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Syllabus in World Literature


Second Semester, School Year 2014-2015

[Updated August 29, 2014]

Course Code/Title                                                      : WORLD LITERATURE

Prerequisite                                                                : ENG 1
Course Credit                                                             : 3 units

Course Description:

A survey of the greatest pieces of literature from all over the world; with representative readings from
various places and various time periods.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

define the various terms used in literature;

summarize and outline the plot of the various pieces of  World Literature;

identify and discuss the human situation depicted in the various piece of literature;

react to literature in various ways;

reflect on the theme of the various pieces of literature;

express appreciation for the wisdom imparted by the various piece of literature; and

integrate the PCU and CASTE values.

Course Outline:

Week 1
I. Introduction to the Course
   A. Getting to know the instructor, the students, and the course
   B. Distribution of course syllabus
   C. Introduction to World Literature
Week 2 - 3
II. Introduction to Literature
     A. Genres of literature
     B. Elements of fiction

Week 4 - 5
III. British literature
      A. “Beowulf” (traditional)
      B. Prologue to “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Week 7
IV. Greek and Roman Literature
     A. The Iliad (The Trojan War) by Homer
     B. The Odyssey (The Adventures of Odysseus) by Homer
Week 9
     C. The Aeneid (The Adventures of Aeneas) by Virgil
Week 10 - 11
V. European Literature
    -- The Divine Comedy (Inferno and Purgatorio) by Dante Alighieri

Week 13
     -- Paradiso by Dante Alighieri
Week 14
VI. Asian Literature
      A. Chinese literature: Excepts from the Analects of Confucius
Week 15
      B. Indian literature: The Ramayana
Week 16 - 17
VII. Biblical literature
        A. The story of creation (Genesis 1 & 2)
        B. The teachings of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5-7)
        C. The city of God (Revelation 21)

Abcarian R. & M. Klotz. (2000). Literature: Reading and writing the human experience (7th shorter ed.)
Boston & New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Hamilton, E. (1942). Mythology: Timeless tales of gods and goddess. New York & Boston: Grand Central

Tomeldan, Y. V. (general ed.), et al. (1986). Prism: An introduction to world literature. Mandaluyong City:
National Bookstore.

Guerrero, G. T. (2013). Instructional minutes.URL:

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