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Arie curiculara: limba si comunicare

Nivel de predare: clasa a 9-a
Profilul clasei: filologie- engl intensiv
Tema:What’s it like?
Nr. Ore: 34
Ritmicitate saptamanala
Durata: 1 an
Profesor: Corina Tudosie

I. Argument
Informatiile despre cultara, literatura si civilizatie din anii anteriori se considera a fi
insuficiente, presupunandu-se cresterea numarului de ore afectat acestui domeniu.
Necesitatea de a cunoaste aspecte de cultura si civilizatie engleza contemporana.
Necesitatea dezvoltarii competentelor de corelare si comparare a aspectelor de cultura si
Nu in ultimul rand dezvoltarea interesului pentru literatura al elevului.
II. Obiective specifice
O1. Extinderea, aprofundarea si imbogatirea cunostintelor de literatura
O2. Extinderea si aprofundarea cunostintelor de cultura si civilizatie.
O3. Stapanirea si perfectionarea tehnicilor de citire, redactare, ascultare si conversatie.
O4. Abilitatea de a intelege, recepta si analiza un text literar.
O5. Abilitatea de a comunica si cecodifica un mesaj text.
III. Activitati de invatare
1. Summarizing an article, a short-story, a novel, a report
2. Describing people, habits,
4. customs, events
5. expressing opinion, contrasting, comparing
6. Identifying point of view, theme, genre
7. writing literary essay, making a speech, a report
IV. Continuturi
1. Britain and the British
2. Cultural conflict
3. Sport and Health
4. Food
5. Education
6. Television, Cinema, Theatre
7. Newspapers, magazines, books
8. Holydays and tourism
9. The weather
10. The system of government
11. Means of transport. Travelling in U. K.
12. Fashion
V. Evaluare – essays, projects, recordings, reports, tests
VI. What’s it like?
1. What is Britain? 3h
2. Cultural diversity 4h
3. Sport 4h
4. Food 4h
5. Education 4h
6. Leisure 3h
7. Newspapers, magazines, books 4h
8. Holidays 3h
9. Nature and environment 3h
10. Being young today 3h
11. Revision 2h
VII. Bibliografie
1. What’s it like?
2. A History of English Literature
3. Britain Explored

Colegiul National ‘Ion Minulescu’- Slatina, Olt

Profesor: Corina Tudosie
Aria curiculara: limba si comunicare
Nivel de predare: cls. a 11-a
Profil: filologie
Nr ore: 34
Ritmicitate: 1h/saptamana

I. Argument
Optinalul ‘Crossing Cultures’ vizeaza dezvoltarea unor reprezentari culturale si a interesului
pentru studiul limbii si civilizatiei anglo-saxone.
Creand contact cu aspecte de cultura si civilizatie, elevii le vor integra corect in contextul
istoric, vor desprinde diferentele specifice intre cultura anglo-saxona si cea romana, isi voe
exprima opiniile personale asupra aspectelor prezentate. Ei vor formula ipoteze, le vor
verifica, vor studia cazuri, reevalua ipotezele, folosind toate cele patru deprinderi.
II. Competente specifice
C1. Celectarea de informatii din texte diferite pentru indeplinirea unei carcini de lucru
C2. Identificarea de detalii din texte
C3. Relatarea coerenta a unui eveniment real sau imaginar
C4. Rezumarea continutului unui film/carti/articol/ziar
C5. formularea de idei/pareri pe teme culturale in cadrul unei dezbateri in grup
C6. Realizarea unui structurat pe baza unui chestionar
C7. Reformularea unor texte prin cuntragere/reducere
III. Evaluare – questionaires, project work, interview, debate, extended project
IV. Activitati de invatare
1. follow up project
2. debate
3. listening puzzle
4. matching exercises
5. note-taking exercises
6. questionaires fill in
7. brainstoerming exercise
V. Continuturi
Pezentari orale, conversatii, referate, note, dezbateri, comentarii culturale expunere/prezentare
orale sau scrisa, eseu structurat, a exprima acord, dezacord, a ordona argumente, a ex[prima
pareri personale, a cere parerea, a initia o conversatie, a da feedback, dialoguti, comentarii,
imregistrari audio
VI. Bibliografie
1. Crossing Cultures- British Cultures
2. Studies for Romanian Students
3. Cavallioti publishers
4. The British Council
Cshool: CN Ion Minulescu
Teacher: Corina Tudosie
Grade: 11th, 1h/week
Optional Course: Crossing Cultures
Nr. Section Continuturi Nr. Sapt. Obs.
Crt. ore
1. Approaching 1.Icons of the nation- The case of Wales nation, 1h s1
Cultural national icons
Studies 2.Accenting the nation-Dividing and unifying 1h s2
nation, accents
3.Passing Britain-Ethnicity and Nationality; Nation 1h s3
and Nationality, Ethnicity
4.Scotland-Founding Myths,; National Icon 1h s4
5. Naming Britain- The case of Northern Ireland; 1h s5
Nationality, Ethnicity, Naming
6.Imagining the other: England/ Northern Ireland; 1h s6
the other
7.Crossing borders- Multicultural Britain; 1h s7
immigration, integration, multiculturalism
8.Assessment- Teaching Britishness; revision of 1h s8
concepts in section A
2. Choosing 1.Classifying Britain; class, socio-economic group 1h s9
Britain 2.Gendering Britain/Romania; gender 1h s10
3.Genderquake; gender 1h s11
4.Creating Youth; youth cultures 1h s12
5. Choosing Education; choice 1h s13
6. Gendering Canons; gender 1h s14
7. Genetic Britain; gender, socio-economic groups, 1h s15
8.Home Assesment; revision of all concepts in 1h s16
section B
3. Representing 1.Inst. Representation- political representation 1h s17
Britain 2.Representative Politics? Just political parties?; 1h s18
gender, ethnicity, socio-economic group
3.Representative Politics? Politics and the Daily 1h s19
Press? representation, class
4.Representing Fantasy: The Rhetoric of Ads; 2h s20
representation, cultural icons s21
5.Representing Reality?TV; representation, news 1h s22
6.Representing Reality?Soaps; representation 1h s23
7.Diana, Goddess of Destruction; representation, 1h s24
gender, class
8.Assessment in class-Revision of all concepts in 1h s25
Section C
4. Discussing 1.University and University Life; passing, accent, 1h s26
Britain the other, multiculturalism, gender, choice
2.Imaging the Monarch; icon, gender, 1h s27
representation, class, personality, objectivity
3.Exchanging Families; socio-economic group, 1h s28
social desification, gender, feminism,
4.Drugging Britain-youth cultures, choice, 2h s29
insider/outsider s30
5.Food for thought; gender, target audience, socio- 1h s31
economic group, ethnicity, advertising
6.Believing Britain- socio-economic group, 1h s32
ethnicity, media influence
7. Literature and Cultural Studies- insider/outsider, 1h s33
national icons, gender, socio-economic group
8.Assessment; Final revision 1h s34

Managementul informatiei si invatarii

UNITATEA SCOLARA: CN Ion Minulescu, Slatina, jud. Olt

PRUPUNATOR: Tudosie Ionela Corina
CLASA: a V-a
TEMA: “Stiu sa invat?”
SCOP: integrarea notiunii de invatare eficienta in sistemul de valori
1. sa inteleaga conceptul de invatare si relatia dintre invatare-rezultatele
2. sa satbileasca factorii favorizanti si pe cei frenatori in procesul de invatare
3. sa-si stabileasca un program de ocupare a timpului liber pe coordonate
pedagogice si psihologice
Obiectivul I – elevilor le va fi prezentat un filmulet care prezinta diferite
atitudini fata de invatare(invatare temeinica, invatere in salturi, copiere la testele
scrise etc)
- elevii vor interpreta situatiile din filmulet si vor specifica daca ei vreodata au
procedat ca in cazurile prezente, ce anume i-a determinat si daca i-a multumit
acea situatie; elevilor li se explica faptul ca invatarea este un proces continuu de
asimilare de noi informatii, ca aceasta trebuie sa inceapa inca de la varste
fragede si ca este important cum sa invete-logic sau reproductiv?
Obiectivul II - elevii vor prezenta locul pe care il ocupa invatatura in
timpul lor si vor stabili un punctaj pe o scara de al 1 la10, vor face apoi corelatii
cu rezultatele obtinute
- vom incerca sa stabilim factorii frenatori in procesul de invatare( televizor,
computer, role, bicicleta etc); se dezbate impreuna problema avantajelor dar si a
dezavantajelor folosirii computerului in procesul de invatare si de petrecere a
timpului liber
Obiectivil III – elevii vor scrie pe o hartiuta ce anume le place sa faca cel mai
mult in afara orelor de curs si vom realiza o scala a optiunilor pe tabla din clasa;
profesorul remarca entuziasmul manifestat de elevi atunci cand este vorba de
activitati de acest gen in cumparatie cu cele din timpul orelor de curs
- pentru ca jocul ( fie in aer liber, fie pe computer) este dorinta exprimata cel
mai frecvent, psihologul scolii realizeaza impreuna cu ei un mod ideal de
organizare a timpului in astfel inat toate dorintele sa se regaseasca si sa nu existe
frustrari pentru lipsa vreunei activitati
PUNCTE TARI: elevii isi pun intrebari daca modul lor de a invata este unul
eficient facand comparatii cu rezultatele lor la invatatura si cu ale colegilor, isi
dau seama ca trebuie sa-si faca datoria de a invata pentru a putea apoi sa –si
petreaca timpul liber relaxati si intr-un mod cat mai placut
School: CN Ion Minulescu
Teacher: Corina Tudosie
Grade: 9th (2h/week)
Textbook: Upstream intermediate
Nr. Unitati de Ob. de Continuturi Nr. de Saptama Obs
crt. invatare refer. ore na
1. U1 My 1.2;1.5; Topics: dwellings 6h 18-22 sep
home is my 2.5;3.1; Vocabulary: dwellings and 25-29 sep
castle 3.2 appliances; households chores; 2-6 oct
colours and rooms; home safety
Structure: Present tenses; Adverbs
of frequency; State verbs; Phrasal
verbs: break, bring
Function: compare types of houses;
suggest ways to make houses safe
for children; renting a house;
expressing sympathy; requesting

2. U2 While 1.1;2.1; Topics: Life events 6h 9-13 oct

there’s life, 2.2;3.1; Vocabulary: facial features; 16-20 oct
there’s 4.3 feelings; stages in life; family 23-27 oct
hope relationship; work
Structure: Past Tenses: used
to/would; Phrasal verbs: carry, come
Function: important things in life;
express opinions on family matters;
memories of early childhood;
breaking the news; describing
people; introducing people
3. Self 1.3;2.2; 2h 30oct-3
assessment 3.1 noi
module I
4. U3 Travel 1.2;1.5; Topics: travel; holidays; festival 6h 6-10 noi
broadens 3.1;3.3; Vocabulary: weather; types of 13-17 noi
the mind 4.1 holidays and holiday equipment; 20-24 noi
holiday resorts; traveller’s tips;
Structure: Future Tenses: Cond.
type0 and 1; the definite article;
phrasal verbs: cut, do
Function: weekend activities;
speculations; holiday experiences;
accepting/refusing invitation;
cancelling a hotel reservation;
renting a vehicle
5. U4 Earth is 1.2;1.4; Topics: environment; energy 6h 27 noi-1
dearer than 2.3;2.4; Vocabulary: plane Earth; dec
gold 3.1 environmental problems; 4-8 dec
conservation; energy crisis; 11-15 dec
preservation of animals and plants
Structure: comparisons; too/enough;
-ing form/ infinitive; phrasal verbs:
fall, get
Function: ways to protect animals
from extinction; suggest solutions;
complaining; offering solutions to
problems; expressing hesitation
6. Sef 1.3;2.3; 2h 18-22 dec
assessment 3.1
module II
7. U5 Early to 1.3;1.5; Topics: health; daily routines 6h 8-12 ian
bed… 2.3;3.1 Vocabulary: health problems; daily 15-19 ian
3.3 routines; stress and relaxation; 22-26 ian
describing feelings; character
Structure: -ing/ed participle; modal
verbs; making deductions; question
tags; phrasal verbs: give, go
Function: ways to relax; speculating;
give advice; loosing your temper;
making an appointment; describing
8. U6 Better 1.2;1.3 Topics: technology; crime 6h 29 ian-2
safe than 1.7;2.1; Vocabulary: technology at home; feb
sorry 2.5;3.1; electrical appliances; types of 12-16 feb
4.3 offence; description of objects 19-23 feb
Structure: order of adjectives; the
passive; relatives; relative clauses;
phrasal verbs: hold, keep
Function: pros and cons of using
computers; effects of modern
technology on our lives; ‘filler’
phrases; reporting a theft; giving

9. Self 2.1;2.3; 2h 26 feb-2

assessment 3.1 mart
module III

10 U7 Penny 2.1;2.3 Topics; shopping; advertising 4h 5-9 mart

wise pound 2.5;3.1; Vocabulary: shops/department 12-16 mar
foolish 4.1 stores; clothes; products; credit
cards shopping complaints; online
Structure: causative form; reported
speech(statements, questions,
orders); Ph. Vbs: let, look
Function: ask for inf; discuss pro/
cons of advertising dress code;
expressing opinions; making
complaints; buying clothes

11 U8 You are 2.1;2.6; Topics: food; healthy eating; eating 4h 19-23 mar
what you eat 3.1;3.2 habits 26-30 mar
4.1 Vocabulary: typed of food; recipes;
kitchen utensils; ways of cooking;
places to eat; dinner’s complaints
quantifiers: some/any/no/(a)little;
countable/ uncountable nouns;
reported speech(special introductory
verbs); phrasal vbs.: make, put

12 Self 2.1;2.6 2h 2-6 apr

assessment 3.1
module IV

13 U9 Every 1.3;2.1 Topics: sports; entertainment 6h 16-20 apr

man to his 2.3;2.5 Vocabulary: types of sports; 23-27 apr
taste 3.1 qualities; places and equipment; 30 apr-4
free-time activities; types of mai
entertainment; the Paralympics
Structure: Conditional types 2 ,3;
wishes; would rather; phrasal vbs.:
run, see, set
Function: give opinions; guess
content; talk about hobbies; asking
for permission/polite request; taking
a phone message; inviting a friend to
a sporting event

14 U10 Spread 1.1;1.2; Topics: the media; disasters 6h 7-11 mai

the news 2.2;3.1; Vocabulary: the news; natural/man- 4-18 mai
3.2;4.1 made disaster; newspapers; TV 21-25 mai
guide; cinema; types of films
Structure: future perfect; linkers and
quantifiers(either/neither, although,
both, all, none); phrasal vbs.: stand,
take, turn

15 Self 3.1;3.3 2h 28 mai-1

assessment iun
module V

16 Drama 2h 4-8 iun

17 Final 2h 11-15 iun
School: CN Ion Minulescu
Teacher: Corina Tudosie
Grade: 4th
Allocated time: 6 ore
Coursebook: Setsail
Unit: 1- One Big Happy Family

Continut Ob. de ref. Activ. de Resurse Evaluare

tematic invat
1. verb ‘have 1.3; 2.2 Read and The extract Discussion,
got’; possessive match than in the book- making notes
adjectives; listen and ex. 1,2/p10; for a
What does he check( in pictures of presentation
look like? groups); famous
listen and people from
write ‘yes’ or magazines;
‘no’ flashcards
2. the verb 2.3;3.3 Read and Ex 5,6/p12, Ss draw a
‘have got’; stick to and 7, 8/p13; picture of a
prepositions of revise/ flashcards of family
place(in, on, present the previous member and
under, behind, prepositions lesson, write a text
next to); Have of place( in posters, slips about him
you got my pairs); listen of paper
hairbrush? No, and number;
it’s next to the read and fill
clock in; spot the
3.Consolidation; 4.1;4.2 Listen and Ex. 9,10/p14 Repeat
What’s your repeat The My chorally and
house number? chorally and things! poster individually
It’s twenty four. individually;
in pairs they
listen and
follow the
lines of the
reading for

Achool: CN ‘Ion Minulescu’

Teacher: Lupascu Mariana
Grade: 10th
Time: 6h
Unit 1: Crossing Barriers
Continut tematic Ob. de refer. Activ. de invat Resurse Evaluare
A multilingual Reading for The text on pg
internet; 1.2;1.5;2.5;3.1 general 8
and specific

Means of 1.3;2.1 Discussing with a Exercise 1 pg

communication; 2.3;2.5 partner about 10
3.1 different means

Fixed phrases and 1.3;2.1 Choosing the Exercise 5 pg

phrasal verbs related 2.3;2.5 correct meaning 9
to communication 3.1 of the phrases

expressing 1.2;1.5;2.5;3.1 Discussing exercise 7 pg 9

preferences, different
comparing/contrasting, questions in pairs
making suggestions
Theatre for deaf’ 1.3;2.1 Reading for Exercises
2.3;2.5 general/specific 1,2,3,4,5 pg
3.1 information 14-15

Articles, determiners; 1.2;1.5;2.5;3.1 Fill Exercises on

too/enough; partitives; in/matching/word pg 16-17
countable/uncountable formation
nouns; exercises;
Finding the
mistakes in a text

School: CN Ion Minulescu
Teacher: Danescu
Grade: 9th (2h/week)
Textbook: Upstream intermediate

Nr. Unitati de Ob. de Continuturi Nr. de Saptama Obs

crt. invatare refer. ore na
1. U1 My 1.2;1.5; Topics: dwellings 6h 18-22 sep
home is my 2.5;3.1; Vocabulary: dwellings and 25-29 sep
castle 3.2 appliances; households chores; 2-6 oct
colours and rooms; home safety
Structure: Present tenses; Adverbs
of frequency; State verbs; Phrasal
verbs: break, bring
Function: compare types of houses;
suggest ways to make houses safe
for children; renting a house;
expressing sympathy; requesting

2. U2 While 1.1;2.1; Topics: Life events 6h 9-13 oct

there’s life, 2.2;3.1; Vocabulary: facial features; 16-20 oct
there’s 4.3 feelings; stages in life; family 23-27 oct
hope relationship; work
Structure: Past Tenses: used
to/would; Phrasal verbs: carry, come
Function: important things in life;
express opinions on family matters;
memories of early childhood;
breaking the news; describing
people; introducing people
3. Self 1.3;2.2; 2h 30oct-3
assessment 3.1 noi
module I
4. U3 Travel 1.2;1.5; Topics: travel; holidays; festival 6h 6-10 noi
broadens 3.1;3.3; Vocabulary: weather; types of 13-17 noi
the mind 4.1 holidays and holiday equipment; 20-24 noi
holiday resorts; traveller’s tips;
Structure: Future Tenses: Cond.
type0 and 1; the definite article;
phrasal verbs: cut, do
Function: weekend activities;
speculations; holiday experiences;
accepting/refusing invitation;
cancelling a hotel reservation;
renting a vehicle
5. U4 Earth is 1.2;1.4; Topics: environment; energy 6h 27 noi-1
dearer than 2.3;2.4; Vocabulary: plane Earth; dec
gold 3.1 environmental problems; 4-8 dec
conservation; energy crisis; 11-15 dec
preservation of animals and plants
Structure: comparisons; too/enough;
-ing form/ infinitive; phrasal verbs:
fall, get
Function: ways to protect animals
from extinction; suggest solutions;
complaining; offering solutions to
problems; expressing hesitation
6. Sef 1.3;2.3; 2h 18-22 dec
assessment 3.1
module II
7. U5 Early to 1.3;1.5; Topics: health; daily routines 6h 8-12 ian
bed… 2.3;3.1 Vocabulary: health problems; daily 15-19 ian
3.3 routines; stress and relaxation; 22-26 ian
describing feelings; character
Structure: -ing/ed participle; modal
verbs; making deductions; question
tags; phrasal verbs: give, go
Function: ways to relax; speculating;
give advice; loosing your temper;
making an appointment; describing
8. U6 Better 1.2;1.3 Topics: technology; crime 6h 29 ian-2
safe than 1.7;2.1; Vocabulary: technology at home; feb
sorry 2.5;3.1; electrical appliances; types of 12-16 feb
4.3 offence; description of objects 19-23 feb
Structure: order of adjectives; the
passive; relatives; relative clauses;
phrasal verbs: hold, keep
Function: pros and cons of using
computers; effects of modern
technology on our lives; ‘filler’
phrases; reporting a theft; giving

9. Self 2.1;2.3; 2h 26 feb-2

assessment 3.1 mart
module III

10 U7 Penny 2.1;2.3 Topics; shopping; advertising 4h 5-9 mart

wise pound 2.5;3.1; Vocabulary: shops/department 12-16 mar
foolish 4.1 stores; clothes; products; credit
cards shopping complaints; online
Structure: causative form; reported
speech(statements, questions,
orders); Ph. Vbs: let, look
Function: ask for inf; discuss pro/
cons of advertising dress code;
expressing opinions; making
complaints; buying clothes

11 U8 You are 2.1;2.6; Topics: food; healthy eating; eating 4h 19-23 mar
what you eat 3.1;3.2 habits 26-30 mar
4.1 Vocabulary: typed of food; recipes;
kitchen utensils; ways of cooking;
places to eat; dinner’s complaints
quantifiers: some/any/no/(a)little;
countable/ uncountable nouns;
reported speech(special introductory
verbs); phrasal vbs.: make, put

12 Self 2.1;2.6 2h 2-6 apr

assessment 3.1
module IV

13 U9 Every 1.3;2.1 Topics: sports; entertainment 6h 16-20 apr

man to his 2.3;2.5 Vocabulary: types of sports; 23-27 apr
taste 3.1 qualities; places and equipment; 30 apr-4
free-time activities; types of mai
entertainment; the Paralympics
Structure: Conditional types 2 ,3;
wishes; would rather; phrasal vbs.:
run, see, set
Function: give opinions; guess
content; talk about hobbies; asking
for permission/polite request; taking
a phone message; inviting a friend to
a sporting event

14 U10 Spread 1.1;1.2; Topics: the media; disasters 6h 7-11 mai

the news 2.2;3.1; Vocabulary: the news; natural/man- 4-18 mai
3.2;4.1 made disaster; newspapers; TV 21-25 mai
guide; cinema; types of films
Structure: future perfect; linkers and
quantifiers(either/neither, although,
both, all, none); phrasal vbs.: stand,
take, turn

15 Self 3.1;3.3 2h 28 mai-1

assessment iun
module V

16 Drama 2h 4-8 iun

17 Final 2h 11-15 iun
Nr Sapt. Obs
1 6h S1,2,

2 6h S4,5,

3 2h S7
Nr Sapt. Obs
1 6h S1,2,

2 6h S4,5,

3 2h S7

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