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2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

LITC - Legal Information Technology Community -

Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017
F2 - Activity 2 Elaboration of the curricula for the Social Media Manager Master Programme - 3
needs assesments analysis of the employers from Romania, Spain and Italy.


1. Name Surename / Nume Prenume *

2. Country of residence/Tara de provenienta *

Tick all that apply.


3. Company / Companie *

4. Web site *

5. Email address *

6. Phone number/Telefon *

A. Social Media used platforms / Platforme utilizate

7. 1. Do you use social networks to promote your company? / Folositi retele sociale pentru a
va promova compania? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes, I will continue to use them / Da si voi utiliza in continuare

Yes, but I don't intend to use it in the future / Da, dar nu voi mai utiliza
No, but I plan to use it in the near future / Nu, dar voi utiliza in viitorul apropiat
No, I will never use them / Nu si nici un voi utiliza 1/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

8. 2. What social networks are you using? / Care sunt retele sociale pe care le folositi? *
Tick all that apply.



9. 3. Are you using any dedicated platforms for virtual community management? / Folositi
platforme dedicate pentru managementul comunitatilor virtuale? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes, I will continue to use them / Da si voi utiliza in continuare

Yes, but I don't intend to use it in the future / Da, dar nu voi mai utiliza
No, but I plan to use it in the near future / Nu, dar voi utiliza in viitorul apropiat
No I will never use them / Nu si nici un voi utiliza

10. 4. What community management platforms are you using? / Care sunt platformele pentru
managementul comunitatilor pe care le folositi? *
Mark only one oval.



B. Social media strategy / Strategia de social media

11. 1. Do you have a social media strategy for your company? / Aveti o strategie de social
media? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes / Da
No / Nu
No, I don't need to / Nu si nu este nevoie


12. 2. For how long have you been using social media? / De cat timp utilizati Social Media? *
Mark only one oval.

Between 1-3 years / Intre 1-3 ani

Between 4-6 years / Intre 4 -6 ani
More than 6 years / Mai mult de 6 ani 2/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

13. 3. Weekly time spent on social media / Cat timp alocati saptamanal pentru social media? *
Mark only one oval.

More than 40 hours / Peste 40 de ore

Between 5 and 40 hours / Intre 5 si 40 ore
Between 1 and 5 hours / Intre 1 si 5 ore


14. 4. How often are you posting on social media? / Cat de des postati in retele sociale? *
Mark only one oval.

Monthly / Lunar
Weekly / Saptamanal
Daily / Zilnic


15. 5. What do you think about the future of social media? / Viitorul social media *
Mark only one oval.

Use will increase / Utilizarea va creste

Use will stay the same / Utilizarea va ramane aceeasi
Use will decrease / Utilizarea va scadea
I don't know / Nu stiu

16. 6. What do you think about the future of virtual communities? / Viitorul comunitatilor
virtuale *
Mark only one oval.

Use will increase / Utilizarea va creste

Use will stay the same / Utilizarea va ramane aceeasi
Use will decrease / Utilizarea va scadea
I don't know / Nu stiu

C. Management of social media and virtual communities /

Managementul social media si al comunitatilor virtuale

17. 1. Who implements the social media strategy within your company? / Cine implementeaza
strategia de social media in compania dumneavoastra? *
Mark only one oval.

IT Department / Departamentul IT
Public Relations Department / Departamentul Relatii Publice
A specialized company /O firma specializata
A person with minimum knowledge / O persoana care are cunostinte minimale

Other: 3/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

18. 2. Who should handle the management of virtual communities within your company? /
Cine ar trebui sa faca managementul comunitatilor virtuale in cadrul companiei
dumneavoastra? *
Tick all that apply.

IT Department / Departamentul IT
Public Relations Department / Departamentul Relatii Publice
A specialized company / O firma specializata
A trained professional in this regard / Un profesionist instruit in acest sens


19. 3. Who should handle the management of social networks within your company? / Cine ar
trebui sa administreze in cadrul companiei dumneavoastra, campaniile in retelele sociale?
Mark only one oval.

We manage them alone / Le administram singuri

We manage them in collaboration with specialized companies / Le administram in
colaborare cu firme specializate
Managed by specialized companies / Le administreaza firme de profil

20. 4. Which are the outsourced activities? / Care sunt activitatile externalízate? *
Tick all that apply.

Design and development / Design si dezvoltare

Content creation / Crearea de continut
Virtual communities administration / Administrarea comunitatilor virtuale
Strategy / Strategia
Status actualization / Actualizarea statusurilor


21. 5. What do you think about the ROI(Return of investment) in social media campaigns
developed in your company? / Care este punctul dumneavoastra de vedere cu privire la
rentabilitatea campaniilor in social media dezvoltate in cadrul companiei? *
Mark only one oval.

Impossible to measure / Imposibil de masurat

Important to continue / Importanta, vom continua sa utilizam
Insingnificant / Nesemnificativa
Important on long term / Importanta pe termen lung
Important only for brand purposes / Importanta doar pentru imagine 4/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

22. 6. What do you think about the ROI(Return of investment) in virtual communities
management within your company?/ Care este punctul dumneavoastra de vedere cu
privire la rentabilitatea managementului comunitatilor virtuale in cadrul companiei? *
Mark only one oval.

Impossible to measure / Imposibil de masurat

Important to continue / Importanta, vom continua sa utilizam
Insingnificant / Nesemnificativa
Important on long term / Importanta pe termen lung
Important only for brand purposes / Importanta doar pentru imagine
Important to meditate disagreements / Importanta pentru medierea neintelegerilor

D. Interaction with users of social networks / Interactiunea cu

utilizatorii retelelor sociale

23. 1. What is the social networks content provided by your company to users / Care este
continutul oferit utilizatorilor *
Tick all that apply.

Information about products and services / Informatii despre produce si servicii

Company information / Informatii despre companie
Special offers information / Informatii despre promotii
Answers and clarifications to questions / Raspunsuri la intrebari si clarificari
Job opportunities / Oferte locuri de munca
Diverse content for fun / Continut divers pentru amuzament


24. 2. What is the sector in which your company operates / Care este sectorul de activitate in
care activati: *
Mark only one oval.

Tourism / Turism
Public Administration / Administraţia Publică
Professional services / Servicii profesionale
Industry / Production : Industrie / Producţie
Telecommunication / IT&C : Telecomunicaţii / IT&C
Food Industry / Agriculture : Industria Alimentară / Agricultură
Real estate / Construtions : Imobiliare / Construcţii
Detailed trade / Comerţul cu amănuntul şi / sau cu ridicata
Energy / Mining and Utilities : Energie / Utilităţi şi Minerit
Pharmaceutical Industry/ Health Care : Industria Farmaceutică / Sănătate
Finance and Banking / Domeniul Financiar-Bancar 5/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

25. 3. Are you asking users of social networks about what they expect from your company ? /
Intrebati utilizatorii retelelor sociale despre ceea ce doresc de la compania dvs? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes / Da
Yes but not for taking actions / Da, dar nu pentru a lua anumite masuri
No / Nu
No, but we will do so in the future / Nu dar vom proceda astfel in viitor
No because that’s not a suitable environment for our activities / Nu pentru ca nu este un
mediu adecvat activitatii pe care o avem

26. 4. Are you using social networks to interact with your employees(portal, forums, blogs)? /
Utilizati retelele sociale pentru a interactiona cu angajatii dumneavoastra(portal, blog,
fórum etc)? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes but we don’t have a policy in this regard / Da, dar nu avem o política in acest sens
Yes as part of intern communication strategy / Da, ca parte a strategiei de comunicare
We don't find it useful / Nu consideram ca este útil
No but we have this kind of strategy in mind / Nu, dar avem in vedere o astfel de strategie

27. 5.Do you consider that social network offers an advantage for your company? / Utilizarea
retelelor sociale ofera un avantaj? *
Mark only one oval.

Totally agree / Total de acord

Agree / De acord
Irresolute / Indecis
Disagreement / Dezacord
Total disagreement / Dezacord total

28. 6. Do you consider that marketing through social networks is efficient? / Marketingul in
retele sociale este eficient? *
Mark only one oval.

Totally agree / Total de acord

Agree / De acord
Irresolute / Indecis
Disagreement / Dezacord
Total disagreement / Dezacord total

E. Benefits, Budgets, Sectors / Beneficii, bugete, domenii 6/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

29. 1. In what field are you using social media within your company? / Care sunt domeniile
pentru care folositi social media in cadrul companiei dumneavoastra? *
Tick all that apply.

Communicatin / Comunicare
Competitive analysis / Analiză competitivă
Research / Cercetare
Customer Support Servies / Serviciul Relații Clienţi
Recruiting / Recrutare
Sales / Vânzări

30. 2. What are the benefits of using social media for your company ? / Care sunt beneficiile
utilizarii social media in cadrul companiei dumneavoastra? *
Tick all that apply.

Branding / Creşterea notorietăţii companiei

Client fidelity improvement / Fidelizarea clienţilor
Sales opportunities / Generarea de oportunităţi de vânzare
Increase market exposure / Creşterea expunerii pe piaţă
Improving communication with employees / Îmbunătăţirea comunicării cu angajaţii
The availability of market perspective / Disponibilitatea unei perspective asupra pieţei
Developing business partnerships / Dezvoltarea de parteneriate de afaceri
Reducing costs for marketing / Reducerea cheltuielilor în ce priveşte marketing-ul
Increased sales / Creşterea vânzărilor
Improving the image and reputation of the employer/ Îmbunătăţirea imaginii şi reputaţiei de
Actions for improvement the client fidelity / Fidelizarea clienţilor
Generating sales opportunities / Generarea de oportunităţi de vânzare
Increasing market exposure / Creşterea expunerii pe piaţă

31. 3. What stage of the company's activity could be enhanced by social media? / Care etapa
din activitatea companiei poate fi imbunatatita prin social media? *
Mark only one oval.

Exploration : identifying sales opportunities / Prospectare: identificarea oportunităţilor de

Sale: order taking and discussion based on it / Vânzare: preluarea comenzii şi discuţii pe
baza acesteia
Targeting potential clients and providing information about the company or products /
Targetarea potenţialilor clienţi şi oferirea de informaţii despre companie sau produse
Post- sale : regular information , complaints handling / Post-vânzare: informări periodice,
gestionarea reclamaţiilor
Bidding : discussions about products or services offered , online demos / Ofertare: discuţii
despre produsele sau serviciile ofertate, demonstraţii online
We do not use social networks in the sales process / Nu utilizăm reţelele de socializare în
procesul de vânzare 7/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

32. 4. What is the budget that you would invest in social media? / Care este bugetul pe care l-
ati investí in social media? *
Mark only one oval.

1000 euro/year / Pana in 1000 euro/an

Between 1000 – 10000 euro/year / Intre 1000 si 10000 euro/an
Over 10000 euro/year / Peste 10000 euro/an

33. 5. Do you think that generating business opportunities through social networks is
effective? / Credeti ca generarea de oportunitati de afaceri prin intermediul retelelor
sociale este eficienta? *
Mark only one oval.

Totally agree / Total de acord

Agree / De acord
Irresolute / Indecis
Disagreement / Dezacord
Total disagreement / Dezacord total

34. 6. Are you using within your company, social media monitoring tools? / Utilizati
instrumente de monitorizare a retelelor sociale in cadrul companiei dumneavoastra? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes / Da
No / Nu
Yes, but we don’t take decisions based on them / Da, insa nu luam decizii in fuctie de
No, but we plan to use it in the future / Nu, dar vom utiliza in viitor

35. 7. Do you consider useful to have qualified(professionals) employees in social media and
management of virtual communities? / Considerati utila profesionalizarea persoanelor in
social media si managementul comunitatilor virtuale? *
Mark only one oval.

Totally agree / Total de acord

Agree / De acord
Irresolute / Indecis
Disagreement / Dezacord
Total disagreement / Dezacord total

36. 8. Do you consider the Internet a tool without which your business could not work the
same in the future? / Considerati Internetul un instrument fara de care afacerea
dumneavoastra nu ar putea functiona la fel in viitor? *
Mark only one oval.

Totally agree / Total de acord

Agree / De acord
Irresolute / Indecis
Disagreement / Dezacord
Total disagreement / Dezacord total

F. Demografic data / Date demografice 8/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

37. 1. Company / Companie *

Mark only one oval.

Local / Locala
National / Nationala
Multinational / Multinationala

38. 2. Number of employees / Numar angajati *

Mark only one oval.

Max. 10 / Pana in 10
Between 10 and 100 / Intre 10 si 100
Over 1000 / Peste 1000

39. 3. Industry / Industrie *

Mark only one oval.

Professional services / Servicii profesionale

Tourism / Turism
Publicity services/ Media / Servicii de publicitate / Media
Public Administration / Administraţia publică
Telecommunications IT&C / Telecomunicaţii / IT&C
Real estate, Constructions / Construcţii / Imobiliare
Energy / Mining and Utilities / Energie / Utilităţi şi Minerit
Food Industry / Agriculture / Industria Alimentară / Agricultură
Pharmaceutical Industry / Health / Industria Farmaceutică / Sănătate
Commerce in detail / Comerţul cu amănuntul şi / sau cu ridicata
Finance, Banking / Domeniul Financiar-Bancar
Industry / Production / Industrie / Producţie

40. 4. Fiscal value / Cifra de afaceri *

Mark only one oval.

Under 100 000 euro / Sub 100 000 euro

Between 100.000 and 10 million euro / Intre 100 000 si 10 milioane euro
Over 10 million euro / Peste 10 milioane euro

41. 5. Respondent quality / Calitatea respondentului *

Mark only one oval.

Founder / Fondator
Executive / Executiv

42. 6. Respondent age / Varsta respondentului *

Mark only one oval.

Under 25 years / Sub 25 de ani

Between 26-35 years / Intre 26-35 de ani
Over 35 years / Peste 35 de ani 9/10
11.03.2019 LITC - Legal Information Technology Community - Erasmus+ Project 2015-2017

43. 7. Completed studies / Studii finalizate *

Mark only one oval.

High school / Liceale

University / Universitare
Graduate / Postuniversitare

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