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What is a Procedure?

A procedure is a step by step guide for accomplishing a task

Some examples are:

● Sharpening your pencil

● Going to the bathroom

~A procedure is not a rule~

Without procedures, we won’t have a map for day-to-day activities

With procedures, we can enjoy our class and make the best of our time together
The Procedure Procedure
We will cover between 2-3 procedures at the beginning of each day this week

- Everyone will need a binder divider or thin notebook that is only for procedures

When you come to class, start with these steps:

1) Open your binder to the procedures section, and get out a pencil and a highlighter
2) Copy the Procedure
3) Add notes
4) Highlight key pieces
5) Put your notes in order to prepare for the lesson
Procedure 1: The Start of Class Routine
Does class begin at the bell, the teacher’s voice, or the moment you enter the room?

● YOUR learning, YOUR responsibility.

Simple Steps for Each and Every Day:

1) Enter class quietly

2) Place your phone or device in the Cell Hotel; remove ear pods
3) Place your assignments in the “assignment in” bin
4) Read the board for the bell ringer activity
5) Work on the bell ringer for five to 10 minutes
Procedure 2: The Agenda
Each Day will be divided into 5 simple sections:

1) Entering the room (1 minute)

2) Bell Ringer Activity (5-10 minutes)
3) Daily Agenda Meeting & Daily Learning Goals (2-3 minutes)
4) Lesson / Seat Work (Varies)
5) Exiting the Room (1-3 mintues)
Skills Inventory

How much do you remember?

Procedure 3: Bell Ringer
“prime”, verb. 1. make something ready for use or action 2. prepare someone for a
situation or task by supplying relevant information

The Bell Ringer is…

1) Always posted before students arrive to our class

2) Silent & focused
3) Not busy work; instead, independent review and practice
4) 5-10 Minutes and completely independant
Procedure 4: Leaving Class
Can anyone tell me how you know it’s time to leave the class?

Before the bell rings, I will give you closing instructions

Remember: everything has a place, and every place has a purpose...Put it back!

Our goal is to have our class clean and our stuff ready by the time the bell rings

Please do not get up until I give you permission

Procedure 5: Absent Folder
If you’ve missed a day, refer to the absent folder for missed assignments and notes as
soon as you enter class

- Take one of each missed assignment/note

During any class, if your partner is absent, use an absent folder for her/him
Work that was assigned and due on the same day may possibly
be completed when you return to class.

Work that was assigned and due at a later date is still due the
same day as shown on the assignment

***Note: Missing test and review days WILL result in a lower grade***
Procedure 6: Organizing Assignments
Reminder: All assignments go in the “Assignment In Bin” on my desk at the start of

- After the Bell Ringer, put today’s assignment in your “Homework Folder”
- Use your Folder for Homework In and Homework Out
- Homework Out is assigned and not yet due
- Homework In is due the following day
- When completed transfer them to your “Homework In” folder to be submitted

When you get to class the next day, transfer your “Homework
In” into the “Homework In Bin”
Procedure 7: Getting Students’ Attention
Why do we sometimes raise hands before asking a question?

The teacher will raise his hand whenever he needs your attention

Immediately acknowledge your teacher by raising your hand

I will not begin speaking until all hands are raised and attention is on me

Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station,

deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect
ourselves. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Procedure 8: Pencils
At the back of the room there are two pencil containers: “used” and “new”

When you need a pencil, take a new pencil

Place your pencil back in the used bin when it’s dull OR at the end of class

Do not leave class with the pencil you borrowed

Always sanitize your pencil before putting it in the used bin!

Procedure 9: Collecting and Returning Work
Review: The “Assignment In Bin”

DO: Walk into class with your homework in your hand and place it in the “Homework In
Bin” on your way to your seat

The Goal: Enter Class Prepared!

Procedure 10: Finishing Work Early
Start Off:

1. Do your assignment
2. Check your work
3. Turn it in

Finish Off:

1. Check your “Homework Out” file

2. Work on homework from other classes
3. Choose a free time activity from the back shelf

Rules are different from procedures

Consequences are unavoidable, but rules

determine good from bad consequences
- We will talk more about consequences tomorrow

Rule #1 Respect YTLPE: yourself, your

teacher, your lesson, your peers, and your

Rule #2 Students must stay seated and quiet

during tests. Otherwise, risk an automatic

Rule #3 No touching other people, period

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