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Title no. 94-S54

Analysis and Design of Steel Fiber-Reinforced

Concrete Beams

by Pascal Casanova and Pierre Rossi

This paper proposes a design method of steel fiber reinforced Finally, to verify that displacements and inner loads within
concrete structural elements which behave like beams. This the designed elements are acceptable, the global level anal-
method is based on the analysis of a cracked section. Three
ysis is used.
loading cases are considered: bending with or without axial load,
shear, and concentrated force. After a brief presentation of the In this paper, considering steel fiber reinforced concrete
modeling, the experimental characterization of the material is (SFRC), we focus on:
studied. A uniaxial tensile test is used to get an intrinsic post- • section analysis of a cracked element,
cracking relationship. A statistical analysis of the tests leads to the • an accurate material characterization,
definition of a characteristic stress versus crack opening relation-
• definition of design methods.
ship, taking into account the scattering of test results, to be used in
a design procedure. The design method is developed as closely as SFRC concerned by this study are made of steel macrofi-
possible to the reinforced concrete design code, in order to allow bers—length of several centimeters—in proportions less
an easy acceptance of these proposals. The procedure is based on than 2 percent in volume.
the definition of material limit states: limit crack opening in The three main loading cases, concerning structural
tension, limit stress level, and limit strain in compression.
elements behaving like beams, are considered here: bending
with or without axial load, shear, and concentrated force.
Keywords: steel fibre reinforced concretes; design methods; section analy-
sis; uniaxial tensile test; bending; shear; concentrated load; non-fragility; Considering bending, it is necessary to get a modeling
serviceability limit state; ultimate limit state. which gives the complete behavior of a section in order to
define material limit state and ductility requirements. The
When trying to develop calculation rules for a new material, last two loading cases are generally treated considering the
a misunderstanding generally arises between design and anal- ultimate limit state, i.e maximum loading capacity.
ysis. Before going further in this paper, it is important to The first step of section analysis consists of studying the
define terms. The analysis of the structural behavior may be cracking mechanisms activated under these loadings cases.
considered at two levels: the global level corresponds to the Due to the material behavior of SFRC considered in this
complete “load vs. displacement” response of the structure, paper, the common point of the loading cases is the onset,
including aspects like hyperstaticity; the section level is the sooner or later, of crack localization which leads to a block
behavior of a cracked section under bending, shear at support. mechanism. As a matter of fact, steel macrofibers, in propor-
Excepting some particular cases, the global level is generally tions considered here, do not affect significantly the material
modeled using finite elements and non-linear approaches: the behavior but act after the macrocracking of the matrix.1,2 At
analysis leads to a good prediction of the displacements and the structural level, the considered loading case induces
the loadings of the whole structure. The objective of a section tensile principal stresses which lead to the onset of macro-
analysis is different: considering a small part of a structure, the cracks when the tensile strength of the matrix is reached.
analysis gives its loading capacity for given geometrical data Then the macrofibers “knit” the macrocracks, but a crack
(curvature, rotation, strain or crack opening). Thus it is impor- opening of the order of some tens of micrometers is neces-
tant to get a modeling accurate enough to get a good evalua- sary to “activate” the fibers.3 This leads to localization and,
tion of local strain and stress states. increasing load or displacement, to a block mechanism
The aim of design is to ensure that a given structural around the weakest area.
element will sustain a given load.
Thus, first, it is assumed that the structure has an elastic
behavior to determine the load to be sustained. And second, ACI Structural Journal, V. 94, No. 5, September-October 1997.
we use the section level analysis in which the definition of Received September 18, 1995, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
Copyright © 1997, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the
material limit state and safety coefficients must be defined in making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion will be published in the July-August 1998 ACI Structural
relation to the accuracy of the material characterization. Journal if received by March 1, 1998.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997 595

Pascal Casanova is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris and from Ecole
National des Ponts et Chaussées, Master of Science. He is a former PhD student at the
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France. He now works as a civil

Pierre Rossi is a research director and head of Mechanical Behavior and Modeling of
Concrete department at the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC) in
Paris. He is member of ACI committee 544, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, a member of
technical RILEM committee TDF, president of Technical and Scientific Committee of
the French National Project, Steel Fiber Reinforced Concretes. His research interests
include modeling of cracking of concrete structures, fiber reinforced and high strength
concretes and delayed concrete behavior.

Therefore, the main material parameter appears to be the

postcracking behavior under tension. The proposed material Fig. 1—Modeling of the perturbed area around the microcrack.
characterization is based on uniaxial tension tests performed
on samples cored in situ, in the direction of the tensile prin-
cipal stress created by the considered loading case. The spec-
imens are cored to ensure consistency with the distribution
of the fibers and the quality of the matrix, both greatly
dependent on casting conditions. This test leads to stress vs.
crack opening relationships which are analyzed statistically
to define a characteristic design diagram, taking scattering
into account. This part is essential for the validity of the
whole design procedure because it takes into account an isot-
ropy and scattering which have a great influence on the
safety of the structure. The proposed safety coefficient
Fig. 2—Stress and strain distribution in cracked section.
should not be used with another material characterization.

RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE A model that uses neither the definition of a damage zone
After 30 years of research and developments, SFRC is nor Navier's hypothesis in the cracked part of the section has
unfortunately not truly used in structural elements. This fact been proposed in a previous publication.9 It is based on a
is mainly due to the lack of analysis and design methods of kinematic analysis.
SFRC structures. Because of the anisotropy due to casting When the tensile strength of the matrix is reached, it is
and the scattering due to the relatively low number of fibers, assumed that a single crack appears.
such methods should be linked with an accurate material With the SFRC currently used, the remaining stress after
characterization. cracking in direct tension is roughly less than a half the tensile
The present work is an attempt to develop a complete strength of the matrix. In consequence a macro-crack appears
approach from the material to the structure. These results under bending and propagates high in the section to increase the
concern beams but may be extended to all structures which lever arm of the reinforcement. This long crack will modify the
behave like beams: for instance, tunnel segments or bored stress field in its area and a secondary crack will not appear
piles. This work is carried out in a context of a great demand close to the first one. Therefore, at the opposite of normal rein-
from engineers for both design methods and characterization forced concrete, bending cracks of an SFRC beam may not be
and control of the material. The French committee “Metallic considered as close and regularly spaced. The best way of
Fiber Reinforced Concrete” of the AFREM—the French modeling such a behavior is the use of a plastic hinge. A plastic
division of the RILEM—has been created to respond to these hinge translates well a localized macrocrack and a calculation
problems and has founded its recommendations on the method of its moment—rotation relationship is proposed.
present proposals. A cracked section is considered. The crack, with an
opening w, is modeled by an isosceles triangle, the height of
SECTION ANALYSIS which is noted αh, α ∈]0;1[. The area near the crack is
Bending behavior of a cracked section perturbed with respect to the elastic behavior corresponding
The most common loading case considered for a beam is
to curvature χe. The length of this area is noted Δf. In this
bending. Several authors proposed approaches based on the
zone the beam is modeled as if it was made of two layers: at
equilibrium of forces at a cracked section.4,5,6,7,8 The crack is
the top an uncracked beam following Navier’s hypothesis, at
smeared in order to use Navier’s hypothesis: the linearity of
the bottom two rigid blocks linked by a hinge (Fig. 1). The
strain in the section, even after cracking. The matter is the
tensile force is mostly carried by the fibers crossing the crack.
definition of the length of the smeared area. Authors who use
The part of the section above the crack stands with the
experimental data to determine the tensile behavior of SFRC
compressive force and a small part of the tensile force (Fig. 2).
after cracking have to divide the crack opening by this length
The equilibrium equations are written as follows:
to get an equivalent strain of the material. But which length
should be chosen? Does it depend on the fiber type, on the
loading conditions, etc.? Nc + Nf = 0 (1)

596 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997

Mc + Mf = Mext (2)

where Nf and Mf are calculated by integrating the force

carried out by the fibers through the crack. This force is
measured for each crack opening using a uniaxial tensile test.
The part above the macro-crack is considered to behave
following the beam theory: plane sections remain plane so
that there is a linear distribution of axial strain in the section.
The curvature of this part of the section is noted χc. Nc and Mc
are calculated by integrating the stress-strain constitutive
law of concrete.
An elastic finite element analysis of a notched beam shows
that the length Δf is roughly twice the crack height. This
result is assumed to be valid in the case of MFRC beams: Fig. 3—Crack geometry relative to the shear behavior of a
rectangular SFRC with classic longitudinal reinforcement.
Δf =2αh (3)
same for RC and SFRC for given geometry, concrete strength,
According to the compatibility of rotation between the two and longitudinal reinforcement. It means that the new point in
layers at the boundaries of the disturbed area, angle 2θ is designing a SFRC beam submitted to shear is determining the
equal to the angular opening of the crack (Fig. 1). transverse part, Vt = Vf (the i subscript f is for fiber).
Starting from this kinematic analysis and material charac- Figure 3 illustrates the block mechanism in a rectangular
terization, Eq. (1) and (2) lead to a complete M vs. θ or M vs. SFRC beam with classical longitudinal reinforcement. The
w diagram. main crack is supposed to be inclined at 45 deg and its width
varies linearly from a maximum wm at the bottom of the
Shear behavior beam to zero at the bottom of the compression zone.
Avoiding a non-ductile shear failure in structures is one of
Vf is then calculated by integrating the post-cracking
the main concerns of civil engineers. Thousands of tests have
remaining stress of SFRC along the crack and projecting
been performed on reinforced concrete (RC) girders to study
vertically to equilibrate a part of the shear load V. This leads
failure mechanisms and to establish predictive relations.
to Eq. (5)
More recently, the capacity of steel fibers to control concrete
cracking has raised great hopes for improving ductility of 0.9d 2
σ f ⎛ ------------------ ⋅ w m⎞ ⋅ b ------- ⋅ ds
members submitted to shear. Some studies have been carried s 2
out on the shear behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete
Vf =
∫ ⎝ 0.9d 2 ⎠ 2
(SFRC) beams.6,10,11,12 They have proved the efficiency of 0

SFRC as web reinforcement. wm

Many parameters are involved in the shear behavior but it 1
seems that two classes may be distinguished: material and = 0.9bd ⋅ -------
wm ∫ σ f ( w ) ⋅ dw
structural parameters. The latter contains geometrical 0

aspects—such as shear span to depth ratio (a/d), girder geom-

etry and main reinforcement—the influence of which has been wm
noticed to be the same as on reinforced concrete.6,11,12 At the 1
material level, effects of fiber type, fiber content, compressive
V f = 0.9bd ⋅ σ p ( w m ), where σ p ( w m ) = --------
wm ∫ σ f ( w ) ⋅ dw (5)

strength, and so on, have been studied. The main conclusion 0

that may be drawn from available literature is the importance
of the postcracking stress carried out by the fibers: it integrates where σf(w) is the postcracking remaining stress of SFRC
the influence of all material parameters. corresponding to a crack width w, and s is the curvilinear
We consider here the case of a SFRC beam, with classical
Equation (5) shows that a uniaxial tensile test is necessary
longitudinal reinforcement, at the ultimate state. It means
to quantify the part due to fibers and that a definition of wm
that a main inclined crack has propagated and leads to a
is necessary to define the ultimate state of the beam
block mechanism. Considering either a RC beam or a SFRC
submitted to shear.
beam, the shear load capacity, Vu, of a beam may be divided
This approach may be extended to the use of both classical
into two terms:
vertical transverse reinforcement and SFRC. In this case, the
part due to vertical stirrups, Vt, is easily calculated by consid-
Vu = Vs + Vt (4)
ering the equilibrium of the blocks as in Fig. 3. This leads to
Eq. (6) and (7)
where Vs is the structural part (due to the compression zone,
longitudinal reinforcement, aggregate interlocking, etc.) and
Vt is the part directly carried by the transverse reinforcement.
Vu = Vs + Vf +Vt (6)
As mentioned above, comparison of experimental data on
RC and SFRC beams6 shows that the structural part Vs is the Vt = 0.9bd · ρt · fy (7)

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997 597

This crack starts at the edge of the loading plate and ends
at the edge of the block, so we may consider that its opening,
ws, is constant along its lips:

σps = σ(ws) (12)

In relations (10), (11), (12), the subscript s is for spalling.

Bursting forces—According to the French design code
and CEB-FIP model code, the transverse tension to be equil-
ibrated in the block may be evaluated by:

T b = 0.25 ⋅ ⎛ 1 – ---⎞ ⋅ P

Fig. 4—Failure mechanisms relative to a concrete block
under concentrated loads.
Sfb may be roughly evaluated by:
where ρt is the transverse reinforcement ratio (transverse
reinforcement area/beam width (transverse reinforcement e ⋅ e′
area/beam width × stirrup spacing) and fy the steel yielding S fb = ----------- (14)
Eq. (5), (6), and (7) lead to an equivalence relationship
between stirrups and SFRC: This crack stays within the block, and we consider that its
opening varies linearly from 0 to wb at the center of the
ρp(wm) = ρt · fy (8) tension zone:

Assuming that ρt is large enough to ensure a ductile 1
behavior of the girder, an equivalent SFRC post-cracking σ pb = ------ ⋅
wb ∫ σ ( w ) ⋅ dw (15)
tensile stress ρp(wm) = ρt · fy , would provide the same 0
loading capacity of the member.
In relations (13), (14), (15), the subscript b is for bursting.
Concentrated load The use of elastic finite elements may give a truer value of
No published data are available concerning the behavior of Tb and Sfb.
SFRC blocks submitted to concentrated loads. Nevertheless, Limit state in compression has not been treated here, but it
the failure mechanisms are well known (Fig. 4): concen- is not different from classical RC.
trated compression leads to transverse tension near the
surface (spalling) and in the block (bursting).
Considering SFRC, these tensions may lead to the onset of Young’s modulus and compressive strength
mode I macrocracks if the tensile strength of the matrix is Metallic fibers, used in small ratios, do not affect signifi-
reached. Then the fibers bridge the cracks. In classical RC cantly Young’s modulus and the compressive strength of the
blocks, stirrups are calculated to equilibrate these transverse concrete matrix.1 However, with localization near the peak,1,2
tension forces. The proposed approach consists in using the a structural mechanism appears which explains the ductility
existing design rules for the calculation of the transverse observed in the presence of fibers, depending on the type, the
tension T and in equilibrating these forces by the post- geometry and quantity of fibers. This behavior depends
cracking stress carried by SFRC: mostly on the type of specimen and on the boundary condi-
tions. Furthermore, the onset of macro-cracks questions the
σp · Sf ≥ T (9) validity of strain measurements that highly depend on the gage
length. In most cases, it may be sufficient, as for concrete
where σp is the equivalent post-cracking stress of SFRC, Sf alone, to carry out a test allowing the measurement of the peak
the area of the cracked section and T the transverse tension. compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. The stress-
Spalling forces—According to the French design code, the strain relationship is then defined as in most design codes.
transverse tension to be equilibrated near the surface is:
Behavior under uniaxial tension
Ts = 0.04P (10) In tension, SFRC is considered elastic till the peak load
that corresponds to the onset of a macro-crack. Then the
If we consider that the macrocrack due to the spalling forces fibers act, at least the relatively long metallic fibers consid-
is inclined at 45 deg, it leads to the following value of Sf : ered in this paper. The uniaxial tension test allows measuring
the properties of fiber reinforced concrete: on the one hand,
e–a the elastic modulus and the direct tensile strength of a sound
S fs = e′ ⋅ ----------- ⋅ 2 (11)
2 specimen, and on the other hand, the postcracking behavior,

598 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997

Fig. 6—Determination of energy W.

Fig. 5—Extensometer used in uniaxial tension test.

Fig. 7—Determination of characteristic load-crack opening

i.e. the ability of the fibers to carry a force through a crack

prelocalized by a notch. For a given number of tests, the Student table gives the
The test is carried out on cylindrical specimens subjected value of k that ensures that 95 percent of the test results have
to tension through glued caps of the same diameter as the a higher value than W*. Then the characteristic diagram is
sample9,14 (Fig. 5). Specimens are taken in-situ to represent obtained by applying to the average diagram an affinity with
casting conditions, and thus fiber distribution and matrix an W*/Waverage ratio parallel to the ordinate axis (Fig. 7).
quality. The testing set up has been described in a previous
publication.9 The test on a notched sample leads to a load vs. DESIGN PROCEDURE
crack width diagram. The crack opening is measured by Combined bending and axial load
means of a J2P extensometer15 made up of three displace- In the French rules, a characteristic value is calculated for
ment transducers (LVDTs) arranged at 120 deg and each material parameter. This characteristic value is defined
supported by aluminum rings, in contact with the specimen so that 95 percent of the experimental data are above it: ft =
through elastic heads (Fig. 5). characteristic tensile strength; fc = characteristic compres-
Plotting of the characteristic load: crack opening sive strength; and E = characteristic Young’s modulus.
diagram—It is difficult to characterize the scattering of a set Three verification steps are defined: 1) structural nonfra-
of diagrams. Hence a study of the variation of a part of the gility; 2) service state; and 3) ultimate.
dissipated energy W, a scalar variable, is more convenient. W We consider here the general case of combined bending
is computed as the area under the load-crack width diagram and axial load. The loading cases are given by a bending
(Fig. 6) and measured between two opening bounds (wi and moment M and an axial load N in the section considered.
wm). wi is the value where the diagrams of the three trans- Structural nonfragility—The structural nonfragility is
ducers are parallel: this is that the crack has crossed the defined as the capacity of the cracked section to carry the
section and there is no more rotation of the failure plane. wm cracking load Mc.
may be taken equal to the ultimate opening defined for the The section is supposed to behave elastically till the tensile
particular application (see after). stress reaches the value ft. For a given value of N, the
Assuming that the energy calculated follows a Gaussian maximum value Mmax of the resistant moment calculated in
law, it is possible to estimate its standard deviation at 5. The the cracked section using the characteristic stress-crack
characteristic value of energy W* is defined by opening in tension must be greater than Mc.
Service state—The calculations are made considering a
W* = waverage – k · s (16) cracked section.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997 599

Fig. 8—Stress-crack opening diagram used in service-state
Fig. 11—Stress-strain curve in compression, as used in

Fig. 12—Characteristic stress-crack opening diagram used

in ultimate limit state calculation.
Fig. 9—Determination of Ms for SFRC types A and B.
wi is defined above (in the section that discusses behavior
under uniaxial tension).
The service resistant bending moment Ms is then defined,
for a given axial load N, as the maximum value of the resis-
tant moment calculated with the proposed modeling and
satisfying the material limits (Fig. 9):

Ms(N) = Mmax (w, N), w ∈ [wi, ws]

and compressive strength ≤ 0.6fc (17)

We may then draw the diagram Ms versus N and verify

that the loading cases (M,N) are below this diagram (see
Fig. 10 as illustration).
Ultimate limit state—The calculations are made consid-
ering a cracked section.
Fig. 10—Verification that Ms versus N document is higher The behavior in compression is modeled classically by
than upper loading cases. using a rectangular parabola (Fig. 11). The maximum
compressive stress is reached for a strain of 2 percent and its
value is 0.85fc / γb, γb = 1.5 being a partial safety coefficient.
SFRC is supposed to behave elastically in compression till The maximum strain allowable in compression, εu, is 3.5
a limit value equal to 0.6fc. If long-term loading cases are percent (value presently available for fc up to 60 MPa). If the
considered a deferred Young’s modulus should be used, Ed section is totally under compression, the value of εu is such
= E/3. that the mean compressive strain in the section is 2 percent.
The part taken in tension by the matrix is not totally taken In tension, the stress-crack opening diagram is the same as
into account: in the cracked section, the tensile strength is for the serviceability limit state but it is divided by a partial
limited to the value of the post-cracking remaining stress safety coefficient γf (Fig. 12). The computations are made till
(Fig. 8). an ultimate crack opening wu. In order to take into account
ws is the maximum acceptable crack opening of the the scale effect on the ultimate crack opening, wu is a func-
section. It is linked to the aggressiveness of the medium: tion of h, the height of the beam. Considering an average
• not very aggressive: ws = 0.3 mm crack spacing of h and limiting the equivalent tensile strain
• aggressive: ws = 0.2 mm around the crack to 1 percent—by analogy with French RC
• very aggressive: ws = 0.1 mm design rules—wu is defined by:

600 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997

wu = 1% · h (18)

The definition of the ultimate resistant bending moment,

for a given axial load N, is based on the objective to avoid a
non-ductile failure. If the ultimate limit strain εu is reached
before the ultimate limit crack opening wu, the ultimate resis-
tant bending moment Mu(N) is equal to the moment calcu-
lated for the limit compressive strain.
If wu is reached before εu, then Mu is the mean value of the
resistant bending moment on the interval [wi; wu] (Fig. 13):

wu – wi ∫
M u = ----------------- M ( w ) dw (19)
Fig. 13—Determination of ultimate bending moment.

Shear takes already into account the scattering of material test

The experiments carried out on different geometry of results. This approach leads to a global safety coefficient
SFRC beams, reinforced with classical longitudinal bars, greater than 2 on the tests performed in our laboratory.16
have shown the onset of inclined macro-cracks separating
concrete struts in compression. The spacing of these macro- Concentrated load
cracks is roughly equal to the inner lever arm of the beam.16 The lack of published experimental data on the subject
The ultimate limit state of the struts in compression is makes it difficult to define an ultimate crack opening. But
treated as for classical RC. this crack opening should be small in order to allow the use
of the structure. So we propose to limit ws (spalling) and wb
The French RC design code imposed a minimum trans-
(bursting) to 0.3 mm. These values should be of course
verse reinforcement to carry out an equivalent tensile stress
experimentally validated.
of 0.4 MPa. According to the equivalence relation [Eq. (8)],
this condition is fulfilled when the equivalent post-cracking
stress satisfies: This paper presents a design method of SFRC structural
elements. Three loading cases are considered:
σp(wm) ≥ 0.4 MPa (20) • bending with or without axial loading
• shear
The ultimate limit state in tension is defined by the value of • concentrated loading
wm. It is experimentally shown that the ultimate crack opening This design method is based on the mechanical analysis of
is proportional to h, the height of the beam.16 As the average a cracked section, and the definition of a characteristic
crack spacing is proportional to h and the crack opening is stress-crack opening diagram obtained by performing an
controlled by the longitudinal reinforcement (Fig. 3), we uniaxial tensile test.
propose to define the maximum crack opening as follows: Three material limit states are used in the method:
• the limit crack opening in tension
wm = ε s · h (21) • the post-cracking stress level in tension
• the limit strain in compression
Where εs is the strain of the longitudinal reinforcement. Concerning the bending and the shear loadings, the
According to the French RC design rules, this strain is proposed design method is consistent with the experimental
limited to 1 percent. So the ultimate crack opening allowable data obtained in France and in others countries, but
in shear, wmu, is: concerning the concentrated loadings, more experimental
data are required to evaluate its relevance.
wmu = 1% · h (22) Finally, it is important to ascertain that the proposed
design method has been developed for static loadings, and so
A partial safety coefficient, γf, is applied to the equivalent it should be necessary to introduce some safety coefficient to
post-cracking stress used for design: take into account fatigue loadings.

w mu
1 mm = 0.03937 in.h
1 1 1
σ f = --- ⋅ σ p ( w mu ) = --- ⋅ ---------
γf γ f w mu ∫ σf ⋅ dw (23) 1 MPa = 0.145ksi
1 KN = 0.225 kip-force

The French RC design code proposes a structural part Vs = REFERENCES

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602 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1997

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