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Unit 2 test

Listening Language focus

1 Listen
1.03 to a talk about the environment. Then 4 Choose the correct words. (12 marks)
write true or false. Correct the false sentences.
(10 marks) 1 Have you got any / some / much books?
2 Do you drink many / a few / a lot of water?
1 There aren’t many people in the audience.
____________________________________________ 3 There’s a few / many / a bit of cheese.
2 The speaker puts words on a board. 4 How many / any / much milk is there?
____________________________________________ 5 There isn’t any / some / one or two salad.
3 The speaker watched a film in New York on 6 I bought much / one or two / a bit of presents.
14th May 2006.
____________________________________________ 5 Write the relative pronouns. (4 marks)
4 Dave doesn’t wear new clothes. We use this relative pronoun when we talk about:
places: where
5 The speaker doesn’t eat many kiwis.
____________________________________________ 1 people: __ __ __ 2 things: __ __ __ __ __

6 Complete the sentences. Use a relative pronoun

Vocabulary and a phrase from the box. (10 marks)
gives you homework you throw away
2 Complete the collocations. You don’t need one comes from New Zealand is never late
of the words. (10 marks) we met you can buy bread
bag bar can carton jar packet tube
Jill is a person who is never late.
a bag of apples 1 Rubbish is something ________________________.
1 a ______________ of toothpaste 2 The baker’s is a shop _________________________
2 a ______________ of crisps ______________________.
3 a ______________ of milk 3 The kiwi is a fruit ____________________________.
4 a ______________ of coffee 4 This is the place ____________________________.
5 a ______________ of chocolate 5 The teacher is someone ______________________
3 Write the verbs for the definitions. (10 marks)

1 put something under the ground: 7 Complete the sentences with too, too much,
too many or enough. (14 marks)
b__ __ __
2 stop something bad happening to someone or 1 The exam was _________________ difficult.

something: s__ __ __ 2 There were _________________ people at the

3 make something new from something you throw concert. We couldn’t move.

away: r__ __ __ __ __ __ 3 You didn’t give me _________________ money. I

4 cause a lot of damage to something: need €5 more.

d__ __ __ __ __ __ 4 They looked _________________ tired to run.

5 make the environment dirty or unhealthy: 5 I ate _________________ food yesterday. Then I

p__ __ __ __ __ __ had a stomach ache.

6 We didn’t wear _________________ clothes, so
we were cold!
7 He isn’t tall _________________.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Grammar _______ / 50
Reading _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 2 test
Reading d Introduction ___
e Cleaning up your area ___
8 Read the text below. Then complete the f Using less electricity at home ___
summary. Write one or two words in each gap.
g Environmentally-friendly travel ___
(4 marks)
This text is about different ways to help
(1) ____________ (what?) which (2) ____________
(who?) can do. It includes (3) _____________ 10 Complete the dialogue. You don’t need one of
the verbs. (10 marks)
(how many?) main suggestions. The writer thinks
that we need to start doing these things appreciate could help mind shall want
(4) _____________ (when?).
A I’m looking forward to the party, Marta. Do
A GUIDE TO SAVING THE want me to (1) ___________ you with anything?
ENVIRONMENT B I’d really (2) ____________ it if you don’t mind.
(1) ________________________________________ A (3) ____________ I bring some food?
We all want to reduce our impact on the environment. What can we B Do you (4) _____________?
do to make a difference? Here are some ideas which everyone can A No, that’s fine. If you (5) ____________, I can
bring some drinks, too.
(2) ________________________________________
● Cars, motorcycles and planes all cause a lot of pollution. Try to
walk or cycle. If your journey is longer, use public transport, Writing
such as buses or trains.
11 Write so or because. (5 marks)
(3) ________________________________________
1 I’m tired ___________ I didn’t sleep last night.
● We throw away a lot of items which we can use again. Did you
know that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a 2 It’s cold, ___________ wear a coat.
television for three hours? 3 We’re worried ___________ she’s very late.
(4) ________________________________________
4 He is upset ___________ he failed the exam.
● We throw away a third of everything we buy at the supermarket.
5 They were hungry, ___________ they had
But at least half of the items which we throw away are still fresh
and tasty! lunch.
(5) ________________________________________ 12 Imagine you saw lots of rubbish in your local
● Buy things which don’t have much packaging. Governments are park. Write an email to a newspaper editor about
trying to make supermarkets reduce their use of packaging, but the problem. Use the ideas to help you.
progress is slow. (5 marks)
(6) ________________________________________
Paragraph 1: describe the situation
● Rubbish in the streets looks horrible, but it is also an There’s a lot of rubbish … People throw away …
environmental problem. Rubbish can pollute the water we drink
Paragraph 2: causes
and the ground we grow plants in.
I think there are a few reasons for this.
If we all act now, we can make a difference! Firstly, there aren’t enough … Secondly, …
Paragraph 3: solutions
We must … We need to …

9 Match paragraphs 1–6 with headings a–g. There

is one heading you don’t need. (6 marks)
a Reusing rubbish ___
b Fewer plastic bags and containers ___
c Reducing food waste ___

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary_______ / 20 Language focus_______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing_______ / 10 TOTAL_______ / 100

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