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(5 points)

For this assignment, you will conduct task analysis in order to understand the tasks your
users need to accomplish on your site.

This assignment͛s purpose is to give you an opportunity to practice creating personas,
scenarios, and use cases ʹ all fundamental to user-centered interface design.

Based on your user research and the user research provided by the instructor, you will
create a persona, a scenario, and two use cases of your online portfolio.

1. ½reate a persona that represents one of your stakeholder groups. Make sure to
follow directions for creating personas from the textbook, the blog, and class
lecture. (1 point)
2. ½reate a scenario of this persona using your online portfolio. Provide information
in the scenario about the personas environment, the context in which she works,
and how your online portfolio fits in. (1 point)
3. ½reate two use cases. Identify two tasks that the persona would need to
accomplish on your site. One task should be very important. The other task
should be a task that would need to be repeated frequently. List the steps the
persona would take to accomplish the task, and how to system would respond to
each step. (2 points) Because your site will be relatively simple, you do not need
to perform hierarchical task analysis.
4. Make a list of requirements. Based on 1-3 above, create a list of ë 
 requirements for you online portfolio. (1 point)


  ë  ë     

ë    ë   
Persona is described
in detail, according .75-1 .5-.75 0-.5
to all instructions.
Scenario is specific
and features site
.75-1 .5-.75 0-.5
use in the persona͛s
usual context
Use case 1 breaks
down into specific .75-1 .5-.75 0-.5
steps an important
task. Includes
system response.
Use case 2 breaks
down into specific
steps a frequent .75-1 .5-.75 0-.5
task. Includes
system response.
List of requirements
includes specific
.75-1 .5-.75 0-.5
characteristics, and
or content for the
online portfolio.

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