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Strategic Management

Assignment # 1

Shaharyar Naeem
Section E

Write your own vision and mission statement and justify it.

Vision Statement:

My vision is to be an honest, kind and memorable human and to be versatile in my work

ethic. I am committed to get my MBA and explore the world throughout my adult life.

It is a very common instance that when you ask people what their vision in life is, they will start
telling you about the organization that they want to work in or the degree that they strive to
achieve. Yes, obviously I am the same, I also want to get my degree and work for a top tier
organization there is no doubt in that. But the thing is that I have always seen life through a
different perspective. To me getting a great job and education is important but it is not all. I
won’t feel complete until I become a human that is honest and kind. These two qualities might
look easy to achieve but I think that they are the most difficult ones. Honesty I believe is the
core to one’s happiness, if a person is not honest with themselves, they are not honest with the
world. Living in a bubble is very appealing to most people but not for me, I want to question
everything and find out answers that no one dares to. I would rather know then not know.
Kindness on the other hand is where I find my soft side, I want to be giving, considerate and
helpful. This is something I practice every single day and I wish to grow as much as I can in the
coming years.

"It's about the legacy you leave behind, not about the success you have while you're here"

This is a quote that I feel is very important to me. To be memorable means that you have done
something in your life that you have lived, that people would always remember and be thankful
for. I believe that acts of kindness and generosity are the best ways to be remembered by
When I say to be versatile in my work ethic, I mean that when I start working, I don’t ever want
to feel stuck or hopeless and in order to do that I want to set this rule that I won’t give an
organization my whole life. I want to work as long as the work I am doing brings me happiness.
If I decide one day to quit my job and start a business even if it’s on small scale, I would want to
do it because I know that would bring me joy and I would feel content.

I used to be confused about pursuing education further than my bachelors but I think that you
can never learn enough. Learning is constant throughout one’s life and if I make the effort to
put my self through two more years of that I would feel happy that I got to experience higher
education. It would be great on paper as well if I’m being honest.

One very important vision in my life is that I want to explore the world. It has been a dream of
mine and I think that’s something that you have to really choose. People can get settled in one
place for their entire lives and not see the world and be happy but for me personally I would
like to explore.

Mission Statement:

To grow into someone who can discover all sorts of genres of life which may be life, death
and beauty.

If asked to describe this world in three words I would say life, death and beauty. Life for me can
be defined as growth. Growth in every vision that I have whether it be travelling, education or
helping people. Growing is an essential to life.

Then comes beauty which I would say is exploring to see what the world has to offer. To see
what lies in the hidden spaces and what needs to be discovered. To find out what you find
beautiful. Forming opinions and belief systems through exploring the world is my mission, it’s
what gets us up in the morning.

And then comes death the ultimate mystery that no one seems to grasp the idea of. To
understand death is like understanding the whole meaning of life. I want to grow and explore
these three things in order to complete my vision. These are the three essentials of life.

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