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Estimation of Vehicle Roll and Road Bank Angle

(2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA)

Jihan Ryu J. Christian Gerdes

Design Division Design Division
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4021 Stanford, CA 94305-4021

Abstract— This paper presents a new method for identifying The main challenge in separating road bank angle and ve-
road bank and vehicle roll separately using a disturbance hicle roll angle is that it is difficult to differentiate one from
observer and a vehicle dynamic model. The authors have the other by using typical roll-related measurements (lateral
previously shown that vehicle states and parameters of a
vehicle model can be precisely estimated using measurements acceleration and roll rate). Since the lateral accelerometers
from Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation are usually attached to the vehicle body, the road bank angle
System (INS) sensors. Based on these results, a dynamic model, and vehicle roll have the exact same effect on the lateral
which includes vehicle roll as a state and road bank as a acceleration measurements and are not differentiable. The
disturbance, is first introduced. A disturbance observer is then roll rate gyros are also attached to the vehicle body and can
implemented from the vehicle model using estimated vehicle
states. Experimental results verify that the estimation scheme only see changes of the road bank and vehicle roll angles to-
is giving appropriate estimates of the vehicle roll and road gether, not individual changes separately. Therefore, vehicle
bank angles separately. roll and road bank angles cannot be directly separated using
the kinematic relationships of the roll-related measurements.
Even though the vehicle roll and road bank angles
Vehicle stability control systems and state estimators have similar and indistinguishable influences on the mea-
commonly use lateral acceleration measurements from ac- surements, they play very different roles in the vehicle
celerometers to calculate lateral acceleration and sideslip dynamics. While the road bank angle can be treated as a
angle of the vehicle [1], [2]. These acceleration measure- disturbance or unknown input to the vehicle, the vehicle roll
ments, however, are easily affected by disturbances such as angle is a state resulting from the road bank angle and other
road bank angle and vehicle roll induced by suspension inputs, governed by vehicle dynamics. This implies that a
deflection. Since these unwanted effects in acceleration parameterized vehicle dynamic model could conceivably be
measurements can lead to false estimation of the vehicle used to separate the vehicle roll and road bank angles. The
states or misleading activation of the stability control sys- authors have previously shown that parameters of such a
tems, knowledge of the vehicle roll and road bank angles model can be precisely estimated using measurements from
is extremely important for such systems. Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation
As a result, many researchers have pointed out that detec- System (INS) sensors [6]. It has been also shown that the
tion of the road bank angle and vehicle roll is necessary for sideslip angle and the sum of the vehicle roll and road bank
the satisfactory performance of such systems [1], [2], [3]. angles can be accurately estimated from these sensors using
Over the last few years, several methods were proposed to only kinematic relationships.
estimate the road bank angle, but the vehicle roll induced
by suspension deflection was neglected or was lumped with Based on these results, this paper presents a new method
the road bank angle [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. While a for identifying road bank and vehicle roll separately using
lumped value can be used to compensate the acceleration a disturbance observer and a vehicle dynamic model. First,
measurements, the separation of these two angles could a dynamic model, which includes vehicle roll as a state and
be especially beneficial to vehicle rollover warning and road bank as a disturbance, is introduced. The disturbance
avoidance systems [7], [8]. Since a small lumped value does observer is then implemented using the measurements of
not necessarily mean a small road bank angle, a vehicle the sideslip angle, yaw rate, roll rate, and vehicle tilt angle
may experience a significant road bank angle even though (the sum of road bank and vehicle roll angles). The yaw rate
the sum of the two angles is small. The vehicle rollover and roll rate of the vehicle can be easily measured using
warning or avoidance systems may need to be aware of this rate gyros. The sideslip angle and vehicle tilt angle can be
because a significant road bank angle can create different accurately determined using GPS and INS as demonstrated
behavior of the vehicle during transient maneuvering, when in previous work [6]. From the disturbance observer, road
most rollover accidents actually happen. bank angle and vehicle roll can be separately estimated.
II. ROAD AND V EHICLE K INEMATICS according to the ISO standard, where the first rotation is by
an angle ψ about the z axis, the second is by an angle θ
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram for a vehicle roll model
about the y axis, and the third is by an angle φ about the x
with road bank angle. It is assumed that the vehicle body
axis, the transformation matrix from the inertial coordinates
rotates around the roll center of the vehicle. In Fig. 1, h is
to the vehicle-frame-fixed coordinates is given in Eq. (1):
the height of the center of gravity (CG) from the roll center.
φv and φr are the vehicle roll angle and road bank angle Q30 = Q32 Q21 Q10
respectively. 
1 0 0

Q32 =  0 cos φ sin φ 

 
 
φv 0 − sin φ cos φ
Vehicle Body
cos θ 0 − sin θ
 

Q21 = 0 1 0 (1)
 
 
 
sin θ 0 cos θ
cos ψ sin ψ 0
 
Q10 =  − sin ψ cos ψ 0 
 
 

0 0 1
y Z The subscript 0 indicates the inertial coordinates and the
Roll Center subscript 3 represents the vehicle-frame-fixed coordinates.
Similarly, the subscript 1 describes the intermediate coordi-
Y nates given by the rotation about the z axis from the inertial
Vehicle Frame φr coordinates 0, and the subscript 2 denotes the intermediate
coordinates given by the rotation about the y axis from the
intermediate coordinates 1.
Fig. 1. Vehicle Roll Model
The angular velocity vector of the vehicle frame with
respect to the inertial coordinates, which is expressed in
If a roll rate gyro is attached to the vehicle body in Fig.
the vehicle-frame-fixed coordinates, is defined as:
1, one might assume the roll rate gyro measures φ˙v + φ˙r , T
the sum of the rate of change of vehicle roll angle and the (2)

ω30,3 = pf qf rf
rate of change of road bank angle. However, this is not what
where pf , qf , and rf represent the x, y, and z components
the roll rate gyro really measures. To illustrate this, assume
of the angular velocity vector, ω30,3 . The first two subscripts
a vehicle follows a circular path on a large flat plane with a
30 mean that ω30,3 is the angular velocity of 3 (the vehicle
slope of 10 degrees from the horizontal, and the vehicle has
frame) with respect to 0 (the inertial frame), and the last
no roll from suspension deflection (φv = 0). The vehicle
subscript 3 means the vector is expressed in 3 (the vehicle-
will then experience a road bank angle, φr , that changes
frame-fixed coordinates).
from -10 to 10 degrees in one revolution of the circle. In
Using Eq. (1), the relationship between the vehicle-
this case, φ˙r is definitely not zero since the road bank angle
frame-fixed angular velocity vector, ω30,3 , and the rate
experienced by the vehicle, φr , is continuously changing.
of change of the Euler angles, [ ψ̇ θ̇ φ̇ ]T , can be
However, the roll rate measurement is always zero because
determined by resolving the Euler rates into the vehicle-
the angular velocity vector of the vehicle is orthogonal to
frame-fixed coordinates:
the axis of the roll rate gyro and as a result the roll rate        
gyro cannot sense the change of the road bank angle. As pf φ̇ 0 0
this example shows, a careful treatment of the kinematics is  qf  = Q32 0 + Q32 Q21 θ̇ + Q32 Q21 Q10 0 
necessary before a disturbance observer for estimating the rf 0 0 ψ̇
vehicle and road bank angles can be implemented.
 
In this paper, the vehicle frame is assumed to keep contact = J  θ̇  (3)
with the ground. Under this assumption, the roll and pitch ψ̇
motions of the vehicle frame are totally constrained by the
road, and the road bank angle and road grade are the same as The Euler rates can be then determined from the vehicle-
the roll and pitch angles of the vehicle frame in the inertial frame-fixed angular velocity vector by inverting J:
frame. Consequently, the attitude of the vehicle frame with
  
φ̇ 1 sin φ tan θ cos φ tan θ pf
 

respect to the inertial coordinates is first defined by the Euler  θ̇  =  0

cos φ − sin φ   qf  (4)

angles in this paper, and the rate of change of the road bank ψ̇ 0 sin φ/ sin θ cos φ/ cos θ rf
angle is expressed in terms of the angular velocities of the
∴ φ̇ = pf + sin φ tan θ qf + cos φ tan θ rf (5)
vehicle frame.
When the rotation of the vehicle frame is given by When the Euler angle θ is not zero, the Euler angle φ
the Euler angles (ψ, θ, φ) about vehicle-frame-fixed axes is not the same as the road bank angle, φr , illustrated in
Fig. (1), because the road bank angle is defined between the where
vehicle frame and the intermediate coordinates 1. Similarly, εr = sin φ sin θ qf + cos φ sin θ rf
φ˙r is not the same as φ̇ unless θ is zero.
Eq. (13) can be also simplified as Eq. (15) assuming the
However, φ˙r is the x component of the angular velocity,
vehicle roll angle, φv , and the pitch rate, qf , are small:
ω31,1 , since ω31,1 represents the angular velocity of the
vehicle frame with respect to the intermediate coordinates rm ≈ r f (15)
1. Therefore, the rate of change of the road bank angle, φ˙r ,
is given by the following equation:
 ˙  The dynamics of a vehicle are represented here by the
single track, or bicycle model with a roll mode [8]. It is as-
   
φr φ̇ 0
ω31,1 =  θ˙r = Q12 0 + θ̇  (6) sumed that the slip angles on the inside and outside wheels
ψ˙r 0 0 are approximately the same. Fig. 2 shows a schematic
      diagram for the vehicle model. In Fig. 2, δ represents the
φ̇ 0 cos θ φ̇
= Q−121
 0 + θ̇ = θ̇  (7)
0 0 − sin θ φ̇ αf
∴ φ˙r = cos θ φ̇ (8)
where φr and θr represent the road bank angle and road Fy,f
grade respectively. Using Eq. (5), Eq. (8) can be rewritten
uy rf
φ˙r = cos θ pf + sin φ sin θ qf + cos φ sin θ rf (9)
Since the yaw rate gyro and the roll rate gyro are
attached to the vehicle body, the yaw and roll rates of the
vehicle frame, rf and pf respectively, cannot be exactly Fy,r
measured. The yaw rate and roll rate measurements include
the effects of vehicle roll motion. Since the vehicle-body-
Fig. 2. Single Track Model
fixed coordinates are defined from a rotation by the angle
φv about the x axis of the vehicle-frame-fixed coordinates,
steering angle. ux and uy are the longitudinal and lateral
the transformation matrix from the vehicle-frame-fixed co-
components of the vehicle velocity at the center of the
ordinates to the vehicle-body-fixed coordinates is given by:
vehicle frame in the vehicle frame fixed coordinates, and
1 0 0 rf is the yaw rate of the vehicle frame. β is the sideslip
 

Q43 = 0 cos φv sin φv (10) angle at the center of the vehicle frame. Fyf and Fyr are
 

 
0 − sin φv cos φv the lateral tire forces, and αf and αr are the tire slip angles.
Linearized with the small angles and a linear tire model,
where the subscript 4 indicates the vehicle-body-fixed co- Fyf and Fyr become:
Using Eq. (10), The yaw rate measurement, rm , and the Fyf = −Cαf αf , Fyr = −Cαr αr (16)
roll rate measurement, pm , can written as: The equations of motion can be then linearized as in Eq.

 
 
 (17), (18), and (19) assuming the road changes smoothly:
ω40,4 =  qm  =  0  + Q43  qf  (11)
Ieq C0 Ieq C1 h(mgh − kr )
β̇ = − β− 1+ rf + φv
rm 0 rf Ix mux Ix mu2x Ix ux
pm = p f + φv ˙ (12) hb ˙ Ieq Cαf g
− φv + δ− φr (17)
∴ rm = cos φv rf − sin φv qf (13) Ix ux Ix mux ux
C1 C2 aCαf
r˙f = − β − rf + δ (18)
where pm and rm are from rate gyros attached to the vehicle Iz Iz ux Iz
body. Note that Eq. (12) says that the roll rate measurement, C0 h C1 h mgh − kr br
pm , is not the same as φ˙v + φ˙r , the sum of the rate of the φ¨v = − β− rf + φv − φ˙r
Ix Ix ux Ix Ix
vehicle roll angle change and the rate of the road bank angle Cαf h
change as explained in the beginning of this section. + δ − p˙f (19)
Eq. (9) can be rewritten by defining a new variable εr where
and assuming the vehicle pitch angle θ is small and so cos θ
is close to one: C0 = Cαf + Cαr , C1 = aCαf − bCαr
φ˙r ≈ pf + εr (14) 2
C2 = a Cαf + b Cαr , 2
Ie q = Ix + mh2
Iz is the moment of inertia of the vehicle about its yaw are combined with INS sensor measurements to eliminate
axis and m is the mass of the vehicle, which is assumed errors due to direct integration. Since both the vehicle
to have no vehicle frame mass. a and b are distance of the heading and the direction of velocity are directly measured
front and rear axles from the CG, and Cαf and Cαr are the from a two-antenna GPS receiver, the sideslip angle can be
total front and rear cornering stiffness. Ix is the moment of calculated as the difference between the two. INS sensors
inertia about the roll axis, kr is the roll stiffness, and br is are integrated with GPS measurements to provide higher
the roll damping coefficient. h is the height of CG from the update rate estimates of the vehicle states and to handle
roll center. Note that the lateral force from gravity due to the periods of GPS signal loss. This method is also independent
road bank angle, φr , appears in Eq. (17), which describes of any parameter uncertainties and changes because it is
the vehicle lateral dynamics, and the time derivative of pf based on purely kinematic relationships. In addition to the
affects the vehicle roll dynamics in Eq. (19). The change sideslip angle, the sum of road bank and vehicle roll angles
of pf , the roll rate of the vehicle frame, is related to the is similarly estimated in this scheme. Roll rate gyro mea-
change of the road bank angle through Eq. (14) since the surements are integrated with the GPS roll measurements.
vehicle frame is assumed to keep contact on the ground.
From Eq. (17), (18), and (19), the following four-state
linear model can be written in the state space form:
ẋ = Ax + Bδ + Bw1 φr + Bw2 p˙f (20)

x = β rf φv
I C I C h(mgh−kr )
 
− Ixeqmu0x −1 − Ixeqmu12 Ix ux − Ixhbux
− CIz1 − IzCu2x 0 0
 
A =
 
0 0 0 1

 
− CI0xh − ICx1uhx Ix − Ibxr
h iT
Ieq Cαf aCαf Cαf h
B = Ix mux Iz 0 Ix
− ugx Fig. 3. Test Vehicle with Two-Antenna GPS Set-up

Bw1 = 0 0 0
Bw2 = 0 0 0 −1 Fig. 3 shows the test vehicle used for experimental tests.
Note that the sum of road bank and vehicle roll angle (φv +
Note that the road bank angle, φr , and the time derivative
φr ) can be directly measured by the two laterally placed
of pf are treated as disturbances or unknown inputs to the
GPS antennas.
vehicle dynamics while the vehicle roll angle, φv , is a state
resulting from the road bank angle and other inputs.
Yaw rate (deg/sec)

In order to implement a disturbance observer for esti-

mating road bank angles, accurate measurements of the -20
sideslip angle, β, are also necessary. While the yaw rate -40 GPS/INS
and roll rate of the vehicle can be easily measured using -60
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
conventional rate gyros on the vehicle body, the sideslip
angle cannot. Two common techniques for estimating this 15

value are to integrate inertial sensors directly and to use a 10

physical vehicle model. Some methods use a combination 5

β (deg)

or switch between these two methods appropriately based 5
on vehicle states [3], [9]. Direct integration methods can -10 GPS/INS
accumulate sensor errors and unwanted measurements from -15
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
road grade and bank angle. In addition, methods based on Time (sec)

a physical vehicle model can be sensitive to changes in

the vehicle parameters and maneuvers outside in the linear Fig. 4. Yaw Rate and Sideslip Angle Estimates
To overcome these drawbacks, a new method for esti- Experimental results from the GPS/INS integration are
mating vehicle sideslip angle using GPS and INS sensor plotted in Fig. 4 on top of simulation results from the
measurements has been presented by the authors [6]. In vehicle model for both yaw rate and sideslip angle. The
this scheme, GPS measurements from a two-antenna system estimates of the states match well with the simulation
results. Further validation can be found in [10]. In fact, the The corresponding error dynamics are then described as
estimated sideslip angle is accurate and clean enough to be follows:
used for steer-by-wire control systems as a feedback signal z̃˙ = (F − LH)z̃ (26)
[11]. The similarity between estimated and simulated yaw
rates indicates that the vehicle model used in the comparison where
is valid and calibrated correctly. z̃ = z − ẑ
Using this system, a disturbance observer can be imple- When the observer gain, L, is selected so that F − LH has
mented from the following available measurements: stable eigenvalues and the error dynamics are significantly
faster than the system dynamics, or by applying a Kalman
   
β β
rm rf filter, the error dynamics approach zero [12]. In this paper,
   
y=  φv + φ r  =  φv + φ r  a Kalman filter is applied to determine the observer gain.
  

pm φ˙v + pf
The yaw rate, rf , and the sum of the vehicle roll rate and
the rate of change of the roll angle of the vehicle frame, A Mercedes E-class wagon is used for the experimental
φ˙v + pf , are from the rate gyros according to Eq. (12) and tests. The test vehicle is equipped with a 3-axis accelerom-
(15). The sideslip angle, β, and the sum of the vehicle roll eter/gyro triad and a two-antenna GPS system. The param-
and road bank angle, φv + φr , are from the integration of eters of the vehicle model are accurately estimated using
GPS and INS. GPS measurements from a two-antenna system combined
with INS sensors [6].
V. D ISTURBANCE O BSERVER Fig. 5 shows experimental results for estimating vehicle
The road bank angle, φr , and the time derivative of pf roll and road bank angles using the proposed disturbance
are the two disturbances to the vehicle dynamics described observer. Experimental tests consisting of four laps around
in Eq. (20). Since the road changes independently, the an uneven surface are performed.
disturbances due to the road vary independently of the
vehicle dynamics. However, the two disturbances are not Sum of Vehicle Roll and Bank Angle
independent of each other as shown in Eq. (14). Therefore, Estimated
dynamics of the disturbances can be described as follows 4
Angle (deg)

assuming that the disturbances due to the road changes are 2

the result of white noise forcing p¨f and ε˙r [5]. 0

ẇ = Aw w (22) −2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
where Vehicle Roll and Bank Angle

   6
φr 0 1 0 1 Vehicle Roll
Bank Angle
 pf   0 0 1 0 
Angle (deg)

 p˙f  ,
 Aw = 
 0
 2
0 0 0 
εr 0 0 0 0
From Eq. (20) and (22), a disturbance observer can be −4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
implemented by augmenting the disturbances to the state Time (sec)
vector. A new state vector z is defined by augmenting w to
the vehicle state vector x. Fig. 5. Vehicle Roll and Bank Angle Estimates
A Bw B
ż = z+ δ = F z + Gδ (23)
0 Aw 0 The lower plot shows estimated vehicle roll and road
where bank angles individually, and the upper plot shows the sum
 T   of those two estimated values compared with the measured
z= x w , Bw = Bw1 0 Bw2 0 value using the two-antenna GPS setup combined with
The available measurements are from Eq. (21): INS. Note that the sum of vehicle roll and road bank
    angles is mainly positive even though the road bank angle
β 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 alone fluctuates almost evenly between positive and negative
 r f   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
z (24) values. As easily seen in Fig. 5 at around 30, 50, and 70
 φv + φr = 0 0
y =  
1 0 1 0 0 0  seconds, a small value of the roll angle measurement –
φ˙v + pf 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 the sum of vehicle roll and road bank angles – does not
Since the new system from Eq. (23) and (24) is ob- necessarily mean a small vehicle roll angle and small road
servable, a disturbance observer is given by the following bank angle. A significant road bank angle can be a major
equation: factor in transient maneuvering, which is the cause of most
ẑ˙ = F ẑ + Gu + L(y − H ẑ) (25) rollover accidents.
Bank Angle Lateral Acceleration
Ref 5

ay (m/s )
Bank Angle (deg)

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

Vehicle Roll and Bank Angle

−1 4


Angle (deg)
Vehicle Roll
Bank Angle
−4 −4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 6. Verification of Road Bank Angle Estimates Fig. 7. Measured Lateral Acceleration and Estimates of Vehicle Roll and
Bank Angles

To verify the estimates of the road bank angle, the true estimating the vehicle roll and road bank angles without
road bank angle is measured using a two-antenna GPS GPS measurements is currently under investigation.
setup. The two GPS antennas are placed laterally on the
top of the vehicle, and record the static roll angle as the VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
vehicle moves along the marked path at a very low speed The authors would like to thank the Robert Bosch Cor-
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