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There are some things about each one of us which make us unique. Think of the many talents or
qualities that you possess. List them down below.
I am a special creation of God. I possess the following talents or qualities.


1. How did you feel about listing down your traits and qualities?

2. What did you discover about yourself through this activity?

3. Are you satisfied with the traits and qualities that you possess? Why or why not?

4. Do you have traits or qualities which you feel still need to be developed further? If yes, what
are these?
2. Appreciating Yourself

Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a painter. Get your paint brush and work on your dream
paradise. After your “pretend painting,” answer the following questions.

a. Describe your dream paradise.

b. What colors did you choose? What do these colors mean to you?

c. How can you compare the painting to your personality?

d. Write a poem based on your imaginary painting on the lines below. Make it positive and
expressive of your good qualities. Imagine that someone who loves you dearly is the one writing
the poem about you.

e. Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is different from being conceited or selfish. In Psychology, there are
theories that say that people who act in conceited ways usually have a low opinion of

Self-love is accepting and treating yourself with gentle loving kindness. We seldom think
about being understanding and forgiving to ourselves, but self-love is important if we want to
become a better person for our family, friends, and people we come in contact with. Express
your thoughts and feelings by completing the phrases below to make meaningful sentences.

I am unique because


I am special because


As a unique and special creation of God, I vow to


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