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The life that is not consecrated to lofty and reasonable purpose, is like a PHONE without
a CHARGE, if not a useless BATTERY. 
2. A staged show of good deeds and cloaked by the hunger of fame and attention is not a
3. The genuine act of kindness does not require a video recording; love one's fellow creature
and to adjust one’s conduct, acts of words to what is in itself reasonable.
4. Whether our smartphones be android or iPhone, we are born all equal: superiority in
storage, feature, and specification are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.
5. The honorable man prefers honor to trends; the famewhore, gain to popularity.
6. To the honorable man, what he shares online is sacred.
7. Do not waste thy time: lost data is retrievable but not time lost.
8. Defend the freedom of expression and fight the tyranny that wants to shut you up.
9. The prudent man always thinks before he clicks.
10. On the thorny path of life, wisdom is the guide of every man; and if it guides to lead to
ignorance, those fools who it guides will go as well.
11. Thou must nut browse on your screen upon woman as mere entertainment; her weakness
will increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother who bore thee and
reared thee.
12.  What thou dost not desire to defame unto others unto that the unto users of thy platform.
13. Man is not worth more because he is a celebrity, because he has millions of subscribers,
and his Play Button color, not because he is an influencer, nor because has done many
donations upon his supporters, but he is worth most who is a man of proven and real
value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and honest; he who does not oppress
nor consent to be oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland, though he is born
in the digital age and knows above all tongue of his own.
14. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the knitted garment of democracy
shall wear over this cold portion of the globe and its threads shall warm everlasting joy
among the confederated democrats of the same garment, the lives of those who have gone
before, the fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter
has informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to perform what will be his
duties, he may fill out this google form application for admission.  

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