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11 Substance-Related, Addictive,

and Impulse-Control Disorders

Perspectives on Substance-Related
and Addictive Disorders
Levels of Involvement
Diagnostic Issues
Alcohol-Related Disorders
Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related
Stimulant-Related Disorders
Tobacco-Related Disorders
Caffeine-Related Disorders
Opioid-Related Disorders
Cannabis-Related Disorders
Hallucinogen-Related Disorders
Other Drugs Of Abuse
Causes of Substance-Related Disorders
Biological Dimensions
Psychological Dimensions
Cognitive Dimensions
Social Dimensions
Cultural Dimensions
An Integrative Model
Treatment of Substance-Related
Biological Treatments
Psychosocial Treatments
Gambling Disorder
Impulse-Control Disorders
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Jan Mika/


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student learning outcomes*

Use scientific reasoning to interpret behavior: • Identify basic biological, psychological, and social
components of behavioral explanations (e.g., inferences,
observations, operational definitions and interpretations)
[APA SLO 2.1a] (see textbook pages 420–426)

Engage in innovative and integrative thinking • Describe problems operationally to study them empirically.
and problem solving: [APA SLO 2.3a] (see textbook pages 408–428, 441–443)

Describe applications that employ discipline-based • Correctly identify antecedents and consequences of
problem solving: behavior and mental processes [APA SLO 5.3c] (see
textbook pages 431–433) Describe examples of relevant
and practical applications of psychological principles to
everyday life [APA SLO 1.3c] (see textbook pages 435–440)

Portions of this chapter cover learning outcomes suggested by the American Psychological Association
(2013) in its guidelines for the undergraduate psychology major. Chapter coverage of these outcomes is
identified above by APA Goal and APA Suggested Learning Outcome (SLO).

ould you be surprised if we told you that a group of 9.7% of the general population (12 years or older) are believed
psychological disorders costs U.S. citizens hundreds of to use illegal drugs (Substance Abuse and Mental Health
billions of dollars each year, kills 500,000 Americans Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2013). Many U.S. presiden-
annually, and is implicated in street crime, homelessness, and gang tial administrations have declared various “wars on drugs,” but the
violence? Would you be even more surprised to learn that most of problem remains. The Roman Catholic Church issued a universal
us have behaved in ways characteristic of these disorders at some catechism in 1992 that officially declared drug abuse and drunk
point in our lives? You shouldn’t. Smoking cigarettes, drinking driving to be sins (Riding, 1992). Yet from the drug-related deaths
alcohol, and using illegal drugs are all related to these disorders, of rock stars Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin in 1970 to contempo-
and they are responsible for astronomical financial costs and the rary celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and
tragic waste of hundreds of thousands of human lives each year. In Amy Winehouse, drug use continues to negatively impact the lives
this chapter, we explore substance-related and addictive disor- of many. And stories such as these not only are about the rich and
ders, which are associated with the abuse of drugs and other sub- famous but are retold in every corner of our society.
stances people take to alter the way they think, feel, and behave. In As we have just seen, a significant number of people continue
addition, the newly added disorder to this category in DSM-5— to use illicit drugs and abuse prescription drugs regularly. Con-
gambling disorder—will be discussed. These disorders have cursed sider the case of Danny, who has the disturbing but common habit
us for centuries and continue to affect how we live, work, and play. of alcohol use disorder, and several substance use disorders.
Equally disruptive to the people affected, impulse-control disor-
ders represent a number of related problems that involve the inability
to resist acting on a drive or temptation. Included in this group are Comorbid Substance Use
those who cannot resist aggressive impulses or the impulse to steal, Disorders
for example, or to set fires. Controversy surrounds substance-related,
addictive, and impulse-control disorders because our society some-
times believes that these problems result simply from a lack of “will.”
A t the age of 43, Danny was in jail, awaiting trial on
vehicular manslaughter charges stemming from a DUI
accident that left one woman dead. Danny’s story illustrates
If you wanted to stop drinking, using cocaine, or gambling, well, you
the lifelong pattern that characterizes the behavior of many
would just stop. We first examine those individuals who are being
people who are affected by substance-related disorders.
harmed by their use of a variety of chemical substances (substance-
Danny grew up in the suburbs in the United States, the
related disorders) or their addictive behaviors (gambling disorder)
youngest of three children. He was well liked in school and
and then turn our attention to the puzzling array of disorders that are
an average student. Like many of his friends, he smoked ciga-
under the heading of impulse-control disorders.
rettes in his early teens and drank beer with his friends at night
behind his high school. Unlike most of his friends, however,
Perspectives on Substance-Related Danny almost always drank until he was obviously drunk; he
and Addictive Disorders also experimented with many other drugs, including cocaine,
heroin, “speed” (amphetamines), and “downers” (barbiturates).
The cost in lives, money, and emotional turmoil has made the
(Continued next page)
issue of drug abuse a major concern worldwide. Currently, around

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Levels of Involvement
After high school, Danny attended a local community col-
lege for one semester, but he dropped out after failing most of Although each drug described in this chapter has unique effects,
his courses. His dismal performance in school seemed to be there are similarities in the ways they are used and how people
related to his missing most classes rather than to an inability to who abuse them are treated. First, we present some concepts that
learn and understand the material. He had difficulty getting up apply to substance-related disorders in general, noting important
for classes after partying most of the night, which he did with terminology and addressing several diagnostic issues.
increasing frequency. His moods were highly variable, and he Can you use drugs without meeting criteria for a disorder?
was often unpleasant. Danny’s family knew he occasionally Can you use drugs and not become addicted to them? To answer
drank too much, but they didn’t know (or didn’t want to know) these important questions, we first need to outline what we mean
about his other drug use. He had for years forbidden anyone by substance use, substance intoxication, substance use disorder,
to go into his room after his mother found little packets of and substance dependence/addiction. The term substance refers to
white powder (probably cocaine) in his sock drawer. He said he chemical compounds that are ingested to alter mood or behavior.
was keeping them for a friend and that he would return them Psychoactive substances alter mood, behavior, or both. Although
immediately. He was furious that his family might suspect him you might first think of drugs such as cocaine and heroin, this
of using drugs. Money was sometimes missing from the house, definition also includes more commonplace legal drugs such as
and once some stereo equipment “disappeared,” but if his fam- alcohol, the nicotine found in tobacco, and the caffeine in coffee,
ily members suspected Danny they never admitted it. soft drinks, and chocolate. As you will see, these so-called safe
Danny held a series of low-paying jobs, and when he was drugs also affect mood and behavior, they can be addictive, and
working his family reassured themselves that he was back on they account for more health problems and a greater mortal-
track and things would be fine. Unfortunately, he rarely held a ity rate than all illegal drugs combined. You could make a good
job for more than a few months. The money he earned usually argument for directing the war on drugs to cigarette smoking
turned into drugs, and he was usually fired for poor job atten- (nicotine use) because of its addictive properties and negative
dance and performance. Because he continued to live at home, health consequences.
Danny could survive despite frequent periods of unemployment.
When he was in his late 20s, Danny seemed to have a personal
revelation. He announced that he needed help and planned
to check into an alcohol rehabilitation center; he still would
not admit to using other drugs. His family’s joy and relief were
overwhelming, and no one questioned his request for several
thousand dollars to help pay for the private program he said he
wanted to attend. Danny disappeared for several weeks, presum-
ably because he was in the rehabilitation program. However, a
call from the local police station put an end to this fantasy: Danny
had been found quite high, living in an abandoned building. As
with many of these incidents, we never learned all the details, but
it appears that Danny spent his family’s money on drugs and had
a 3-week binge with some friends. Danny’s deceptiveness and
financial irresponsibility greatly strained his relationship with his
family. He was allowed to continue living at home, but his parents
and siblings excluded him from their emotional lives. Following
this, Danny seemed to straighten out, and he held a job at a gas
station for almost 2 years. He became friendly with the station
owner and his son, and he often went hunting with them dur-
ing the season. Without any obvious warning, however, Danny
resumed drinking and using drugs and was arrested for robbing
the very place that had kept him employed for many months.
Although he received probation for that offense upon prom-
ising to attend drug treatment, his pattern continued. Years later
while driving under the influence of multiple substances, he hit
©Daily Mirror/Mirrorpix

another car and the 28-year-old driver of that car was killed.
Why did Danny’s drug use become so problematic when
many of his friends’ and siblings’ use did not? Why did he steal
from his family and friends? What ultimately became of him?
We return to Danny’s frustrating story later when we look at Model Kate Moss was photographed in 2005 preparing and snorting
the causes and treatment of substance-related disorders. • cocaine. There is an increasing concern that celebrity use of illegal
drugs glamorizes drug use without showing the negative effects.


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job, or relationships with others, and put you in
physically dangerous situations (for example,
while driving) you would be considered to have
a disorder. Some evidence suggests that drug
use can predict later job outcomes. In one study,
researchers controlled for factors such as educa-
tional interests and other problem behavior, and
still found that repeated hard drug use (using
one or more of the following: amphetamines,
barbiturates, crack, cocaine, PCP, LSD, other
psychedelics, crystal meth, inhalants, heroin, or
other narcotics) predicted poor job outcomes
after college (Arria et al., 2013).
Danny seems to fit this definition of a disorder.

His inability to complete a semester of community

college was a direct result of drug use. Danny often
drove while drunk or under the influence of other
drugs, and he had already been arrested twice.
Danny’s use of multiple substances was so relent-
Substance use. less and pervasive that he would probably be diag-
nosed with severe forms of the disorders.
Substance use disorder is usually described as addiction.
Substance Use Although we use the term addiction routinely when we describe
Substance use is the ingestion of psychoactive substances in mod- people who seem to be under the control of drugs, there is some
erate amounts that does not significantly interfere with social, disagreement about how to define addiction (Rehm et al., 2013;
educational, or occupational functioning. Most of you reading this Edwards, 2012). In order to meet criteria for a disorder, a person
chapter probably use some sort of psychoactive substance occa- must meet criteria for at least two symptoms in the past year that
sionally. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up or interfered with his/her life or bothered him/her a great deal. When
smoking a cigarette and having a drink with a friend to relax are a person has four or five symptoms, he or she is considered to fall
examples of substance use, as is the occasional ingestion of illegal in the moderate range. A severe substance use disorder would be
drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, or barbiturates. someone like Danny that has six or more symptoms. Symptoms
for substance use disorders can include a physiological depen-
dence on the drug or drugs, meaning the use of increasingly greater
Intoxication amounts of the drug to experience the same effect (tolerance),
Our physiological reaction to ingested substances—drunkenness and a negative physical response when the substance is no longer
or getting high—is substance intoxication. For a person to
become intoxicated, many variables interact,
including the type of drug taken, the amount
ingested, and the person’s individual biologi-
cal reaction. For many of the substances we
discuss here, intoxication is experienced as
impaired judgment, mood changes, and low-
ered motor ability (for example, problems
walking or talking).

Substance Use Disorders

Defining substance use disorders by how much
of a substance is ingested is problematic. For Monkey Business Images/

example, is drinking two glasses of wine in an

hour abuse? Three glasses? Six? Is taking one
injection of heroin considered abuse? The fifth
edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM-5) (American Psychiatric Association,
2013) defines substance use disorders in terms
of how significantly the use interferes with the
user’s life. If substances disrupt your education, Intoxication.

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ingested (withdrawal) (Higgins, Sigmon, & Heil, 2014). Tolerance
and withdrawal are physiological reactions to the chemicals being
ingested. Have you ever experienced a headache when you didn’t
get your morning coffee? You were probably going through caf-
feine withdrawal. In a more extreme example, withdrawal from
alcohol can cause alcohol withdrawal delirium, in which a per-
son can experience frightening hallucinations and body tremors
(a condition described later in this chapter). Withdrawal from
many substances can bring on chills, fever, diarrhea, nausea and
vomiting, and aches and pains. Not all substances are physiologi-
cally addicting, however. For example, you do not go through
severe physical withdrawal when you stop taking LSD. Cocaine
withdrawal has a pattern that includes anxiety, sleep changes,
lack of motivation, and boredom (DSM-5; American Psychiatric
Association, 2013), and withdrawal from cannabis includes such
symptoms as irritability, nervousness, appetite change, and sleep
disturbance (DSM-5). We return to the ways drugs act on our bod-
ies when we examine the causes of abuse and addiction.
Other symptoms that make up a substance use disorder
include “drug-seeking behaviors.” The repeated use of a drug, a
desperate need to ingest more of the substance (stealing money
to buy drugs, standing outside in the cold to smoke), and the
likelihood that use will resume after a period of abstinence are
behaviors that define the extent of substance use disorders. Such
behavioral reactions are different from the physiological respons-
es to drugs we described before and are sometimes referred to in

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terms of psychological dependence. The previous version of the
DSM considered substance abuse and substance dependence as
separate diagnoses. The DSM-5 combines the two into the gen-
eral definition of substance-related disorders based on research
that suggests the two co-occur (American Psychiatric Association,
2013; Dawson, Goldstein, & Grant, 2012; O’Brien, 2011).
Let’s go back to the questions we started with: “Can you use
drugs and not abuse them?” and “Can you abuse drugs and not Substance abuse.
become addicted to them?” The answer to the first question is yes.
Some people drink wine or beer regularly without drinking to
excess. And contrary to popular belief, some people use drugs such because substance use was seen as a symptom of other problems.
as heroin, cocaine, or crack (a form of cocaine) occasionally (for It was considered a sign of moral weakness, and the influence of
instance, several times a year) without abusing them (Ray, 2012). genetics and biology was hardly acknowledged. A separate cat-
What is disturbing is that we do not know ahead of time who might egory was created for substance abuse disorders in DSM-III, in
be likely to lose control and abuse these drugs and who is likely to 1980, and since then we have acknowledged the complex biologi-
become dependent with even a passing use of a substance. cal and psychological nature of the problem.
It may seem counterintuitive, but dependence can be present The DSM-5 term substance-related disorders include 11 symp-
without abuse. For example, cancer patients who take morphine toms that range from relatively mild (e.g., substance use results
for pain may become dependent on the drug—build up a toler- in a failure to fulfill major role obligations) to more severe (e.g.,
ance and go through withdrawal if it is stopped—without abusing occupational or recreational activities are given up or reduced
it (Flemming, 2010; Portenoy & Mathur, 2009). Later in this chapter, because of substance use). DSM-5 removed the previous symptom
we discuss biological and psychosocial theories of the causes of that related to substance-related legal problems and added a symp-
substance-related disorders and why we have individualized reac- tom that indicates the presence of craving or a strong desire to use
tions to these substances. the substance (Dawson et al., 2012). These distinctions help clarify
the problem and focus treatment on the appropriate aspect of the
disorder. Danny would be considered to have a cocaine use disor-
Diagnostic Issues der in the severe range because of the tolerance he showed for the
In early editions of the DSM, alcoholism and drug abuse weren’t drug, his use of larger amounts than he intended, his unsuccessful
treated as separate disorders. Instead, they were categorized as attempts to stop using it, and the activities he gave up to buy it.
“sociopathic personality disturbances”—a forerunner of the His pattern of use was more pervasive than simple abuse, and the
current antisocial personality disorder we discuss in Chapter 12, diagnosis provided a clear picture of his need for help.


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Symptoms of other disorders can complicate the substance use Depressants
disorder picture significantly. For example, do some people take
Depressants primarily decrease central nervous system activity.
drugs to excess because they are depressed, or does drug use and its
Their principal effect is to reduce our levels of physiological
consequences (for example, loss of friends, job) create depression?
arousal and help us relax. Included in this group are alcohol and
Researchers estimate that almost three quarters of the people in
the sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic drugs, such as those pre-
addiction treatment centers have an additional psychiatric disorder,
scribed for insomnia (see Chapter 8). These substances are among
with mood disorders (such as major depression) observed in more
those most likely to produce symptoms of physical dependence,
than 40% and anxiety disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder
tolerance, and withdrawal. We first look at the most commonly
seen in more than 25% of the cases (Dawson et al., 2012; Lieb, 2015).
used of these substances—alcohol—and the alcohol-related dis-
Substance use might occur concurrently with other disorders
orders that can result.
for several reasons. Substance-related disorders and anxiety and
mood disorders are highly prevalent in our society and may occur
together so often just by chance. Drug intoxication and withdrawal
Alcohol-Related Disorders
can cause symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Dis-
orders such as schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder Danny’s substance abuse began when he drank beer with friends,
are highly likely to include a secondary problem of substance use. a rite of passage for many teenagers. Alcohol has been widely used
Because substance-related disorders can be so complicated, throughout history. For example, scientists have found evidence
DSM-5 tries to define when a symptom is a result of substance use of wine or beer in pottery jars at the site of a Sumerian trading
and when it is not. Basically, if symptoms seen in schizophrenia or post in western Iran and the country of Georgia that date back
in extreme states of anxiety appear during intoxication or within 7,000 years (McGovern, 2007). For hundreds of years, Europeans
6 weeks after withdrawal from drugs, they are not considered signs drank large amounts of beer, wine, and hard liquor. When they
of a separate psychiatric disorder. So, for example, individuals who came to North America in the early 1600s, they brought their con-
show signs of severe depression just after they have stopped taking siderable thirst for alcohol with them. In the United States dur-
heavy doses of stimulants would not be diagnosed with a major ing the early 1800s, consumption of alcohol (mostly whiskey) was
mood disorder. However, individuals who were severely depressed more than 7 gallons per year for every person older than 15. This is
before they used stimulants and those whose symptoms persist more than three times the current rate of U.S. alcohol use (Smith,
more than 6 weeks after they stop might have a separate disorder 2008; Rorabaugh, 1991).
(Sheperis, Lionetti, & Snook, 2015). Alcohol is produced when certain yeasts react with sugar and
We now turn to the individual substances themselves, their water and fermentation takes place. Historically, we have been
effects on our brains and bodies, and how they are used in our creative about fermenting alcohol from just about any fruit or veg-
society. We have grouped the substances into six general categories. etable, partly because many foods contain sugar. Alcoholic drinks
have included mead from honey, sake from rice, wine from palm,
• Depressants: These substances result in behavioral seda- mescal and pulque from agave and cactus, liquor from maple
tion and can induce relaxation. They include alcohol (ethyl syrup, liquor from South American jungle fruits, wine from
alcohol) and the sedative and hypnotic drugs in the families grapes, and beer from grains (Lazare, 1989).
of barbiturates (for example, Seconal) and benzodiazepines
(for example, Valium, Xanax).
• Stimulants: These substances cause us to be more active and Clinical Description
alert and can elevate mood. Included in this group are am- Apparent stimulation is the initial effect of alcohol, although it
phetamines, cocaine, nicotine, and caffeine. is a depressant. We generally experience a feeling of well-being,
• Opiates: The major effect of these substances is to produce our inhibitions are reduced, and we become more outgoing.
analgesia temporarily (reduce pain) and euphoria. Heroin, This is because the inhibitory centers in the brain are initially
opium, codeine, and morphine are included in this group. depressed—or slowed. With continued drinking, however, alco-
• Hallucinogens: These substances alter sensory perception hol depresses more areas of the brain, which impedes the ability
and can produce delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. to function properly. Motor coordination is impaired (staggering,
Cannabis and LSD are included in this category. slurred speech), reaction time is slowed, we become confused, our
• Other drugs of abuse: Other substances that are abused but ability to make judgments is reduced, and even vision and hearing
do not fit neatly into one of the categories here include in- can be negatively affected, all of which help explain why driving
halants (for example, airplane glue), anabolic steroids, and while intoxicated is clearly dangerous.
other over-the-counter and prescription medications (for
example, nitrous oxide). These substances produce a variety
of psychoactive effects that are characteristic of the sub- Effects
stances described in the previous categories. Alcohol affects many parts of the body (see E Figure 11.1). After
• Gambling disorder: As with the ingestion of the substances just it is ingested, it passes through the esophagus (1 in Figure 11.1) and
described, individuals who display gambling disorder are un- into the stomach (2), where small amounts are absorbed. From
able to resist the urge to gamble which, in turn, results in nega- there, most of it travels to the small intestine (3), where it is easily
tive personal consequences (e.g., divorce, loss of employment). absorbed into the bloodstream. The circulatory system distributes

D e p r e s s a n t s   409

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TABLE 11.1
Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder

5 A. A problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring
within a 12-month period:
1. Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain alcohol, use alcohol, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use alcohol.
5. Recurrent alcohol use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.
6. Continued alcohol use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of alcohol.
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of alcohol use.
8. Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.
9. Alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been
caused or exacerbated by alcohol.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either or both of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria set for alcohol withdrawal).
b. Alcohol (or a closely related substance such as benzodiazepine) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

the alcohol throughout the body, where it contacts every major

1. Ingestion organ, including the heart (4). Some of the alcohol goes to the
1 2. Stomach lungs, where it vaporizes and is exhaled, a phenomenon that is
3. Small intestine the basis for the breathalyzer test that measures levels of intoxica-
4. Heart tion. As alcohol passes through the liver (5), it is broken down or
5. Liver metabolized into carbon dioxide and water by enzymes (Maher,
1997). E Figure 11.2 shows how much time it takes to metabo-
lize one to four drinks, with the dotted line showing when driv-
ing becomes impaired (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism, 1997).
Most substances we describe in this chapter, including can-
5 nabis, opiates, and tranquilizers, interact with specific recep-
2 tors in the brain cells. The effects of alcohol, however, are more
complex. Alcohol influences a number of neuroreceptor systems,
which makes it difficult to study (Ray, 2012). For example, the
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system, which we discussed in
3 Chapters 2 and 5, seems to be particularly sensitive to alcohol.
GABA, as you will recall, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Its
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major role is to interfere with the firing of the neuron it attaches

to. Because the GABA system seems to affect the emotion of anxi-
ety, alcohol’s antianxiety properties may result from its interaction
with the GABA system. Also, when GABA attaches to its receptor,
EEFIGURE 11.1 chloride ions enter the cell and make it less sensitive to the effects
The path traveled by alcohol throughout the body (see text for of other neurotransmitters. Alcohol seems to reinforce the move-
complete description). ment of these chloride ions; as a result, the neurons have difficulty


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firing. In other words, although alcohol Substance-Related Whether alcohol will cause organic
seems to loosen our tongues and makes Disorder : Tim damage depends on genetic vulner-
us more sociable, it makes it difficult ability, the frequency of use, the length
for neurons to communicate with one of drinking binges, the blood alcohol
another (Joslyn, Ravindranathan, Brush, levels attained during the drinking peri-

Abnormal Psychology Inside

Out. Produced by Ira Wohl,
Only Child Motion Pictures
Schuckit, & White, 2010). For example, ods, and whether the body is given time
there is some evidence from genetic to recover between binges. Consequences
research (further discussed below) that of long-term excessive drinking include
the genes responsible for communication liver disease, pancreatitis, cardiovascular
between neurons may also be responsible disorders, and brain damage.
for individual differences in response to Part of the folklore concerning alco-
alcohol. “When I drink, I don’t care about anything, hol is that it permanently kills brain cells
The glutamate system is under study as long as I’m drinking. Nothing bothers me. (neurons). As you will see later, this may
for its role in the effects of alcohol. In The world doesn’t bother me. So when I’m not be true. Some evidence for brain
contrast to the GABA system, the glu- not drinking, the problems come back, so you damage comes from the experiences of
tamate system is excitatory, helping drink again. The problems will always be there. people who are alcohol dependent and
neurons fire. It is suspected to involve You just don’t realize it when you’re drinking. experience blackouts, seizures, and hallu-
learning and memory, and it may be the That’s why people tend to drink a lot.” cinations. Memory and the ability to per-
avenue through which alcohol affects our form certain tasks may also be impaired.
cognitive abilities. Blackouts, the loss of Go to MindTap at More seriously, two types of organic brain
memory for what happens during intoxi- syndromes may result from long-term
cation, may result from the interaction of to watch this video. heavy alcohol use: dementia and Wernicke-
alcohol with the glutamate system. The Korsakoff syndrome. Dementia, (or neu-
serotonin system also appears to be sen- rocognitive disorder), which we discuss
sitive to alcohol. This neurotransmitter system affects mood, sleep, more fully in Chapter 15, involves the general loss of intellectual
and eating behavior and is thought to be responsible for alcohol abilities and can be a direct result of neurotoxicity or “poisoning of
cravings (Sari, Johnson, & Weedman, 2011; Strain, 2009). Because the brain” by excessive amounts of alcohol (Ridley, Draper, & Withall,
alcohol affects so many neurotransmitter systems, we should not 2013). Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome results in confusion, loss of
be surprised that it has such widespread and complex effects. muscle coordination, and unintelligible speech (Isenberg-Grzeda,
The long-term effects of heavy drinking are often severe. Kutner, & Nicolson, 2012); it is believed to be caused by a deficiency
Withdrawal from chronic alcohol use typically includes hand of thiamine, a vitamin metabolized poorly by heavy drinkers.
tremors and, within several hours, nausea or vomiting, anxiety, The dementia caused by this disease does not go away once the
transient hallucinations, agitation, insomnia, and, at its most brain is damaged. It is important to note that mild to moderate
extreme, withdrawal delirium (or delirium tremens—the intake of alcohol (especially wine) may actually serve a protective
DTs), a condition that can produce frightening hallucinations role in cognitive decline as we age (Panza et al., 2012).
and body tremors. The devastating experience of delirium The effects of alcohol abuse extend beyond the health and well-
tremens can be reduced with adequate medical treatment being of the drinker. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is now gener-
(Schuckit, 2014b). ally recognized as a combination of problems that can occur in a
Southern Illinois University/Science Source

Martin M Rotker/Getty Images

A healthy liver (left), and a cirrhotic liver scarred by years of alcohol abuse (right).

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100 most often in African Americans. What these two findings sug-
Four drinks gest is that, in addition to the drinking habits of the mother, the
Blood Alcohol Concentration (mg%) 90
Three drinks likelihood a child will have FAS may depend on whether there is a
Two drinks genetic tendency to have certain enzymes. Children from certain
70 racial groups may thus be more susceptible to FAS than are others.
One drink
60 If this research is confirmed, we may have a way of identifying par-
ents who might put their unborn children at increased risk for FAS.
Statistics on Use and Abuse
Because alcohol consumption is legal in the United States, we
know more about it than about most other psychoactive sub-
10 stances we discuss in this chapter (with the possible exception of
0 nicotine and caffeine). Despite a national history of heavy alco-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hol use, most adults in the United States characterize themselves
Time (hours) as light drinkers or abstainers. On the other hand, about half of
all Americans over the age of 12 report being current drinkers
of alcohol, and there are considerable differences among people
Blood alcohol concentration after the rapid consumption of different
from different racial and ethnic backgrounds (see E Figure 11.3;
amounts of alcohol by eight adult, fasting, male subjects. 100 mg%
SAMHSA, 2012). Caucasians report the highest frequency of
is the legal level of intoxication in most states. 50 mg% is the level
at which deterioration of driving skills begins. (From National Institute
drinking (56.8%); drinking is lowest among Asians (40.0%).
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (1997). Alcohol Alert: Alcohol- About 63 million Americans (24.6%) over the age of 18 report
Metabolism. No. 35, PH 371. Bethesda, MD: Author.) binge drinking (typically four or more drinks for women and five or
more drinks for men over the span of 2 hours) in the past month—
an alarming statistic (SAMHSA, 2013). Again, there are racial dif-
child whose mother drank while she was pregnant. These prob- ferences, with Asians reporting the lowest level of binge drinking
lems include fetal growth retardation, cognitive deficits, behavior (12.4%) and Caucasians (24.0%) and Hispanics or Latinos (24.1%)
problems, and learning difficulties (Douzgou et al., 2012). In addi- reporting the highest. Age seems to also be important given that
tion, children with FAS often have characteristic facial features. peak lifetime alcohol use happens around late teens to early ado-
We metabolize alcohol with the help of an enzyme called lescence. In surveys across 100 four-year universities and colleges,
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) (Schuckit, 2009b, 2014a). Three about 36% of respondents said they had gone on a binge of heavy
different forms of this enzyme have been identified (beta-1, beta-2, drinking once in the preceding 2 weeks (Johnston, O’Malley, Bach-
and beta-3 ADH). Among children with FAS, beta-3 ADH may man, & Schulenberg, 2012). Unfortunately, this binge drinking trend
be prevalent according to new research. Beta-3 ADH is also found seems to have increased in college students along with drunk driving
and alcohol-related deaths (Whiteside, Bittinger,
Kilmer, Lostutter, & Larimer, 2015). Men, how-
ever, were more likely to report several binges
in the 2-week period (White & Hingson, 2014;
Presley & Meilman, 1992). The same survey
found that students with a grade point average of
A had no more than 3 drinks per week, whereas
D and F students averaged 11 alcoholic drinks per
week (Presley & Meilman, 1992). Overall, these
data point to the popularity and pervasiveness of
drinking in our society (Donath et al., 2012).
We know that not everyone who drinks
Source: Dr. Adolf Pfefferbaum, Stanford University

develops an alcohol use disorder. Researchers

estimate, however, that more than 16.6 million
adults ages 18 and older meet criteria for an alco-
hol use disorder and the same is true of 697, 000
adolescents ages 12 to 17 (SAMHSA, 2013). Life-
time prevalence rates for alcohol use disorders,
meaning a person met criteria for an alcohol use
disorder at some point in his or her life, are more
than 29% (Grant et al, 2015). This means one in
The dark areas in the top brain images show the extensive loss of brain tissue caused by three people will meet criteria for an alcohol use
heavy alcohol use. disorder at some point in their lives.


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Percent using in Past Month






White Black or American Asian Two or Hispanic
African Indian or More or Latino
American Alaska Races

Current Use (Not Binge) Binge Use (Not Heavy) Heavy Alcohol Use

Alcohol use across racial groups. Binge drinking is defined as drink-
ing five or more drinks on one occasion at least once per month,
and heavy alcohol use is defined as binge drinking for five or more
days in a month. (From Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies. (2012). Results
from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National
Findings, NSDUH Series H-44, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 12-4713.
Rockville, MD: Author.)

Outside the United States, rates of alcohol use problems

and dependence vary widely. The prevalence of alcohol use disor-

David H. Wells/Getty Images

ders in 2004 as measured by the World Health Organization was
highest in eastern European countries (for example, in Russia it
was close to 19% in 2004), followed by Colombia at 13%, South
Korea at 13.5%, and Thailand at 11%. The prevalence for alcohol
use disorders in 2004 was lowest in Northern Africa (e.g., in Libya
at 0.05%) and the Middle East (e.g., in Afghanistan at 0.2%)
(World Health Organization, 2004). Such cultural differences can Physical characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) include skin
folds at the corners of the eyes, low nasal bridge, short nose, no
be accounted for by different attitudes toward drinking, the avail-
groove between nose and upper lip, small head circumference, small
ability of alcohol, physiological reactions, and family norms and eye opening, small midface, and thin upper lip.

Progression First championed by Jellinek more than 50 years ago, this view
Remember that Danny went through periods of heavy alcohol continues to influence the way people view and treat the disorder
and drug use but also had times when he was relatively “straight” (Jellinek, 1946, 1952, 1960). Unfortunately, Jellinek based his
and did not use drugs. Similarly, many people with an alcohol use model of the progression of alcohol use on a now famous but
disorder fluctuate between drinking heavily, drinking “socially” faulty study (Jellinek, 1946), which we briefly review.
without negative effects, and being abstinent (not drinking) In 1945, the newly formed self-help organization Alcoholics
(McCrady, 2014). It seems that about 20% of people with severe Anonymous (AA) sent out some 1,600 surveys to its members ask-
alcohol dependence have a spontaneous remission (they are able ing them to describe symptoms related to drinking, such as feel-
to stop drinking on their own) and do not reexperience problems ings of guilt or remorse and rationalizations about their actions,
with drinking. and to note when these reactions first occurred. Only 98 of the
It used to be thought that once problems arose with drink- almost 1,600 surveys were returned, however. As you know, such a
ing they would become steadily worse, following a predictable small response could seriously affect data interpretation. A group
downward pattern as long as the person kept drinking (Sobell of 98 may be different from the group as a whole, so they may not
& Sobell, 1993). In other words, like a disease that isn’t treated represent the typical person with alcohol problems. Also, because
properly, alcoholism will get progressively worse if left unchecked. the responses were retrospective (participants were recalling past

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events), their reports may be inaccurate. Despite these and other (Boden, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2012; Bye, 2007). Numerous
problems, Jellinek agreed to analyze the data, and he developed studies have found that many people who commit such violent
a four-stage model for the progression of alcoholism based on acts as murder, rape, and assault are intoxicated at the time of the
this limited information (Jellinek, 1952). According to his model, crime (Rossow & Bye, 2012). We hope you are skeptical of this
individuals go through a prealcoholic stage (drinking occasionally type of correlation. Just because drunkenness and violence over-
with few serious consequences), a prodromal stage (drinking heav- lap does not mean that alcohol will necessarily make you violent.
ily but with few outward signs of a problem), a crucial stage (loss of Laboratory studies show that alcohol may increase participants’
control, with occasional binges), and a chronic stage (the primary aggression (Bushman, 1993). Whether a person behaves aggres-
daily activities involve getting and drinking alcohol). Attempts by sively outside the laboratory, however, probably involves a number
other researchers to confirm this progression of stages have not of interrelated factors, such as the quantity and timing of alcohol
been successful (Schuckit, Smith, Anthenelli, & Irwin, 1993). consumed, the person’s history of violence, expectations about
It appears instead that the course of a severe alcohol use disor- drinking, and what happens to the individual while intoxicated.
der may be progressive for most people. For example, early use of Alcohol does not cause aggression, but it may increase a person’s
alcohol may predict later abuse. A study of almost 6,000 lifetime likelihood of engaging in impulsive acts and it may impair the abil-
drinkers found that drinking at an early age—from ages 11 to 14— ity to consider the consequences of acting impulsively (Bye, 2007).
was predictive of later alcohol-related disorders (DeWitt, Adlaf, Given the right circumstances, such impaired rational thinking
Offord, & Ogborne, 2000). Similarly, a study tracking alcohol may increase a person’s risk of behaving aggressively.
use onset and later use found that those who started drinking at
age 11 or earlier were at higher risk for chronic and severe alcohol
use disorders (Guttmannova et al., 2011). A third study followed Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related
636 male inpatients in an alcohol rehabilitation center (Schuckit Disorders
et al., 1993). Among these chronically alcohol-dependent men, a The general group of depressants also includes sedative (calm-
general progression of alcohol-related life problems did emerge, ing), hypnotic (sleep-inducing), and anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing)
although not in the specific pattern proposed by Jellinek. Three drugs (Bond & Lader, 2012). These drugs include barbiturates
quarters of the men reported moderate consequences of their and benzodiazepines. Barbiturates (which include Amytal,
drinking, such as demotions at work, in their 20s. During their Seconal, and Nembutal) are a family of sedative drugs first syn-
30s, the men had more serious problems, such as regular blackouts thesized in Germany in 1882 (Cozanitis, 2004). They were pre-
and signs of alcohol withdrawal. By their late 30s and early 40s, scribed to help people sleep and replaced such drugs as alcohol
these men demonstrated long-term serious consequences of their and opium. Barbiturates were widely prescribed by physicians
drinking, which included hallucinations, withdrawal convulsions, during the 1930s and 1940s, before their addictive properties were
and hepatitis or pancreatitis. This study suggests a common pat- fully understood. By the 1950s, they were among the drugs most
tern among people with chronic alcohol abuse and dependence, abused by adults in the United States (Franklin & Frances, 1999).
one with increasingly severe consequences. This progressive pat- Benzodiazepines (which today include Valium, Xanax, and
tern is not inevitable for everyone who abuses alcohol, although Ativan) have been used since the 1960s, primarily to reduce anxi-
we do not as yet understand what distinguishes those who are and ety. These drugs were originally touted as a miracle cure for the
those who are not susceptible (Krenek & Maisto, 2013). anxieties of living in our highly pressured technological society.
Research on the mechanism responsible for the differences in Although in 1980 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ruled
early alcohol use suggests that one’s response to the sedative effects of that they are not appropriate for reducing the tension and anxiety
the substance affects later use. resulting from everyday stresses and strains, an estimated 85 mil-
In other words, those individu- lion prescriptions are written for benzodiazepines in the United
als who tend not to develop the States each year (Olfson, King, & Schoenbaum, 2015). In general,
slurred speech, staggering, and benzodiazepines are considered much safer than barbiturates,
other sedative effects of alcohol with less risk of abuse and dependence. Reports on the misuse of
use are more likely to abuse it Rohypnol, however, show how dangerous even some benzodiaze-
in the future (Chung & Martin, pine drugs can be. Rohypnol (otherwise known as “forget-me-pill,”
2009; Schuckit, 2014a). This “roofenol,” “roofies,” “ruffies”) gained a following among teenag-
is of particular concern given ers in the 1990s because it has the same effect as alcohol without
the trend to mix highly caffein- the telltale odor. There have been numerous incidents of men
ated energy drinks with alco- giving the drug to women without their knowledge, however,
dean bertoncelj/

hol (McKetin, Coen, & Kaye, making it easier for them to engage in date rape (Albright, Stevens,
2015). This combination of & Beussman, 2012).
drinks can reduce the sedative
effect of alcohol, which may
increase the likelihood of later Clinical Description
abuse. At low doses, barbiturates relax the muscles and can produce a
Intoxication is often involved in Finally, statistics often link mild feeling of well-being. Larger doses can have results similar
cases of domestic violence. alcohol with violent behavior to those of heavy drinking: slurred speech and problems walking,


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concentrating, and working. At extremely high doses, the dia- 2012), although by mechanisms slightly different from those
phragm muscles can relax so much that they cause death by suffo- involving alcohol. As a result, when people use alcohol with
cation. Overdosing on barbiturates is a common means of suicide. any of these drugs or combine multiple types there can be
Like the barbiturates, benzodiazepines are used to calm an synergistic effects. In other words, if you drink alcohol after
individual and induce sleep. In addition, drugs in this class are taking a benzodiazepine or barbiturate or combine these drugs,
prescribed as muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants (antiseizure the total effects can reach dangerous levels. One theory about
medications) (Bond & Lader, 2012). People who use them for non- actress Marilyn Monroe’s death in 1962 is that she combined
medical reasons report first feeling a pleasant high and a reduction alcohol with too many barbiturates and unintentionally killed
of inhibition, similar to the effects of drinking alcohol. With con- herself. Actor Heath Ledger’s death in 2008 was attributed to
tinued use, however, tolerance and dependence can develop. Users the combined effects of oxycodone and a variety of barbiturates
who try to stop taking the drug experience symptoms like those and benzodiazepines.
of alcohol withdrawal (anxiety, insomnia, tremors, and delirium).
The DSM-5 criteria for sedative-, hypnotic-, and anxiolytic-
related disorders do not differ substantially from those for alco- Statistics
hol disorders. Both include maladaptive behavioral changes such Barbiturate use has declined and benzodiazepine use has increased
as inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior, variable moods, since 1960 (SAMHSA, 2012). Of those seeking treatment for
impaired judgment, impaired social or occupational functioning, substance-related problems, less than 1% present problems with
slurred speech, motor coordination problems, and unsteady gait. benzodiazepines compared with other drugs of abuse. Those
Sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic drugs affect the brain by who do seek help with abuse of these drugs tend to be female,
influencing the GABA neurotransmitter system (Bond & Lader, Caucasian, and over the age of 35.

TABLE 11.2

Diagnostic Criteria for Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorders

5 A. A problematic pattern of sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of
the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics are often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic; use the sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic; or
recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire to use the sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic.
5. Recurrent sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences
from work or poor work performance related to sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use; sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related absences, suspen-
sions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household).
6. Continued sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by
the effects of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics (e.g., arguments with a spouse about consequences of intoxication; physical fights).
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use.
8. Recurrent sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving in automobile or operating a machine
when impaired by sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use).
9. Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is
likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for individuals taking sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics under medical supervision.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria set for sedative, hypnotic
or anxiolytic withdrawal).
b. Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics (or closely related substance, such as alcohol) are taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for individuals taking sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics under medical supervision.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

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5. Disorder that deprives a person of the ability to resist
Concept Check 11.1 acting on a drive or temptation. ____________________
6. Disorder in which the effects of the drug impede
Part A the ability to function properly by affecting vision,
Check your understanding of substance use definitions by stat- motor control, reaction time, memory, and hearing.
ing whether the following case summaries describe (a) use, ____________________
(b) intoxication, or (c) use disorder.
7. The decline of intellectual abilities through,
1. Giya started a new job 5 weeks ago and is about to for example, excess consumption of alcohol.
be fired. This is her third job this year. She has been ____________________
absent from work at least once a week for the past
8. A class of disorders that affects the way people think,
5 weeks. She was reprimanded in the past after being
feel, and behave. ____________________
seen at a local pub in a drunken state during regular
office hours although she called in sick. At her previ-
ous job, she was fired after she came to work unable to
conduct herself appropriately and with alcohol on her
breath. When confronted about her problems, Giya Stimulants
went to the nearest bar and drank some more to try to
Of all the psychoactive drugs used in the United States, the most
forget about the situation. ____________________
commonly consumed are stimulants. Included in this group are
2. Brennan scored the winning goal for his high school caffeine (in coffee, chocolate, and many soft drinks), nicotine
soccer team and his friends take him out to celebrate. (in tobacco products such as cigarettes), amphetamines, and
He doesn’t smoke, but he doesn’t mind drinking cocaine. You probably used caffeine when you got up this morn-
alcohol occasionally. Because Brennan had such a ing. In contrast to the depressant drugs, stimulants—as their name
good game, he decides to have a few drinks. Despite suggests—make you more alert and energetic. They have a long
his great performance in the game, he is easily irri- history of use. Chinese physicians, for example, prescribed an
amphetamine compound called ma-huang (Ephedra sinica) for
tated, laughing one minute and yelling the next. The
more than 5,000 years for illnesses such as headaches, asthma, and
more Brennan rambles on about his game-winning
the common cold (Fushimi, Wang, Ebisui, Cai, & Mikage, 2008).
goal, the more difficult it is to understand him. We describe several stimulants and their effects on behavior,
____________________ mood, and cognition.
3. Marti is a 24-year-old college student who started
drinking heavily when he was 15. Marti drinks a
Stimulant-Related Disorders
moderate amount every night, unlike his schoolmates
who get drunk at weekend parties. In high school, he Amphetamines
would become drunk after about four beers; now his At low doses, amphetamines can induce feelings of elation and
tolerance has more than doubled. Marti claims alcohol vigor and can reduce fatigue. You feel “up.” After a period of eleva-
relieves the pressures of college life. He once attempted tion, however, you come back down and “crash,” feeling depressed
to quit drinking, but he had chills, fever, diarrhea, or tired. Amphetamines are manufactured in laboratories; they
were first synthesized in 1887 and later used as a treatment for
nausea and vomiting, and body aches and pains.
asthma and as a nasal decongestant (Carvalho et al., 2012). Because
amphetamines also reduce appetite, some people take them to lose
4. Over the past year Henry picked up a habit of having weight. Adolph Hitler, partly because of his other physical mala-
a cigarette every day after lunch. Instead of sitting in dies, became addicted to amphetamines (Judge & Rusyniak, 2009).
the lounge with his friends he goes to his favorite spot Long-haul truck drivers, pilots, and some college students trying to
in the courtyard and has his cigarette. If for some rea- “pull all-nighters” use amphetamines to get an extra energy “boost”
son he is unable to have his cigarette after lunch, he is and stay awake. Amphetamines are prescribed for people with
not dependent on it and can still function normally. narcolepsy, a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness
(discussed in Chapter 8). Some of these drugs (Ritalin, Adderall)
are even given to children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
Part B order (ADHD) (discussed in Chapter 14). Amphetamies too are
Match the following disorders with their corresponding effects: being misused for their psychostimulant effects. One large study
(a) substance-related and addictive disorder, (b) dementia, found that almost two thirds of college students in their fourth
(c) impulse-control disorder, (d) alcohol use disorder, and year had been offered illegal prescription stimulants and 31% used
(e) Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. them—usually to improve studying (Garnier-Dykstra, Caldeira,
Vincent, O’Grady, & Arria, 2012).

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DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for intoxication in amphetamine 2011). Its effects are described by users in a variety of ways: Ecstasy
use disorders include significant behavioral symptoms, such makes you “feel happy” and “love everyone and everything”;
as euphoria or affective blunting (a lack of emotional expres- “music feels better” and “it’s more fun to dance”; “You can say what
sion), changes in sociability, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, is on your mind without worrying what others will think” (Levy,
tension, anger, stereotyped behaviors, impaired judgment, and O’Grady, Wish, & Arria, 2005, p. 1431). Recent years have also
impaired social or occupational functioning. In addition, physi- seen a rise in a variation of MDMA called “Molly” that has been
ological symptoms occur during or shortly after amphetamine marketed as a purified powder in capsules instead of the pressed
or related substances are ingested and can include heart rate pills of Ecstasy (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2013).
or blood pressure changes, perspiration or chills, nausea or vomit- A purified, crystallized form of amphetamine, called meth-
ing, weight loss, muscular weakness, respiratory depression, chest amphetamine (commonly referred to as “crystal meth” or “ice”), is
pain, seizures, or coma. Severe intoxication or overdose can cause ingested through smoking. This drug causes marked aggressive ten-
hallucinations, panic, agitation, and paranoid delusions (Carvalho dencies and stays in the system longer than cocaine, making it partic-
et al., 2012). Amphetamine tolerance builds quickly, making it ularly dangerous. This drug gained and dropped in popularity since
doubly dangerous. Withdrawal often results in apathy, prolonged it was invented in the 1930s, although its use has now spread wider
periods of sleep, irritability, and depression. than before (Maxwell & Brecht, 2011). However enjoyable these vari-
Periodically, certain “designer drugs” appear in local mini- ous amphetamines may be in the short term, the potential for users
epidemics. An amphetamine called methylene-dioxymetham- to become dependent on them is extremely high, with great risk
phetamine (MDMA), first synthesized in 1912 in Germany, was for long-term difficulties. Some research also shows that repeated
used as an appetite suppressant (McCann & Ricaurte, 2009). Rec- use of MDMA can cause lasting memory problems (Wagner, Becker,
reational use of this drug, now commonly called Ecstasy, rose Koester, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, & Daumann, 2013).
sharply in the late 1980s. After cocaine and methamphetamine, Amphetamines stimulate the central nervous system by enhanc-
MDMA is the club drug most often bringing people to emergency ing the activity of norepinephrine and dopamine. Specifically,
rooms, and it has passed LSD in frequency of use (SAMHSA, amphetamines help the release of these neurotransmitters and block

TABLE 11.3

Diagnostic Criteria for Stimulant Use Disorder

5 A. A pattern of amphetamine-type substance, cocaine, or other stimulant use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by
at least two of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. The stimulant is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control stimulant use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the stimulant, use the stimulant, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use the stimulant.
5. Recurrent stimulant use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.
6. Continued stimulant use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of stimulant use.
8. Recurrent stimulant use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.
9. Stimulant use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been
caused or exacerbated by the stimulant.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the stimulant to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the stimulant.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for those taking stimulant medications solely under appropriate medical supervision, such as medications
for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the stimulant (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria set for stimulant withdrawal).
b. The stimulant (or a closely related substance) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for those taking stimulant medications solely under appropriate medical supervision, such as medications
for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

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and he had to snort repeatedly to keep himself up. During these
binges, he often became paranoid, experiencing exaggerated fears
that he would be caught or that someone would steal his cocaine.
Such paranoia—referred to as cocaine-induced paranoia—is com-
mon among persons with cocaine use disorders, occurring in
two thirds or more (Daamen et al., 2012). Cocaine also makes
the heart beat more rapidly and irregularly, and it can have fatal
consequences, depending on a person’s physical condition and the
amount of the drug ingested.

Shanti Hesse/
We saw that alcohol can damage the developing fetus. It has
also been suspected that the use of cocaine (especially crack) by
pregnant women may adversely affect their babies. Crack babies
appear at birth to be more irritable than normal babies and have
long bouts of high-pitched crying. They were originally thought to
have permanent brain damage, although recent research suggests
For centuries, Latin Americans have chewed coca leaves for relief that the effects are less dramatic than first feared (Buckingham-
from hunger and fatigue. Howes, Berger, Scaletti, & Black, 2013; Schiller & Allen, 2005).
Some work suggests that many children born to mothers who have
used cocaine during pregnancy may have decreased birth weight
their reuptake, thereby making more of them available throughout and decreased head circumference, and are at increased risk for
the system (Carvalho et al., 2012). Too much amphetamine—and later behavior problems (Richardson, Goldschmidt, & Willford,
therefore too much dopamine and norepinephrine—can lead to 2009). Complicating the evaluation of children born to mothers
hallucinations and delusions. As we see in Chapter 13, this effect who use cocaine is that their mothers almost always used other
has stimulated theories on the causes of schizophrenia, which can substances as well, including alcohol and nicotine. Many of these
also include hallucinations and delusions. children are raised in disrupted home environments, which fur-
ther complicates the picture (Barthelemy et al., 2016). Continuing
research should help us better understand the negative effects of
Cocaine cocaine on children.
The use and misuse of drugs wax and wane according to societal
fashion, moods, and sanctions. Cocaine replaced amphetamines
as the stimulant of choice in the 1970s (Jaffe, Rawson, & Ling, Statistics
2005). Cocaine is derived from the leaves of the coca plant, a flow- Worldwide, almost 5% of adults report using cocaine at some
ering bush indigenous to South America. In his essay “On Coca” point in their lives, and in the United States, more than 1.5 million
(1885/1974, p. 60), a young Sigmund Freud wrote of cocaine’s people (0.6% of U.S. population) report using cocaine, including
magical properties: “I have tested [the] effect of coca, which wards crack-cocaine, each year. Those aged 18 to 25 are about twice as
off hunger, sleep, and fatigue and steels one to intellectual effort, likely to use cocaine compared with other age groups. Also, men
some dozen times on myself.” are twice as likely to use cocaine as women (SAMHSA, 2014). Black
Latin Americans have chewed coca leaves for centuries to individuals account for close to half of admissions to emergency
get relief from hunger and fatigue (Daamen, Penning, Brunt, & rooms for cocaine-related problems (47%), followed by Caucasian
Verster, 2012). Cocaine was introduced into the United States in individuals (37%) and Hispanic individuals (10%). Also, men were
the late 19th century; it was widely used from then until the 1920s. twice as likely as women to be in the emergency room (SAMHSA,
In 1885, Parke, Davis & Co. manufactured coca and cocaine in 2011). Approximately 17% of cocaine users have also used crack
15 forms, including coca-leaf cigarettes and cigars, inhalants, and cocaine (a crystallized form of cocaine that is smoked) (Closser,
crystals. For people who couldn’t afford these products, a cheaper 1992). One estimate is that about 0.1% of people in the United
way to get cocaine was in Coca-Cola, which up until 1903 con- States have tried crack and that an increasing proportion of the
tained a small amount (60 mg of cocaine per 8-ounce serving) abusers seeking treatment are young, unemployed adults living in
(Daamen et al., 2012). urban areas (SAMHSA, 2014).
Cocaine is in the same group of stimulants as amphetamines
because it has similar effects on the brain. The “up” seems to come
Clinical Description primarily from the effect of cocaine on the dopamine system. Look
Like amphetamines, in small amounts cocaine increases alert- at E Figure 11.4 to see how this action occurs. Cocaine enters the
ness, produces euphoria, increases blood pressure and pulse, bloodstream and is carried to the brain. There the cocaine mol-
and causes insomnia and loss of appetite. Remember that Danny ecules block the reuptake of dopamine. As you know, neurotrans-
snorted (inhaled) cocaine when he partied through the night with mitters released at the synapse stimulate the next neuron and then
his friends. He later said the drug made him feel powerful and are recycled back to the original neuron. Cocaine seems to bind
invincible—the only way he really felt self-confident. The effects to places where dopamine neurotransmitters reenter their home
of cocaine are short lived; for Danny they lasted less than an hour, neuron, blocking their reuptake. The dopamine that cannot be


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Researchers are beginning to understand
how addictive drugs affect the brain. Some, Thalamus
including cocaine, intensify the transmission Hypothalamus Hippocampus
of signals among brain cells.

1 Drug user inhales cocaine molecules 3 Cocaine molecules act

in smoke. 3 in the “pleasure pathway”—
the limbic system in the middle
2 Cocaine enters bloodstream through of the brain. The effect occurs
lungs. Blood carries it throughout the at synapses, where fibers from
body. Within seconds it reaches the brain. one nerve cell almost touch
the surface of another.

PhotoDisc/Getty Images
5 Cocaine molecules bind
1 Amygdala to the dopamine transporter,
blocking the route by which
Spinal dopamine would reenter the
cord transmitter cell. Dopamine
accumulating in the synaptic
space keeps stimulating the
receiving cell, creating the
user’s “high.”


4 Normally, a transmitting cell relays a
signal by releasing dopamine molecules Synapse
into the synaptic space. Dopamine
drifts across the synapse and fits into
receptors on the surface of the receiving
cell, triggering an electrical signal that is
relayed through the receiver. Then the
dopamine molecules break away from the
receptors and are recycled by the transmitter.

Anatomy of a high. (Reprinted, with permission, from Booth, W. (1990). The anatomy of a high. Washington Post National Weekly Edition,
March 26–April 1, p. 38, © 1990 The Washington Post.)

taken in by the neuron remains in the synapse, causing repeated effects! In our highly competitive and complex technological society,
stimulation of the next neuron. This stimulation of the dopamine this would be a dream come true. But, as you probably realize, such
neurons in the “pleasure pathway” (the site in the brain that seems temporary benefits have a high cost. Cocaine fooled us. Addiction
to be involved in the experience of pleasure) causes the high asso- does not resemble that of many other drugs early on; typically, peo-
ciated with cocaine use. ple find only that they have a growing inability to resist taking more
As late as the 1980s, many felt cocaine was a wonder drug that (Weiss & Iannucci, 2009). Few negative effects are noted at first; how-
produced feelings of euphoria without being addictive (Weiss & ever, with continued use, sleep is disrupted, increased tolerance causes
Iannucci, 2009). Such a conservative source as the Comprehensive a need for higher doses, paranoia and other negative symptoms set
Textbook of Psychiatry in 1980 indicated that “taken no more than in, and the cocaine user gradually becomes socially isolated. Chronic
two or three times per week, cocaine creates no serious problems” use may result in premature aging of the brain (Ersche, Jones,
(Grinspoon & Bakalar, 1980). Just imagine—a drug that gives you Williams, Robbins, & Bullmore, 2012).
extra energy, helps you think clearly and more creatively, and lets you Again, Danny’s case illustrates this pattern. He was a social
accomplish more throughout the day, all without any negative side user for a number of years, using cocaine only with friends and

S t i m u l a n t s   419

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only occasionally. Eventually, he had more frequent episodes of 100
excessive use or binges, and he found himself increasingly craving
the drug between binges. After the binges, Danny would crash and
sleep. Cocaine withdrawal isn’t like that of alcohol. Instead of rapid
heartbeat, tremors, or nausea, withdrawal from cocaine produces

Percent of abstainers
pronounced feelings of apathy and boredom. Think for a minute how
dangerous this type of withdrawal is. First, you’re bored with every-
thing and find little pleasure from the everyday activities of work or 50
relationships. The one that can “bring you back to life” is cocaine. Alcoho
As you can imagine, a particularly vicious cycle develops: Cocaine is l
abused, withdrawal causes apathy, cocaine abuse resumes. The atypi- 25
cal withdrawal pattern misled people into believing that cocaine was Nicotine
not addictive. We now know that cocaine abusers go through pat-
terns of tolerance and withdrawal comparable to those experienced
by abusers of other psychoactive drugs (Daamen et al., 2012). 0
1 3 6 9 12

Tobacco-Related Disorders EEFIGURE 11.5

When you think of addicts, what image comes to mind? Do you see Relapse rates for nicotine compared to alcohol and heroin. Smokers
dirty and disheveled people huddled on an old mattress in an aban- trying to give up cigarettes backslide about as often as alcoholics and
doned building, waiting for the next fix? Do you picture business- heroin addicts. Adapted from Kanigel, R. (1988, October/November).
Nicotine becomes addictive. Science Illustrated, pp. 12–14, 19–21.
people huddled outside a city building on a rainy afternoon furtively
smoking cigarettes? Both these images are accurate, because the
nicotine in tobacco is a psychoactive substance that produces pat- throughout the day in an effort to keep nicotine at a steady level in
terns of dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal—tobacco-related the bloodstream (see E Figure 11.6; Dalack, Glassman, & Covey,
disorders—comparable to those of the other drugs we have dis- 1993). Some evidence also points to how maternal smoking can
cussed so far (Litvin, Ditre, Heckman, & Brandon, 2012). In 1942, predict later substance-related disorders in their children, but this
the Scottish physician Lennox Johnson “shot up” nicotine extract appears to be an environmental (e.g., home environment) rather
and found after 80 injections that he liked it more than cigarettes than biological influence (D’Onofrio et al., 2012).
and felt deprived without it (Kanigel, 1988). This colorless, oily Smoking has been linked with signs of negative affect, such as
liquid—called nicotine after Jean Nicot, who introduced tobacco depression, anxiety, and anger (Rasmusson, Anderson, Krishnan-
to the French court in the 16th century—is what gives smoking its Sarin, Wu, & Paliwal, 2006). For example, many people who quit
pleasurable qualities.
The tobacco plant is indigenous to North America, and Native
Americans cultivated and smoked the leaves centuries ago. Today, 60
about 20% of all people in the United States smoke, which is down
from the 42.4% who were smokers in 1965 (Litvin et al., 2012). 50
DSM-5 does not describe an intoxication pattern for tobacco-
Blood nicotine (ng/ml)

related disorders. Rather, it lists withdrawal symptoms, which include

depressed mood, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrat-
ing, restlessness, and increased appetite and weight gain. Nicotine
in small doses stimulates the central nervous system; it can relieve 30
stress and improve mood. But it can also cause high blood pressure
and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer (Litvin et al., 2012). 20
High doses can blur your vision, cause confusion, lead to convul-
sions, and sometimes even cause death. Once smokers are depen-
dent on nicotine, going without it causes withdrawal symptoms. If 10
you doubt the addictive power of nicotine, consider that the rate of
relapse among people trying to give up drugs is equivalent among 0
those using alcohol, heroin, and cigarettes (see E Figure 11.5). 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Nicotine is inhaled into the lungs, where it enters the blood- Time (hrs)
stream. Only 7 to 19 seconds after a person inhales the smoke, the EEFIGURE 11.6
nicotine reaches the brain. Nicotine appears to stimulate specific Smoking patterns and nicotine levels. This subject smoked one ciga-
receptors—nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs)—in the rette an hour, illustrating how smokers inhale more or less deeply or
midbrain reticular formation and the limbic system, the site of often, to get the desired blood levels of nicotine—on average 35 nano-
the brain’s pleasure pathway (the dopamine system responsible for grams per milliliter. Adapted from Kanigel, R. (1988 October/November).
feelings of euphoria) (Litvin et al., 2012). Smokers dose themselves Nicotine becomes addictive. Science Illustrated, pp. 12–14, 19–21.


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TABLE 11.4 negative affect (Litvin et al., 2012). In other words, being depressed

increases your risk of becoming dependent on nicotine, and at the
Diagnostic Criteria for Tobacco Use Disorder
same time, being dependent on nicotine will increase your risk of

5 A. A problematic pattern of tobacco use leading to clinically

significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two
becoming depressed. Genetic studies suggest that a genetic vulnerabil-
ity combined with certain life stresses may combine to make you vul-
of the following, occurring within a 12-month period: nerable to both a nicotine use disorder and depression (e.g., Edwards
1. Tobacco is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer & Kendler, 2012). (We discuss evidence for the genetics of smoking
period than was intended. when we cover the causes of substance abuse later in this chapter.)
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut
down or control tobacco use.
Caffeine-Related Disorders
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to
obtain or use tobacco. Caffeine is the most common of the psychoactive substances; esti-
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use tobacco. mates indicate that upwards of 85% of the U.S. population has at least
one caffeinated beverage per day. (Mitchell, Knight, Hockenberry,
5. Recurrent tobacco use resulting in a failure to fulfill major
role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., interference Teplansky, & Hartman, 2014). Called the “gentle stimulant” because
with work). it is thought to be the least harmful of all addictive drugs, caffeine
6. Continued tobacco use despite having persistent or recurrent can still lead to problems similar to that of other drugs (e.g., interfer-
social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by ing with social and work obligations; Meredith, Juliano, Hughes &
the effects of tobacco (e.g., arguments with others about Griffiths, 2013). This drug is found in tea, coffee, many soda drinks,
tobacco use). and cocoa products. High levels of caffeine are added to the “energy
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are drinks” that are widely consumed in the United States today but are
given up or reduced because of tobacco use. banned in some European countries (including France, Denmark,
8. Recurrent tobacco use in situations in which it is physically and Norway) due to health concerns (Price, Hilchey, Darredeau,
hazardous (e.g., smoking in bed). Fulton, & Barrett, 2010; Thorlton, Colby & Devine, 2014).
9. Tobacco use is continued despite knowledge of having a As most of you have experienced firsthand, caffeine in small
persistent or recurrent physical or psychological prob- doses can elevate your mood and decrease fatigue. In larger doses,
lem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
TABLE 11.5

a. A need for markedly increased amounts of tobacco to

achieve the desired effect. Diagnostic Criteria for Caffeine Intoxication
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the
same amount of tobacco. 5 A. Recent consumption of caffeine (typically a high dose well in
excess of 250 mg).
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for tobacco B. Five (or more) of the following signs or symptoms developing
(refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria set for tobacco during, or shortly after, caffeine use:
withdrawal). 1. Restlessness.
b. Tobacco (or a closely related substance such as nicotine) 2. Nervousness.
is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. 3. Excitement.
Specify current severity: 4. Insomnia.
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
5. Flushed face.
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms 6. Diuresis.
7. Gastrointestinal disturbance.
From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of 8. Muscle twitching.
mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC. 9. Rambling flow of thought and speech.
10. Tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia.
11. Periods of inexhaustibility.
smoking but later resume report that feelings of depression or
12. Psychomotor agitation.
anxiety were responsible for the relapse (Kahler, Litvin Bloom,
C. The signs or symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant
Leventhal, & Brown, 2015). Due to this association between smok-
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important
ing and symptoms of depression and anxiety, relapse may be espe- areas of functioning.
cially higher for women as compared to men, because women more
D. The signs or symptoms are not attributable to another medical
than men tend to have these symptoms (Nakajima & al’Absi, 2012). condition and are not better explained by another mental
Severe depression is found to occur significantly more often disorder, including intoxication with another substance.
among people with nicotine dependence. Does this mean that smok-
ing causes depression or depression causes smoking? There is a com- From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
plex and bi-directional relationship between cigarette smoking and mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

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it can make you feel jittery and can Nicotine Dependence Barbiturate and alcohol withdrawal can
cause insomnia. Because caffeine takes be even more distressing, however. Even
a relatively long time to leave our bodies so, people who cease or reduce their opi-
(about 6 hours), sleep can be disturbed oid intake begin to experience symptoms
if the caffeine is ingested in the hours within 6 to 12 hours; these include exces-

© Cengage Learning
close to bedtime. This effect is especially sive yawning, nausea and vomiting, chills,
pronounced among those already suffer- muscle aches, diarrhea, and insomnia—
ing from insomnia (Byrne et al., 2012). temporarily disrupting work, school, and
As with the other psychoactive drugs, social relationships. The symptoms can
people react variously to caffeine; some persist for 1 to 3 days, and the withdrawal
are sensitive to it, and others can con- “You can’t simply focus on nicotine itself. process is completed in about a week.
sume relatively large amounts with little Many medications do that—they focus on Addiction to heroin is reported in
effect. Research suggests that moderate replacing the nicotine, such as nicotine gum about almost a half million people in the
use of caffeine (a cup of coffee per day) or the patch—and that’s valuable, but you United States, double the number estimated
by pregnant women does not harm the really have to focus on all the triggers, the between 2002 and 2013. Illicit use of opioid-
developing fetus (Loomans et al., 2012). cues, and the environment.” containing prescription medicines—the
DSM-5 includes caffeine use most commonly abused opiate class—has
disorder—defined problematic caffeine also risen in recent years with 4.13 million
Go to MindTap at
use that causes significant impairment people over the age of 12 reporting non-
and distress—as a condition for fur- to watch this video.
medical use (SAMHSA, 2014). One survey
ther study (American Psychiatric Asso- found that 12.3% of high school seniors
ciation, 2013). As with other stimulants, reported using opioids (e.g., hydrocodone,
regular caffeine use can result in tolerance and dependence on the oxycodone) for nonmedical reasons (McCabe, West, Teter, & Boyd,
drug. Those of you who have experienced headaches, drowsiness, 2012). Illicit use of opioid-containing prescription was the second
and a generally unpleasant mood when denied your morning cof- most common type of illicit drug use in 2014 after marijuana. This
fee have had the withdrawal symptoms characteristic of this drug rise in opioid use over the past decade has been deemed an opioid
(Meredith et al., 2013). Caffeine’s effect on the brain seems to epidemic and public health crisis in the United States. The rise is
involve the neuromodulator adenosine and, to a lesser extent, the particularly problematic because 1.9 million met criteria for opioid
neurotransmitter dopamine (Juliano, Ferré, & Griffiths, 2015). use disorder in 2013 (SAMHSA, 2014). Additionally, the increase in
Caffeine seems to block adenosine reuptake. Adenosine plays an number of deaths due to illicit opioid use was the leading cause of
important role on the release of dopamine and glutamate in the death for drug users in 2013, a 360% increase from 1999 (Centers
striatum, which may explain the elation and increased energy that for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics, 2014).
come with caffeine use (Juliano et al., 2015). Research also suggests that individuals who first became addicted to
prescription pain medication transitioned to using heroin (Muhuri,
Gfroerer & Davies, 2013). People who use opiates face risks beyond
Opioid-Related Disorders addiction and the threat of overdose. Because these drugs are usually
The word opiate refers to the natural chemicals in the opium poppy injected intravenously, users are at increased risk for other chronic
that have a narcotic effect (they relieve pain and induce sleep). life-threatening illness such as Hepatitis C and HIV infection and
In some circumstances, they can cause opioid-related disorders. therefore AIDS (Compton, Boyle & Wargo, 2015).
The broader term opioids refers to the family of substances that The life of an opiate addict can be bleak. Research suggests
includes natural opiates, synthetic variations (heroin, methadone, that mortality rates in this population range from 6 to 20 times
hydrocodone, oxycodone), and the comparable substances that higher than the general population’s. And, those individuals who
occur naturally in the brain (enkephalins, beta-endorphins, and do live face much hardship recovering from addiction with stable
dynorphins) (Borg et al., 2015). References to the use of opium abstinence rates as low as 30% with most individuals undergo-
as a medicine date back more than 3,500 years (Strain, Lofwall, & ing many relapses. Even those that discontinue opioids often use
Jaffe, 2009). In The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West alcohol and other drugs in their place (Hser, Evans, Grella, Ling,
puts Dorothy, Toto, and the Cowardly Lion to sleep by poisoning & Anglin, 2015). Results from a 33-year follow-up study of more
poppies in a field that is on the way to Oz, a literary allusion to the than 80 opioid users in an English town highlight this pessimistic
opium poppies used to produce morphine, codeine, and heroin. view (Rathod, Addenbrooke, & Rosenbach, 2005). At the follow
Just as the poppies lull Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, and Toto, up, 22% of opioid users had died—about twice the national rate of
opiates induce euphoria, drowsiness, and slowed breathing. High about 12% for the general population. More than half the deaths
doses can lead to death if respiration is completely depressed. Opi- were the result of drug overdose, and several took their own
ates are also analgesics, substances that help relieve pain. People lives. The good news from this study was that of those who sur-
are sometimes given morphine before and after surgery to calm vived, 80% were no longer using opioids, and the remaining 20%
them and help block pain. were being treated with methadone. Persistence opioid use may
Withdrawal from opioids can be so unpleasant that people be related to comorbid mental disorders and sexual or physical
may continue to use these drugs despite a sincere desire to stop. abuse. Long-term recovery has been shown to be associated with


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family and social support, employment, and opioid abstinence of The first blustered: “Let’s break the gates down.”
at least five years (Hser et al., 2015). “Nay,” yawned the opium eater, “let us rest until morning,
The high or “rush” experienced by users comes from activation when we may enter through the wide-flung portals.”
of the body’s natural opioid system. In other words, the brain already “Do as you like,” was the announcement of the mari-
has its own opioids—called enkephalins and endorphins—that pro- juana addict. “But I shall stroll in through the keyhole!”
vide narcotic effects (Ballantyne, 2012). Heroin, opium, morphine, (Rowell & Rowell, 1939, p. 66)
and other opiates activate this system. The discovery of the natural
Reactions to cannabis usually include mood swings. Otherwise-
opioid system was a major breakthrough in the field of psychophar-
normal experiences seem extremely funny, or the person might
macology: Not only does it allow us to study the effects of addictive
enter a dreamlike state in which time seems to stand still. Users
drugs on the brain, but it also has led to important discoveries that
often report heightened sensory experiences, seeing vivid colors,
may help us treat people dependent on these drugs.

Cannabis-Related Disorders TABLE 11.6

Cannabis (marijuana) was the drug of choice in the 1960s and Diagnostic Criteria for Opioid Use Disorder
early 1970s. Although it has decreased in popularity, it is still
the most routinely used illegal substance, with 5 to 15% of peo- 5 A. A problematic pattern of opioid use leading to clinically signifi-
cant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the
ple in western countries reporting regular use (Jager, 2012). In following, occurring within a 12-month period:
the United States, 22.2 million individuals aged 12 or older used
1. Opioids are often taken in larger amounts or over a longer
marijuana in the past 30 days (SAMHSA, 2014). Marijuana is period than was intended.
the name given to the dried parts of the cannabis or hemp plant
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut
(its full scientific name is Cannabis sativa). Cannabis grows wild down or control opioid use.
throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the world, which
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain
accounts for one of its nicknames, “weed.” the opioid, use the opioid, or recover from its effects.
As demonstrated by the following parable, people who smoke
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use opioids.
marijuana often experience altered perceptions of the world.
5. Recurrent opioid use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role
Three men, so the story goes, arrived one night at the closed obligations at work, school, or home.
gates of a Persian city. One was intoxicated by alcohol, 6. Continued opioid use despite having persistent or recurrent
another was under the spell of opium, and the third was social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by
steeped in marijuana. the effects of opioids.
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are
given up or reduced because of opioid use.
8. Recurrent opioid use in situations in which it is physically
9. Continued opioid use despite knowledge of having a persis-
tent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is
likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of opioids to
achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the
same amount of an opioid.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for those taking
opioids solely under appropriate medical supervision.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic opioid withdrawal syndrome (refer to
Criteria A and B of the criteria set for opioid withdrawal).
b. Opioids (or a closely related substance) are taken to
relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Note: This criterion is not considered to be met for those taking
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

opioids solely under appropriate medical supervision.

Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

The pop icon Prince died in 2016 at the age of 57 from an accidental From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
overdose of the prescribed opioid, fentanyl. mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

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seizures, heart rhythm problems, etc.) (Palamar & Barratt, 2016;
Wells & Ott, 2011).
The evidence for cannabis tolerance is contradictory. Chronic
and heavy users report tolerance, especially to the euphoric high
(Mennes, Ben Abdallah, & Cottler, 2009); they are unable to reach
the levels of pleasure they experienced earlier. However, evidence
also indicates “reverse tolerance,” when regular users experience
more pleasure from the drug after repeated use. Major signs of
withdrawal do not usually occur with cannabis. Chronic users
who stop taking the drug report a period of irritability, restless-
ness, appetite loss, nausea, and difficulty sleeping (Jager, 2012).
Controversy surrounds the use of cannabis for medicinal pur-
poses. However, there appears to be an increasing database docu-
menting the successful use of cannabis and its by-products for the
symptoms of certain diseases. In Canada and 24 states including
Washington, D.C., cannabis products are available for medical
use, including an herbal cannabis extract (Sativex—delivered in
a nasal spray), dronabinol (Marinol), nabilone (Cesamet), and
the herbal form of cannabis that is typically smoked (Borgelt,
Franson, Nussbaum, & Wang, 2013; Wang, Collet, Shapiro, &
Ware, 2008). These cannabis-derived products are prescribed for
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, HIV-associated
anorexia, neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, and cancer pain.
Unfortunately, marijuana smoke may contain as many carcino-
gens as tobacco smoke, although one long-term study that fol-
lowed more than 5,000 men and women over 20 years suggested
that occasional use does not appear to have a negative effect on
lung functioning (Pletcher et al., 2012).

Most cannabis users inhale the drug by smoking the dried

leaves in marijuana cigarettes; others use preparations such as
hashish, which is the dried form of the resin in the leaves of the
female plant. Marijuana contains more than 80 varieties of the
Marijuana. chemicals called cannabinoids, which are believed to alter mood
and behavior. The most common of these chemicals includes the
tetrahydrocannabinols, otherwise known as THC. An exciting
finding in the area of cannabis research was that the brain makes
or appreciating the subtleties of music. Perhaps more than any its own version of THC, a neurochemical called anandamide after
other drug, however, cannabis can produce different reactions in the Sanskrit word ananda, which means “bliss” (Sedlak & Kaplin,
people. It is not uncommon for someone to report having no reac- 2009; Volkow, Baler, Compton, & Weiss, 2014). Subsequent
tion to the first use of the drug; it also appears that people can research points to several other naturally-occurring brain chemi-
“turn off ” the high if they are sufficiently motivated (Jager, 2012). cals including 2-AG (2-arachidonylglecerol), noladin ether, virod-
The feelings of well-being produced by small doses can change hamine, and N-arachidonoyldopamine (Mechoulam & Parker,
to paranoia, hallucinations, and dizziness when larger doses are 2013; Piomelli, 2003). Scientists continue to explore how this neu-
taken. High school–age marijuana smokers get lower grades and rochemical affects the brain and behavior (Piomelli, 2014).
are less likely to graduate, although it is not clear if this is the direct
result of cannabis use or concurrent other drug use (Jager, 2012).
Research on frequent cannabis users suggests that impairments of Hallucinogen-Related Disorders
memory, concentration, relationships with others, and employ- On a Monday afternoon in April 1943, Albert Hoffmann, a sci-
ment may be negative outcomes of long-term use (possibly lead- entist at a large Swiss chemical company, prepared to test a newly
ing to cannabis use disorders), although some researchers suggest synthesized compound. He had been studying derivatives of ergot,
that some psychological problems precede usage—increasing the a fungus that grows on diseased kernels of grain, and sensed that
likelihood that someone will use cannabis (Heron et al., 2013; he had missed something important in the 25th compound of the
Macleod et al., 2004). The introduction of synthetic marijuana lysergic acid series. Ingesting what he thought was an infinitesi-
(referred to with a number of different names such as “fake weed,” mally small amount of this drug, which he referred to in his notes
“K2” or “Spice” and marketed as “herbal incense”) has caused as LSD-25, he waited to see what subtle changes might come over
alarm because in many places it can be purchased legally and the him as a result. Thirty minutes later, he reported no change, but
reaction to its use can be extremely harmful (e.g., hallucinations, some 40 minutes after taking the drug, he began to feel dizzy and


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TABLE 11.7

Diagnostic Criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder

5 A. A problematic pattern of cannabis use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring
within a 12-month period:
1. Cannabis is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control cannabis use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain cannabis, use cannabis, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use cannabis.
5. Recurrent cannabis use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.
6. Continued cannabis use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of cannabis.
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of cannabis use.
8. Recurrent cannabis use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.
9. Cannabis use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been
caused or exacerbated by cannabis.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of cannabis to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of cannabis.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for cannabis (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria set for cannabis withdrawal).
b. Cannabis (or a closely related substance) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

had a noticeable desire to laugh. Riding his bicycle home, he hal- people during that decade (Parrott, 2012). The late Timothy Leary,
lucinated that the buildings he passed were moving and melting. at the time a Harvard University research professor, first used LSD
By the time he arrived home, he was terrified he was losing his in 1961 and immediately began a movement to have every child
mind. Hoffmann was experiencing the first recorded “trip” on and adult try the drug and “turn on, tune in, and drop out.”
LSD (Jones, 2009). There are a number of other hallucinogens, some occurring
LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide), sometimes referred to as naturally in a variety of plants: psilocybin (found in certain spe-
“acid,” is the most common hallucinogenic drug. It is produced cies of mushrooms), lysergic acid amide (found in the seeds of the
synthetically in laboratories, although naturally occurring deriva- morning glory plant), dimethyltryptamine (DMT) (found in the
tives of this grain fungus (ergot) have been found historically. In bark of the Virola tree, which grows in South and Central America);
Europe during the Middle Ages, an outbreak of illnesses occurred and mescaline (found in the peyote cactus plant). Phencyclidine
as a result of people’s eating grain that was infected with the fun- (or PCP) is snorted, smoked, or injected intravenously, and it
gus. One version of this illness—later called ergotism—constricted causes impulsivity and aggressiveness.
the flow of blood to the arms or legs and eventually resulted in The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for hallucinogen intoxication
gangrene and the loss of limbs. Another type of illness resulted are similar to those for cannabis: perceptual changes such as the
in convulsions, delirium, and hallucinations. Years later, scientists subjective intensification of perceptions, depersonalization, and
connected ergot with the illnesses and began studying versions hallucinations. Physical symptoms include pupillary dilation, rapid
of this fungus for possible benefits. This is the type of work heartbeat, sweating, and blurred vision (American Psychiatric
Hoffmann was engaged in when he discovered LSD’s hallucino- Association, 2013). Many users have written about hallucinogens,
genic properties. and they describe a variety of experiences. In one well-designed
LSD largely remained in the laboratory until the 1960s, when placebo-controlled study of hallucinogens, researchers at Johns
it was first produced illegally for recreational use. However, the Hopkins School of Medicine gave volunteers either the hal-
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) tested LSD as a “truth serum” lucinogen psilocybin or a control drug (the ADHD medication
during interrogations though the agency abandoned their efforts Ritalin) and assessed their reactions (Griffiths, Richards, McCann,
after several serious incidents and no evidence of truth (Lee & & Jesse, 2006). Psilocybin ingestion resulted in individualized
Shlain, 1992). The mind-altering effects of the drug suited the social reactions including perceptual changes (for example, mild visual
effort to reject established culture and enhanced the search for hallucinations) and mood changes (for example, joy or happiness,
enlightenment that characterized the mood and behavior of many anxiety, or fearfulness). Interestingly, the drug increased reports

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TABLE 11.8
Diagnostic Criteria for Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder

5 A. A problematic pattern of hallucinogen (other than phencyclidine) use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least
two of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. The hallucinogen is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control hallucinogen use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the hallucinogen, use the hallucinogen, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use the hallucinogen.
5. Recurrent hallucinogen use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences from work or
poor work performance related to hallucinogen use; hallucinogen-related absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children
or household).
6. Continued hallucinogen use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the
hallucinogen (e.g., arguments with a spouse about consequences of intoxication; physical fights).
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of hallucinogen use.
8. Recurrent hallucinogen use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by
9. Hallucinogen use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been
caused or exacerbated by the hallucinogen.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the hallucinogen to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the hallucinogen.
Note: Withdrawal symptoms and signs are not established for hallucinogens, and so this criterion does not apply.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

of mystical experiences (for example, deeply felt positive mood), is the temporary effect of the drug and it will wear off in a few
and even 14 months later many rated the experience as having hours (Parrott, 2012).
a spiritual significance (Griffiths, Richards, Johnson, McCann, & Hallucinogens seem to affect the brain in diverse and non-
Jesse, 2008). More research is needed to explore how these types of specific ways, meaning by affecting multiple different receptors at
drugs work with increased specificity, and this research may also one time in opposing ways. It is thought that this broad impact on
tell us how our brains process experiences such as personal mean- brain receptors may lead to consciousness expanding experienced
ing and spirituality (TylŠ, Páleníček, & Horáček, 2014). by some (Passie & Halpern, 2015). Most of these drugs bear some
Tolerance develops quickly to a number of hallucinogens, resemblance to neurotransmitters; LSD, psilocybin, lysergic acid
including LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline (hallucinogen use amide, and DMT are chemically similar to serotonin; mescaline
disorders) (Passie & Halpern, 2015). If taken repeatedly over resembles norepinephrine; and a number of other hallucinogens
a period of days, these drugs lose their effectiveness. Sensitiv- we have not discussed are similar to acetylcholine. Psilocybin, for
ity returns after about a week of abstinence, however. For most example, seems to increase serotonin as an agonist at 5HT2A/C
hallucinogens, no withdrawal symptoms are reported. Even so, and 5HT1A receptors to produce hallucinogenic effects but the
a number of concerns have been expressed about their use. One remaining neural activity is less understood and it seems that psi-
is the possibility of psychotic reactions. Stories in the popular locybin may also impact dopamine receptors. Recent fMRI stud-
press about people who jumped out of windows because they ies show activation in “resting state networks” that are typically
believed they could fly or who stepped into moving traffic with activated during a resting state or introspection, as well as net-
the mistaken idea that they couldn’t be hurt have provided for works that increase focused attention. Alternation and activation
sensational reading, but little evidence suggests that using hal- of these two networks typically happens during states like medi-
lucinogens produces a greater risk than being drunk or under the tation or psychosis. Research in human and animal laboratory
influence of any other drug. People do report having “bad trips”; studies shows no short-term or long-toxicity, meaning one’s body
these are the sort of frightening episodes in which clouds turn processes the substances without incurring any harm to organs
into threatening monsters or deep feelings of paranoia take over. including the brain. This may be in part why some researchers are
Usually someone on a bad trip can be “talked down” by support- exploring psilocybin as a “model” for psychosis as well as a sub-
ive people who provide constant reassurance that the experience stance with possible therapeutic potential (TylŠ et al., 2014).


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Other Drugs of Abuse that of alcohol intoxication and usually includes dizziness, slurred
speech, lack of coordination, euphoria, and lethargy (American
A number of other substances are used by individuals to alter
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Users build up a tolerance to the
sensory experiences. These drugs do not fit neatly into the classes
drugs, and withdrawal—which involves sleep disturbance, trem-
of substances we just described but are nonetheless of great con-
ors, irritability, and nausea—can last from 2 to 5 days. Unfortu-
cern because they can be physically damaging to those who ingest
nately, use can also increase aggressive and antisocial behavior,
them. We briefly describe inhalants, steroids, and a group of drugs
and long-term use can damage bone marrow, kidneys, liver, lung,
commonly referred to as designer drugs.
nervous system, and the brain (for example, leading to cognitive
Inhalants include a variety of substances found in volatile
impairment for the user and for infants born to mothers who use
solvents—making them available to breathe into the lungs directly.
while pregnant) (Ford, Sutter, Owen, & Albertson, 2014). If users
Some common inhalants that are used abusively include spray
are startled, this can cause a cardiac event that can lead to death
paint, hair spray, paint thinner, gasoline, amyl nitrate, nitrous
(called “sudden sniffing death”) (Ridenour & Howard, 2012).
oxide (“laughing gas”), nail polish remover, felt-tipped markers,
Anabolic–androgenic steroids (more commonly referred to
airplane glue, contact cement, dry-cleaning fluid, and spot remover
as steroids or “roids” or “juice”) are derived from or are a syn-
(Ridenour & Howard, 2012). Inhalant use is highest during early
thesized form of the hormone testosterone (Pope & Kanayama,
adolescence, ages 13 to 14, especially in those in correctional or
2012). The legitimate medical uses of these drugs focus on people
psychiatric institutions. Additionally, higher rates of inhalant use
with asthma, anemia, breast cancer, and males with inadequate
are found among Native Americans and Caucasians, as well as
those who live in rural or small towns, come from disadvantaged
backgrounds, have higher levels of anxiety and depression, and
TABLE 11.9

show more impulsive and fearless temperaments (Garland, How-
ard, Vaughn, & Perron, 2011; Halliburton & Bray, 2016). These Diagnostic Criteria for Inhalant Use Disorder
drugs are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs
when inhaled from containers or on a cloth held up to the mouth 5 A. A problematic pattern of use of a hydrocarbon-based inhalant
substance leading to clinically significant impairment or distress,
and nose. The high associated with the use of inhalants resembles as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring within a
12-month period:
1. The inhalant substance is often taken in larger amounts or
over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down
or control use of the inhalant substance.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain
the inhalant, use it, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, a strong desire or urge to use the inhalant substance.
5. Recurrent use of the inhalant substance resulting in a failure
to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.
6. Continued use of the inhalant substance despite having per-
sistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused
or exacerbated by the effects of its use.
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are
given up or reduced because of use of the inhalant substance.
8. Recurrent use of the inhalant substance in situations in which
it is physically hazardous.
9. Use of the inhalant substance is continued despite
knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or
psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or
exacerbated by the substance.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of inhalant

substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect.

b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the
same amount of the inhalant substance.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Presence of 2-3 symptoms
Moderate: Presence of 4-5 symptoms
Severe: Presence of 6 or more symptoms

The proliferation of new recreational drugs such as Ecstasy inspires From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
ever more vigilance on the part of the legal system. mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC.

O t h e r D r u g s o f A b u s e    427

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sexual development. However, the anabolic action of these drugs one of a small but feared growing list of related substances that
(that can produce increased body mass) has resulted in their illicit includes 3,4-methelenedioxyethamphetamine (MDEA, or Eve),
use by those wishing to try to improve their physical abilities by and 2-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine (BDMPEA,
increasing muscle bulk. Steroids can be taken orally or through or Nexus) (Wu et al., 2009). Their ability to heighten a person’s
injection, and some estimates suggest that approximately 2% to auditory and visual perception, as well as the senses of taste and
6% of males will use the drug illegally at some point in their lives touch, has been incorporated into the activities of those who
(Pope & Kanayama, 2012). Users sometimes administer the drug attend nightclubs, all-night electronic dance music (EDM) par-
on a schedule of several weeks or months followed by a break from ties (raves), or large social gatherings of primarily gay men (called
its use—called “cycling”—or combine several types of steroids— “circuit parties”). A drug related to phencyclidine and associated
called “stacking.” Steroid use differs from other drug use because with the “drug club” scene is ketamine (street names include K,
the substance does not produce a desirable high but instead is Special K, and Cat Valium), a dissociative anesthetic that produces
used to enhance performance and body size. Dependence on the a sense of detachment, along with a reduced awareness of pain
substance therefore seems to involve the desire to maintain the (Wolff, 2012). Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB, or liquid Ecstasy)
performance gains obtained rather than a need to re-experience is a central nervous system depressant that was marketed in health
an altered emotional or physical state. Research on the long-term food stores in the 1980s as a means of stimulating muscle growth.
effects of steroid use seems to suggest that mood disturbances are Users report that, at low doses, it can produce a state of relaxation
common (for example, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks) and increased tendency to verbalize but that at higher doses or
(Pope & Kanayama, 2012), and there is a concern that more seri- with alcohol or other drugs it can result in seizures, severe respira-
ous physical consequences may result from regular use. tory depression, and coma. These drugs taken at high doses may
be especially dangerous for the developing teenager brain due to
their high toxicity, which may cause irreversible memory loss and
other cognitive problems (Domino & Miller, 2015).
Concept Check 11.2 Since 2010 there has been a rise in the use of synthetic cathi-
nones (“bath salts”) 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), syn-
Determine whether the following statements about stimu- thetic form of a stimulant found in the khat plant from East Africa
lants are true (T) or false (F). and Saudi Arabia known for its stimulant effects (Baumann, 2014).
The effects of synthetic cathiones are much stronger and though
1. ________________ Use of crack cocaine by a pregnant
similar to stimulants, they have an excitatory or agitating effect that
woman always adversely affects the developing fetus. can include paranoia, delirium, hallucinations and panic attacks
2. ________________ Regular use of stimulants can (Baumann et al., 2013). Use of all these drugs can result in toler-
result in tolerance and dependence on the drugs. ance and dependence, and their increasing popularity among ado-
lescents and young adults raises significant public health concerns.
3. ________________ Amphetamines have been used
as appetite suppressants.
4. ________________ Compared with all other drugs, caf- Causes of Substance-Related Disorders
feine can produce the most variable reactions in people. People continue to use psychoactive drugs for their effects on
mood, perception, and behavior despite the obvious negative con-
5. ________________ Amphetamines are naturally
sequences of abuse and dependence. We saw that despite his clear
occurring drugs that induce feelings of elation and potential as an individual, Danny continued to use drugs to his
vigor and can reduce fatigue. detriment. Various factors help explain why people like Danny
6. ________________ An ingredient of the beverage persist in using drugs. Drug abuse and dependence, once thought
Coca-Cola in the 1800s was cocaine. to be the result of moral weakness, are now understood to be influ-
enced by a combination of biological and psychosocial factors.
7. ________________ Stimulants are produced only in Why do some people use psychoactive drugs without abusing
a laboratory. or becoming dependent on them? Why do some people stop using
these drugs or use them in moderate amounts after being depen-
dent on them and others continue a lifelong pattern of dependence
Another class of drugs—dissociative anesthetics—causes despite their efforts to stop? These questions continue to occupy the
drowsiness, pain relief, and the feeling of being out of one’s time and attention of numerous researchers throughout the world.
body (Domino & Miller, 2015; Javitt & Zukin, 2009). Some-
times referred to as designer drugs, this growing group of drugs
was originally developed by pharmaceutical companies to tar- Biological Dimensions
get specific diseases and disorders. It was only a matter of time In 2007, when American model and television personality Anna
before some began using the developing technology to design Nicole Smith died from an apparently accidental overdose of
“recreational drugs.” We have already described one of the more at least nine prescription medications—including methadone,
common illicit designer drugs—MDMA, street names of Ecstasy Valium, and the sedative chloral hydrate—the unfortunate news
or Molly—in the section on stimulants. This amphetamine is created a media sensation. The tragedy was compounded by the


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use disorders, the next obvious question is how these genes func-
tion when it comes to addiction—a field of research called func-
tional genomics (Demers, Bogdan, & Agrawal, 2014; Khokhar,
Ferguson, Zhu, & Tyndale, 2010).
Genetic factors may affect how people experience and metab-
olize certain drugs, which in turn may partly determine who will
or will not become regular users (Volkow & Warren, 2015). Just
to illustrate how complex these relationships can be, research has
found that certain genes are associated with a greater likelihood of
heroin addiction in Hispanic and African American populations
(Nielsen et al., 2008). Other research points out that a pharmaco-
logical treatment for alcohol use disorder—naltrexone (an opioid
antagonist)—may be most effective with individuals who have a
Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images

particular genetic variant in their opioid receptors (the OPRM1

gene) (Ray, 2012). In other words, your genetics may not only
influence whether you develop a substance-related disorder but
also help predict which treatments may be effective in reducing
these problems.
Model and TV personality Anna Nicole Smith and her son Daniel both
died from drug complications, raising questions about how environ-
ment and biology played roles in their drug use.
Neurobiological Influences
In general, the pleasurable experiences reported by people who
use psychoactive substances partly explain why people continue to
use them. In behavioral terms, people are positively reinforced for
fact that, just months before, her only son Daniel had died, also using drugs. But what mechanism is responsible for such experi-
from an apparent drug overdose. Did the son inherit a vulnerabil- ences? Studies indicate the brain appears to have a natural “plea-
ity to addiction from his mother? Did he pick up Anna Nicole’s sure pathway” that mediates our experience of reward. All abused
habits from living with her over the years? Is it just a coincidence substances seem to affect this internal reward center in the same
that both mother and son were so involved with drugs? way as you experience pleasure from certain foods or from sex
(Ray, 2012). In other words, what psychoactive drugs may have in
common is their ability to activate this reward center and provide
Familial and Genetic Influences the user with a pleasurable experience, at least for a time.
As you already have seen throughout this book, many psycho- The pleasure center was discovered more than 50 years ago by
logical disorders are influenced in important ways by genetics. James Olds, who studied the effects of electrical stimulation on
Mounting evidence indicates that drug abuse follows this pattern. rat brains (Olds, 1956; Olds & Milner, 1954). If certain areas were
Researchers conducting twin, family, and adoption and other stimulated with small amounts of electricity, the rats behaved as
genetic studies have found that certain people are genetically vul- if they had received something pleasant, such as food. The exact
nerable to drug abuse (Strain, 2009; Volkow & Warren, 2015). location of the area in the human brain is still subject to debate.
Twin studies of smoking, for example, indicate a moderate genetic It is believed that the dopaminergic system and its opioid-releasing
influence (e.g., Hardie, Moss, & Lynch, 2006; Seglem, Waaktaar, neurons known as MOP-r receptors are involved. Opioids have an
Ask, & Torgersen, 2015). Most genetic data on substance abuse agonist effect at MOP-r receptors, which are spread throughout
come from research on alcoholism, which is widely studied the central nervous system and are encoded by mu opioid recep-
because alcohol use is legal and many people are dependent on it. tor gene of OPRM1. This means opioids encourage more produc-
Research in general suggests that genetic risk factors cut across all tion of the brains’ own opioids. The pleasure center of reward that
mood-altering drugs (Kendler et al., 2012). keeps opioid users using is made up of MOP-r receptors mostly
In a major twin study, the role of the environment, as well as found in ventral and dorsal striatal areas and is highly influenced
the role of genetics, was examined in substance use problems. by the downstream activation of the dopaminergic mesocortico-
Researchers studied more than 1,000 pairs of male twins and ques- limbic and nigrostriatal systems (Berridge & Kringelbach, 2015;
tioned them about their use of cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, Borg et al., 2015).
sedatives, stimulants, and opiates (Kendler, Jacobson, Prescott, & How do different drugs that affect different neurotransmit-
Neale, 2003). The findings—which may have major implications ter systems all converge to activate the pleasure pathway, which is
for how we approach treatment and prevention—suggest that primarily made up of dopamine-sensitive neurons? Researchers
there are common genetic influences on the use of all of these are only beginning to sort out the answers to this question, but
drugs. Although it is clear that genetics plays an important role some surprising findings have emerged in recent years. For exam-
in substance-related disorders, specific genes and their influence ple, we know that amphetamines and cocaine act directly on the
on these disorders are still being explored (Ray, 2012; Volkow & dopamine system. Other drugs, however, appear to increase the
Warren, 2015). As the search for the genes influencing substance availability of dopamine in more roundabout and intricate ways.

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For example, the neurons in the brain’s ventral tegmental area are Researchers have identified individual differences in the way
kept from continuous firing by GABA neurons. (Remember that people respond to alcohol. Understanding these response dif-
the GABA system is an inhibitory neurotransmitter system that ferences is important because they may help explain why some
blocks other neurons from sending information.) One thing people continue to use drugs until they acquire a dependence
that keeps us from being on an unending high is the presence of on them, whereas others stop before this happens. A number of
these GABA neurons, which act as the “brain police,” or super- studies compare individuals with and without a family history of
egos of the reward neurotransmitter system. Opiates (opium, alcoholism (Gordis, 2000). They concluded that, compared with
morphine, heroin) inhibit GABA, which in turn stops the GABA the sons of nonalcoholics, the sons of alcoholics may be more
neurons from inhibiting dopamine, which makes more dopamine sensitive to alcohol when it is first ingested and then become less
available in the brain’s pleasure pathway. Drugs that stimulate sensitive to its effects as the hours pass after drinking. This find-
the reward center directly or indirectly include not only amphet- ing is significant because the euphoric effects of alcohol occur just
amine, cocaine, and opiates but also nicotine and alcohol (Strain, after drinking but the experience after several hours is often sad-
2009; Volkow & Warren, 2015). ness and depression. People who are at risk for developing alco-
This complicated picture is far from complete. We now under- holism (in this case, the sons of alcoholics) may be better able to
stand that other neurotransmitters in addition to dopamine— appreciate the initial highs of drinking and be less sensitive to the
including serotonin and norepinephrine—are also involved in the lows that come later, making them ideal candidates for continued
brain’s reward system (Khokhar et al., 2010; Volkow & Warren, drinking. In support of this observation, follow-up research over a
2015). The coming years should yield interesting insights into the 10-year period found that those men who tended to be less sensi-
interaction of drugs and the brain. One aspect that awaits explana- tive to alcohol also tended to drink more heavily and more often
tion is how drugs not only provide pleasurable experiences (posi- (Schuckit, 1994, 1998).
tive reinforcement) but also help remove unpleasant experiences One current line of research involves analyzing the brain wave
such as pain, feelings of illness, or anxiety (negative reinforce- patterns of people at risk for developing alcoholism. This research
ment). Aspirin is a negative reinforcer: We take it not because it is studying the sons of people with alcohol problems because of
makes us feel good but because it stops us from feeling bad. In their own increased likelihood of having alcohol problems. Par-
much the same way, one property of the psychoactive drugs is that ticipants are asked to sit quietly and listen for a particular tone.
they stop people from feeling bad, an effect as powerful as making When they hear the tone, they are to signal the researcher. During
them feel good. this time, their brain waves are monitored and a particular pattern
With several drugs, negative reinforcement is related to the emerges called the P300 amplitude. Approximately 300 millisec-
anxiolytic effect, the ability to reduce anxiety (discussed briefly onds (the origin of the “P300” designation) after the tone is pre-
in the section on the sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic drugs). sented, a characteristic spike in brain waves occurs that indicates
Alcohol has an anxiolytic effect. The neurobiology of how these the brain is processing this information. In general, researchers
drugs reduce anxiety seems to involve the septal–hippocampal find this spike is lower among those with a family history of alco-
system (Ray, 2012), which includes a large number of GABA- holism (Tapert & Jacobus, 2012).
sensitive neurons. Certain drugs may reduce anxiety by enhancing Is this brain wave difference somehow connected to the rea-
the activity of GABA in this region, thereby inhibiting the brain’s sons people later develop a dependence on alcohol, or is it just
normal reaction (anxiety or fear) to anxiety-producing situations. a marker or sign that these individuals have in common but is
E Figure 11.7 illustrates how a drug such as nicotine has a mul- not related to their drinking? One piece of evidence that argues
tifaceted impact on a variety of neurotransmitter systems and in against the P300 differences as a marker for alcoholism is that
turn their effects on the experience of smoking. individuals with a variety of other substance use problems (for

DOPAMINE Pleasure, appetite suppression

NOREPINEPHRINE Arousal, appetite suppression

ACETYLCHOLINE Arousal, cognitive enhancement

NICOTINE GLUTAMATE Learning, memory enhancement

SEROTONIN Mood modulation, appetite suppression

BETA-ENDORPHIN Reduction of anxiety and tension

GABA Reduction of anxiety and tension

Nicotine influences multiple neurotransmitters, causing a number of different mood changes. (Figure from Benowitz, N. (2008). Neurobiology of
nicotine addiction: Implications for smoking cessation treatment. The American Journal of Medicine 121(Suppl. 4), S1.)


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example, opioid users) and psychological disorders (for example, are also more likely to abuse alcohol (Breckenridge, Salter, & Shaw,
schizophrenia and depression) also show lower P300 amplitude 2012). These observations emphasize the important role played by
than control participants (Singh, Basu, Kohli, & Prabhakar, 2009). each aspect of abuse and dependence—biological, psychological,
Researchers are continuing to try to understand this interesting social, and cultural—in determining who will and who will not
but puzzling phenomenon. have difficulties with these substances.
In a study that examined substance use among adolescents
as a way to reduce stress (Chassin, Pillow, Curran, Molina, &
Psychological Dimensions Barrera, 1993), researchers compared a group of adolescents
We have shown that the substances people use to alter mood and who had alcoholic parents with a group whose parents did not
behavior have unique effects. The high from heroin differs sub- have drinking problems. The average age of the adolescents was
stantially from the experience of smoking a cigarette, which in turn 12.7 years. The researchers found that just having a parent with
differs from the effects of amphetamines or LSD. Nevertheless, it is alcohol dependence was a major factor in predicting who would
important to point out the similarities in the way people mentally use alcohol and other drugs. However, they also found that adoles-
react to most of these substances. cents who reported negative affect, such as feeling lonely, crying a
lot, or being tense, were more likely than others to use drugs. The
researchers further determined that the adolescents from both
Positive Reinforcement groups tended to use drugs as a way to cope with unpleasant feel-
The feelings that result from using psychoactive substances are ings. This study and others (see, for example, Pardini, Lochman,
pleasurable in some way, and people will continue to take the & Wells, 2004) suggest that one contributing factor to adolescent
drugs to recapture the pleasure. Research shows quite clearly that drug use is the desire to escape from unpleasantness. It also sug-
many drugs used and abused by humans also seem to be plea- gests that to prevent people from using drugs we may need to
surable to animals (Young & Herling, 1986). Laboratory animals address influences such as stress and anxiety, a strategy we discuss
will work to have their bodies injected with drugs such as cocaine, in our section on treatment.
amphetamines, opiates, sedatives, and alcohol, which demon- Many people who use psychoactive substances experience
strates that even without social and cultural influences these drugs a crash after being high. If people reliably crash, why don’t they
are pleasurable. just stop taking drugs? One explanation is given by Solomon and
Human research also indicates that to some extent all psycho- Corbit in an interesting integration of both the positive and the
active drugs provide a pleasurable experience (Ray, 2012). In addi- negative reinforcement processes (Solomon, 1980; Solomon &
tion, the social contexts for drug taking may encourage its use, Corbit, 1974). The opponent-process theory holds that an increase
even when the use alone is not the desired outcome. One study in positive feelings will be followed shortly by an increase in
found that among volunteers who preferred not to take Valium, negative feelings. Similarly, an increase in negative feelings will
pairing money with pill taking caused participants to switch from be followed by a period of positive feelings (Ray, 2012). Athletes
a placebo to Valium (Alessi, Roll, Reilly, & Johanson, 2002). Posi- often report feeling depressed after finally attaining a long-sought
tive reinforcement in the use and the situations surrounding the goal. The opponent-process theory claims that this mechanism is
use of drugs contributes to whether or not people decide to try to strengthened with use and weakened by disuse. So a person who
continue using drugs. has been using a drug for some time will need more of it to achieve
the same results (tolerance). At the same time, the negative feelings
that follow drug use tend to intensify. For many people, this is the
Negative Reinforcement point at which the motivation for drug taking shifts from desiring
Most researchers have looked at how drugs help reduce unpleasant the euphoric high to alleviating the increasingly unpleasant crash.
feelings through negative reinforcement. Many people are likely to Unfortunately, they come to believe that the best remedy is more
initiate and continue drug use to escape from unpleasantness in of the same drug. People who are hung over after drinking too
their lives. In addition to the initial euphoria, many drugs provide much alcohol are often advised to have “the hair of the dog that
escape from physical pain (opiates), from stress (alcohol), or from bit you” (that is, have another drink). The sad irony here is that
panic and anxiety (benzodiazepines). This phenomenon has been the very drug that can make you feel so bad is also the one thing
explored under a number of different names, including tension that can take away your pain. You can see why people can become
reduction, negative affect, and self-medication, each of which has a enslaved by this insidious cycle.
somewhat different focus (Ray, 2012). Researchers have also looked at substance abuse as a way of
One premise is that substance use becomes a way for users to self-medicating for other problems (Bailey & Baillie, 2012). If peo-
cope with the unpleasant feelings that go along with life circum- ple have difficulties with anxiety, for example, they may be attracted
stances. For example, one study of 1,252 U.S. Army soldiers return- to barbiturates or alcohol because of their anxiety-reducing quali-
ing home from Operation Iraqi Freedom found that those exposed ties. In one study, researchers were successful in treating a group
to violent combat, human trauma, and having direct responsibility of cocaine addicts who had ADHD with methylphenidate (Ritalin)
for taking the life of another person were at increased risk for risk- (Dursteler et al., 2015; Levin, Evans, Brooks, & Garawi, 2007).
taking and for more frequent and greater alcohol use (Killgore They had hypothesized that these individuals used cocaine to help
et al., 2008; Stappenbeck, Hellmuth, Simpson, & Jakupcak, 2014). focus their attention. Once their ability to concentrate improved
People who experience other types of trauma such as sexual abuse with the methylphenidate, the users reduced their use of cocaine.

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Research is just beginning to outline the complex interplay among restaurant, and pub). The researchers found significant increases in
stressors, negative feelings, other psychological disorders, and cravings for alcohol under these conditions (Lee et al., 2009). This
negative reactions to the drugs themselves as causative factors in type of technology may make it easier for clinicians to assess poten-
psychoactive drug use. tial problem areas for clients, which can then be targeted to help
keep them from relapsing. Research is under way to determine
how cravings may work in the brain and if certain medications
Cognitive Dimensions can be used to reduce these urges and help supplement treatment
What people expect to experience when they use drugs influences (Hollander & Kenny, 2012).
how they react to them. A person who expects to be less inhib-
ited when she drinks alcohol will act less inhibited whether she
actually drinks alcohol or a placebo she thinks is alcohol (Bailey Social Dimensions
& Baillie, 2012). This observation about the influence of how we Exposure to psychoactive substances is a necessary prerequisite
think about drug use has been labeled an expectancy effect and has to their use and possible abuse, as previously discussed. You
received considerable research attention. could probably list a number of ways people are exposed to
Expectancies develop before people actually use drugs, per- these substances—through friends, through the media, and so on.
haps as a result of parents’ and peers’ drug use, advertising, and Research on the consequences of cigarette advertising, for exam-
media figures who model drug use (Campbell & Oei, 2013). In an ple, suggests the effects of media exposure may be more influential
important study, students in Canada in grades 7 to 11 were ques- than peer pressure in determining whether teens smoke (Jackson,
tioned each year for three years about their thoughts about alco- Brown, & L’Engle, 2007). In one large study, 820 adolescents
hol and marijuana use (Fulton, Krank, & Stewart, 2012; Young, (ages 14–17) were studied to assess what factors influenced
2013). Included were instructions for them to list 3 or 4 things the age at which they would have their first drink of alcohol
they expected would happen if they used a particular substance. (Kuperman et al., 2013). This study found several factors predicted
Positive expectancies about the effects of alcohol or marijuana early alcohol use including when their best friends started drink-
use predicted who was more likely to use and increase their use ing, whether their family was at high risk for alcohol dependence,
of these drugs three years later. These results suggest that adoles- and the presence of behavior problems in these children.
cents may begin drinking or using other drugs partly because they Research suggests that drug-addicted parents spend less time
believe these substances will have positive effects. monitoring their children than parents without drug problems
Expectations appear to change as people have more (Dishion, Patterson, & Reid, 1988) and that this is an important
experience with drugs, although their expectations are similar contribution to early adolescent substance use (Kerr, Stattin, &
for alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and cocaine (Simons, Dvorak, Burk, 2010). When parents do not provide appropriate supervision,
& Lau-Barraco, 2009; Young, 2013). Some evidence points to their children tend to develop friendships with peers who supported
positive expectancies—believing you will feel good if you take a drug use (Van Ryzin, Fosco, & Dishion, 2012). Children influenced
drug—as an indirect influence on drug problems. In other words, by drug use at home may be exposed to peers who use drugs as well.
what these beliefs may do is increase the likelihood you will take A self-perpetuating pattern seems to be associated with drug use
certain drugs, which in turn will increase the likelihood that prob- that extends beyond the genetic influences we discussed previously.
lems will arise.
Once people stop taking drugs after pro-
longed or repeated use, powerful urges called
“cravings” can interfere with efforts to remain off
these drugs (Hollander & Kenny, 2012; Young,
2013). DSM-5 includes cravings as one of the cri-
teria for diagnosing a substance-related disorder.
If you’ve ever tried to give up ice cream and then
found yourself compelled to have some, you have
a limited idea of what it might be like to crave a
drug. These urges seem to be triggered by factors
such as the availability of the drug, contact with
things associated with drug taking (for example,
Monkey Business Images/

sitting in a bar), specific moods (for example,

being depressed), or having a small dose of the
drug. For example, one study used a virtual real-
ity apparatus to simulate visual, auditory, and
olfactory (an alcohol-dipped tissue) cues (Lee
et al., 2009) for alcohol-dependent adults. The
participants could choose among kinds of alco-
holic beverages (e.g., beer, whiskey, or wine),
snacks, and drinking environments (beer garden, Many young children are exposed to drug use.


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How does our society view people who are dependent on adapt to new cultures (acculturation) can be either a source of
drugs? This issue is of tremendous importance because it affects strength or a stress that can impact drug use. Cultural factors such
efforts to legislate the sale, manufacture, possession, and use of as machismo (male dominance in Latin cultures), marianismo
these substances. It also dictates how drug-dependent individuals (female Latin role of motherly nurturance and identifying with
are treated. Two views of substance-related disorders character- the Virgin Mary), spirituality, and tiu lien (“loss of face” among
ize contemporary thought: the moral weakness and the disease Asians, that can lead to shame for not living up to cultural expec-
models of dependence. According to the moral weakness model of tations) are just a few cultural viewpoints that can affect drug use
chemical dependence, drug use is seen as a failure of self-control in and treatment in either a positive or negative way (Castro & Nieri,
the face of temptation; this is a psychosocial perspective. Propo- 2010). In addition, when we examine a behavior as it appears in
nents of this model see drug users as lacking the character or moral different cultures, it is necessary to reexamine what is considered
fiber to resist the lure of drugs. We saw earlier, for example, that abnormal (Kohn, Wintrob, & Alarcón, 2009). Each culture has
the Catholic Church made drug use an official sin—an indication its own preferences for acceptable psychoactive drugs, as well as
of its disdain. The disease model of physiological dependence, in its own prohibitions for substances it finds unacceptable. Keep in
contrast, assumes that drug use disorders are caused by an under- mind that in addition to defining what is or is not acceptable, cul-
lying physiological cause; this is a biological perspective. Those tural norms affect the rates of substance use in important ways.
who ascribe to this model think that just as diabetes or asthma For example, research suggests that alcohol may be more avail-
can’t be blamed on the afflicted individuals, neither should drug able in poorer Mexican towns (i.e., more stores or individuals sell-
use disorders. AA and similar organizations see drug use disor- ing alcohol), leading to higher rates of alcoholism in these areas
ders as an incurable disease over which the addict has no control (Parker, McCaffree, & Alaniz, 2013).
(Kelly, Stout, Magill, Tonigan, & Pagano, 2010). On the other hand, in certain cultures, including Korea, peo-
Neither perspective does justice to the complex interrelation- ple are expected to drink alcohol heavily on certain social occa-
ship between the psychosocial and biological influences that affect sions (C. K. Lee, 1992). As we have seen before, exposure to these
substance disorders. Viewing drug use as moral weakness leads substances, in addition to social pressure for heavy and frequent
to punishing those afflicted with the disorder, whereas a disease use, may facilitate their abuse, and this may explain the high
model includes seeking treatment for a medical problem. Messag- alcohol abuse rates in countries like Korea. This cultural influ-
es that the disorder is out of their control can at times be counter- ence provides an interesting natural experiment when explor-
productive. A comprehensive view of substance-related disorders ing gene–environment interactions. People of Asian descent are
that includes both psychosocial and biological influences is need- more likely to have the ALDH2 gene, which produces a severe
ed for this important societal concern to be addressed adequately. “flushing” effect (reddening and burning of the face) after drink-
ing alcohol. This flushing effect was thought to be responsible
for a relatively low rate of drinking in the population (de Wit
Cultural Dimensions & Phillips, 2012). However, between 1979 and 1992—when
Culture is a pervasive factor in the influence of drug use and increased drinking became socially expected—there was an
treatment. For example, the extent to which and how well people increase in alcohol abuse (Higuchi et al., 1994). The protective
value of having the ALDH2 gene was dimin-
ished by the change in cultural norms (Rutter,
Moffit, & Caspi, 2006).
Cultural factors not only influence the
rates of substance abuse but also determine
how it is manifested. Research indicates that
alcohol consumption in Poland and Finland
is relatively low, yet conflicts related to drink-
ing and arrests for drunkenness in those
countries are high compared with those in the
Netherlands, which has about the same rate of
alcohol consumption (Osterberg, 1986). Our
discussion of expectancies may provide some
insight into how the same amount of drink-
ing can have different behavioral outcomes.
W. Perry Conway/Getty Images

Expectancies about the effects of alcohol use

differ across cultures (for example, “Drinking
makes me more aggressive” versus “Drink-
ing makes me more withdrawn”); these dif-
fering expectancies may partially account
for the variations in the consequences of
In many cultures, alcohol is used as part of certain rituals, demonstrated in this photo of drinking in Poland, Finland, and the Nether-
Masai elders drinking ceremonial beer. lands. Whether substance use is considered a

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Drug Use

Social and cultural Psychosocial

expectations for use stressors

Psychological Influences
Exposure to drug Substance Biological Influences
• Media influence • Positive reinforcement Use Disorder
• Parental drug use • Negative reinforcement
•• Sensitivity to drug
• Peer drug use
• Cognitive influences
•• Rate of metabolism
• Lack of parental •• Base levels of arousal—e.g.,
monitoring antisocial personality disorder
•• Disorders of mood or anxiety


An integrative model of substance-related disorders.

harmful dysfunction often depends on the assumptions of the this group. People with mood disorders or anxiety disorders may
cultural group. self-medicate by using drugs to relieve the negative symptoms of
their disorder, and this may account for the high rates of substance
abuse in this group.
An Integrative Model We know also that continued use of certain substances changes
Any explanation of substance use disorders must account for the the way our brains work through a process called neuroplasticity.
basic issue raised earlier in this chapter: Why do some people use We tend to think of neuroplasticity—the brain’s tendency to reor-
drugs but not abuse them or become dependent? E Figure 11.8 ganize itself by forming new neural connections—when we hear
illustrates how the multiple influences we have discussed may stories of people recovering abilities after some brain damage. This
interact to account for this process. Access to a drug is a nec- ability to adapt to change is something we hope for when injury
essary but not a sufficient condition for abuse or dependence. occurs to the brain. The other side of this ability shows itself in drug
Exposure has many sources, including the media, parents, peers, addiction. With the continued use of substances such as alcohol,
and, indirectly, lack of supervision. Whether people use a drug cocaine, or the other drugs we explore in this chapter, the brain
depends also on social and cultural expectations, some encour- reorganizes itself to adapt. Unfortunately, this change in the brain
aging and some discouraging, such as laws against possession or increases the drive to obtain the drug and decreases the desire for
sale of the drug. other nondrug experiences—both of which contribute to contin-
The path from drug use to abuse and dependence is more com- ued use and relapse (Russo et al., 2010).
plicated (see Figure 11.8). As major stressors aggravate many dis- It is clear that abuse and dependence cannot be predicted from
orders we have discussed, so do they increase the risk of abuse and one factor, be it genetic, neurobiological, psychological, or cul-
dependence on psychoactive substances. Genetic influences may tural. For example, some people with the genes common to many
be of several types. Some individuals may inherit a greater sensi- with substance abuse problems do not become abusers. Many
tivity to the effects of certain drugs; others may inherit an ability to people who experience the most crushing stressors, such as abject
metabolize substances more quickly and are thereby able to toler- poverty or bigotry and violence, cope without resorting to drug
ate higher (and more dangerous) levels (Young-Wolff, Enoch, & use. There are different pathways to abuse, and we are only now
Prescott, 2011). Other psychiatric conditions may indirectly put beginning to identify their basic outlines.
someone at risk for substance abuse. Antisocial personality dis- Once a drug has been used repeatedly, biology and cogni-
order, characterized by the frequent violation of social norms (see tion conspire to create dependence. Continual use of most drugs
Chapter 12), is thought to include a lowered rate of arousal; this causes tolerance, which requires the user to ingest more of the
may account for the increased prevalence of substance abuse in drug to produce the same effect. Conditioning is also a factor. If


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pleasurable drug experiences are associated with certain settings,
a return to such a setting will later cause urges to develop, even if 9. _______________ The media and parental influences
the drugs themselves are not available. have no effect on adolescent drug use; it is solely a
This complex picture still does not convey the intricate lives of peer pressure factor.
people who develop substance-related disorders. Each person has 10. _______________ The expectancy effect is illustrated
a story and path to abuse and dependence. We have only begun when a person who expects to be less inhibited when
to discover the commonalities of substance disorders; we need to
drinking alcohol is given a placebo and acts or feels
understand a great deal more about how all the factors interact to
produce them.
11. _______________ To some extent, all psychoactive
drugs provide a pleasurable experience, creating posi-
tive reinforcement.
Concept Check 11.3
Part A
Match the following descriptions with their corresponding Treatment of Substance-Related
substance: (a) opioids, (b) amphetamines, (c) cocaine,
(d) hallucinogens, (e) nicotine, and (f) caffeine.
When we left Danny, he was in jail, awaiting the legal outcome
1. This is the most common psychoactive substance of being arrested for vehicular manslaughter. At this point in his
because it is legal, elevates mood, and decreases life, Danny needs more than legal help; he needs to free himself
fatigue. It’s readily available in many beverages. from his addiction to alcohol and cocaine. And the first step in
_______________ his recovery has to come from him. Danny must admit he needs
help, that he does indeed have a problem with drugs, and that he
2. This substance causes euphoria, appetite loss, and
needs others to help him overcome his chronic dependence. The
increased alertness. Dependence appears after years of
personal motivation to work on a drug problem appears to be
use. Mothers addicted to this have the potential to give important but not necessarily essential in the treatment of sub-
birth to irritable babies. _______________ stance abuse (National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2009).
3. These drugs, including LSD, influence percep- Unfortunately, although Danny’s arrest seemed to shock him into
tion, distorting feelings, sights, sounds, and smells. realizing how serious his problems had become, he was not ready
_______________ to confront them head-on. He spent many hours researching
how the antidepressant medication he was also taking could have
4. These lead to euphoria, drowsiness, and slowed breath- caused the deadly accident and did not own up to his drug use as
ing. These substances are analgesics, relieving pain. the cause.
Users tend to be secretive, preventing a great deal of Treating people who have substance-related disorders is a dif-
research in this area. _______________ ficult task. Perhaps because of the combination of influences that
5. This substance stimulates the nervous system often work together to keep people hooked, the outlook for those
who are dependent on drugs is often not positive. You will see
and relieves stress. DSM-5 describes withdrawal
in the case of heroin dependence, for example, that a best-case
symptoms instead of an intoxication pattern.
scenario is often just trading one addiction (heroin) for another
_______________ (methadone). And even people who successfully cease taking
6. These create feelings of elation and vigor and reduce drugs may feel the urge to resume drug use all their lives.
fatigue. They are prescribed to people with narcolepsy Treatment for substance-related disorders focuses on multiple
and ADHD. _______________ areas (Higgins et al., 2014). The National Institute on Drug Abuse
recommends 13 principles of effective treatment for illicit drug
Part B abuse based on more than 35 years of research (NIDA, 2009) (see
Indicate whether these statements about the causes of substance- Table 11.1). Sometimes the first step is to help someone through
related disorders are true (T) or false (F). the withdrawal process; typically, the ultimate goal is abstinence.
7. _______________ Negative reinforcement is involved In other situations, the goal is to get a person to maintain a certain
level of drug use without escalating its intake, and sometimes it is
in the continuance of drug use, because drugs often
geared toward preventing exposure to drugs. Because substance
provide escape from pain, stress, panic, and so on.
abuse arises from so many influences, it should not be surprising
8. _______________ Research with both animals and that treating people with substance-related disorders is not a sim-
humans indicates that substance abuse in general is ple matter of finding just the right drug or the best way to change
affected by our genes, although not one particular thoughts or behavior.
gene. Importantly, it is estimated that fewer than 25% of the people
who have significant problems with substance use seek treatment

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TABLE 11.1 Principles of Effective Treatment TABLE 11.2 Medical Treatments
1. No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals. Substance Treatment Goal Treatment Approach
2. Treatment needs to be readily available. Nicotine Reduce withdrawal symptoms Nicotine replacement ther-
3. Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not and cravings apy (patch, gum, spray,
just his or her drug use. lozenge, and inhaler)
4. An individual’s treatment and services plan must be assessed Reduce withdrawal symptoms Bupropion (Zyban)
continually and modified as necessary to ensure that the plan and cravings
meets the person’s changing needs. Alcohol Reduce reinforcing effects of Naltrexone
5. Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical alcohol
for treatment effectiveness (i.e., 3 months or longer). Reduce alcohol craving in Acamprosate (Campral)
6. Counseling (individual and/or group) and other behavioral thera- abstinent individuals
pies are critical components of effective treatment for addiction. Maintenance of abstinence Disulfiram (Antabuse)
7. Medications are an important element of treatment for many Cannabis No specific medical inter-
patients, especially when combined with counseling and other ventions recommended
behavioral therapies.
Cocaine No specific medical inter-
8. Addicted or drug-abusing individuals with coexisting mental disor- ventions recommended
ders should have both disorders treated in an integrated way.
Opioids Maintenance of abstinence Methadone
9. Medical detoxification is only the first stage of addiction treatment
and by itself does little to change long-term drug use. Maintenance of abstinence Buprenorphine (Subutex)

10. Treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective. Source: From American Psychiatric Association. (2007). Practice guidelines for
the treatment of patients with substance use disorders (2nd ed.). American
11. Possible drug use during treatment must be monitored continuously.
Journal of Psychiatry, 164 (Suppl.), 1–14.
12. Treatment programs should provide assessment for HIV/AIDS,
hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, and
counseling to help patients modify or change behaviors that place
themselves or others at risk of infection.
Agonist Substitution
13. Recovery from drug addiction can be a long-term process and
frequently requires multiple episodes of treatment. Increased knowledge about how psychoactive drugs work on the
brain has led researchers to explore ways of changing how they are
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2009). Principles of addiction
treatment: A research-based guide, 2nd edition (NIH Publication No. 09-4180).
experienced by people who are dependent on them. One method,
Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. agonist substitution, involves providing the person with a safe
drug that has a chemical makeup similar to the addictive drug
(therefore the name agonist). Methadone is an opiate agonist that
for their problems (Dawson et al., 2005). In order to reach out is often given as a heroin substitute (Schwartz, Brooner, Montoya,
to these individuals, efforts are under way to put in place routine Currens, & Hayes, 2010). Methadone is a synthetic narcotic devel-
screenings for substance use problems in settings such as doc- oped in Germany during World War II when morphine was not
tor’s offices, hospital emergency rooms, and even in college and available for pain control; it was originally called adolphine after
university health clinics. This community-wide approach is an Adolph Hitler (Martínez-Fernández, 2002). Although it does not
important part of identifying difficulties and bringing treatment give the quick high of heroin, methadone initially provides the
to those in need (Tucker, Murphy, & Kertesz, 2011). same analgesic (pain reducing) and sedative effects. When users
We discuss the treatment of substance-related disorders as a develop a tolerance for methadone, however, it loses its analgesic
group because treatments have so much in common. For example, and sedative qualities. Because heroin and methadone have
many programs that treat people for dependence on a variety of cross-tolerance, meaning they act on the same neurotransmitter
substances also teach skills for coping with life stressors. Some receptors, a heroin addict who takes methadone may become
biological treatments focus on how to cancel out the effects of the addicted to the methadone instead, but this is not always the case
ingested substances. We discuss the obvious differences among (Maremmani et al., 2009). Research suggests that when addicts
substances as they arise. combine methadone with counseling, many reduce their use of
heroin and engage in less criminal activity (Schwartz et al., 2009).
A newer agonist—buprenorphine—blocks the effects of opiates
Biological Treatments and seems to encourage better compliance than would a nonopi-
There have been a variety of biologically based approaches ate or opiate antagonist (Strain et al., 2009).
designed primarily to change the way substances are experi- Addiction to cigarette smoking is also treated by a substitution
enced. In other words, scientists are trying to find ways to pre- process. The drug—nicotine—is provided to smokers in the form
vent people from experiencing the pleasant highs associated with of gum, patch, inhaler, or nasal spray, which lack the carcinogens
drug use or to find alternative substances that have some of the included in cigarette smoke; the dose is later tapered off to lessen
positive effects (for example, reducing anxiety) without their withdrawal from the drug. In general, these replacement strategies
addictive properties. Table 11.2 lists the current recommended successfully help people stop smoking, although they work best
medical treatments for many of the more intractable substance with psychological therapy (Carpenter et al., 2013; Hughes, 2009).
dependence problems. People must be taught how to use the gum properly, and a portion


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of the people who successfully quit smoking become dependent on who skips the Antabuse for a few days is able to resume drinking
the gum itself (Etter, 2009). The nicotine patch requires less effort (Ellis & Dronsfield, 2013).
and provides a steadier nicotine replacement (Hughes, 2009). Efforts to make smoking aversive have included the use of silver
Another medical treatment for smoking—bupropion (Zyban)—is nitrate in lozenges or gum. This chemical combines with the saliva
also commonly prescribed, under the trade name Wellbutrin, as of a smoker to produce a bad taste in the mouth. Research has not
an antidepressant. This drug curbs the cravings without being an shown it to be particularly effective (Jensen, Schmidt, Pedersen, &
agonist for nicotine (rather than helping smokers trying to quit Dahl, 1991). Both Antabuse for alcohol abuse and silver nitrate for
by making them less depressed). All of these medical treatments cigarette smoking have generally been less than successful as treat-
have roughly the same effectiveness in helping people quit smok- ment strategies on their own, primarily because they require that
ing, with a 6-month abstinence rate of approximately 20 to 25% people be extremely motivated to continue taking them outside the
(Litvin et al., 2012). supervision of a mental health professional.

Antagonist Treatments Other Biological Approaches

We described how many psychoactive drugs produce euphoric Medication is often prescribed to help people deal with the often-
effects through their interaction with the neurotransmitter systems disturbing symptoms of withdrawal. Clonidine, developed to treat
in the brain. What would happen if the effects of these drugs were hypertension, has been given to people withdrawing from opiates.
blocked so that the drugs no longer produced the pleasant results? Because withdrawal from certain prescribed medications such as
Would people stop using the drugs? Antagonist drugs block or sedative drugs can cause cardiac arrest or seizures, these drugs are
counteract the effects of psychoactive drugs, and a variety of drugs gradually tapered off to minimize dangerous reactions. In addi-
that seem to cancel out the effects of opiates have been used with tion, sedative drugs (benzodiazepines) are often prescribed to help
people dependent on a variety of substances. The most often pre- minimize discomfort for people withdrawing from other drugs,
scribed opiate-antagonist drug, naltrexone, has had only limited such as alcohol (Sher, Martinez, & Littlefield, 2011).
success with individuals who are not simultaneously participating
in a structured treatment program (Krupitsky & Blokhina, 2010).
When it is given to a person who is dependent on opiates, it pro- Psychosocial Treatments
duces immediate withdrawal symptoms, an extremely unpleasant Most biological treatments for substance abuse show some prom-
effect. A person must be free from these withdrawal symptoms ise with people who are trying to eliminate their drug habit. Not
completely before starting naltrexone, and because it removes the one of these treatments alone is successful for most people, how-
euphoric effects of opiates, the user must be highly motivated to ever (Schuckit, 2009b). Most research indicates a need for social
continue treatment. Acamprosate also seems to decrease cravings support or therapeutic intervention. Because so many people need
in people dependent on alcohol, and it works best with highly help to overcome their substance disorder, a number of models
motivated people who are also participating in psychosocial inter- and programs have been developed. Unfortunately, in no other
ventions (Kennedy et al., 2010). The brain mechanisms for the area of psychology have unvalidated and untested methods of
effects of this drug are not well understood (Oslin & Klaus, 2009). treatment been so widely accepted. A reminder: A program that
Overall, naltrexone or the other drugs being explored are not has not been subject to the scrutiny of research may work, but the
the magic bullets that would shut off the addict’s response to psy- sheer number of people receiving services of unknown value is still
choactive drugs and put an end to dependence. They do appear to cause for concern. We next review several therapeutic approaches
help some drug abusers handle withdrawal symptoms and the crav- that have been evaluated.
ings that accompany attempts to abstain from drug use; antagonists
may therefore be a useful addition to other therapeutic efforts.
Inpatient Facilities
The first specialized facility for people with substance abuse
Aversive Treatment problems was established in 1935, when the first federal narcotic
In addition to looking for ways to block the euphoric effects of “farm” was built in Lexington, Kentucky. Now mostly privately
psychoactive drugs, clinicians in this area may prescribe drugs run, such facilities are designed to help people get through the ini-
that make ingesting the abused substances extremely unpleas- tial withdrawal period and to provide supportive therapy so that
ant. The expectation is that a person who associates the drug with they can go back to their communities (Morgan, 1981). Inpatient
feelings of illness will avoid using the drug. The most commonly care can be extremely expensive (Bender, 2004). The question
known aversive treatment uses disulfiram (Antabuse) with people arises, then, as to how effective this type of care is compared with
who have an alcohol use disorder (Ivanov, 2009). Antabuse pre- outpatient therapy that can cost 90% less. Research suggests there
vents the breakdown of acetaldehyde, a by-product of alcohol, may be no difference between intensive residential setting pro-
and the resulting buildup of acetaldehyde causes feelings of ill- grams and quality outpatient care in the outcomes for alcoholic
ness. People who drink alcohol after taking Antabuse experience patients (Miller & Hester, 1986) or for drug treatment in general
nausea, vomiting, and elevated heart rate and respiration. Ideally, (NIDA, 2009). Although some people do improve as inpatients,
Antabuse is taken each morning, before the desire to drink arises. they may do equally well in outpatient care that is significantly less
Unfortunately, noncompliance is a major concern, and a person expensive.

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Alcoholics Anonymous and Its Variations AA because participants attend meetings anonymously and only
Without question, the most popular model for the treatment of when they feel the need to, there have been numerous attempts to
substance abuse is a variation of the Twelve Steps program first evaluate the program’s effect on alcoholism (McCrady & Tonigan,
developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Established in 1935 by 2015). Research finds that those people who regularly participate
two alcoholic professionals, William “Bill W.” Wilson and Robert in AA activities—or other similar supportive approaches—and
“Dr. Bob” Holbrook Smith, the foundation of AA is the notion follow its guidelines carefully are more likely to have positive
that alcoholism is a disease and alcoholics must acknowledge their outcomes, such as reduced drinking and improved psychologi-
addiction to alcohol and its destructive power over them. The cal health (Kelly, 2013; Zemore, Subbaraman, & Tonigan, 2013).
addiction is seen as more powerful than any individual; therefore, Studies suggest that those who are more likely to engage with
they must look to a higher power to help them overcome their AA tend to have more severe alcohol use problem and seem to
shortcomings. Central to the design of AA is its independence be more committed to abstinence (McCrady & Tonigan, 2015).
from the established medical community and the freedom it offers Thus, AA can be an effective treatment for highly motivated peo-
from the stigmatization of alcoholism (Denzin, 1987; Robertson, ple with alcohol dependence. Research to date has not shown how
1988). An important component is the social support it provides AA compares to other treatments. However, preliminary evidence
through group meetings. shows that AA can be helpful for individuals seeking to achieve
Since 1935, AA has steadily expanded to include almost total abstinence and may be more cost effective than other treat-
106,000 groups in more than 100 countries (White & Kurtz, 2008). ments. Researchers are still trying to understand exactly why AA
In one survey, 9% of the adult population in the United States and the 12-step program work, but it seems that social support
reported they had at one time attended an AA meeting (Room plays an important role (McCrady & Tonigan, 2015).
& Greenfield, 2006). The Twelve Steps of AA are the basis of its Some individuals have a more mixed experience with AA and
philosophy (see Table 11.3). In them, you can see the reliance on this includes agnostics and atheists, women, and minority groups
prayer and a belief in God. (McCrady & Tonigan, 2015). Other groups now exist (e.g., Ratio-
Many people credit AA and similar organizations, such as nal Recovery, Moderation Management, Women for Sobriety,
Cocaine Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, with saving SMART Recovery) for individuals who benefit from the social
their lives. Despite challenges conducting systematic research on support of others but who may not want the abstinence-oriented
12-step program offered by groups modeled after AA (Tucker
et al., 2011).

TABLE 11.3 Twelve Suggested Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had
Controlled Use
become unmanageable. One of the tenets of AA is total abstinence; recovering alcohol-
2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore ics who have just one sip of alcohol are believed to have “slipped”
us to sanity. until they again achieve abstinence. Some researchers question
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of this assumption, however, and believe at least a portion of abusers
God as we understood Him. of several substances (notably alcohol and nicotine) may be capa-
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. ble of becoming social users without resuming their abuse of these
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the drugs.
exact nature of our wrongs. In the alcoholism treatment field, the notion of teaching
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. people controlled drinking is extremely controversial, partly
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. because of a classic study showing partial success in teaching
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing severe abusers to drink in a limited way (Sobell & Sobell, 1978).
to make amends to them all. The participants were 40 male alcoholics in an alcoholism treat-
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except ment program at a state hospital who were thought to have a
when to do so would injure them or others. good prognosis. The men were assigned either to a program that
10. Continued to take personal inventory and, when we were wrong, taught them how to drink in moderation (experimental group)
promptly admitted it. or to a group that was abstinence oriented (control group). The
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious researchers, Mark and Linda Sobell, followed the men for more
contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowl-
than 2 years, maintaining contact with 98% of them. During the
edge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
second year after treatment, those who participated in the con-
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we
tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these
trolled drinking group were functioning well 85% of the time,
principles in all our affairs. whereas the men in the abstinence group were reported to be
doing well only 42% of the time. Although results in the two
Source: The Twelve Steps are reprinted with permission of Alcoholics Anony-
mous World Services (AAWS). Permission to reprint the Twelve Steps does not groups differed significantly, some men in both groups suffered
mean that AAWS has reviewed or approved the contents of the publication or serious relapses and required rehospitalization and some were
that AAWS necessarily agrees with the views expressed herein. AA is a pro- incarcerated. The results of this study suggest that controlled
gram of recovery from alcoholism only—use of the Twelve Steps in connection
with programs and activities which are patterned after AA, but which address drinking may be a viable alternative to abstinence for some alco-
other problems, or in any other non-AA context, does not imply otherwise. hol abusers, although it clearly isn’t a cure.


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The controversy over this study began with a paper published in and correct aspects of the person’s life that might contribute to sub-
the prestigious journal Science (Pendery, Maltzman, & West, 1982). stance use or interfere with efforts to abstain. First, a spouse, friend,
The authors reported they had contacted the men in the Sobell or relative who is not a substance user is recruited to participate in
study after 10 years and found that only 1 of the 20 men in the relationship therapy to help the abuser improve relationships with
experimental group maintained a pattern of controlled drinking. other important people. Second, clients are taught how to identify
Although this reevaluation made headlines and was the subject of a the antecedents and consequences that influence their drug taking.
segment on the 60 Minutes television show, it had a number of flaws For example, if they are likely to use cocaine with certain friends,
(Marlatt, Larimer, Baer, & Quigley, 1993). Most serious was the lack clients are taught to recognize the relationships and encouraged
of data on the abstinence group over the same 10-year follow-up to avoid the associations. Third, clients are given assistance with
period. Because no treatment study on substance abuse pretends to employment, education, finances, or other social service areas that
help everyone who participates, control groups are added to com- may help reduce their stress. Fourth, new recreational options help
pare progress. In this case, we need to know how well the controlled the person replace substance use with new activities. There is now
drinking group fared compared with the abstinence group. strong empirical support for the effectiveness of this approach with
The controversy over the Sobell study still has a chilling effect alcohol and cocaine abusers (Higgins et al., 2014).
on controlled drinking as a treatment of alcohol abuse in the United Obstacles to successful treatment for substance use and
States. In contrast, controlled drinking is widely accepted as a dependence include a lack of personal awareness that one has a
treatment for alcoholism in the United Kingdom. Despite opposi- problem and an unwillingness to change. An increasingly com-
tion, research on this approach has been conducted in the ensuing mon intervention approach that directly addresses these needs is
years (e.g., Orford & Keddie, 2006; van Amsterdam & van den referred to as Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) (NIDA,
Brink, 2013), and the results seem to show that controlled drink- 2009). MET is based on the work of Miller and Rollnick (2012),
ing is at least as effective as abstinence but that neither treatment is who proposed that behavior change in adults is more likely with
successful for 70% to 80% of patients over the long term—a rather empathetic and optimistic counseling (the therapist understands
bleak outlook for people with alcohol dependence problems. the client’s perspective and believes that he or she can change) and
a focus on a personal connection with the client’s core values (for
example, drinking and its consequences interferes with spending
Component Treatment more time with family). By reminding the client about what he
Most comprehensive treatment programs aimed at helping peo- or she cherishes most, MET intends to improve the individual’s
ple with substance use disorder have a number of components belief that any changes made (e.g., drinking less) will have positive
thought to boost the effectiveness of the “treatment package” outcomes (e.g., more family time) and the individual is therefore
(NIDA, 2009). We saw in our review of biological treatments more likely to make the recommended changes. MET has been
that their effectiveness is increased when psychologically based used to assist individuals with a variety of substance use problems,
therapy is added. In aversion therapy, which uses a conditioning and it appears to be a useful component to add to psychological
model, substance use is paired with something extremely unpleas- treatment (e.g., Manuel, Houck, & Moyers, 2012).
ant, such as a brief electric shock or feelings of nausea. For exam- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment
ple, a person might be offered a drink of alcohol and receive a approach for many psychological disorders (see Chapter 5, for
painful shock when the glass reaches his lips. The goal is to coun- example) and it is also one of the most well designed and studied
teract the positive associations with substance use with negative approaches for treating substance dependence (Granillo, Perron,
associations. The negative associations can also be made by imag- Jarman, & Gutowski, 2013). This treatment addresses multiple
ining unpleasant scenes in a technique called covert sensitization aspects of the disorder, including a person’s reactions to cues that
(Cautela, 1966); the person might picture herself beginning to lead to substance use (for example, being among certain friends)
snort cocaine and be interrupted with visions of herself becoming and thoughts and behaviors to resist use. Another target of CBT
violently ill (Kearney, 2006). addresses the problem of relapse. Marlatt and Gordon’s (1985)
One component that seems to be a valuable part of therapy for relapse prevention treatment model looks at the learned aspects
substance use is contingency management (Higgins et al., 2014). Here, of dependence and sees relapse as a failure of cognitive and behav-
the clinician and the client together select the behaviors that the client ioral coping skills (Witkiewitz & Marlatt, 2004). Therapy involves
needs to change and decide on the reinforcers that will reward reach- helping people remove any ambivalence about stopping their drug
ing certain goals, perhaps money or small retail items like CDs. In a use by examining their beliefs about the positive aspects of the
study of cocaine abusers, clients received cash vouchers (up to almost drug (“There’s nothing like a cocaine high”) and confronting the
$2,000) for having cocaine-negative urine specimens (Higgins et al., negative consequences of its use (“I fight with my wife when I’m
2006). This study found greater abstinence rates among cocaine- high”). High-risk situations are identified (“having extra money
dependent users with the contingency management approach and in my pocket”), and strategies are developed to deal with poten-
other skills training than among users in a more traditional counsel- tially problematic situations, as well as with the craving that arises
ing program that included a 12-step approach to treatment. from abstinence. Incidents of relapse are dealt with as occurrences
Another package of treatments is the community reinforcement from which the person can recover; instead of looking on these
approach (e.g., Campbell, Miele, Nunes, McCrimmon, & Ghitza, episodes as inevitably leading to more drug use, people in treat-
2012). In keeping with the multiple influences that affect substance ment are encouraged to see them as episodes brought on by tem-
use, several facets of the drug problem are addressed to help identify porary stress or a situation that can be changed. Research on this

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technique suggests that it may be particularly effective for alcohol through fear of consequences, rewards for commitments not to use
problems (McCrady, 2014), as well as in treating a variety of other drugs, and strategies for refusing offers of drugs. Unfortunately,
substance-related disorders (Marlatt & Donovan, 2005). several extensive evaluations suggest that this type of program
may not have its intended effects (Pentz, 1999). Fortunately, more
comprehensive programs that involve skills training to avoid or
Prevention resist social pressures (such as peers) and environmental pressures
Adolescents are at high risk for drug addiction due to their higher (such as media portrayals of drug use) can be effective in prevent-
rates of experimentation with drugs. When done right, education ing drug abuse among some. For example, one large-scale longi-
about drugs’ risks can lead to decreases in drugs of abuse (e.g., tudinal study used a community-based intervention strategy to
ecstacy and tobacco) (Volkow & Warren, 2015). However, over reduce binge drinking and alcohol-related injuries (for example,
the past few years, the strategies for preventing substance abuse car crashes and assaults) (Holder et al., 2000). Three communi-
and dependence have shifted from education-based approaches ties were mobilized to encourage responsible beverage service
(for example, teaching schoolchildren that drugs can be harm- (that is, not serving too much alcohol to bar patrons), limit alco-
ful) to more wide-ranging approaches, including changes in the hol access to underage drinkers, and increase local enforcement
laws regarding drug possession and use and community-based of drinking and driving laws to limit access to alcohol. People’s
interventions (Sher et al., 2011). Many states, for example, have self-reports of drinking too much and drinking and driving were
implemented education-based programs in schools to try to deter fewer after the intervention, as were alcohol-related car accidents
students from using drugs. The widely used Drug Abuse Resistance and assaults. These types of comprehensive programs may need to
Education (DARE) program encourages a “no drug use” message be replicated across communities and extended to more pervasive

Two New Paths to Prevention

W e see that the problem with drug

abuse is not just use of the drug.
A complicating factor in drug abuse
On the other end of the interven-
tion spectrum, new and more compre-
hensive prevention approaches may
to inform youth across the state about
the devastating effects of methamphet-
amine use. The project uses dramatic
includes the brain’s desire to continue help many individuals avoid initially and sometimes shocking pictures and
to use the drug, especially when in trying dangerous drugs. One such video ads, and its surveys suggest that
the presence of stimuli and situations approach is being used in Montana— the methods were successful in chang-
usually associated with the drug. This called the Montana Meth Project ing attitudes about meth use in many
“drug seeking” and relapse continue (Generations United, 2006). Initially 12- to 17-year-olds. Although no con-
to interfere with successful treatment. funded by software billionaire Timothy trolled research yet exists, this may be
Groundbreaking research is now Siegel, this initiative supports advertis- an additional powerful tool for reduc-
exploring where in the brain these ing and community action programs ing drug dependence.
processes occur, which in turn may
lead to new approaches to help people
remain drug-free (Kalivas, 2005).
Taking this one step further,
new research with animals suggests
the possibility of creating “vaccines”
that would use the immune system
to fight drugs such as heroin, just as
your body attacks infectious bacteria
(Anton & Leff, 2006). A vaccine that
would take away the pleasurable
aspects of smoking is now being
Multnomah County Sheriff/Splash/Newscom

tested with humans (Moreno, et al.,

2010). What this means is that—
theoretically—children could be
vaccinated early in their lives and
that if they tried a drug it would
not have the pleasurable effects
that would encourage repeated use.
These “vice vaccines” could hold the
answer to one of our most pressing The Montana Meth Project used photos like these from Faces of Meth, a project of the
social issues. Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in Portland, Oregon.


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influences (for example, how drug use is portrayed in the media)
to effect significant prevention results (Newton, Conrod, Teesson, 2. Methadone is used to help heroin addicts kick their
& Faggiano, 2012). habit in a method called ________________.
It may be that our most powerful preventive strategy involves 3. ________________ drugs block or counteract the
cultural change. Over the past 45 years or so, we have gone from a effects of psychoactive drugs and are sometimes effec-
“turn on, tune in, drop out,” “if it feels good, do it,” and “I get high tive in treating addicts.
with a little help from my friends” society to one that champions
statements like “Just say no to drugs.” The social unacceptability 4. In ________________ the clinician and the client
of excessive drinking, smoking, and other drug use is probably work together to decide which behaviors the client
responsible for this change. The sociocultural disapproval of ciga- needs to change and which reinforcers will be used as
rette smoking, for example, is readily apparent in the following rewards for reaching set goals.
description by a former smoker:
5. It has been difficult to evaluate rigorously the effective-
I began smoking (in Boy Scouts!) at age 11. By the time ness of Alcoholics Anonymous, because the participants
I was a college freshman, freed from the restrictions of are ________________.
school and home, my smoking had increased to a pack a
day. The seminal Surgeon General’s Report Smoking and 6. In ________________, substance use is paired with
Health was issued that year (1964), but I didn’t notice. The something extremely unpleasant (like alcohol and
warnings that began appearing on cigarette packs a couple vomiting with Antabuse).
of years later were also easy to ignore, since I had grown 7. Heroin and methadone are ________________, which
up knowing that smoking was unhealthy. As a graduate means they affect the same neurotransmitter receptors.
student and young professor I often smoked while lead-
ing class discussions, as had some of my favorite teachers. 8. The ________________ model involves therapy that
That ended in 1980, when an undergraduate student, no helps individuals remove ambivalence about stopping
doubt empowered by the antismoking movement, asked their drug use by examining their beliefs about the
me to stop because smoke bothered him. A few years later positive and negative aspects of drug use.
there were hardly any social situations left in which it was 9. By imagining unpleasant scenes, the ________________
acceptable to smoke. Even my home was no longer a ref-
technique helps the person associate the negative effects
uge, since my children were pestering me to quit. And so
of the drug with drug use.
I did. Now my status as former smoker puts me in com-
pany with fully half of all those who have ever smoked 10. Unfortunately, the heroin addict may become perma-
regularly and are alive today. For many of us, the deterio- nently ________________ on methadone.
rating social environment for smoking made it easier to
quit (Cook, 1993, p. 1750).
Implementing this sort of intervention is beyond the scope of
Gambling Disorder
one research investigator or even a consortium of researchers col- Gambling has a long history—for example, dice have been found
laborating across many sites. It requires the cooperation of gov- in Egyptian tombs (Greenberg, 2005). It is growing in popularity
ernmental, educational, and even religious institutions. We may in this country, and in many places it is a legal and acceptable form
need to rethink our approach to preventing drug use and abuse of entertainment. Perhaps as a result, gambling disorder affects an
(Newton et al., 2012). increasing number of people, with a lifetime estimate of approxi-
mately 1.9% of adult Americans (Ashley & Boehlke, 2012). Research
suggests that among pathological gamblers, 14% have lost at least
one job, 19% have declared bankruptcy, 32% have been arrested,
Concept Check 11.4 and 21% have been incarcerated (Gerstein et al., 1999). The DSM-5
criteria for gambling disorder set forth the associated behaviors that
Determine whether you understand how treatments for characterize people who have this addictive disorder. These include
substance-related disorders work by matching the examples the same pattern of urges we observe in the other substance-related
with the following terms: (a) dependent, (b) cross-tolerant, disorders. Note too the parallels with substance dependence, with
(c) agonist substitution, (d) antagonist, (e) relapse prevention, the need to gamble increasing amounts of money over time and the
(f) controlled drinking, (g) aversion therapy, (h) covert sensi- “withdrawal symptoms” such as restlessness and irritability when
attempting to stop. These parallels to substance-related disorders
tization, (i) contingency management, and (j) anonymous.
led to the recategorization of gambling disorder as an “Addictive
1. ________________ is a controversial treatment for Disorder” in DSM-5 (Denis, Fatséas, & Auriacombe, 2012).
alcohol abuse because of a negative but flawed experi- There is a growing body of research on the nature and treat-
mental finding, but also because it conflicts with the ment of gambling disorder. For example, work is under way to
belief in total abstinence. explore the biological origins of the urge to gamble among patho-
logical gamblers. Research in this area and others (e.g., genetic

G a m b l i n g D i s o r d e r   441

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research) show strong similarities in the biological origins of gam- with effective treatment. Pathological gamblers often experience
bling disorders and substance use disorders. In one study, brain- cravings similar to people who are substance dependent (Grant,
imaging technology (echoplanar functional magnetic resonance Odlaug, & Schreiber, 2015). Treatment is often similar to sub-
imaging) was used to observe brain function while gamblers stance dependence treatment, and there is a parallel Gambler’s
observed videotapes of other people gambling (Potenza et al., Anonymous that incorporates the same 12-step program we
2003). A decreased level of activity was observed in those regions discussed previously. However, the evidence of effectiveness for
of the brain that are involved in impulse regulation when com- Gambler’s Anonymous suggests that 70% to 90% drop out of
pared with controls, suggesting an interaction between the envi- these programs and that the desire to quit must be present before
ronmental cues to gamble and the brain’s response (which may be intervention (Ashley & Boehlke, 2012). Cognitive-behavioral
to decrease the ability to resist these cues). Studies have found that interventions help reduce the symptoms of gambling disorder.
the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex (“the Brief and full course treatments have both been found to help
executive parts” of the brain) do not function as normal in those and both are recommended. Given the higher rates of impulsiv-
with gambling disorder. Poor impulse control and risky decisions ity of those with these disorder and thus their high dropout rates
are both processes that involve ventromedial prefrontal cortex and from treatment, more research is starting to compare the brief
those individuals with higher problems in these areas also show versions to the full course ones (Grant et al., 2015).
poorer response to treatment and higher relapse rates (Yau, Yip, In addition to gambling disorder being included under the
& Potenza, 2015). heading of “Addictive Disorders,” DSM-5 includes another poten-
Treatment of gambling problems is difficult. Those with tially addictive behavior “Internet Gaming Disorder” as a condi-
gambling disorder exhibit a combination of characteristics— tion for further study (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
including denial of the problem, impulsivity, and continuing There are indications that some individuals are so preoccupied
optimism (“One big win will cover my losses!”)—that interfere with online games (sometimes in a social context with other players)
that a similar pattern of tolerance and withdrawal develops (Petry
& O’Brien, 2013). The goal of including this potentially new cat-
TABLE 11.10

egory of addictive behavior is to encourage additional research on

Diagnostic Criteria for Gambling Disorder its nature and treatment.

5 A. Persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior leading

to clinically significant impairment of distress, as indicated by Impulse-Control Disorders
the individual exhibiting four (or more) of the following in a A number of the disorders we describe in this book start with an
12-month period: irresistible impulse—usually one that will ultimately be harmful to
1. Needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in the person affected. Typically, the person experiences increasing ten-
order to achieve the desired excitement. sion leading up to the act and, sometimes, pleasurable anticipation
2. Is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop of acting on the impulse. For example, paraphilias such as pedophilia
gambling. (sexual attraction to children), eating disorders, and the substance-
3. Has made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, related disorders in this chapter often commence with temptations
or stop gambling. or desires that are destructive but difficult to resist. DSM-5 includes
4. Is often preoccupied with gambling (e.g., having persistent three additional impulse-control disorders: intermittent explo-
thoughts of reliving past gambling experiences, handicap- sive disorder, kleptomania, and pyromania (Muresanu, Stan, &
ping or planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to
Buzoianu, 2012). In DMS-IV-TR, gambling disorder was included
get money with which to gamble).
as an impulse-control disorder, but as we have seen, it is listed as an
5. Often gambles when feeling distressed (e.g., helpless, guilty,
addictive disorder in DSM-5. Finally, trichotillomania (hair pulling
anxious, depressed).
disorder) was also moved out of this category and is now included
6. After losing money gambling, often returns another day to
under the obsessive compulsive-related disorders (see Chapter 5).
get even (“chasing” one’s losses).
7. Lies to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling.
8. Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or Intermittent Explosive Disorder
educational or career opportunity because of gambling.
People with intermittent explosive disorder have episodes
9. Relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate in which they act on aggressive impulses that result in serious
financial situations caused by gambling.
assaults or destruction of property (Coccaro & McCloskey, 2010).
B. The gambling behavior is not better explained by a manic
Although it is unfortunately common among the general popu-
lation to observe aggressive outbursts, when you rule out the
Specify current severity:
Mild: 4-5 criteria met
influence of other disorders (for example, antisocial personality
Moderate: 6-7 criteria met disorder, borderline personality disorder, a psychotic disorder,
Severe: 8-9 criteria met and Alzheimer’s disease) or substance use, this disorder is not
often diagnosed. In a rare but important large study of more than
From American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of 9,000 people, researchers found that the lifetime prevalence of this
mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC. disorder was 7.3% (Kessler et al., 2006).


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This diagnosis is controversial and has been debated through-
out the development of the DSM. One concern, among others, is
that by validating a general category that covers aggressive behav-
ior it may be used as a legal defense—insanity—for all violent
crimes (Coccaro & McCloskey, 2010).
Research is at the beginning stages for intermittent explosive
disorder and focuses on the brain regions involved as well as the
influence of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepineph-
rine and testosterone levels, along with their interaction with psy-
chosocial influences (stress, disrupted family life, and parenting
styles). Recent studies have proposed that there is a disruption of
the orbital frontal cortex’s role (“the executive parts” of the brain) in
inhibiting amygdala activation (the “emotional part” of the brain)
combined with changes in the serotonin system in those with this
disorder (Yau et al., 2015). These and other influences are being
examined to explain the origins of this disorder (Coccaro, 2012).
Cognitive-behavioral interventions (for example, helping the per-
son identify and avoid “triggers” for aggressive outbursts) and
approaches modeled after drug treatments appear the most effec-
tive for these individuals, although few controlled studies yet exist

Pool/Getty Images
(McCloskey, Noblett, Deffenbacher, Gollan, & Coccaro, 2008).

The story of wealthy actress Winona Ryder stealing $5,500 worth of In 2002, actress Winona Ryder was found guilty of shoplifting items
worth several thousand dollars from a Beverly Hills department store.
merchandise from Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, California,
in December 2001, was as puzzling as it was titillating. Why risk
a multimillion-dollar career over some clothes that she could
In one exception, naltrexone—the opioid antagonist used in the
easily afford? Was hers a case of kleptomania—a recurrent failure
treatment of alcoholism—was somewhat effective in reducing the
to resist urges to steal things that are not needed for personal use
urge to steal in persons diagnosed with kleptomania (Grant, Kim,
or their monetary value? This disorder appears to be rare, but it
& Odlaug, 2009).
is not well studied, partly because of the stigma associated with
identifying oneself as acting out this illegal behavior. Some studies
suggest that that disorder may be more common in women than Pyromania
in men and that it typically starts in adolescence (Yau et al., 2015). Just as we know that someone who steals does not necessarily
One study has reported a lifetime prevalence rate of close to 1% in have kleptomania, it is also true that not everyone who sets fires is
the United States (Grant, 2003). The patterns described by those considered to have pyromania—an impulse-control disorder that
with this disorder are strikingly similar—the person begins to feel involves having an irresistible urge to set fires. Again, the pattern
a sense of tension just before stealing, which is followed by feelings parallels that of kleptomania, where the person feels a tension or
of pleasure or relief while the theft is committed (Grant, Odlaug, & arousal before setting a fire and a sense of gratification or relief
Kim, 2010). People with kleptomania score high on assessments of while the fire burns. These individuals will also be preoccupied
impulsivity, reflecting their inability to judge the immediate grati- with fires and the associated equipment involved in setting and
fication of stealing compared with the long-term negative con- putting out these fires (Dickens & Sugarman, 2012). Also rare,
sequences (for example, arrest, embarrassment) (Grant & Kim, pyromania is diagnosed in only about 3% of arsonists (Lindberg,
2002). Patients with kleptomania often report having no memory Holi, Tani, & Virkkunen, 2005), because arsonists can include
(amnesia) about the act of shoplifting (Hollander, Berlin, & Stein, people who set fires for monetary gain or revenge rather than to
2009). Brain-imaging research supports these observations, with satisfy a physical or psychological urge. Because so few people are
one study finding damage in areas of the brain associated with diagnosed with this disorder, research on etiology and treatment
poor decision making (inferior frontal regions) (Grant, Correia, & is limited (Dickens & Sugarman, 2012). Research that has been
Brennan-Krohn, 2006). conducted follows the general group of arsonists (of which only
There appears to be high comorbidity between kleptomania a small percentage have pyromania) and examines the role of a
and mood disorders, and to a lesser extent with substance abuse family history of fire setting along with comorbid impulse disor-
and dependence (Grant et al., 2010). Some refer to kleptomania ders (antisocial personality disorder and alcoholism). Treatment
as an “antidepressant” behavior, or a reaction on the part of some is generally cognitive-behavioral and involves helping the per-
to relieve unpleasant feelings through stealing (Fishbain, 1987). son identify the signals that initiate the urges and teaching cop-
To date, few reports of treatment exist, and these involve either ing strategies to resist the temptation to start fires (Bumpass,
behavioral interventions or use of antidepressant medication. Fagelman, & Brix, 1983; McGrath, Marshall, & Prior, 1979).

Imp u l s e - C o n t r o l D i s o r d e r s   443

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50443_ch11_ptg01_hr_404-447.indd 443 28/09/16 3:06 PM

2. This disorder begins with the person feeling a
Concept Check 11.5 sense of tension that is released and followed
with pleasure after he has committed a robbery.
Match the following disorders with their corresponding ______________
symptoms: (a) gambling disorder, (b) intermittent explosive 3. This disorder affects somewhere between 3% and 5%
disorder, (c) kleptomania, and (d) pyromania. of the adult American population and is characterized
1. This rarely diagnosed disorder is characterized by by the need to gamble. ______________
episodes of aggressive impulses and can sometimes be 4. Individuals with this disorder are preoccupied with
treated with cognitive-behavioral interventions, drug fires and the equipment involved in setting and putting
treatments, or both. ______________ out fires. ______________

DSM Controversies: Are Substance Dependency and Substance Abuse the Same?

O ne of the changes to DSM-5 that caused

concern among some in the field of
substance-related disorders was dropping
and dependence, but from a clinical perspec-
tive (which is the main function of the DSM)
the argument was made that having these as
problems that cause real dysfunction
among some people include the new
DSM-5 disorder under further study
the distinction between dependence on separate diagnoses was more complicated (“Internet gaming disorder”) (Block, 2008;
a substance and abuse of that substance than was necessary. Van Rooij, Schoenmakers, Vermulst, Van
(G. Edwards, 2012; Hasin, 2012; Schuckit, In addition, a second major change Den Eijnden, & Van De Mheen, 2011) and
2012). Although there is general agreement was the addition of “Addictive Disorder”— even “tanning addiction” (Poorsattar &
that abusing a substance (e.g., binge drinking) in specific, gambling disorder—to the Hornung, 2010), and they are being taken
and being dependent on that substance substance-related disorders section. seriously as similar types of problems.
(e.g., increasing tolerance to alcohol and go- Here again the science suggests that It is likely that many activities have the
ing through withdrawal symptoms if drinking the phenomena are quite similar with potential for causing dependence because
is stopped) are different processes, research both substance-related disorders and they activate the reward systems in our
shows that, practically speaking, they tend gambling disorder showing patterns of brains in much the same way as the
to go together. In other words, if someone is dependence, cravings, and working on substances described. The difference in
routinely abusing a drug that person will likely similar brain pathways (Ashley & Boehlke, whether or not they constitute a “disorder”
become dependent on it (O’Brien, 2011). 2012). However, this potentially opens up may come back to whether or not they
From a scientific point of view, therefore, the category for the inclusion of many cause the harmful distress that is part of
there is an obvious difference between abuse different kinds of “addictions.” Other most psychological diagnoses.


Perspectives on Substance-Related Disorders Depressants, Stimulants, Opioids,

p pIn DSM-5, substance-related and addictive disorders include and Hallucinogens
problems with the use of depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, p pDepressants are a group of drugs that decrease central nervous
and benzodiazepines), stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, system activity. The primary effect is to reduce our levels of
nicotine, and caffeine), opiates (heroin, codeine, and physiological arousal and help us relax. Included in this group are
morphine), and hallucinogens (cannabis and LSD) as well alcohol and sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic drugs, such as those
as gambling. prescribed for insomnia.
p pSpecific diagnoses are further categorized as substance intoxica- p pStimulants, the most commonly consumed psychoactive drugs,
tion and substance withdrawal. include caffeine (in coffee, chocolate, and many soft drinks),
nicotine (in tobacco products such as cigarettes), amphetamines,
p pNonmedical drug use in the United States has declined in recent
and cocaine. In contrast to the depressant drugs, stimulants make
times, although it continues to cost billions of dollars and seriously
us more alert and energetic.
impairs the lives of millions of people each year.


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50443_ch11_ptg01_hr_404-447.indd 444 28/09/16 3:06 PM

p pOpiates include opium, morphine, codeine, and heroin; they have p pSubstance dependence is treated successfully only in a minority
a narcotic effect—relieving pain and inducing sleep. The broader of those affected, and the best results reflect the motivation of
term opioids is used to refer to the family of substances that includes the drug user and a combination of biological and psychosocial
these opiates and synthetic variations created by chemists (e.g., treatments.
methadone) and the similarly acting substances that occur naturally
p pPrograms aimed at preventing drug use may have the greatest
in our brains (enkephalins, beta-endorphins, and dynorphins).
chance of significantly affecting the drug problem.
p pHallucinogens essentially change the way the user perceives the
world. Sight, sound, feelings, and even smell are distorted, some-
Gambling Disorder
times in dramatic ways, in a person under the influence of drugs
such as cannabis and LSD. p pProblem gamblers display the same types of cravings and depen-
dence as persons who have substance-related disorders.

Causes and Treatment of Substance-Related p pSimilar brain systems appear to be involved with those addicted to
Disorders gambling as seen in persons with substance-related disorders.

p pMost psychotropic drugs seem to produce positive effects by act-

ing directly or indirectly on the dopaminergic mesolimbic system Impulse-Control Disorders
(the pleasure pathway). In addition, psychosocial factors such p pIn DSM-5, impulse-control disorders include three separate
as expectations, stress, and cultural practices interact with the disorders: intermittent explosive disorder, kleptomania, and
biological factors to influence drug use. pyromania.

Key Terms Answers to Concept Checks

substance-related and addictive barbiturates, 414 11.1 11.3
disorders, 405 benzodiazepines, 414 Part A Part A
impulse-control disorders, 405 amphetamines, 416 1. c;  2. b;  3. d;  4. a 1. f;  2. c;  3. d;  4. a;  5. e;  6. b
alcohol use disorder, 405 amphetamine use
psychoactive substance, 406 disorders, 417 Part B Part B
substance use, 407 cocaine use disorders, 418 5. c;  6. d;  7. b;  8. a 7. T;  8. T;  9. F (all have an
substance intoxication, 407 tobacco-related disorders, 420 effect);  10. F (they would still
substance use disorders, 407 caffeine-related disorders, 421 11.2 act uninhibited);  11. T
physiological dependence, 407 opioid-related disorders, 422 1. False (the use of crack by
tolerance, 407 Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) pregnant mothers adversely 11.4
withdrawal, 408 (marijuana), 423 affects only some babies);  1. f;  2. c;  3. d;  4. i;  5. j; 
substance dependence, 408 cannabis use disorders, 424 2. True;  3. True;  4. False (can- 6. g;  7. b;  8. e;  9. h;  10. a
substance abuse, 408 LSD (d-lysergic acid nabis produces the most variable
depressants, 409 diethylamide), 425 reactions in people);  5. False 11.5
stimulants, 409 hallucinogen use (amphetamines are produced in 1. b;  2. c;  3. a;  4. d
opiates, 409 disorders, 426 labs);  6. True;  7. False (stimu-
hallucinogens, 409 agonist substitution, 436 lants occur naturally)
other drugs of abuse, 409 nicotine, 436
gambling disorder, 409 nicotine patch, 437
alcohol, 409 antagonist drugs, 437

© Cengage Learning®
alcohol-related disorders, 409 controlled drinking, 438 C o n t i n u u m video project
withdrawal delirium (delirium relapse prevention, 439 Mark Substance Abuse Disorder
tremens/DTs), 411 gambling disorder, 441
Wernicke-Korsakoff intermittent explosive “That’s what drugs are, they are your savior
syndrome, 411 disorder, 442 but also they are also there to kill, maim, and
fetal alcohol syndrome kleptomania, 443 destroy you. It’s awesome, but true.”
(FAS), 411 pyromania, 443
Access the Continuum Video Project in MindTap at
alcohol dehydrogenase
(ADH), 412

s u mm a r y    445

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50443_ch11_ptg01_hr_404-447.indd 445 28/09/16 3:06 PM

Exploring Substance Use Disorders
Exploring Substance Use Disorders
■ Many kinds
◗ Manyof problems can develop
kinds of problems when when
can develop people use and
people abuse
use and substances
abuse that
substances thatalter
way they think,feel,
they think, feel,and behave.
and behave.

■ psychosocial factors.
biological and psychosocial factors.

Trigger ■ Exposure to drugs—through media, peers, parents, or

Trigger ■ Exposure tolack of parental monitoring—versus
drugs—through media, peers, parents,no exposure
or to drugs
■ Social
lack of parental expectations and cultural
monitoring—versus normstofor
no exposure use
■ ■ Family/culture/society
Social expectations and peers
and cultural norms (all or some) supportive
for use
■ versus unsupportive
Family/culture/society and peersof(all
drug use supportive
or some)
versus unsupportive of drug use

Not to use:
Not to use:■ Fear of effects of drug use
■ Decision
■ Fear of effects notuse
of drug to use drugs
Drug Use
Causes Drug Use and
■ Decision■not to use drugs
drug use Causes and Drug Abuse

drug useTo use: Drug Abuse
To use: ■ Drug use for pleasure; association with "feeling
■ Drug use forgood" (positive
pleasure; reinforcement)
association with "feeling
■ Drugreinforcement)
good" (positive use to avoid pain and escape unpleasant-
■ Drug use to ness bypain
avoid "numbing out" (negative
and escape reinforcement)
■ Inherited genetic vulnerability affects:
■ Feeling out"
ness by "numbing of being in control
(negative reinforcement)
■ Feeling of Positive
■ being expectations/urges about what drug
in control ■ – Body's
Inherited genetic sensitivityaffects:
vulnerability to drug (ADH gene)
use will be like about what drug
■ Positive expectations/urges
– Body'sto
– Body's sensitivity ability
gene) drug (presence of
use will be Avoidance of withdrawal symptoms
■ like – Body's ability to metabolize drug (presence of
■ Drugs activate natural reward center ("pleasure
■ Avoidance ■ Presence of other
of withdrawal psychological disorders:
mood pathway")
Drugs activate naturalinreward
brain center ("pleasure
■ Presence of otheranxiety, etc. disorders:
psychological ■

mood anxiety, etc. pathway") Neuroplasticity

■ in brain increases drug-seeking and relapse
■ Neuroplasticity increases drug-seeking and relapse
Psychosocial Treatments Biological Treatments
Psychosocial Treatments Biological Treatments
■ Aversion therapy—to create negative associations with ■ Agonist substitution

■ drug use (shocks

Aversion therapy—to with drinking,
create negative imagining
associations nausea with ■
with – Replacing one drug with a similar one (methadone for heroin, nicotine gum and
Agonist substitution
drug use (shocks use)
with drinking, imagining nausea with patches
– Replacing one drug for
a similar one (methadone for heroin, nicotine gum and
■ Contingency management to change behaviors by
cocaine use) patches Antagonist
■ for substitution
■ Contingencyrewarding
managementchosento behaviors
change behaviors by ■ Antagonist –substitution
Blocking one drug's effect with another drug (naltrexone for opiates and alcohol)
rewarding Alcoholics
■ chosen Anonymous and its variations
behaviors – Blocking Aversive
■ one treatments
drug's effect with another drug (naltrexone for opiates and alcohol)
■ Alcoholics Inpatient hospital
■ Anonymous treatment
and its (can be expensive)
variations ■ – Making taking drug very unpleasant (using Antabuse, which causes nausea and
Aversive treatments
■ Controlled
Inpatient■hospital use (can be expensive)
treatment vomiting
– Making taking drugwhen
very mixed with alcohol,
unpleasant to treat alcoholism)
(using Antabuse, which causes nausea and
■ Controlled Community reinforcement
■ use Drugs
vomiting ■when to help
mixed withrecovering
alcohol, toperson deal with withdrawal symptoms (clonidine for
treat alcoholism)
■ Community■ Relapse prevention
reinforcement ■ opiate
Drugs to help withdrawal,
recovering sedatives
person for withdrawal
deal with alcohol, etc.)
symptoms (clonidine for
■ Relapse prevention opiate withdrawal, sedatives for alcohol, etc.)
Examples Effects
Examples Effects
Depressants Alcohol, barbiturates (sedatives: Amytal, Seconal, Nembutal), ■ Decreased central nervous system activity

Depressants benzodiazepines
Alcohol, barbiturates (antianxiety:
(sedatives: Valium, Xanax,
Amytal, Seconal, Halcion)
Nembutal), ■ Decreased■ Reduced levels of
central nervous body arousal
system activity
benzodiazepines (antianxiety: Valium, Xanax, Halcion) Relaxation
■ Reduced■ levels of body arousal
■ Relaxation
Stimulants Amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine, caffeine ■ Increased physical arousal

Stimulants Amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine, caffeine ■ Increased User feels

■ physical more alert and energetic
■ User feels more alert and energetic
Opiates Heroin, morphine, codeine ■ Narcotic—reduce pain and induce sleep and euphoria

Opiates Heroin, morphine, codeine by mirroring

■ Narcotic—reduce opiates
pain and in the
induce brain
sleep (endorphins,
and euphoria etc.)
by mirroring opiates in the brain (endorphins, etc.)
Hallucinogens Cannabis, LSD, Ecstasy ■ Altered mental and emotional perception

Hallucinogens Cannabis, LSD, Ecstasy ■ Distortion

■ Altered mental (sometimes
and emotional dramatic) of sensory perceptions
■ Distortion (sometimes dramatic) of sensory perceptions

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438 28/09/16 11:29
13/04/16 3:06 PM
Exploring Impulse-Control Disorders
Exploring Impulse-Control Disorders
Characterized by inability toby inability
resist actingtoonresist
a driveacting on a drive
or temptation. or temptation.
Sufferers Sufferers
often perceived often as
by society perceived
having by society as having
a problem
a problem simply due tosimply
a lack due to a lack of "will."
of "will."



Disorder Disorder Characteristics

Characteristics TreatmentTr

Intermittent ■ Acting on aggressive
■ Acting on impulses
thatimpulses Cognitive-behavioral
that Cognitive-behavioral
interventions (help-
interventions (help-
Explosive Explosive result in assaults
or destruction of destructioning
in assaults or of person identify
ing person
and avoid
and avoid
for triggers for
property property aggressive outbursts)
approaches and approaches
■ Current research
■ Current
is focused
focused on modeled
how aftermodeled
drug treatments
after drugappear
treatments appear
and testosterone most effectivemost effective
and testosterone
levels interactlevels
with psychosocial
interact with psychosocial
Tom Morrison/Getty Images


Kleptomania ■ Recurring failure
■ Recurring
to resistfailure Behavioral
urgestotoresist urges to interventions
Behavioral or
or antidepressant
steal unneededsteal
unneeded items medication medication
Mauro Speziale/The Image Bank/Getty Images

■ Feeling tense
■ Feeling
just before
tense stealing,
just before stealing,
followed by feelings
followed of by
feelingsorof pleasure or
Robert Kneschke/

relief when committing

relief whenthe committing
theft the theft
■ High comorbidity
■ Highwith comorbidity
mood dis- with mood dis-
orders and, toorders
a lesserand,degree,
to a lesser
with degree, with
substance abuse/dependence
substance abuse/dependence

PyromaniaPyromania ■ ■ Cognitive-behavioral
interventions (helping
interventions (helping
■ ■ person identify
triggering urges,
and teaching and
to resist
strategies to resist
s s ) )
Dale A Stork/

Rare; diagnosed
■ Rare;
in diagnosed
less than 4%
in less
of than 4% of
Joel Sartore/Getty Images

arsonists arsonists

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