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Construction Module: ​Define: Project Write-Up

Molly Jimmerson 11/8/2020

What is your Area of Interest?

My area of interest is disabilities, and the awareness around them.

Description of the Area of Interest

I chose disabilities as my area of interest because it is a topic very close to my

heart. I have been working in the field of disabilities for the last two and a half years. My
mother has been a social worker for the last twenty years and has spent most of that
time focused on the disabled community. I have personal friends and family members
with both visible and invisible disabilities, and I feel very much that it is important that I
educate myself more about different disabilities. In that journey, I realized that there is a
lot of misinformation spread about disabilities, and some things that are just
misconstrued, and could positively affect someone’s thoughts or opinions about
disabilities. I think this was a good topic to choose because I personally feel passionate
and am connected to this topic. I have a lot of experience, but it is always beneficial for
me to learn even more, and to hear opinions from experts on the subject.

Target Audience

My target audience is literally everyone in the world right now. The way I feel
information is spread and facts are portrayed can affect anyone. I want to particularly
target able-bodied individuals who may have no prior or supplemental knowledge on the
topic, but it’s important to note that no disabilities are the same, and someone with limb
disfigurement could have an entirely different experience than an individual with Autism.
The point is, it is always a good thing to spread awareness and accurate information. It
is crucial that as a society, we are encouraging each other to learn more about new
things - especially when it helps to aid us in better empathizing with each other. Since
this is achievable by any age and level of capability, I would say my target audience is
small children to older individuals, both with and without disabilities.
Projected Outcome and Benefit

I would love for the outcome to be that this project can inspire individuals to take
the initiative to learn more about different disabilities and their impacts on people. I think
that it could help others feel more confident in sharing their limitations, and how they are
affected in their day-to-day life. I would love that when my project is completed, I will
have sparked interest, and caused awareness for something we might not be inclined to
think about all the time. I think that the benefits of learning more, and asking more
questions is that we as a society can build upon our empathy. I really think that is
crucial, and I sincerely hope that my project will accomplish creating more empathy in
people with and without disabilities.

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