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What Leadership Means to Me

1. What is Drew Dudley’s message regarding leadership in his video ‘Leading with Lollipops’? What
can we learn from his story?
TEDxToronto - Drew Dudley "Leading with Lollipops"

I think Drews message regarding leadership is sometimes even the smallest acts can change
someones entire perspective on a situation and create an outcome no one expects. The girl Drews
talking about was a complete stranger, yet he changed her life. She didn’t believe she was ready
for the next big chapter of her life, yet his simple and kind act changed her mindset completely.
Later in the video he says he can’t even remember the moment 4 years before, that changed
someones life. Taking risks can be beneficial in the end. If Drew wasn’t so friendly, this girl wouldn’t
have attended school, wouldn’t have met this boy and wouldn’t be getting married. Drew created
those major milestones in someone else's life, just by being kind. The best part is, Drews leadership
was a smalact, yet it had such a huge impact on someone else's life.

2. Mike Smith discusses the importance and impact youth can have as leaders in our world. What
part of his message stood out to you the most?
Brilliance, It's In Their DNA: Mike Smith at TEDxYouth@Lincoln

The part of Mikes message that stood out to me the most was when he says “when I talk to young
people, success isn’t how much money you make it’s what kind of a difference you can make”.
This stood out to me because this proves, as younger generations we are being taught more
about reality. Happiness and success doesn’t come from materialistic items or brand names. It
comes from within yourself. If you decide for yourself what success means to you, then you will be
successful. It takes a leader to be able to recognize what you think success looks like to yourself.
Once you decide what it looks like to you, take leadership, go after that dream and you will be

3. When people refer to you as a leader, what do you hope they are saying or thinking about you?

When people refer to me as a leader I hope they say or think that I am friendly and welcoming. When I
think of a good leader I think leading by example is one of the most effective ways of leading. It’s not
always the loudest voice in the room that should be considered the “leader” and I think it’s very
important to remember that. I hope people know wether they say or think, that I am always giving my
100% in all I do and that at anytime I’m willing to help someone out, or lend a hand to someone in
need. My hockey coach always tells us leadership is like a rope being thrown out after a boating
accident. Everyone should have 2 hands on the rope, and sometimes that could mean taking a hand
off to help a teammate, friend or peer make sure they have both hands as well.

4. I want others to consider me a leader because …

When I think of a leader, I think of someone as a role model to look up to. Leaders should be
trusted people that are bubbly, compassionate, kind and caring. The traits I associate with when
someone says a “leader” are all such positive ones. I would love for other people to consider me a
leader, and see those same traits in me.

5. People who are considered to be leaders should be expected to …

I think people who are considered leaders should be expected to be able to handle all different
situations and approach challenges with a postivtie mindset. Set backs are definitely apart of

everyday life but leaders should be able to approach those situations and handle them in a
responsible way. I think the leaders themselves should be expecting people to ask questions or make
suggestions, in which case the leader can listen to everyone and consider everyones ideas and

6. I define leadership as …

I define leadership as taking action and responsibility to unite a group of people and help a group
achieve a common goal

5. I took this class because …

I took this class because it was spoken very highly of by both my older siblings, and i’d love to continue
extending my knowledge of what makes a leader, to learn new things, become a better leader and
What I Look For In A Leader

In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the
future when making decisions that affect people.

- Wilma P. Mankiller, former principal chief, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma

Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet and essayist

Taking the lead can be a difficult balancing act. What’s important to you as a leader may differ from what’s important to
someone else. Getting everyone in a group to agree on priorities can be even tougher. What people expect from or look
for in a leader – either individually or as a group – has a huge impact on what they’re willing to do. As you develop your
leadership qualities, keep in mind everyone’s expectations to help make things happen.

An Effective Leader
Read the following statements. Which five (5) actions would you rank as most important for a leader directing a group
project, such as a food drive or class presentation? Place a number from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important) to the
left of the corresponding statement.

The leader gives background information and explains why it’s important to do the project.

The leader specifically explains each person’s role in the project.

2 The leader asks for and listens to everyone’s suggestions.

The leader gives group members a choice of tasks to perform on the project.

The leader is very enthusiastic about the project.

1 The leader treats everyone as equals and works toward creating an atmosphere where using her or his
authority is rarely needed.

3 The leader keeps group members informed about what is going on and communicates the reasons for making
important decisions.

The leader listens kindly to complaints or concerns.


The leader never criticizes or puts down someone in front of others.

4 The leader values the differences each person brings to the group.

The leader is sympathetic if someone makes a mistake and doesn’t make a big issue.

5 The leader openly and freely praises excellent work.

The leader encourages challenging the status quo and seeks ways to improve teamwork.

The leader regularly meets with members to discuss ways to improve the group’s success.

The leader keeps cool under pressure and controls her or his temper.


Think and Write About It

Prioritizing what you want from a leader versus what the group wants requires different mindsets.
When you’re working with a group to agree on some goals (as in the session activity), each person in
the group may experience interesting reactions or emotions. Keep your own reactions in mind as you
answer the following questions and statements. Use the space provided to write your responses.

What is it like to compromise or negotiate on your priorities for the benefit of your group?

Sometimes compromising or negotiating in a group setting can be difficult to agree with especially if
its a topic you fell very strongly on or are very passionate about but it is important to remind ourselves
everyone has different opinions and ideas. There is definitely someone in your group who feels the
same way about their idea so while making compromises we have to remember the other persons
feelings as well. Therefore, you both can have some of your ideas and join them together. Een though
it may not be fully what you are thinking or your whole idea, you are still being heard and your ideas
are taken into consideration!

What do you think it takes for a group to make a decision together?

I think it takes flexibility and compassion to make a group decision together. When here are in a group
settings we must remind ourselves everyone will have their own opinion and thoughts. To be able to
have a group come to a decision, people in the group must be flexible and be able to listen to
everyone's ideas and suggestions.

What role do you think the leader should play when a group needs to make a decision?

I think the leader in the group should be making sure everyones ideas are being heard. Even if the
leader doesn’t make the final decision, the leader should make sure everyones ideas feel valued and

I often find myself thinking/doing trying my best to make sure we incorporate different ideas that have
ALREADY been suggested when I’m part of a group making a decision. During the next group activity
I participate in, either with this group in a different setting, I will try to: Try my best to see if there have
been ideas that havent been said. Sometimes people are scared to speak up and give their opinion
so I will try my best to make sure EVERYONE gets their opinions and shares their ideas.

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