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4 Talking about a game 6 Football scores

Use the correct form of these verbs to complete

Look at these football results;
the sentences below:
head blt>ck hit s.rve Brazil 2 Italy I
sc() ha vq conl nrit rn iss France 3 Spain 0
1. fuvaldo .\Cpr:e.d. an amazing goal from a free-
kick in rhe last minure. Germany 2 Holland 2
2. German), wo.lrld'r,g won br-rr rhe F-rench Use these verbs to fill the gaps below:
goatkeepe, .lrl'y.d. gorh
minute. ";.r;i;;ln the lost ro u'on drew
3. Brazil, sqored frorrr a free kick rvhen Maldini conceded brear scored
Lqn.1tnlfltfh foul just outside the penalty
4. He didn'r need ro pass. Hc should,r.' .ko.d. . 1. Brazil .\.q? . . 2-l
a shclt at goal. fi i
5. Itonalcio was so unlucky.'I'hc ball . ht. . tte 2. Brazil .be*t.lralv 2-1.
post and came back out. 3. Spain ,tpbi.h Frrn...
5. It's 0-O buq Spahr should be winning.
-' Raul 4. iermany and flolland .d^rN . Z-2.
has jr.rsr .W1\!4. o p"irt,i.
7. Giggs cross-ed the ball in fronr the lefr and 5. France .\(e\<f. three goals.
Cole rose above rwo clcfcnclers ro .4Uqd . ;, 5. Spain ?o.nc4rfur!rhree goals. (fluto)
into the net.
8. I thqurght it was a goal [:ut a clefender You say football scores like this:
bf qtK{cl rhe shor on the line.
2-1 They won / lost two-one.
6 A match report 2-0 They won / lost twa-nil.
Complete the match repoft below with the 4-4 They drew four-all,
following expressions: A-0 They drew nil-nil, It was nil-nil.
halt-rirr:c k.ick-off exrra rime
sroppage rinrc first half scc:ond half
*This is an
absolureiy fantastic match. We,ve
played ninery minpres and there are rhree
minures crf r I ) . .e.Yfg
Xt. hrrwoplay. The
score is France 3 ; Spairf3.If ir stays like rhis,
there'll b€ (2) .(xhia. h.r{W. . and if rhat
doesn't produce a \yinner, it,ll go to penalties.
Righr from rhe A .ktIk.-.r{,t. both rcams
artackcd and with so many c[hnces creared it
was incredlule that ,hV, was only one goal in
tlre (4) , .#cgt',h+\. .That was scoied by
F-rance - rlitt by Thierry Henry. The
Spanish conch ^ubriJlinnt
mysr'y,q sai.d^s<_rmerhing ro his
I I -
players^at (5) ., : .n.T.V. because in rhe
ie I . . .Sc rcnarl. h+1.J.4
^*q they were ffi;;. fh;;" touch-line .t corner flag , ,+
scored rhrec times(,, twenry minutes, t*o fcr.
Raul and one for Sergi. Bur France came back. l' ,
DenAlff Afea ,?,
six-yard box . Y.

zidane macte i, z l ffi' ;ffi#:.-:fit, penal$ spor ,6-, hallway line

centre circle
hoi ')' goal ,L,
r ha utfr ,f . Eng ne) 2' - Z*th Uhrnqxyl
' ' ,X* hr .N"r seca2nd y:[aY-z
r h t- .lon qth d "l
+ he sth : ilru-elol"er,o*t'r'oA of'J-5

1 Basic vocabulary 3 Around the Pitch

below with these words: the goal with these words:
Label this picture of
Cornplete the sentences
:., Pirch awa} l.ciinl goal'line Pos( nct cLtlsstlar

goal f0 u I Pass
subsritute t3.
:;il.. ,=J'.^ta at home offside

on TV
1. There's a big foothall 'rna'tc/u' '
^' Chelsea'
io"1gh, - Bircelona and
onto the 'g''lCh'" and
2, Sonre of the fans ran
- the game'
the referee had to stoP
won' I thought
3, I was disappointed trance
"' gt-rir *."'th'bewer '+'L'1'*' ' '
but it was
4. Beckhanr scored rhe ' 'Qov'L'.'
that created the
Fowler's brilliant 'Y\?i' ' '
deliberate ' '1"'1" ' He iust 1. goalkeePer e
"' That was a ashe triedto
Ui*kra Zola tn pt:l'fh' 2. defender €
off' That 3. nridficlder I
TWil tr.,*ra havg sent \im
4. striker / attacker Q-
;;-'';;;ii'' n*cl'cqcl'''' offence'
5. wide PlaYer 5f
Vieri was
6. it shouldn't have been a goal' a. He Plavs irr artack'
'' :-l/;',.;fi': ;k- the ball was
plaved to him'
;. H. Pt"Y. in midfield'
6)th minute Olven came on
as a c. He PtoYt in goal'
Z. tnuth.
'' ;. ii; or"vt wide on rhe left'
.%[:*.[[t.;a scored immcdiatelv' e. Flc PlaYs in deferrce'
when they plal'Benfica
8. Arsenal should win
'o[ M;.;t-: the second les could be
;;;t a The goalkeeper is olten iust
called tlt^e heeper'
dre sotn,e'iy::
,,u'y' ht)qL ' games are always
different ' Attacking r.uide "::!:t!
much IIIorc difficult'

7 The referee fiIigoube related to "Peithlty"

verbs penalty:duo' c thu6ng
referee does' Match the o be given/rrwarded a
Below are things the
the rignl: phat d€n
with the Phrases on cir phat d€n.
a a player for a bad foul
. toX. a penalty: ddm nhiQm
1. give / arvtrqd I o Stv€ a penalty: ngln dugc
1qu6 ph4t d€n
J b' his whistle to stop qr'rA ph4t dOn
2. disallow . miss a penalty: bd 16' 1
3. booka c' a free kick / a PenaltY
d' a goal for offside * goals/scorcs:
4. send L
5. blow t
e' a PlaYer off o Team A won/lost by three

s'nd o r Team A beatTeam B

4-2 YesterdaY

-boolr a PIP# ro'{ c^cl ,=

a ft^f Pltr W
= if ,l:lLr&"A"

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