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Rillera, Guile Elis S.

October 16, 2020

We attended a lecture series about Acid base balance hosted by none

other than sir Christian Peralta who is a very qualified individual base on his
said accolades which is being a registered nurse in Philippines, Saudi, and
Germany just to name a few. He was very cordial with his lecture. He stayed
professional all throughout the allotted time for the lecture series which was
from eight (8) A.M. to five (5) in the afternoon. He was a very enthusiastic
person, I could tell by his demeanor and he was willing to part good
knowledge to us without a second thought. We were feeling each other out
the first few minutes or even maybe hours but towards the end I think we build
a good relationship or made a better impression compared to the first hour.

Acid and Alkaline levels are estimated on a pH scale. An expansion in

sharpness causes pH levels to fall. An expansion in antacid causes pH levels
to rise. At the point when the degrees of Acid in your blood are excessively
high, it's called Acidosis. At the point when your blood is excessively Alkaline,
it is called Alkalosis. Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis are because of an
issue with the lungs. Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis are because of an
issue with the kidneys. Every one of these conditions is brought about by a
hidden illness or turmoil. Treatment relies upon the reason. Your kidneys and
lungs work to keep up the acid base balance. Even a slight varieties from the
ordinary reach can greatly affect your vital organs. Your blood is made up of
acids and bases. The amount of acids and bases in your blood can be
measured on a pH scale. It’s important to maintain the correct balance
between acids and bases. Even a slight change can cause health problems.
Normally, your blood should have a slightly higher amount of bases than
acids. Alkalosis occurs when your body has too many bases. It can occur due
to decreased blood levels of carbon dioxide, which is an acid. It can also
occur due to increased blood levels of bicarbonate, which is a base.This
condition may also be related to other underlying health issues such as low
potassium, or hypokalemia. The earlier it’s detected and treated, the better
the outcome is.

When your body fluids contain too much acid, it’s known as acidosis.
Acidosis occurs when your kidneys and lungs can’t keep your body’s pH in
balance. Many of the body’s processes produce acid. Your lungs and kidneys
can usually compensate for slight pH imbalances, but problems with these
organs can lead to excess acid accumulating in your body.The acidity of your
blood is measured by determining its pH. A lower pH means that your blood is
more acidic, while a higher pH means that your blood is more basic. The pH
of your blood should be around 7.4. According to the American Association for
Clinical Chemistry (AACC), acidosis is characterized by a pH of 7.35 or
lower. Alkalosis is characterized by a pH level of 7.45 or higher. While
seemingly slight, these numerical differences can be serious. Acidosis can
lead to numerous health issues, and it can even be life-threatening.
Respiratory acidosis is a condition that occurs when the lungs can’t
remove enough of the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the body. Excess
CO2 causes the pH of blood and other bodily fluids to decrease, making them
too acidic. Normally, the body is able to balance the ions that control acidity.
This balance is measured on a pH scale from 0 to 14. Acidosis occurs when
the pH of the blood falls below 7.35 (normal blood pH is between 7.35 and
7.45).Respiratory acidosis is typically caused by an underlying disease or
condition. This is also called respiratory failure or ventilatory failure.Normally,
the lungs take in oxygen and exhale CO2. Oxygen passes from the lungs into
the blood. CO2 passes from the blood into the lungs. However, sometimes
the lungs can’t remove enough CO2. This may be due to a decrease in
respiratory rate or decrease in air movement due to an underlying condition
such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia, sleep apnea

Metabolic alkalosis is a condition that occurs when your blood becomes

overly alkaline. Alkaline is the opposite of acidic. Our bodies function best
when the acidic-alkaline balance of our blood is just slightly tilted toward the
alkaline. Alkalosis occurs when your body has either too many alkali-
producing bicarbonate ions or too few acid-producing hydrogen ions. Many
people don’t experience any symptoms of metabolic alkalosis, so you may not
know that you have it.

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