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Nimbus @ University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Science Cloud, codenamed "Nimbus", provides compute ca

pability in the form of Xen virtual machines (VMs) that are deployed on physical
nodes of the University of Chicago TeraPort cluster (currently 16 nodes) using
the Nimbus software.
The Nimbus cloud is available to all members of the scientific community wanting
to run in the cloud. To obtain access you will need to provide a justification
(a few sentences explaining your science project) and a valid grid credential (I
f you don't have a credential, email us. We can help). Based on the project, you
will be given an allocation on the cloud. Send your requests to Nimbus administ
rators at
In a typical session you will make a request to deploy a workspace based on a sp
ecified VM image. You can either use one of the VM images already available on a
cloud or upload your own VM image. On deployment, the image will be configured
with an ssh public key you provide so that you can log into your VM once it is d
eployed. Instructions on how to use the cloud are available here. Have fun!

Stratus @ University of Florida

Virtual workspaces services are deployed at the University of Florida in collabo
ration with the University of Chicago Science Cloud . Currently 16 compute nodes
at the ACIS Lab are allocated to provide the services. In particular, workspace
s are created with 4 VCPUs (Intel Xeon/Prestonia 2.40GHz Hyperthreading enabled)
and up to 3.5GB of memory.
To deploy and interact with a workspace follow the steps described here.
Requests to access the workspaces services should be sent to acis-vws [at] acis
dot ufl dot edu
Wispy @ Purdue University
Purdue provides a cloud computing testbed "Wispy" to TeraGrid users. It consists
on one frontend and VM image storage nodes, and four dual-CPU VM host machines.
The machines have one and a half gigabytes of available memory.
The cloud supports virtual machines with real Internet addresses, so researchers
are able to get running in the cloud with minimal complications. Anyone interes
ted in an account on our cloud should send justification and an X.509 DN to rcac
Kupa @ Masaryk University
Welcome to new MetaCentrum web pages!
MetaCentrum, grid activity supported by CESNET, has become in the year 2010 the
National Grid Infrastructure (NGI) in the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI), wi
th aim to enable coherent electronic access for researchers to all computational
and data based resources and facilities in the Czech Republic, Europe, and worl
The former MetaCentrum thus must more clearly separate its three roles:
ngi_logo_16 MetaCentrum NGI as Czech National Grid Infrastructure. NGI coor
dinates and operates disponible computational and storage resources in the Czech
Republic and organizes users in so called virtual organizations (VO).
MetaCentrum as a resource provider
MetaCentrum VirtualOrganization - catch-all virtual organization of the Czec
h National Grid Organization MetaCentrum NGI. MetaCentrum operates and manages d
istributed computing infrastructure consisting of computing and storage resource
s owned by CESNET as well as resources of co-operative academic centres within t
he Czech Republic. Users registered in MetaCentrum are automatically registere m
embers of this VO. The website of MetaCentrum VO includes the most operational i
nformation from the former MetaCentra website

The MetaCentrum web portal was therefore reorganized into two portals distingui
shed by color - MetaCentrum NGI (orange), MetaCentrum Virtual Organization (gree

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