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Descriptive statistics

1. Central tendency
• Mean
• Median
• Mode

2. Measures of dispersion
• Range
• Interquartile range
• Standard deviation
• Variance

3. Distribution
• Skew
• Kurtosis

1. Central tendency

Example: Case study of Heart Rate score

Descriptive statistics of a HR score

Participants HR score
1 70
2 71
3 74
4 80
5 73
6 75
7 82
8 64
9 69
∑ X = 658/9 = 73.11
• Mean = 70+71+74+80+73+75+82+64+69/9

= 73.11

If we delete eighth participation score i.e. 64 and replace it by 190

Mean = (70+71+74+80+73+75+82+190+69)/9

= 87.11

• Median

64, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 80, 82

Median is 73

If we delete eighth participation score i.e. 64 and replace it by 190,

69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 80, 82, 190 then Median is 74

When we have outlier then mean position distorted but median less affected by outlier.

2. Measures of dispersion
Sum of squared deviation and sample variance

Participants HR score (X) Deviation from mean Sample squared deviation

HR score (X- ) from the (X- )2
1 70 -3.11 9.67
2 71 -2.11 4.45
3 74 .89 .79
4 80 6.89 47.47
5 73 -.11 .01
6 75 1.89 3.57
7 82 8.89 79.03
8 64 -9.11 82.99
9 69 -4.11 16.89
∑X= 658/9 ∑ (X- )=0 ∑ (X- )2 = 244.89 = SS
= 73.11
Sample Variance for HR score = s2 = SS/N-1

s2 = ∑ (X- )2 / (N-1)

= 244.89/8
= 30.61
Sample Standard deviation for HR score, s =√ s2 = 5.53

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