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Checklist :

- Note taking resources

- Water/ beverage
- Snacks :))
Please keep the rules in mind! Not
following them will result in your place
being given away :(( save it to your
camera roll with this QR code if you’d like!
Before we start…

Are you okay with speaking

amongst the group when you’re
asked a question?

I value YOU and YOUR learning A: I don’t mind

responding on
style. If you’re asked a question, mic in the
you can answer via the text or just
by responding!
B: I don’t mind
responding via
the text chat on
Please let me know which one you zoom

are from the list on the right:

C: I don’t feel
questions live
on zoom
Session Layout Intro (already done!)

Session objectives -we will only have session

objectives when we are doing directed study groups!
Part 1: what is DARTs, comprehension and using the

Part 2: breakout room task

Notes check! I want everyone to have notes and I will

be checking!
Leaving Register
Session Objectives

Attempting a
Use the NC
What are DARTs planner
when creating
DARTs? for reading
Part 1: What are DARTs?
Directed Activities Related to Texts
Why we use DARTs?

Children need to learn how to

develop their skills beyond knowing
DARTs can be how to read, write, speak and listen
used across the
would anybody
like to give an
example of Children need to be encouraged to
DARTs being infer meaning, analyse, expand on
used in other
ideas and ask questions
Why we use DARTs? Helps children pay close attention to texts

Makes texts more manageable

Group discussions are a central part of DART (pairs,

small groups and classroom, using different types of
DARTs depend on active engagement

di ng :
rea al children can become much more aware of how texts
Key ell et
Me d can be constructed which will help with writing using
children should question what's in the text and what's
been excluded from the text and why
Comprehension is a
multilayered and
multifaceted business: it is
about the relationship
Let’s Talk About between the writer, the text
and the reader. It is highly
Comprehension! interactive and reciprocal in
nature. The writer is working
hard to influence the way we
read, so that we get the
intended meaning of the text
whilst we are bringing our
own experiences and prior
knowledge to the task in order
to interpret the text (Washtell,
Reading Comprehension:
taken from EEF’s
‘KS1 Literacy: Recommendation 4 – reading comprehension’

Consider all of
• this whilst
looking at and
Task: answer these questions…
(4 As and 2 Bs)
Key sections of the activating prior knowledge
process (taken from prediction

4215, session 5) questioning and clarifying

visualisation and imagination


monitoring understanding.
The 5 strategies that Prediction – encouraging children to infer
meaning and encouraging them to give reasons
can be used to help behind their predictions

support reading Questioning – getting pupils to ask questions is a

powerful way of getting them to read between the
comprehension: lines

Clarifying – encourage children to seek

taken from EEF’s clarification

‘KS1 Literacy: Summarise – get children to succinctly describe a

Recommendation 4 –
reading comprehension’ Imagining – get them to ask “what if”- this
facilitates a deeper understanding of the text and
allows children to revisit their prediction skills
Children will become reflective readers
when these 5 strategies are integrated!
Comprehension and the
National Curriculum
get into the habit of referring
to the National Curriculum Let’s share
Please get ready to take notes them!
Break out
5 Minute Break
Part 2: Creating DARTs



Types of •
Let’s break it down
Analysis DARTs (unmodified texts)

Understand what What kind of activities

“unmodified text” would be found in an
means analysis DART?

What skills can we best Consider the 5

develop using analysis strategies that support
DARTs? reading comprehension
Reconstruction DARTs (unmodified texts)

What kind of activities

Understand what
would be found in a
“modified text” means
reconstruction DART?

What skills can we best Consider the 5

develop using strategies that support
reconstruction DARTs? reading comprehension
Activity 2: Let’s pick a text and design a DART in our groups…

Comprehension: questions/tasks

Making your own DARTs checklist…

q Pick which year group

q Pick a fiction or non-fiction text
q Use the NC summary of comprehension for that year group
q Analysis DARTs or Reconstruction DARTs or both
q Get some reading down… (Medwell et al)
q Decide how the text will be read
q Decide what types of discussions you will hold
q Decide what types of individual/pair/group activities you will set
q Remember to consider the development of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
q Remember to use the 5 strategies that support reading comprehension
q Share on your discussion board (Christine will be posting those in the near future)
Notes check
B: I benefited from this session
C: Could’ve benefited more
N: No benefit from this session

Type it into the chat!

Please be honest! This is feedback for how I plan and good planning means good learning!


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