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An economic analysis of communal goat production

a a b
P J Sebei , C M E McCrindle and E C Webb

to review and modify technologies to

ABSTRACT meet the needs of specific farming
The economic impact of different extension messages used was calculated using enterprise systems33. Economic considerations may
budgeting (gross margin analysis). Input data were gleaned from the literature, from be more important in communal goat
participatory appraisals, as well as a field study, spanning 12 months, of small-scale commu- farming systems than is the case with
nal goat farming systems in Jericho in the Odi District of North West Province. The number cattle, which also have a high social
of offspring weaned per annum, as a proportion of does owned, was selected as the desired status22,26. Traditional societies that use
output for analysis. This study has shown that small-scale communal goat farmers are not
communal grazing systems in Africa, are
adopting or implementing extension messages to improve production capacity. In south
inclined to be very adverse to risk and
Africa the majority of goats are slaughtered in the informal sector. If the informal sector is to
thus tend to prefer low-input systems11.
be persuaded to market goats commercially through formal channels, then knowledge of
the economics of goat farming on communal lands should be provided. The economic
In the North West Province, where it is
aspects of extension messages are probably an important factor in determining acceptance estimated that there are approximately
and sustainability yet appear to be seldom investigated. The probable reason for lack of 700 000 goats, only 315 were slaughtered
adoption of standard extension messages, which promote improved nutrition, parasite at abattoirs in 199729. This indicates that
control, vaccination and treatment of goats, was economic. In other words, the so-called the great majority of goats are slaughtered
‘poor management practices’ used by communal farmers appeared to be economically in the informal sector. It is the latter
more profitable than the ‘good management practices’ suggested to increase production. category where investigation is needed
The price of communal goats was not related to their mass. A higher level of inputs would to determine how to build capacity and
probably have resulted in a heavier kid, however it was established that this would not optimise productivity, rather than just
have influenced the price received as a majority of the goats were slaughtered for ritual aim for high production.
purposes where age, colour and sex were more important to the purchaser than body mass. The National Department of Agriculture
It is standard practice in commercial farming systems to evaluate the economic benefits of states on its web-site (http://www.nda.
all management practices before they are implemented. Production animal veterinarians, that the priorities with regard to
use veterinary economics to compare different scenarios to control diseases or select
small stock farming are disease and pest
management practices in commercial herds. It is suggested that the inputs and outputs of
small-scale farming systems should be carefully analysed and that veterinary economics
control, extension and marketing. If the
should also be used to evaluate the probable impact of extension messages formulated by informal sector is to be persuaded to
veterinarians and animal health technicians. market goats commercially, then the
economics of goat farming on communal
Key words: communal grazing, enterprise budgeting, impact assessment, farming systems
lands must be considered. The economic
research, goats, small-scale farmers, veterinary economics, veterinary extension.
aspects of extension messages are probably
Sebei P J, McCrindle C M E, Webb E C An economic analysis of communal goat production. important factors determining acceptance
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (2004) 75(1): 19–23 (En.). Department of
and sustainability yet appear to be seldom
Paraclinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X04,
investigated3 . Reynolds et al. (1987) sug-
Onderstepoort, 0110 South Africa.
gested that any improvement or method
that is to be recommended to small-scale
farmers must be ‘tested initially, be shown
INTRODUCTION als described the communal farming to work and be realistic to the available
In South Africa, there is a so-called ‘dual systems for livestock in these areas, resources’28. On-farm evaluation of small-
economy ’, where highly developed including goats. stock farming systems is logistically diffi-
commercial farmers and subsistence level Stock management strategies are per- cult and on-station testing does not reflect
animal owners exist side by side3,4. A ceived as being ‘poor ’, amongst others the numerous constraints of communal
perception exists that the commercial reasons because communal farmers do grazing. Therefore a systems approach is
farming systems are characterised by not use technological advances or imple- suggested33, including economic analy-
‘good’ management whereas stock ment extension messages. Tawah (1998)33 sis2,9,22 so as to predetermine the likely
management by communal and small- suggested that the reasons why commu- impact of proposed interventions.
scale farmers is considered to be ‘poor ’13. nal farmers in Africa seldom implement Economic evaluations can be used to
Between 1996 and 1999, veterinary needs the advice given by extension workers is assess the impact of postulated extension
appraisals were done in low-income rural, that this advice usually implies full exploi- messages prior to their implementation*.
peri-urban, urban and settlement areas in tation of biological capacity under ideal Economic projections of potential profit
South Africa14,15,16,17. These rapid apprais- production conditions. Such ideal condi- or loss are conventionally used in com-
tions do not exist in communal systems, mercial farming systems by production
Department of Paraclinical Sciences, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Private Bag
which are characterised by a lack of animal veterinarians, prior to implemen-
X04, Onderstepoort, 0110 South Africa. resources such as land, labour and capital. tation of changes to management sys-
He maintains that as small-scale farmers tems.
Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences, University
of Pretoria, 0002 South Africa.
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: are prepared to accept partial or interme- Veterinary economics (animal health
Received: August 2002. Accepted: December 2003. diate solutions, the aim should rather be economics) emerged as a specific area of

0038-2809 Jl (2004) 75(1): 19–23 19

interest in veterinary medicine in the late
1960s8,34. The basic economic principle for
determining marginal returns is known
as the equimarginal principle1,8.
Enterprise budgeting, where only the
variable costs of different enterprises on a
commercial farm are compared, uses this
principle. Enterprise budgeting has also
been used to compare different enterprises
within a communal farming system22,23. In
longer-term situations, where the enter-
prise is carried on over several years, cost–
benefit analysis is preferred. Decision Fig. 1: Diagram illustrating input–output analysis of a small-scale goat production system
analysis is usually used where there are (modified after McCrindle et al., 1996). *Extrinsic factors influencing the system such as
multiple possible outcomes of a proposed socioeconomics (e.g. high unemployment, lack of land tenure), climatic influences (e.g.
course of action. Data inputs for decision droughts). **Intrinsic factors: communal grazing, indigenous goats, small-scale farmers
and their families, cultural practices, informal marketing.
analysis include literature references,
field data and expert opinion. Spread-
sheet models can be built to compare the the productivity of the communal goat from the structured interviews and longi-
economic data electronically8. In the case farming system, are listed. These inputs tudinal study and were also taken from
of Microsoft Excel ® software, using and outputs were observed during rapid the literature10,38. The variable costs used
spreadsheets for decision analysis is appraisals14,15,16,17 and were also observed (Table 1) included water consumption,
called ‘Scenario planning’. This paper during the 12-month field study29. parasite and disease prevention and
considers the economic aspects and In the veterinary context, many of the treatment as well as winter feed supple-
calculates the economic impact of stan- factors within an animal production mentation. The number of kids that sur-
dard extension messages to improve the system are linked to the epidemiology of vived to weaning were considered the
management of goats in communal particular diseases and parasites as well as herd ‘output’. From this, annual income
systems. nutrition and management. These factors was calculated for each scenario as:
are ranked in importance so as to identify
Number of does × kids per doe that
METHODS possible key variables that are likely to
survived to weaning (output) × R150
The methods used in this study were have the most impact on a desired output
based on participatory rural appraisal or outcome such as fertility, number of The value of labour inputs was deter-
and farming systems research and offspring weaned, number of animals mined by its opportunity cost, i.e. the
extension2,18,29,36,37. Initially 20 small-scale marketed, mohair and milk production of value of 1 hour of labour at the prevailing
farmers were subjected to a structured does. For the purpose of this study, the hourly rate in rural areas22 .
interview. Two-stage cluster sampling34 number of offspring weaned as a propor- All data was entered into an Excel®
was done, where farmers were the pri- tion of does owned, was selected as the spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Red-
mary unit and goats the secondary unit. output for economic analysis. For indige- mond) and analysis done using the statis-
The allocation was based on purposive nous goats, Donkin (1998)10 recorded tical software SPSS for Windows® Release
selection of goat herds on communal 150 % prolificacy and a kidding percent- 9.0.1 (SPSS Inc., Chicago).
grazing around Jericho, in the Odi district age of 123 % with a survival to weaning
of North West Province, South Africa. of 88.3 % (113 kids from 128 does) on- RESULTS
Thirteen farmers remained in the trial for station. The survival to weaning rate of During the longitudinal 12-month field
the duration and farms were visited once 0.883 per indigenous doe was therefore study, the farmers sold or consumed
a month to assess goat-farming practices taken as the achievable output for this approximately 20 % of the herd29. The
that influenced the survival of kids to breed of goat under optimum conditions number of kids that survived to weaning
weaning age. Economic data were (Table 1). (n = 83) as a percentage of adult does (n =
gathered initially from structured inter- Comparative economic analysis was 155) was calculated as 53.3 %.
views with farmers and thereafter from used to quantify and compare the input According to the farmers interviewed,
informal interviews and field observa- and output, in terms of kids weaned, the purchase and selling price (valuation)
tions made over a 12-month period. using enterprise budgeting22,23. of an adult doe of the indigenous breed
A farming systems approach implies Enterprise budgeting (gross marginal was R300 and a young goat (after wean-
that the diagnostic phase of research into analysis) is the difference between the ing) was R150. Capital invested was
animal production should include all income of an enterprise and the direct therefore taken as the number of adult
aspects intrinsic and extrinsic to the costs associated with the enterprise. does × R300. It was observed that kids on
production system 3 3 . A production Triangulation is generally used in obser- communal grazing were weaned natu-
system showing inputs and outputs for vational studies, therefore data on eco- rally at about 6 months of age (180 days).
small-scale communal goat farming is nomic values and management used for Goats were sold alive and the price was
illustrated in Fig. 1. enterprise budgeting (Table 1) were ob- not calculated from body mass but only
Productivity is the ratio between system tained from veterinary needs appraisals15, from a rough estimate of size and matu-
outputs and system inputs2,12. This rela- structured interviews with farmers (n = rity. It was also found that approximately
tionship does not exist for ‘production’ as 20) and informal interviews (open ended half of the farmers (n = 10) sold or slaugh-
high production (e.g. high kidding questions and observations) with farmers tered goats for ritual purposes, where age,
percentage) may exist where inputs (n = 13) while examining goats during colour and sex were more important than
exceed outputs3. In Fig. 1, specific inputs monthly farm visits29. Data on the produc- body mass29.
and outputs that are known to impact on tivity of indigenous goats were gained Informal housing (called a ‘kraal’) for

20 0038-2809 (2004) 75(1): 19–23

Table 1: Enterprise budgeting used to estimate the economic impact of extension to increase production, assuming that survival to
weaning increases from 0.535 per doe to 0.883 per doe if suggested extension messages are applied.

Items A* Output 0.535 B* Output 0.883

(rand) (rand)

Adult doe 300.00 300.00
Housing 0 100.00
Total capital invested 300.00 400.00
Income/doe @ R150/kid (n × value) 80.25 132.45
Variable costs (doe and kid) (n = 1.535) (n = 1.883)
Lucerne supplement for adult goats: 800g/day for 180 days @ R1.10/kg 0 158.40
Lucerne supplement for kids : 600g/day for 180 days @ R1.10/kg 0 118.80
Lick/concentrate 100g/day for 180 days @ R1.40/kg 0 25.20
Water @ 5 /day/doe @ 2c/ 36.50 36.50
Extra water for kids @ 1 /day/kid for 180 days 1.93 3.18
Dips @ 14c/treatment (Dazzel) × 2 for doe + kid 0 0.53
Deworming of kids @ R1.41 (Dectomax) 0 1.25
Deworming of doe @ R1.41 × 2 0 2.82
Vaccination (Heartwater I/V) for kids @ R10.61 0 9.37
Treatment (Terramycin) @ R6.00/kid 0 5.30
Jeyes fluid @ 10c/treatment/doe + kid × 2 0.31 0
Subtotal variable costs 38.73 361.48
Profit per enterprise (income – expenditure) 41.52 –229.03
Return on capital investment (%) 13.84 –57.26

A* = output calculated using data from current management system.

B* = output achieved by Donkin (1998) on-station with indigenous goats, using recommended feeding strategies and management to increase production.

the goats on communal grazing is made purchased, depending on climatic vari- tant) approximately twice a year, to
from thorn branches or scrap metal and ables. control ticks. The cost of this application
wood (Fig. 2), whereas the recommended Small-scale goat farmers in the study was estimated from the retail price of the
formal housing is constructed out of con- did not treat for internal parasites or product as R0.10 per animal.
crete blocks, cement flooring and corru- vaccinate against heartwater (Cowdria Conversely, several management
gated metal roofing. The cost for formal ruminantium infection) and gave little or practices have been advocated in the liter-
housing of goats is estimated at R100 per no winter supplementation. It was ature 5,6,21,24,25,27,30,31,35 and by extension
goat. recorded during informal interviews as personnel, to achieve high levels of
Table 1 shows enterprise budgeting for well as observations during monthly production. These included supplemen-
the small-scale communal grazing system visits that goats were treated with diluted tary feeding during the dry season,
compared with projected costs for a Jeyes Fluid (a carbolic household disinfec- vaccination of kids against heartwater
system where extension messages used
are followed.
It was observed during the study29 and
also by McCrindle14,15 that communal
small-scale goat farmers spent approxi-
mately 1 hour per day letting the goats
out of the kraal and putting them in again.
Although cattle were herded, goats were
not. Opportunity cost was therefore
estimated as 1 hour per day at an average
of R7.00 per hour at the prevailing hourly
rate for labour in Jericho. Interest oppor-
tunity on capital22 was estimated at 10 %.
The goats in the longitudinal study
were grazed on communal lands owned
by the State. Goats on communal lands
drank from streams, vleis and dams, but
this water was not available throughout
the year, as it often dried up in the dry
season. Water for the goats kept in the
‘kraal’ was bought at 2c per litre. For
calculation purposes, all water consumed
annually was estimated at market value, Fig. 2: Goats kept in a ‘kraal’ made of thorn bushes, with tyres to keep goats from the mud
even though only a portion was actually during the rainy season and tree for shelter.

0038-2809 Jl (2004) 75(1): 19–23 21

(Cowdria ruminantium infection) and recommended that all kids are vaccinated expand their herds and that bureaucratic
control of internal and external parasites. intravenously to induce premunity5. For (top-down) assistance is required to control
The farmers confirmed, during informal the sake of enterprise budgeting, it was and conserve the primary resource. The
interviews, that these recommendations also estimated that, under ideal manage- myth that goats on communal grazing are
were used as extension messages by ment conditions to maximise production, subject only to the ‘tragedy of the com-
extension officers and animal health each doe and kid would, over the course mons’ and that private good overrides
technicians in the study area. of the year, undergo a treatment against public good to the extreme where the
In the summer rainfall area of South disease or for wounds or abscesses. For ‘grazing’ will be destroyed is also not
Africa, supplementation is required the sake of costing out, a single dose of accurate. In fact, the goat/thorn-scrub
during the dry season (May to October). injectable tetracycline (Terramycin®, oxy- interaction, in the absence of additional
For the sake of calculation, this was tetracycline HCl 100 mg/m , Pfizer Ani- feeding in the winter, results in a balanced
estimated as 180 days. In the Jericho area mal Health) was used. ecosystem where goats will survive only
of North West Province, lucerne hay was to the stage where the thorn-scrub is
available locally as it was grown and dried DISCUSSION depleted, as they are browsers.
by commercial farmers at Brits, which is Commercial farmers routinely use Probably the optimal key variables in
less than 60 km away. At the time the enterprise budgeting to make decisions22, the communal goat farming system
study was done, the cost of lucerne was however, this practice does not appear to would be to decrease parasites by better
R1.10 per kg (bales weighing an average be followed when delivering extension management such as improved hygiene
of 20 kg cost R22.00). messages to small-scale and communal through removal of faeces and better
Data used below was calculated from farmers4. The economic values used for drainage of the ‘kraals’ and elimination of
zero-grazing requirements for goats20. enterprise budgeting in commercial old and infertile does, as the outputs,
Lucerne consumption per adult goat was fa r m i n g s y s t em s a r e es t i ma t ed even at improved production levels
estimated as 800 g of lucerne hay per day (calculated) from data obtained over the cannot support the cost of supplementary
of supplementation. Kids average 600 g previous season. In the case of this paper, feed in the dry months. The findings of
per day over the full 180-day dry period data used for the estimation (calculation) this study also support the use of livestock
(obviously the amount varies as a new of values were taken from a field study of in communal systems as ‘savings’. Using
born kid eats nothing, while a rapidly communally grazed indigenous goats the low-input/low-output goat produc-
growing kid will eat more than an adult.) and contrasted with published data tion system observed during the survey, a
Kids were kept in the ‘kraal’ at home and obtained on-station with ‘correctly return on capital of 13.84 % was achieved,
not given access to grazing as the owners managed’ goats of the same breed and which was higher than that offered at the
did not want to expose them to predators type. Such ‘estimated ’ or ‘calculated’ time on savings accounts by commercial
such as stray dogs and jackals. Cost of values are usually used for planning and banks (10 %).
lucerne supplementation was calculated evaluating management strategies by
as: commercial farmers and production CONCLUSIONS
animal veterinarians. This paper suggests It is concluded that increased output
Cost/kg × days × (n),
that the same type of planning and assess- does not necessarily lead to increased
where n = number of does plus kids. ment that is used in commercial systems profit in traditional or communal goat
Concentrate or production lick supple- should be applied in communal farming farming systems. In fact, the extension
mentation over 180 days at 100 g per goat systems. messages used by field staff, which are
was estimated similarly at R48.03, as a There are many technical possibilities based on the commercial model, could
50-kg bag of production lick or concen- for improving production in goats but be counter-productive. The negative
trate cost approximately R70 as the time of small-scale goat farmers do not appear economic impact of these extension
the investigation (R1.40/kg). to be adopting the strategies suggested messages to improve production rather
Several authors have indicated that by extension workers, animal health than productivity, is the probable reason
helminth infestation can lower production technicians and veterinarians. This paper why communal farmers are not accepting
levels in small stock 7 , 1 9 , 2 7 . Dectomax ® emphasises the necessity for pre-evalua- extension advice.
(doramectin 1 %, Pfizer Animal Health) tion of the economic impact of adoption Possibly due to a lack of infrastructure
has been selected as representative of this of extension messages on small-scale goat and informal slaughter, goats are not
group as it is available in 50 m bottles, farmers. The negative economic implica- weighed before or after slaughter and the
which is an affordable packaging. Oral tions of standardised extension messages price is not calculated per kilogram, as it
dewormers, although cheaper per milli- that improve production rather than would be in a commercial system.
litre, are packaged in 500 m and 1 productivity may be seen clearly from Although perceived as ‘poor managers’
containers and require the purchase of a Table 1. It is very important that extension these small-scale communal farmers are
dosing gun. The cost of using Dectomax should be adapted to meet the actual still achieving a good return of interest on
strategically twice a year for adults and 1 conditions. For example, economic calcu- their capital and thus the traditional use
pre-weaning dose for kids, at a dose of lations in traditionally managed goat of goats as ‘savings’ is justified.
0.5 m for all goats weighing 0–25 kg was keeping systems should be based on the It is standard practice in commercial
worked out at R1.41 per dose during the fact, as previously emphasised, that the farming systems to evaluate the economic
survey32. sale price of goats is not linked to body impact of all management practices
If farmers use an acaricide (Dazzel N F®, mass but rather to the requirements for a before they are implemented. Production
diazinon 30 % m/v, Milborrow, Bayer live goat at a particular time, usually for animal veterinarians use veterinary
Animal Health Division) instead of Jeyes cultural reasons rather than consump- economics to compare different scenarios
fluid, the cost per spot treatment against tion13,14,15,16,17. in control of disease. It is strongly recom-
ticks was R0.1432. The observed takeoff of 20 % of the mended that economic evaluation or
As Cowdria ruminantium is endemic in animals also negates the commonly held impact assessment should also be done
much of the summer rainfall area, it is view that goat owners want only to before veterinarians and animal health

22 0038-2809 (2004) 75(1): 19–23

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