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Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

Control of the dynamic characteristics of passive magnetic composites

J. Oh, M. Ruzzene, A. Baz*
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

The fundamentals of controlling structural vibration of plates treated with a new class of Passive Magnetic Composites (PMCs) are
studied. The effectiveness of the PMC treatments in enhancing the damping of characteristics of plates is demonstrated theoretically and
The equations governing the magneto-elastic characteristics of plates treated with PMCs are presented. A finite element model is then
developed to describe the static and the dynamic characteristics of the different configurations of the PMCs. The model is validated
experimentally at various operating conditions. The obtained results suggest the potential of the new class of PMCs as an effective and
simple means for controlling structural vibrations. q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Passive magnetic composites

1. Introduction specially arranged network of permanent magnet strips. The

combined visco-elastic layer and magnetic strips make
Passive visco-elastic damping treatments have been PMCs act as a distributed Den Hartog vibration damper
extensively utilized for damping out the vibration of a where multi-dimensional and multi-modal vibrations can
wide variety of flexible structures. These treatments are be damped out. The effectiveness of the PMC treatments
simple to apply and extremely reliable in operation [1]. In in enhancing the damping of the base structure is demon-
the last 10 years, however, there has been a considerable strated both theoretically and experimentally.
interest in augmenting the passive treatments with active In particular, a finite element model is developed to
components such as piezo-electric materials. Examples of describe the dynamic behavior of magnetic strips embedded
the resulting hybrid treatment include the Active in a visco-elastic matrix. The model is used to predict the
Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) [1,2], the Active stiffness and mass matrices of the permanent magnetic
Piezoelectic-Damping Composites (APDC) [3,4] and the composites as functions of the magnetic properties of the
Active Compressional Constrained Layer Damping strips and of the complex modulus of the visco-elastic layer.
(ACCLD) treatments [5]. Although the ACLD, APDC and These matrices account for the coupling between the perma-
ACCLD concepts have all proved to be effective in damping nent magnets, the visco-elastic material and the base elastic
out structural vibrations, they require amplifiers and control structure. Such coupling is determined for different config-
circuits to manipulate the signals to the piezo-sensors, urations of the magnetic strips, i.e. the magnetic strips being
piezo-actuators and electromagnetic actuators. arranged in repulsion and attraction. The analysis is guided
In order to eliminate the need for the piezo films, the by the theory of magneto-elasticity developed by Moon [9]
associated circuitry and any sort of external energy, the and Miya et al. [10,11] for untreated and undamped base
concept of the Magnetic Constrained Layer Damping structures.
(MCLD) is introduced [6–8]. The predictions of the finite element model are validated
In this paper, another class of Passive Magnetic Compo- by comparing the predicted dynamic characteristics, such as
site (PMC) treatments is presented where damping charac- natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal loss factors,
teristics are enhanced without sensors, actuators, associated with those obtained experimentally.
circuitry as well as any external energy sources. The performance of plate/PMC systems is also compared
In the PMC treatments, the compression and shear damp- with the performance of plates which are passively treated
ing of the visco-elastic layers is passively controlled by a with visco-elastic layers constrained with non-magnetic
strips of similar mass and elastic properties as those used
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-301-405-5216; fax: 11-301-405-8331. in the PMCs. Such comparison is essential to establish the
E-mail address: (A. Baz) merits of this new treatment and to quantify the effect of the
1359-8368/99/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1359-836 8(99)00036-0
740 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

Fig. 1. Concept of PMC treatments of a plate.

interactions between the magnetic strips on the performance constraining layers by a properly arranged network of
of the PMCs. magnetic constraining layers.
This paper is organized into five sections and one appen- Two possible arrangements of the magnetic constraining
dix. In Section 1, a brief introduction is given. The concept layers are considered where the interlayer interaction is
of PMCs is presented in Section 2. In Section 3, the finite generated by either the repulsion or attraction of these
element formulation used to model the coupling between layers.
the structure dynamics and the magnetic forces is presented.
The experimental performance of the plane/PMCs is
presented in Section 4 together with the comparisons with 3. Finite element modeling of passive magnetic
the theoretical predictions. In Section 5, the conclusions of composites treatment for plates
the present study and recommendations for future work are
given. A theory for a four-layer laminated plate treated with
PMCs is developed in this section. The first and third layers
are magnetized strips, the second layer is a visco-elastic
2. Concept of passive magnetic composite treatment layer while the fourth is the base as shown in Fig. 2.
It is assumed that the thickness of the base structure is
The concept of PMCs can be best understood by consid- very small compared to that of the two magnetic layers and
ering its simplified representation shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. of the visco-elastic layer. The visco-elastic layer is assumed
1(a), the undeflected configuration of the plate/PMC system to experience bending, compression and shear strains. A
is presented. This structure can be viewed as a simple Den finite element model is developed here to describe the inter-
Hartog absorber, consisting of mass, spring and viscous action between the visco-elastic layer, the base plate and the
damper mounted to the base structure, as shown in Fig. magnetized layers.
1(b). The PMC treatment is a sandwich damping system,
where the damping is obtained from the combined compres- 3.1. Basic assumptions
sion and shear deformation of the visco-elastic layer.
Increasing these deformations is essential to enhancing the In Fig. 2, The magnetic layer 2 and the base plate are
energy dissipation characteristics of the damping treatment. considered to be perfectly bonded together so that they can
Such an increase is achieved by replacing the conventional be reduced to a single equivalent layer. Accordingly, the

Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of the PMC treatments of a plate.

J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 741

Fig. 3. Operating principles of the PMC treatments with plate.

original four-layer sandwiched plate reduces to an equiva- the base plate/magnetic layer to the interface with the visco-
lent three-layer plate. In addition, it is assumed that the elastic layer.
shear strains in the constraining layers and in the base The longitudinal displacements u2 and v2 of the visco-
plate and the longitudinal stresses in the visco-elastic elastic core can be expressed as:
layer are negligible. The magnetized layers and the base    
1 h w1;x 1 w3;x
plate are assumed to be elastic while the constrained layer u2 ˆ u1 1 u3 1 1 2 D ; …4†
2 2 2
is assumed to be perfectly visco-elastic. Further the trans-
verse displacement of the constraining layer 1 and of the and
base plate are assumed to be different so that the effect of the    
1 h w1;y 1 w3;y
compression of the visco-elastic layer may be considered. In v2 ˆ v1 1 v3 1 1 2 D : …5†
2 2 2
addition, both the transverse and longitudinal displacements
in the visco-elastic core have been assumed to vary linearly
across the thickness. 3.3. Equations of motion of the plate/PMC system

The Finite Element model describing the behavior of

3.2. Kinematic relationships plate/PMC system is developed using Hamilton’s Principle
From the geometry presented in Fig. 3 along with the
concept of the PMCs, the shear strains gx ; gy in x and y Zt2
d…T 2 U 1 Wm † dt ˆ 0 …6†
directions in the visco-elastic core due to the presence of t1
the constraining layers can be expressed as follows:
where T and U denote the total kinetic and strain energies of
1 d the structure and Wm is the work done by non conservative
gx ˆ u 2 u3 1 …w1x 1 w3x † ; …1†
h2 1 2 external forces, i.e. the magnetic forces. The expressions for
the strain energies U and the kinetic energies T associated
and with the various layers of the plate/PMC system are
  presented in Appendix A.
1 d
gy ˆ v1 2 v3 1 …w1y 1 w3y † : …2†
h2 2 3.4. Effects of the magnetic forces on the plate/PMC system
where u1 and v1 are, respectively, the longitudinal displace-
The procedure for the calculation of the magnetic forces
ments of the magnetic layer 1 along the x and y directions
presented by Coulomb and Meunier [13] is applied to the
and u3 and v3 are the corresponding displacements of the
determination of the interaction between the two magnetic
base structure. Also, h2 denotes the thickness of the visco-
constraining layers. These forces have components along
elastic layer while the slope of the deflection line of the
the x, y directions and an out-of-plane component along
visco-elastic core has been expressed as the average of the
the transverse direction z.
slopes w1;x w3;x and w1;y w3;y : The subscripts x, y in Eqs. (1)
The magnetic forces are in general nonlinear functions of
and (2) denote partial differentiation with respect to x and y.
the distance between the interacting magnets [14,15]. The
The parameter d in Eqs. (1) and (2) is given by:
components of the magnetic force along the x and y direc-
d ˆ h2 1 1
h1 1 D …3† tions will stretch the magnetic layers in the longitudinal
direction, but will not cause any changes in the transverse
where D represents the distance from the neutral plane of spacing between the magnetic layers.
742 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

Fig. 4. Finite element model of the plate with PMC treatments.

The magnetic force in the z direction results in a relative 3.5. Degrees of freedom and shape functions
displacement of the constraining layers along z, therefore
changing the spacing between the interacting magnets and Fig. 4 shows a schematic drawing of the plate/PMC
influencing the magnetic properties of the region. Since system discretized into N finite elements. The elements
these displacements are reasonably small, the magnetic considered here are two-dimensional quadrilateral elements
forces can be linearized around the initial thickness of the that are bounded by four nodal points. Each node has 10
visco-elastic core using the following approximation: degrees of freedom to describe the longitudinal displace-
ments u1 v1, the vertical deflection w1 and the slopes w1;x ;
2Fm0 w1;y of the constraining layer 1 and the longitudinal displa-
Fm ˆ Fm0 1 …w 2 w3 † …7†
2…w1 2 w3 † 1 cement u3 and v3, the transverse displacement w3 and the
slopes w3;x ; w3;y of the base plate/magnetic layer. The spatial
where Fm denotes the total magnetic force and Fm0 is the distributions of the longitudinal displacements are assumed
static term corresponding to the initial distance between the to be given by:
constraining magnetized layers.
The magnetic forces, calculated using the virtual work u1 ˆ a1 1 a2 x 1 a3 y 1 a4 xy;
method, is obtained as the derivative of the magnetic
v1 ˆ a5 1 a6 x 1 a7 y 1 a8 xy; …10†
energy with respect to the displacement of the movable
part immersed in the magnetic field [13]. In the PMC u3 ˆ a9 1 a10 x 1 a11 y 1 a12 xy;
treatment, only the relative vertical displacement …w1 2
w3 † of the magnetized layers gives a relevant contribu- and
tion and therefore only the component of Fm along the
z direction performs work. Therefore, the work done v3 ˆ a13 1 a14 x 1 a15 y 1 a16 xy:
by the magnetic forces in the PMC treatment can be
expressed as follows: while those for the transverse deflections are:

Za Zb F w1 ˆ a17 1 a18 x 1 a19 y 1 a20 x2 1 a21 xy 1 a22 y2

Wm ˆ …w1 2 w3 † dx dy …8†
0 0 i bi
1a23 x3 1 a24 x2 y 1 a25 xy2 1 a26 y3 1 a27 x3 y 1 a28 xy3 ;
where F mz denotes the z components of the magnetic force
expressed in Eq. (7). Also, a and b denote the dimensions of
the sides of the PMC treatment as shown in Fig. (4). w3 ˆ a29 1 a30 x 1 a31 y 1 a32 x2 1 a33 xy 1 a34 y2 1 a35 x3
Considering only the z component in Eq. (7), Eq. (8) can
be rewritten as follows: 1 a36 x2 y 1 a37 xy2 1 a38 y3 1 a39 x3 y 1 a40 xy3 ;
1 Za Zb where the constants {a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; …; a40 } ˆ {a} are deter-
Wm ˆ Fm0z …w1 2 w3 † dx dy mined in terms of the 40 components of the nodal deflection
a i bi 0 0
vector {d…e† } for the i-th element bounded by the nodes 1–4,
# as shown in Fig. 4. The deflection vector {d…e† } is given by:
Za Zb 2Fm0z
1 …w 2 w3 †2 dx dy …9†
0 0 2…w1 2 w3 † 1 {d…e† } ˆ {d…1† ; d…2† ; d…3† ; d…4† }T …11†
J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 743

Fig. 5. Configuration of the magnets in PMC treatments: (a) attraction, (b) repulsion.

where: displacements:

{d…j† } ˆ {u…j† …j† …j† …j† …j† …j† …j† …j† …j† …j†
1 ; v1 ; w1 ; u3 ; v3 ; w3 ; w1;x ; w3;x ; w1;y ; w3;y }
{d…e† } ˆ T{a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; …; a40 }T …14†
where T is a transformation matrix obtained imposing the
for …j† ˆ 1; 2…; 4
value of the shape functions at the boundaries of the
The deflection vector {d}; at any location …x; y† inside the ith element. The deflection at any location of the element can
element can be expressed as a function of the nodal displa- therefore be expressed as a function of the nodal displace-
cements: ments using N and T matrices:

{d} ˆ {u1 ; v1 ; w1 ; u3 ; v3 ; w3 ; w1;x ; w1;y ; w3;x ; w3;y ; } {d} ˆ NT21 {d…e† } …15†
where N is:
ˆ ‰{N1 }; {N2 }; {N3 }; {N4 }; {N5 }; {N6 }; {N7 }; {N8 }; {N9 };
N ˆ ‰{N1 }; {N2 }; {N3 }; {N4 }; {N5 }; {N6 }; {N7 }; {N8 };
{N10 }Š {a} …12†
{N9 }; {N10 }; ŠT …16†
where {N1 }; {N2 }; …; {N10 } are the spatial interpolating
vectors corresponding to u1 ; v1 ; w1 ; u3 ; v3 ; w3 ; w1;x ; w1;y ; w3;x 3.6. Equation of motion
and w3;y ; respectively. In particular:
2{N3 } 2{N6 } 2{N3 } The dynamics of the plate/PMC element is described by
{N7 } ˆ ; {N8 } ˆ ; {N9 } ˆ the following equation of motion:
2x 2x 2y
M…e† {d }T 1 …K…e† 2 K…e† …e† …e† …e†
m †{d } ˆ Fm0z {b } …17†
2{N6 }
and {N10 } ˆ ; …13†
2y where M (e) and K (e) denote the element mass and stiffness
matrices, whose derivation is described in Appendix A.
In Eq. (11), {d…e† } is the nodal deflection vector. Each Also, Km(e) is the additional matrix derived from the dynamic
constant ai can be expressed in terms of the nodal term of the magnetic forces given in Appendix A, Fm0z is the

Fig. 6. Layout of the PMCs.

744 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

Table 2
Material properties and thickness of layers

Layer Thickness (m) Young’s modulus (Pa) Density (kg/m 3)

Aluminum 5:08 × 1024 7.1E10 2700

Visco-elastic 1:524 × 1023 0.5E6 a 150
Magnet 1:52 × 1023 0.6E9 3543

4. Performance of passive magnetic composites

In this section, the experimental performance of PMCs is

determined and compared with the theoretical predictions as
obtained from the finite element model described in Section
3. Comparisons with Passive Nonmagnetic Composite
(PNMC) treatment are also presented to emphasize the
merits of the PMCs as an effective means for dissipating
the vibrational energy of plates. The performance of the
PMCs is studied considering the magnetic strips in attrac-
tion and repulsion. For each treatment, the magnetic strips
Fig. 7. Photograph of dynamic measurements set-up. are magnetized across the thickness and arrangements of the
magnetic poles are zigzagged as shown in Fig. 5.
Experimental plates are treated with PMC treatment, and
static magnetic force on the element and {b (e)} is a vector
their performances are monitored under various types of
defining the degrees of freedom on which the magnetic
external random noise excitations to evaluate the effective-
forces are acting. These forces are added to the equation
ness of the PMCs in attenuating the structural vibrations.
of motion for the sake of completion, but, since they are
The modal properties and amplitudes of vibrations for the
static forces, their presence does not affect the dynamical
treated plates are measured and compared with the corre-
behavior of the plate.
sponding characteristics of plates treated with PNMC.
The overall mass and stiffness matrices M and K can be
obtained by assembling the matrices of the individual
elements. Applying the proper boundary conditions yields
the overall equations of motion of the entire plate. Table 3
Magnetic properties of the different layers

Table 1 Layer Relative permeability (N/A 2) Coercive force (A/m)

Main geometrical properties of the PMC treatment
Aluminum 1
Length L (m) Width W (m) Thickness T (m) Visco-elastic 1
Magnetic 1.1579 151 197.5
0.165 0.127 0.457 Vacuum air 4p × 1027

Fig. 8. Experimental set-up for dynamic measurements.

J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 745

The visco-elastic damping layer sheet (Neoprene Poto-

mac Rubber Inc., Upper Marlboro, MD) is constrained by
two layers of magnetic strips (Master Magnetics, Inc. Castle
Rock, CO). The mechanical properties and geometrical
parameters of the different layers are given in Tables 2
and 3. The elastic modulus of the visco-elastic material is
represented by a complex number:E ˆ E 0 …1 1 ih† where:
E 0 is the p  modulus, h is the loss factor of the material
and i ˆ 21: Note that the storage modulus, E 0 , and the
loss factor, h , of the visco-elastic layer are temperature and
frequency dependent [16].

4.2. Experimental set-up

The experimental set-up used for monitoring the

dynamics of the PMC/plate system is shown in Figs. 7
and 8. The test plate is acoustically excited by a speaker
driven by the signal source of a FFT analyzer (Model
CF910, ONO Sokki) through a Hi/Lo filter (Model 432,
WaveTek) and a power Amplifier (Model 6260, JBL. Urel
Electronic Co.).
The amplitude of vibration of the plate near the lower left
corner of the treatment is monitored by an Accelerometer
(Model 303A03, PCB Piezotronics Company). The output
signal of the accelerometer is sampled by the FFT analyzer
(Model CF910, ONO Sokki) to determine the amplitude and
frequency content of the vibrations. The accelerometer has
an accuracy of 0.1 mm over a frequency band between 0–
10 000 Hz.

4.3. Experimental results

4.3.1. Results of dynamic tests

The performance of the PMCs is studied with the
magnetic strips arranged both in attraction and in repulsion.
The test plates are subjected to random excitation. The
experimental results are presented for different excitation
levels (excitation input voltages 2, 1 and 0.5 V). The ampli-
tude of vibrations of the plate is measured using excitations
by an acoustic speaker. In this section, a comparison
between the amplitudes of vibration of plates with PNMC
Fig. 9. Effect of PMCs with random excitation using accelerometer excita-
tion voltage: (a) 2 V; (b) 1 V; (c) 0.5 V.
and PMC treatment is presented. A detailed quantitative
analysis of the experimental results is given in Tables 4
and 5. The comparison between the natural frequencies,
4.1. Material properties loss factors and attenuations for the PNMC and PMCs
at room temperature (258C) is shown in Tables 4–9. It
The layout of the proposed PMCs treatment is shown in is evident that the PMC treatment is very effective in
Fig. 6. The magnetic strips are bonded to the visco-elastic attenuating the structural vibration of the plate over the
layer using Neoprene Adhesive F-1 (Carboline Co. St. considered frequency range. Fig. 9 shows the effect of vary-
Louis, Missouri 63144). The three-layer magnetic compo- ing the excitation voltages on the amplitude of vibrations
site is then bonded to a vibrating base plate (Alloy 3003 when random noise excitation is used. Note that the PMCs
Aluminum Sheet) to act as a smart damping treatment are capable of attenuating the plate vibration even for low
with built-in actuation capabilities. The main geometrical excitation amplitudes. In addition, it can be highlighted that
dimensions of the PMC treatment used for the test is listed the magnetic strips in attraction are more effective than
in Table 1. those in repulsion as shown in Tables 4–7.
746 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

Table 4
Natural frequency and amplitude attenuation of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 2 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%)

1 31.5 0.01148 27 0.00309 73.08 28.5 0.00684 40.42

2 62.0 0.06383 56.6 0.01950 69.45 51.5 0.01135 83.42
3 67.5 0.018441 63 0.01109 39.76 58 0.01567 14.88

Table 5
Natural frequency and amplitude attenuation of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 1 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%)

1 31.5 0.00575 27 0.00188 67.30 28.5 0.00351 38.96

2 62.0 0.03199 56 0.01012 68.37 51.5 0.00569 82.21
3 67.5 0.00933 63.5 0.00501 46.30 58 0.00841 9.86

Table 6
Natural frequency and amplitude attenuation of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 0.5 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%) Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (g) Attenuation (%)

1 31.5 0.00263 27 0.00188 58.94 28 0.00168 36.12

2 62.0 0.01585 56 0.00501 68.39 51.5 0.00295 81.39
3 67.5 0.00452 63 0.00282 37.61 58 0.00422 6.64

Table 7
Loss frequency of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 2 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h )

1 0.0346 0.0898 0.0462

2 0.0255 0.0531 0.0619
3 0.0343 0.0423 0.0492

Table 8
Loss frequency of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 1 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h )

1 0.0334 0.0577 0.0504

2 0.0260 0.0475 0.0638
3 0.0348 0.0669 0.0429

Table 9
Loss frequency of the first three modes (random excitation–excitation voltage 0.5 V)

Mode Nonmagnetic (PNMC) Magnetic attraction (PMCs) Magnetic repulsion (PMCs)

Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h ) Loss factor (h )

1 0.0387 0.0745 0.0561

2 0.0293 0.0466 0.0557
3 0.0408 0.0534 0.0433
J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 747

Fig. 10. PMC treatments in repulsion: (a) comparison between experimental and theoretical natural frequencies; and (b) loss factors.

4.4. Comparison between theoretical and experimental of integrated arrays of visco-elastic damping layers that
results are completely controlled passively by a network of
permanent magnets, have been studied. The damping char-
The theoretical modal parameters predicted by the finite ecteristics of the treatment have been evaluated both for
element model, for the PMCs are verified against experi- magnets in attraction and repulsion. The proposed PMC
mental results. A comparison between the experimental and treatments allow for eliminating the need for the sensors,
theoretical natural frequencies and loss factors is presented actuators, associated circuitry as well as any external energy
in Figs. 10 and 11. The figures clearly indicate the good sources.
agreement between theoretical predictions and the experi- A finite element model has been developed to describe
mental results. the dynamic characteristics of magnetic composites. The
The theoretical predictions presented in this study are accuracy and efficiency of the developed finite element
obtained using a finite element mesh consisting of 1248 model are tested by considering several examples of the
elements (48 in x direction and 26 in y direction) with ai ˆ PMC treatment plates. Excellent agreement is obtained
0:25 in: and bi ˆ 0:46 in: between the predictions of the finite element and the experi-
mental results. The performance of the PMC treatments for
plates indicate that magnets in the attraction configurations
5. Conclusions are much more effective in reducing the vibration than the
magnets in repulsion.
In this paper a new class of control of Passive Several issues need further investigations such as
Magnetic Composite (PMCs) treatments has been intro- optimization of the PMC treatment; different boundary
duced. The fundamentals of controlling the dynamic conditions and different operating temperatures should
characteristics of plates with this treatment, consisting be taken into consideration as well as the effect of the

Fig. 11. PMC treatments in attraction: (a) comparison between experimental and theoretical natural frequencies; and (b) loss factors.
748 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

different parameters and stacking sequence of the A.1.2. Extension of the base plate/magnetic layer 3
permanent magnets. Investigation of the effect of
coupling the plate/PMC systems with acoustic cavities " !2 ! !
is also a natural extension of the present study. More- Ep D Za Zb 2u3 2u3 2v3
U2 ˆ 12n3
over, the analytical solutions and finite element analy- 2…1 2 n23 † 0 0 2x 2x 2y
sis of partially or fully treated more general and !2 !2 #
complicated structures, such as cylindrical shells, are 2v3 1 2 n3 2v3 2u
1 1 1 3 dx dy
needed. 2y 2 2x 2y
Acknowledgements where E and D are Young’s modulus and thickness of the
plate/magnetic layer, respectively. Note that Ep ˆ …E3 h3 1
This research has been funded by a grant from Army E1 h1 †=D; E3 and h3 being the Young’s modulus and thick-
Research office #DAAG55-97-1-0144. Special thanks are ness of the base plate and n 3 is the Poission’s ratio. Introdu-
due to Dr Gary Anderson for his invaluable technical cing the shape functions and considering Eq. (A3), U2 can
inputs. be expressed as:
Ep D Za Zb
…e† T 21T
U2 ˆ {d } T ‰{N3;x }T {N3;x }
2…1 2 n23 † 0 0
Appendix A. Energies of passive magnetic composites
1 2n3 {N3;x }T {N3;y } 1 {N2;y }T {N2;y }
In this appendix, the explicit expressions for the terms
appearing in Eq. (6) are presented. 1 2 n1
1 {N11 }T {N11 }Š dx dy T 21 {d…e† }
A.1. Strain energy 1 {N4;y }T {N4;y }
A.1.1. Extension of the magnetized constraining layer 1 1 2 n3
1 {N12 } {N12 } dx dyT 21 {d…e† }
" !2 ! !
E1 h1 Za Zb 2u1 2u1 2v1 where {N12} is:
U1 ˆ 12n1
2…1 2 n21 † 0 0 2x 2x 2y
{N12 } ˆ {N3;y } 1 {N4;x }
!2 !2 #
2v1 1 2 n1 2v1 2u
1 1 1 1 dx dy A.1.3. Extension of the visco-elastic layer
2y 2 2x 2y
…A1† " !2 ! !
E2 h2 Za Zb 2u3 2u2 2v2
U3 ˆ 12n2
where E1 and h1 are Young’s modulus and thickness of the 2…1 2 n22 † 0 0 2x 2x 2y
constraining layer 1 and the constant n 1 is the Poisson’s
!2 !2 #
ratio. The parameters a and b are the geometrical dimen- 2v2 1 2 n2 2v2 2u
sions of the plate, in x and y directions, respectively. Intro- 1 1 1 2 dx dy
2y 2 2x 2y
ducing the shape functions given in Eq. (15) and considering
Eq. (A1), U1 can be expressed as: …A5†
" where E2 and h2 are Young’s modulus and thickness of the
E 1 h1 Za Zb
U1 ˆ …e† T 21T
{d } T {N1;x }T {N1;x } visco-elastic layer and n 2 is the Poisson’s ratio. Introducing
2…1 2 n21 † 0 0 the shape functions and considering Eq. (A5), U3 can be
expressed as:
1 2n1 {N1;x }T {N2;y } 1 {N2;y }T {N2;y } "
E 2 h2 Za Zb
…e† T 21T
U3 ˆ {d } T {N13;x }T {N13;x }
# 2…1 2 n22 † 0 0
1 2 n1
1 {N11 } {N11 } dx dyT 21 {d…e† }
1 2n2 {N13;x }T {N14;y } 1 {N14;y }T {N14;y }
where {N11 } is: #
1 2 n2
1 {N15 } {N15 } dx dyT 21 {d…e† }
{N11 } ˆ {N1;y } 1 {N2;x } 2
J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 749

where {N13} represents an interpolating vector obtained the linear behavior of the visco-elastic layer being charac-
considering Eq. (4) and {N14} is corresponding to Eq. (5), terized by the complex modulus Ep ˆ Ep0 …1 1 hc i† with hc
while {N15} is expressed as: and i denoting the elastic loss factor and 21; respectively.
{N15 } ˆ {N13;y } 1 {N14;x } Introducing the shape functions and considering Eq. (A11),
U6 can be expressed as:
E 02 h32 Za Zb
A.1.4. Bending of the magnetized constraining layer 1 U6 ˆ {d…e† }T T 21
‰{N16;xx }T {N16;xx }
" 2 !2 ! 2 ! 24…1 2 n2 †2
0 0
E1 h31 Za Zb 2 w1 22 w1 2 w1
U4 ˆ 12n1 1 2n2 {N16;xx }T {N16;yy } 1 {N16;yy }T {N16;yy } 1 2…1
24…1 2 n21 † 0 0 22 x 2x2 2y2

!2 !2 # 2 n3 †{N16;xy }T {N16;xy }Š dx dyT 21 {d…e† } …A12†

2 w1
2 w1 2
1 12…1 2 n1 † dx dy …A7† where {N16} is:
2y2 2x2y "
where w1 is the vertical deflection of the constraining layer. {N16;xy } ˆ {N1;x } 1 {N2;y } 2 {N4;x } 2 {N5;y }
Introducing the shape functions and considering Eq. (A7),
! !#
U4 can be expressed as: h1 {N3;xy } 1 {N6;xy }
E1 h31 Za Zb 12 1D
U4 ˆ {d …e† T 21T
} T ‰{N3;xx }T {N3;xx } 2 2
24…1 2 n21 † 0 0
the subscripts x and y denoting partial differentiation with
1 2n2 {N3;xx }T {N3;yy } 1 {N3;yy }T {N3;yy } 1 2…1 respect to x or y.

2 n2 †{N3;xy }T {N3;xy }Š dx dyT 21 {d…e† } …A8† A.1.7. Shear of the visco-elastic layer

A.1.5. Bending of the base plate/magnetic layer 3 G2 h2 Z a Z b 2 2

U7 ˆ …gx gx † dx dy …A13†
2 0 0
" !2 !
E3 h33 1 E1 h31 Za Zb 22 w3 22 w3 where G2 is the storage shear modulus of the visco-elastic
U5 ˆ 12n3
24…1 2 n23 † 0 0 22 x 2x2 layer, the linear behavior of the visco-elastic layer being
characterized by the complex shear modulus Gp ˆ G…1 1
! !2 !2 # hg i†: The quantities gx and gy are the shear strains given in
22 w3 22 w1 22 w1 Eqs. (1) and (2). Introducing the shape functions and consid-
 1 12…1 2 n1 † dx dy
2y2 2y2 2x2y ering Eq. (A13), U7 can be expressed as:
…A9† Gh Za Zb
U7 ˆ 2 2 {d…e† }T T 21

where w3 is vertical deflection of the plate/magnetic layer. ‰{N17 }T {N17 }

2 0 0
Introducing the shape functions and considering Eq. (A9),
U5 can be expressed as: 1 {N18 }T {N18 }Š dx dy T 21 {d…e† } …A14†
E h3 1 E1 h31 …e† T 21T Za Zb
U5 ˆ 3 3 {d } T ‰{N6;xx }T {N6;xx } where {N17} and {N18} are interpolating vectors, as
24…1 2 n23 † 0 0 given by Eqs. (1) and (2). It can be written as:
1 2n3 {N6;xx }T {N6;yy } 1 {N6;yy }T {N6;yy } 1 2…1 {N17 } ˆ
1 d
{N1 } 2 {N4 } 1 …{N3;x } 2 {N6;x }†
h2 2
2 n3 †{N6;xy }T {N6;xy }Š dx dyT 21 {d…e† } …A10†   …A15†
1 d
{N18 } ˆ {N2 } 2 {N5 } 1 …{N3;y } 2 {N6;y }†
h2 2
A.1.6. Bending of the visco-elastic layer
" !2 ! ! A.1.8. Compression of the visco-elastic layer
E 02 h32 Za Zb 22 w2 2 2 w2 22 w2
U6 ˆ 12n2
24…1 2 n2 † 0 0
2 22 x 2x3 2y2 E 02 Za Zb
!2 !2 # U8 ˆ …w 2 w3 †2 dx dy …A16†
2h2 0 0 1
22 w2 22 w2
1 12…1 2 n2 † dx dy …A11†
2y2 2x2y The compression and the shear of the visco-elastic layer
determine the dissipation effects in the structure. Introdu-
where E2 0 is the storage modulus of the visco-elastic layer, cing the shape functions and considering Eq. (A16), U8 can
750 J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751

be expressed as: A.2.4. Bending of the base plate/magnetic layer

E 02 Za Zb
{d…e† }T T 21 ‰{N19 }T {N19 } dx dy T 21 {d…e† }Š
U8 ˆ
2h2 0 0 …r1 h1 1 r3 h3 †
…A17† T4 ˆ
where {N19} is a vector obtained by considering the Za Zb
 {d_ …e† }T T 21 ‰{N6 }T {N6 }Š dx dyT 21 {d_ …e† }
difference between the transverse displacements of the
constraining layer 1 and the base plate/magnetic layer. It 0 0

can be expressed as: …A23†

{N19 } ˆ {N3 } 2 {N6 }
The total strain energy U (e) associated with extension,
bending, shear and compression of the plate with PMCs A.2.5. Extension of the visco-elastic layer
treatment is:
1 …e† T …e† …e† r2 h2 _ …e† T 21T Za Zb
U …e† ˆ Ui…e† ˆ {d } K {d } …A18† T5 ˆ {d } T ‰{N13 }T {N13 }
2 2 0 0
where K is the element stiffness matrix. 1 {N14 }T {N14 }Š dx dy T 21 {d_ …e† } …A24†

A.2. Kinetic energy where r 2 is the density of the visco-elastic layer. From Eqs.
(4) and (5), {N13} and {N14} are interpolating vectors
The kinetic energy, Ti ; for the i-th layer of the plate with
expressed by:
PMC treatment is given by:
r h Za Zb 2 1 h {N3;x } 1 {N6;x }
Ti ˆ i i …wi;t 1 u2i;t 1 v2i;t † dx dy …A19† {N13 } ˆ {N1 } 2 {N4 } 1 1 2 D ;
2 0 0 2 2 2
where ri is the density of each layer and the subscript t
denotes partial differentiation with respect to time. In Eq. and
(A19), the rotary inertias are neglected in all layers.    
From Eq. (A19), the kinetic energies of the each layer can 1 h {N3;y } 1 {N6;y }
{N14 } ˆ {N2 } 2 {N5 } 1 1 2 D :
be expressed in Finite Element formulation as follows. 2 2 2

A.2.1. Extension of the constraining layer 1

r1 h1 _ …e† T 21T Za Zb
A.2.6. Bending of the visco-elastic layer
T1 ˆ {d } T ‰{N1 }T {N1 }
2 0 0

r2 h2 _ …e† T 21T Za Zb
1 {N2 }T {N2 }Š dx dyT 21 {d_ …e† } …A20† T6 ˆ {d } T ‰{N20 }T {N20 }Š dx dyT 21 {d_ …e† }
2 0 0
where r 1 is the density of the constraining layer 1. The …A25†
superscript dot denotes differentiation with respect to time.
where {N20} is an interpolating vector written as:
A.2.2. Bending of the constructing layer 1
{N20 } ˆ 1
2 ‰{N3 } 1 {N6 }Š
r1 h1 _ …e† T 21 Za Zb
‰{N3 }T {N3 }Š dx dy T 21 {d_ …e† }
T2 ˆ {d } T Hence, The total kinetic energy T (e) of the element is
2 0 0
given by:
1 _ …e† T …e† _ …e†
T …e† ˆ Ti ˆ {d } M {d }
A.2.3. Extension of the base plate/magnetic layer iˆ1

…r h 1 r3 h3 † _ …e† T 21T Za Zb where M (e) is the element mass matrix.

T3 ˆ 1 1 {d } T ‰{N4 }T {N4 }
2 0 0

1 {N5 }T {N5 }Š dx dy T 21 {d_ …e† } …A22† A.3. Work done by the magnetic forces

where r 3 is the density of the base plate. From Eq. (9), and introducing the shape function can be
J. Oh et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 739–751 751

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