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Test de evaluare initiala

Anul scolar 2017-2018

Limba engleza

Clasa a III-a a L1



I. Read the text.

This is Tim. He is nine. He is from England. He has many school objects. He has a blue
pen, a long grey pencil, a green pencil case, a big black schoolbag.

a) Write true ( T ) or false ( F ). (2x5p=10p)

Tim is nine.____________ Tim is from the Romania.__________
His pen is orange.________ His schoolbag is big. ____________
The pencil is grey.__________

b) Answer the questions. (2x5p=10p)

What colour is the pencil case ? _______________________________________
What is the name of the boy ? _______________________________________

II. Unscramble the numbers. Write them. (2x5p=10p)

eerht ________________ ; ent _____________________ ; efvi __________________;
neleev_________________ ; enni _____________
III. Answer the questions using on; in; under;near. (5x4p=20p)

Where is the ball ? Where is the book ?

The ball is _______________ the bench. The _________________________________

Where is the pen ? Where is the cat ?

The _____________________________ The __________________________________

Where is the duck ?

The ______________________________

IV. Ask questions to the answers. (2x10p=20p)

My name is Tom.
I am ten.


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