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Present .

. Time
Writing usingpronouns

1 Whatdoeshelshedo?
tln Write the sentencesin
the correctcolumns.

Shewearsa uniform.
He works outside.
Sheworks in a hospital.
He works in a hotel.
Shetravels a lot.
He walks a lot.
Shehelpssick people.
He answersthe phone.
Sheservesdrinks. She'sa flight attendant. She'sa doctor.
He speaksfour languages.
Sheworkswith nurses.
He deliversletters.
He works with a computer.
He startswork at 5.00a.m.
Shewearsa white coat.

Heta receptionist. Heta postman.

Unit3 Theworldof work 15

of thethirdperson
2 Spelling singular '5 DAY ii{ln.

start have go
with a verb from the box.
Completethe sentences
study live fly play speak
I He sPeaksfour languages.
2 Bernadette in a flat in Paris.
She'sa pilot. She all over the world.
I Peter two children.
5 In winter Alice - skiing and in summer
she _ tennis.
My daughter - French and German at
.,. ':.1:
university. q;.

7 John work at six o'clock every day.

3 Dailyroutines
fD What do you do first in the day?What do you
do next?Number the activities in the correct order for

E havelunch E havedinner

E havea shower T watch television

E go to work E get up

E havebreakfast E reada book

n start work E go to bed

n go home E leavehome

E get dressed

Complete the sentencesabout Rupert'sday.

Usethe correctform of the verbsin 1.
I Rupert Wtt-ap- at seveno'clock.
3 Then he
4He tea and toastfor breakfast.
5He his flat at half past eight.
6He to work by bus.
7 He works in a bookshop.He
work at nine o'clock.
8 At one o'clockhe lunch in a
small caf6.
9 He leaveswork at half past five and
l0 First he dinner.
ll Thenhe television.
12 He to bed at eleveno'clock
and a book.

16 Unit3 . Theworldof work

Questions does,is,ot hail
Completethe conversationwith
4 Question
words does,is,or hqs.
tD Match the questionsand answers.

I Where doeshe live? | a Thirty-two.

2 What doesshedo in her freetime? | b Becausehe'sa pilot.
3 Who doeshe play football with? I c In a flat in Manchester.
4 When doesshego skiing? | d His two sons.
5 How doeshe go to work? | e By car.
6 How many languagesdoesshespeak?| f Two.Frenchand English.
7 How old areyou? | g Shegoesswimming.
8 Why doeshe travela lot? | h In winter.

5 Questions
I Make the questionsto the answersabout Rupert in exercise3.
I does/whatltp I getlhe/time/?
WstLime dseshe seI uD!
At seveno'clock.
2 for I doesI have/ breakfast/ he/what/ ?

to/ how/he/work/does/ go/ ?

lunch/ where/ have/does/he/?
A My sister very clever.
ln a caf6. B What shedo?
I do I theI in I z.
he/ does/what / evenings A an interpreter.
B Where shelive?
He watches television. A She a lovelyflat in
6 bed/does/to/when/he I goI z. London.
B shemarried?
At eleveno'clock. Yes.Her husband'sname
2 Write the questionsfor theseanswers.
B shehaveany children?
I At nine o'clock.
A Yes.She one son.He
2 In a bookshop.
J At one o'clock.
4 At half pastfive.
5 doing in the evenings? He likeswatching
televisionand reading.

Unit3 ' Theworldof work 17

7 Yes/Noquestions
Look at the questionnaireabout
Sally and Mike.

A Questionnaire
tivein a citY
music ,/
1^,u ^foreisn /
- '

havea dog C
havea mobilePhone
!,1,i$i 4i{

Herearethe answersto someYes/No negatives

8 Making
questionsaboutSally.Write the questions' 1 Complete the sentencesabout Sally and

I Doesshelivein a citY? 1 Sallv doesn'tlive in a citY.

No, shedoesn't.Shelivesin the country' a mobile phone.
2 She
3 Mike listening to music.
Yes,shedoes.Especi"llypop music' a foreign language.
5He a dog.
Spanish. Correctthesentences'
2 ID
I A journalist sellsthings'
No, shedoesn't.
Yes,shedoes.She'sa journalist' 2 The PoPelivesin NewYork'

f[! Write short answersto the questions

about Mike. 3 Our teacherarriveslate every day'

I Does Mike live in a citY?

Yes,he does. 4 An architect translatesthings'
2 Doeshe havea mobile Phone?
5 School starts at six o'clock in the morning'
3 Doeshe sPeaka foreignlanguage?
6 HeadwaYteachesGerman'
4 Doeshe havea dog?

5 Doeshe like his job?

. He's an accountant.

18 Unit3 ' Theworldof work

Vocabulary ll Whattimeisit?
Write the times.Practisesayingthem.
9 Verbs thatgotogether
Match a verb in A with a noun in B.

have a car
watch the phone
read tennis
go television
play in a flat I lt's twenty past three.
drive a shower
wear amagazine
live a uniform
answer by bus

tftl Put the wordsinto the
I lobs

2 Transport

4 Adjectives


Unit3 . Theworldof work 19

in a text
I Complete the table.

Subject I Object Possessive I Subjectpronounscomebeforetheverb.

PronounsI pronouns adjectives He likesthem. I lovehim. Shewantsit.
me my Objectpronounscomeaftertheverb.
you Helikesthem. I lovehim. Shewantsit.
he him his 2 Weusepronouns
andpossessive to replacenouns.
it it lts Annadrinksorangejuice because
we us -
them their fohn'ssonisa doctorandhisdaughteris a dentist.

Complete the sentenceswith the 13Naturalwriting

I Readthe text about Keiko Wilson. It is not very natural. Which nouns
1 My sisterhas a new car,but she can you replacewith pronouns or possessiveadjectives?Underline them.
doesn'tlike rL.
2 Harry hastwo sons. plays KEIKO AND HER FAMITY
footballwith in his free
3 That's my dictionary. Can I have
back, please?
4 lrma's new teacheris Mr Banks.
likes _ a lot.
Janeand I are good students.
like our teacherEstella
and shelikes _.
Our teachergives_ a lot of
Kate likes Joanna,but Maria
doesn't like _ at all. Keikois
but Keikolivesin NewYorkbecause
Anna buys a newspapereveryday.
to anAmerican. KeikolikesNewYork
reads on the train.
because butKeikolhusband,
NewYorkisinteresting, Walter,
Look! This is a photo of
NewYork.Walterwantsto leaveandliveinthecountry.
with my family.
1 0 Sallylives near Paul and Sue. Waltertakesthetwo children
KeikoandWalterhavetwo children. andthe
goesto work with two childrenldogoutof thecityinWalterlfreetime.Walterandthe
every day in their car. childrengowalkingin summer go
andskiingin winter,butKeikodoesn't
withWalterandthechildren Keikodoesn't
because haveanyfreetime.

2 Rewrite the text to make it more natural. Begin like this.

KeikoWilsonis Japanese,
but shelivesin NewYork...

20 Unit3 . Theworldof work

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