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Código: B02.01.

INEM – Luís Delfín Insuasty Rodríguez - Pasto
Versión: 5.0
Fecha: 10/05/2020
Guía de Trabajo
Página 1 de 3

Título de la Guía Guía No. Año Escolar Tiempo previsto Grado

Reported speech 11 2020 2 11
Asignatura / Milton Caicedo Vivas.
Docente (s) Responsable (s)
Especialidad/ Ingles Jarol Rojas M.
De las secciones
Competencia s) Competencia Lingüística: Reconoce y utiliza correctamente Reported speech
Competencia Pragmática: Comprendo el sentido general del texto aunque no entienda algunas palabras.
Competencia sociolingüística: identifica personas, situaciones y lugares
Resultados de Practica los temas estudiados en el desarrollo de la presente guía.
Aprendizaje Utiliza Reported speech para expresar situaciones del pasado
Demuestra manejo de los temas tratados en la guía
FECHA DE ENVIO 10 de julio 2020 FECHA DE ENTREGA 24 de julio 2020

INDICACIONES PARTICULARES: Pueden subir sus guias a SAPRED o al correo anterior. Gracias.



Los jóvenes estudiantes desarrollarán esta guía que es muy corta y concisa (2 horas).

Se debe LEER LA TEORÍA y luego aplicar los conocimientos en el taller práctico que el
estudiante debe desarrollar y subir a la plataforma SAPRED para que el profesor revise y
califique. Se recomienda tomar fotos del Taller DESARROLLADO y todas las fotos
pegarlas en un SOLO documento de WORD y subirlo a SAPRED con su NOMBRE Y
CURSO, o también pueden escribir solo las respuestas en el mensaje, para que el
profesor pueda revisar y calificar; los estudiantes que participan en las sesiones
virtuales pueden alcanzar su calificación mediante la participación activa, en ese caso,
ellos no enviarán la actividad. Gracias.

Reported Speech

El habla reportada se utiliza para expresar algo que otra persona dijo en el pasado cercano o

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech

present simple I like ice cream She said (that) she liked ice cream.

I am living in London She said (that) she was living in London.

She said (that) she had bought a car OR She said

past simple I bought a car
(that) she bought a car.

past I was walking along She said (that) she had been walking along the
continuous the street street.
Guía de Trabajo

present perfect I haven't seen Julie She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie.

I had taken English

past perfect* She said (that) she had taken English lessons before.
lessons before

Will I'll see you later She said (that) she would see me later.

would* I would help, but..” She said (that) she would help but...

I can speak perfect

Can She said (that) she could speak perfect English.

I could swim when I

could* She said (that) she could swim when she was four.
was four

Shall I shall come later She said (that) she would come later.

I should call my
should* She said (that) she should call her mother

might* I might be late She said (that) she might be late

I must study at the She said (that) she must study at the weekend OR
weekend She said she had to study at the weekend

El tercer condicional tiene una clausula con if + had + verbo en participio pasado y el
resultado would + have + verbo en participio pasado

Ejercicio (Este se desarrollará en la clase virtual con su profesor)

Reportar la frase entre comillas

1. He said, "I like this song."

→ He said 
2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.
→ She asked me 
3. "I don't speak Italian," she said.
→ She said 
4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.
→ They asked me 
5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
→ He said 
6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.
→ She told the boys 
7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.
→ She asked him 
8. "I never make mistakes," he said.
→ He said 
Guía de Trabajo

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

→ He wanted to know 
10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.
→ The stuntman advised the audience 

Taller Practico (este taller lo desarrolla el estudiante y envía las respuestas al correo para revisión y calificación)

1. "I see many swallows."

He said he ______________________ many swallows

2. "We are happy."

They said they ____________________ happy.

3. "I have bought a tie."

She said she ____________________a tie.

4. "My mum sings today."

She said her mum ___________________ that day.

5. "My granddad was a pilot."

He said his granddad ___________________________ a pilot.

6. "I always go by car."

He said he always _____________________________ by car.

7. "I didn't like the film."

She said she ______________________________ the film

8. "The cat had an accident."

Dad said the cat ________________________ an accident.

9. "My sister came home late."

He said his sister _______________________ home late.

10. "We don't know where she is."

They _____________________ where she_____

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