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The following sentences include collocations highlighted in bold letters. Some of those
collocations are correct but in some of them we have combined a wrong adjective or
verb with the noun (the noun is always correct). Correct the wrong collocations by
writing the appropriate adjective or verb in each case IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Once you have corrected all the wrong collocations, give a Spanish equivalent
expression for every collocation (remember that you can see the meaning of
collocations by searching them in the Corpus Concordance Sampler and reading some
of the sentences where the collocations appear).

NOTE: Use the Corpus Concordance Sampler to check whether the collocations are
acceptable or not (don’t forget to write the symbol + between words) and to look for
the appropriate adjective or verb (the one which expresses the same meaning as the one
you are given in the sentence) which combines with the noun provided (remember that
you need to write VERB+the+noun or JJ+noun to search for all the possible verbs or
adjectives that combine with a given noun).

 It's a moving and exciting film and shows off Oxford and it's countryside to its best

 When, in 1609, Galileo constructed his first telescopes and trained them on the heavens, he
made dramatic discoveries. He saw that there were many stars invisible to the naked eye.

 As well as the 5 Sky Channels, you can tune into more English and foreign language
channels, with more planned in the close future.

 People soon decided sides either for or against what came to be known as the Council's
"green belt" or "anti-dispersal" policy.

 The Streamline Graded Readers series has been specially designed to meet the needs of
students at the lower levels of language learning and to ensure the ease of reading which
will keep students encouraged and motivated.

 An incredible lot of writers have had other means of earning a living, but still, surely, have
the right to have "writer" carved on their tombstones.

 "Were you an only child?" He shook his head. "I had a sister, younger than me".

 This treatment and the prescribed antibiotics started to make effect and after 4 days Mr
Brown's temperature returned to normal levels and his chest sounded clear.

 However you feel, do an effort to sound happy every time you speak.

 She has strong views on a wide range of issues.

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