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The article “America's Orchestras are in Crisis" by Kennicot explores American Orchestras

by declaring that they are undergoing a certain crisis more than it has ever been observed in

the industry. Moreover, according to the author, orchestras had become decreasingly more

popular in the recent past. Because of that, several efforts have been set in place to make

classical music popular among the public. Furthermore, some of the efforts are suggested as

undermining all that makes the orchestra really significant.

In the article, several orchestras in the country have been claimed to close doors because of

the inabilities of paying rent and the rates based on that they inhabit. An example given is the

Nashville Symphony Orchestra from the article. In the year 2013, it closely comes to fore-

closing because of the inabilities to paying interest based on the mortgage used based on

construction for premises. According to the article, the orchestra can be said to have been

saved by symphony supporters that were actually opposed to the closure for the orchestra.

I do agree with Dare despite many of his criticism by the author and many other people.

Particularly, Dare compares the current concert traditions, and for that reason, his words are

speaking for themselves. He extrapolates from outwards hence making a very broad

statement based on what is the issue with the classical music genre. He also makes some

points that are very solid when he claimed that classical music does not honor art (art music).

We can take classical music to be less boring again currently especially when the audiences

move away from blasted reverential.

Surname 2

Besides, I see some disconnections between perceptions in public, which is growing due to

the value of symphony orchestras and the live classic at large. Individuals who have a

mindset believe that classical and orchestral music has some values which are simply based

on the nature of art form. The author has raised several valid issues based on criticisms on

programing through American orchestras. He claims that attempts of the 21 st-century

orchestra through attentively listening while in concert halls. There is bad music, good music

as well as many that are between. The main complaints that I found Dare bringing up were

the process based on buying ticket counter and reverence that the guides seem placed based

on the concert hall.

The orchestra should be relevant in the community during the 21st century as well as to the

world. Education should be at the forefront of orchestra roles. Music is known to be an

expression based on our culture. Other roles that will be critical for orchestra in the 21 st

century is rebellion, love, politics, anger, and literally, which are the aspects within

everyone's existence. Additionally, in the community, the orchestra will inspire and motivate

the masses at large.

Collaboration is another key role that orchestra will play in the community—Orchestra in the

21st-century helps provide support to local and emerging musicians. The success of the

century from orchestra hinges will be specifically involved in relevance, accessibility, and

lastly collaboration. Creation work may continue being supported by great artists and bring

forward significant masterpieces from the past. If the orchestras attempt on pointing out their

people the reasons for having each performance being different, a moment in time that is

magical then American culture would be part of it. I whole agree with Dare’s claims on

classical music.
Surname 3

Work cited

America's Orchestras are in Crisis (Links to an external site.)

(, by Philip

Kennicot - the New Republic.

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