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Science 9

Name:___________________________________ Ms. LORIELYN P. VILLANUEVA

Grade and Section:________________________ Science Teacher
Week 7

Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems

Do you think it is possible for life on Earth to continue even without humans?

Albert Einstein said,

“Remove the bee from the earth and at the same stroke you remove at least one hundred thousand plants that will not

This popular quote is based on the premise that Earth is Better off Without Humans. According to a theory, if the
bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more
pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.

In this module, you will find out why other living things depend on plants for their food and energy and how
plants are able to manufacture their own food. Just how are plants able to manufacture their own food? What are the
necessary raw materials involved in the process of manufacturing and utilizing food? These are some of the important
questions that you will seek to answer in this module.

Do you think it is possible for the life on Earth to continue even without humans? Let’s find out and start this
module by gathering your thoughts about different processes that are happening inside living organisms.


Read the article entitled Researchers find evidence of photosynthesis-like process in aphids by clicking on the link
provided below. The article presents an interesting perspective about a certain animal that can produce energy in a
process unique from other animals.

Researchers find evidence of photosynthesis-like process in aphids

by Bob Yirka ,

In plants, algae and some types of bacteria and fungi, sunlight is converted to
chemical energy in a process we all know as photosynthesis; in that process water and
carbon dioxide are also converted to oxygen. Now it appears that a type of aphid, a
small insect, is able to do something similar, minus the water and carbon dioxide
conversion. Researchers at the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute in France, have found that
not only do aphids produce carotenoids, but the amount they produce seems to be
directly influenced by the amount of sunshine they receive in their daily life. This the
authors explain in their paper published in Scientific Reports, suggests the insects might
An aphid giving birth to live be able to directly convert sunlight to energy, which would make it the only animal able
young. Image: Wikipedia to do so.

Carotenoids are pigments that in most animals are obtained via consumption of other organisms that create it
via photosynthesis. Aphids on the other hand are able to synthesize them all by themselves, making them stand out.
Researchers aren’t sure why they do so, but many other animals rely on carotenoids to help bolster a strong immunity
system. Scientists do know that carotenoids in aphids are responsible for their color. Those with high levels are green,
those with very low levels are white, and those in-between are orange.

In this new research the team found that the levels of carotenoids in the aphids appeared to correlate with levels of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which we all remember from biology class as the way to measure the transfer of energy
in living things. The higher the level of carotenoids were the more ATP was present, but more interestingly, when the
team moved orange aphids in and out of direct sunlight, levels of carotenoids and ATP rose and sunk, suggesting the
insect was getting energy directly through such exposure. They also crushed some of the orange bugs so as to purify
their carotenoids as part of their experiment in trying to show that it was the pigments that were involved in absorbing
sunlight and converting it to energy.
None of this proves that aphids really can convert sunlight to energy, of course, it merely offers strong evidence. To
prove it, researchers will have to dream up more experiments that will help rule out other possibilities, such as
genetically engineering aphids that produce no carotenoids at all to see what happens.

Go back to the following statement from the article:

“In plants, algae and some types of bacteria and fungi, sunlight is converted to chemical energy in a process we all know
as photosynthesis; in that process water and carbon dioxide are also converted to oxygen.”

“This the authors explain in their paper published in Scientific Reports, suggests the insects might be able to directly
convert sunlight to energy, which would make it the only animal able to do so.”

Process Questions:

1. In what ways do plant aphids differ from other animals?

2. In what ways are plant aphids similar to plants, algae, and some bacteria?


Let’s summarize what you have learned from the text by completing the Venn diagram. List all the
characteristics of aphids that are stated in the text. What are the characteristics that aphids display that
are similar to animals and plants?

Plants A hids Animals

ACTIVITY NO. 3: Web Page Reading- Characteristics of Living Things

DESCRIPTION: Let’s start by reading the text entitled “The 8 Life Functions” reading the article below. Answer
the questions that follow.

The 8 Life Functons

BIOLOGY is defined as the study of life. BIO-'life' and LOGY-'the study of'

If you were to take a large number of living things, you would notice that they all have something in common. However,
you would also know that they are different as well.
All living things show UNITY (similarities) as well showing a great deal of DIVERSITY (differences).

Here is what all living things have in common...

1) All living things are highly organized and contain many complex chemical substances.
2) All living things contain one or more cells.
UNICELLULAR- contains just one cell
MULTICELLULAR- contains many cells
3) All living things use energy.
4) Living things have a definite form and have a limited size.
5) Living things grow.
6) Living things respond to changes in the environment.
7) Living things can reproduce.
8) Living things eventually die.

Nonliving objects may show one, or even a few of these characteristics but they never show all of them...

We can take these characteristics of life and simplify each...these will make up the 8 life functions.

Scientists classify things as alive if they can carry out these 8 LIFE FUNCTIONS.
R- Respiration
R- Regulation
R- Reproduction
E- Excretion
G- Growth
N- Nutrition
T- Transport
S- Synthesis

Here is a look at the 8 life functions in a bit more detail...

the breakdown of nutrients to yield (or give off) chemical energy
there are 2 types

1) aerobic respiration- uses oxygen

2) anaerobic respiration- doesn't use oxygen

the process where a living thing controls and coordinates its various activities.
in animals--
1) nervous system uses nerve cells
2) endocrine system uses hormones
in plants--
some parts produce hormones

the process by which living things produce new living things of the same kind
there are 2 types
1) asexual reproduction--involves one parent and the offspring are identical to the parent
2) sexual reproduction--involves two parents and the offspring is a combination of both parents

the process by which living things remove waste products produced by cell activities

the process by which living things increase in size or cell number

the process by which living things take in materials from its environment for growth and repair; there are 2 types
1) autotrophic nutrition--where a living thing can make its own food
2) heterotrophic nutrition--where a living thing must ingest (take in) its food

the process by which usable materials are taken into the living thing (ABSORPTION) and distributed throughout the living
the process by which smaller, simple substances are combined chemically to form larger, more complex substances

If a living thing has all 8 off these life functions, it is called an ORGANISM!
When we refer to all of the life functions of an organism, we are referring to its METABOLISM--the total of all
the life functions required to sustain life (to stay alive)

An organism's external (outside) environment is always changing. By keeping the control and regulation of its metabolic
activities, an organism can maintain a stable internal (inside) environment. This is called HOMEOSTASIS.
the process by which an organism's metabolic activities are in a state of balance
ex. body temp, blood sugar levels

Process Questions:
1. What does the article say about metabolism?
2. Is Photosynthesis a form of metabolism? Explain your answer.

How do plants manufacture food?

You already know in your previous years that autotrophs such as plants can their own food through a process
called photosynthesis. This is a biological process involving conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose which is
then used as food by the plants. In addition, this requires certain materials for successful production of glucose. 

In this lesson, you will learn how photosynthesis takes place and the needed materials for it to take place.

What’s In

In the previous lesson you learn that species extinction relates to the failure of populations of an organism to
adapt in the changing environment. Our environment is changing due to disturbances caused by human activities. Some
organism is able to adapt to these changes but some were not and it may lead to an ecological imbalance. It is essential
for us to learn what are the basic needs of this organism’s to be able to survive. Let’s start with what we call the
producer, the plants.

What’s New

Photosynthesis usually takes place in the leaves, but before we look into the internal structure of the leaves, let’s learn
first the things that are needed for the plants to start the process.

External Structure of a Leaf

The external structure of a leaf is composed of lamina (leaf blade) or the expanded and flattened portion of a
leaf that is attached to the petiole. Some leaves are sessile like that of the grasses. There is no petiole and the leaves are
directly attached to the stem or in other parts of the plant. The leaf blades come in different shapes. For example, the
grasses have elongated leaf blades, gabi has a heart-shaped leaf, and others appear in various types of shapes of lamina.
The leaves receive the sunlight, an important requirement to start the photosynthesis. Lamina captures the light energy.
There are veinlike structures in the leaf blade. The veinlike structures transport water and nutrients within the leaves
and to different parts of the plant. The central vein is the midrib. Not all leaves have midrib and such is the monocot

is formed
is formed
What Is It
Study the figure below.

Illustrated by: Charlyn E. Lobido

Figure 3. Photosynthesis in Plants.

Photosynthesis is a food making process done by plants and autotrophic organisms such as algae, phytoplankton and
some bacteria. As shown in the figure above, the process requires light energy, carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water (H20) to
make food (sugar).

The chemical reaction for photosynthesis is:

light energy
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
carbon dioxide water chlorophyll glucose oxygen

Where does photosynthesis take place?

Illustrated by: Charlyn E. Lobido

Figure 4. Internal Structure of a Leaf.
Primarily, photosynthesis takes place in the leaves due to the presence of chloroplast which contains chlorophyll. The
typical parts of the leaves are the upper and lower epidermis, mesophyll spongy layer, vascular bundles and the
Parts Functions
Upper and Lower Epidermis protects the leaves

Mesophyll traps light energy from sun

Vascular bundles transports manufactured food and
Stomata gas exchange

What are chloroplasts? These are cell organelles which are only found in autotrophic eukaryotes, such as plants.

Illustrated by: Cheenie Mae A. Dacula

Figure 5. Internal structure of chloroplast

Chloroplast is a cell organelle having a double membrane composed of inner and outer membrane. It is where stacks of
thylakoids (a disc-shaped structures) called grana are found which is surrounded by the liquid-filled space called stroma,
which also plays a role in the process of photosynthesis.

Stages of Photosynthesis

Illustrated by: Cheenie Mae A. Dacula

Figure 6. Two phases of photosynthesis

As the name implies, light-dependent reactions require the light coming from the sun, which is then absorbed by the
chlorophyll occurring in the thylakoid membrane converting light energy into chemical energy. Also, water is used in this
stage to facilitate the formation of free electrons and oxygen. The energy gathered during the stage is stored in the form
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen) which will be
needed in the next stage.

Light-independent reaction (Calvin Cycle) occurs right away after the light-dependent phase. It needs the
products of the light phase to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar. This stage takes place in the stroma.
What I have Learn

Label the parts of (a.) the internal structure of a leaf and (b) chloroplast using the given word bank.

A. The internal structure of a leaf

spongy                                         upper epidermis 
palisade                                       lower epidermis
stomata                                                   chloroplast           
cuticle mesophyll

B. Chloroplast
thylakoid                     outer membrane                   stroma
granum                       inner membrane        

Answer the following questions by completing the sentence using the phrases inside the box.

absorb energy from light facilitate gas exchange

water, carbon dioxide and energy 6H 2O (water)
C6H12O6 (glucose) it is the number one source of food
O6 (oxygen)

1. What do plants need for photosynthesis?

Plants need___________________________________________________
2. What is the function of the stomata?
The function of the stomata is to __________________________________
3. What is the function of the chlorophyll?
The function of the chlorophyll is to ________________________________
4. Give the importance of photosynthesis to plants and other organisms.
Photosynthesis is very important because ___________________________
5. Write the summary equation of photosynthesis.

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