton walked through storms and blizzards. (a general question)
6. The two adventurers didn’t reach the Pole. (a tag question)
7. Captain Scott became a national hero. (a question to the subject)
8. Shackleton and his small group spent five days in a lifeboat. (a special question )
9. For years the Discovery was a popular tourist attraction in London. (a special question)
VI. Do the test.
1. I knew he was a police officer because he … his uniform.
A. was wearing B. wore C. weared
2. She took her dog because it … a walk.
A. needed B. was needed c. needs
3. I … my driving license exam twice last year.
A. failed B. was failing C. failt
4. They … TV when they heard a crash.
A. watched B. watch C. were watching
5. Last year we … camping and had a great time.
A. were going B. went C. were
6. I’m impressed how… she speaks French.
A. fluently B. fluent C. fluenter
7. The task is … easy. I’m sure you’ll do it very … .
A. surprisedly; quickly B. surprising; quick C. surprisingly; quickly
8. Sue looks … after her illness. She doesn’t feel … enough yet.
A. differently; well B. different; well C. different; good.
9. He is a … thinker, but he does everything very … .
A. slowly; attentive B. slow; attentive C. slow; attentively
10. She is a … cook. All her dishes smell and taste … .
A. wonderful; nice B. wonderful; nicely C. wonderfully; nicely
VII. Translate the sentences into English
1. За ночь река замерзла.
2. «Титаник» утонул после столкновения с айсбергом.
3. Он упал в реку и утонул.
4. На прошлой неделе правительство приняло решение увеличить финансирование
военно-морского флота.
5. Экипаж самолёта сделал всё, чтобы пассажиры на борту не пострадали.
6. Группа ботаников исследовала редкие растения на Кунашире, когда обнаружила
старую хижину.
7. Кто изобрёл паровой двигатель?
8. Ещё вчера наш лайнер шёл по Адриатическому морю, а сегодня мы
наслаждаемся горными видами Аппенин.
9. Путешественники сбились с пути во время снежной бури.
10. Из-за недостаточного количества спасательных шлюпок не все пассажиры
остались в живых.

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