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Vanessa Dease

July 12, 2019

EDIT 604
Module 104
Assistive technology is a great asset to have in K-12 schools. It allows students with

disabilities to receive the additional help needed, so that they can reach their learning goals. I

think as an educator it is important that we implement assistive technology within our

classrooms, so that students are successful. It is also important that as an educator we realize that

all students do not learn the same and be able to help everyone succeed. Throughout my years in

school, I have seen assistive technology used. However, while I was in K-12 school, I could not

have identified those things. Reflecting on my K-12 school days, I realized how much it was

used especially in middle and high school.

The assistive technology tools that I can identify during my time in school varies. One

that really sticks out to me, is graphic organizers. I remember in middle level that our teacher

“introduced” the entire class to graphic organizers and told us to make sure we use them when

we needed help. However, when looking back she did not “individualize” any student. She made

us all feel the same, regardless if any disabilities were present. She allowed us all to use the tool

and made sure that we understood the importance of it. In addition, she often told some of us

while in groups that it was okay for us not to use it. As an educator, she was successful as

making sure that everyone felt the same when using these tools. This tool cost had to be cheap

because it was sometimes paper graphic organizers or something she allowed us to draw on the

board. Either way it cost about $20 for the organizers and markers for everyone.

Second, I went to a small elementary school in Georgetown County, called Plantersville

Elementary School. It is the smallest school in the county and has less than 100 students. Each of
my classmates were somewhat family to me. It was until one day we got a new student. My

teacher added one adjustable table in our classroom. I remember this day like yesterday. I was in

elementary school when we got a new student. Our teacher made sure to give us a speech about

students with disabilities and the importance of us to make them feel welcome/equal. The new

student was mobilized. I am unsure of the condition, but I know that the entire week prior to him

coming, my teacher redid everything in her classroom. She made stuff more available to him in

his reach. The student could walk but not for long, so he was always in a wheelchair. The tables

allowed him to push his self-straight up without any disruptions. This was important because it

did not disrupt his learning and made him feel just as equal as everyone else. In addition, this

teacher always gave us a role to do in the classroom. The role could have been to pass out paper,

pass out sanitizer, sharpen pencils, or anything else. These roles were like our jobs, except she

never called them that. Positively, she always gave the student with the disability a job. She

always showed him that he can do anything and made sure we knew that, too. Moving

everything around in the room cost zero dollars. However, the table cost roughly around $60.

Technical installation and maintenance should be implement district wise. This way that

all students with disabilities are getting the same assistance. This will allow more student success

and allow poor funding schools to be successful, as well.

Reflecting on two memories of using assistive technology, I realized how important it

truly is. The educators that I encountered using assistive technology made sure that no one was

stigmatize in doing so. They made sure that everyone felt equal and made sure that everyone

reached their learning goal. This is important because it shows the students that it is okay to need

additional help or have a disability. There were times when the assistive technology was

implemented for another student but in addition helped me as well. Emerging assistive
technology is better practice because it does not allow students to feel individualize. It does not

just focus on technology but on analog tools as well. Students that are kinesthetic learners can be

successful, too.

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