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Toppling game by Kaikeyi- some astrological pointers


Ptolemy’s concept of Antiscion to identify conspiracy against the government.

Written by Jayasree Saranathan.

(This is a research article published in January 2011 issue of The Astrological

eMagazine under the caption ‘SriRama’s coronation’)

Astrology is not confined to making predictions about individuals. When masses are
affected and countries are challenged, the heavens do throw up some signs of distress!
The oft repeated signs of distress given in Ithihasas are about the affliction by Rahu
caused to the Sun and the moon. In addition there is a concept known as Antiscion,
popularized by Ptolemy that helps in predicting in advance the behind- the - curtain
conspiracies to topple or overthrow a legitimate government. An understanding of these
issues does help us in scanning the skies to predict a probable terror attack or a toppling
game beforehand in today’s scenario.

The earliest known secret conspiracy that was held against the government was by
Manthara who influenced Kaikeyi to stall the coronation of Sri Rama. The people of
Ayodhya had been waiting for the day to see their beloved prince Rama to ascend the
throne. Kaikeyi also was waiting for that day to see Rama ascend the throne. But the
aging king Dasharatha did not show any inkling to transfer power to his dear son.
Suddenly he announced that he was going to transfer power to Rama the very next day.
The decision seemed to be spontaneous at the outset. But the king did indicate that this
decision about the day of coronation was indeed discussed by him with his astrologers.

Even as the city of Ayodhya was bracing for the festivities the next day, a secret
discussion between Manthara and Kaikeyi the previous night turned the day into a
dreadful one. The conspiracy to stall the transfer of power having the trappings of a
toppling effect on a genuine government was hatched around the same time of an
auspicious day for coronation. The result of that conspiracy was gloom all over the land,
with the crown prince exiled and the king leaving his mortal coils. The country was
plunged into a state of despondency for the next 14 years.

Here comes a genuine question why such an obstruction could not be anticipated by the
astrologers? Or did the astrologers of King Dasaratha go wrong in fixing a good time for
the coronation? Why could they not predict a probable obstruction to the change of power

at that time? These are quite interesting and intriguing questions that have been asked
from time to time. This article seeks to put in perspective the kind of astrological factors
that stalled the coronation and also shook the kingdom (government) plunging the
country and its people into despair. Using those factors, it is further discussed whether
similar factors were seen in the toppling attempts or assaults on present-day governments.

The background of Rama’s coronation.

According to Valimiki Ramayana, the King Dasharatha took a sudden decision to crown
Sri Rama on the advice of his astrologers based on nimittha sastra, swapna sastra and
the gochara position of planets at that time. The king has had some bad dreams; the
unusual fall of comets had been there and malefic planets were encroaching the King’s
birth star at that time. The king feared a sudden death to him and therefore did not want
to delay the transfer of power any longer.

Here comes a question why he did not transfer power earlier itself. Rama was 25 years
old at that time (as told by Sita to Ravana who came in the garb of an ascetic in Aranya
khanda). The king could have crowned him much earlier. Why did he postpone the
coronation which was very much awaited by the citizens?

The major reasons could be

(1) the adverse Gochara for Rama (Jupiter in Janma rasi and Saturn in seven and a half
year sojourn, as calculated from his birth chart for his 25th year) and

(2) the inauspicious dasa timings in Rama’s horoscope. Since his birth was in Punarvasu
in cancer, he must have been born in the last part with less than 4 years of Jupiter dasa at
his birth. Until 23rd year, the ashtama lord’s dasa had been running. Saturn was the
ashtama lord posited in the 4th house in its sign of exaltation but was in retrogression.
Rama must have been running Mercury dasa – Mercury Bhukthi in his 25th year. Mercury
as lord of 12th and 3rd was not the right time to ascend the throne. The 12th lordship of
Mercury was more indicative of an exile!

So the king had been postponing the transfer of power to his son. But the planetary
configurations were not good for himself either.

He tells Rama, "Oh, Rama! Astrologers are informing me that fearful planets like Sun,
Mars and Rahu are encroaching my birth star."

"Whenever such inauspicious signs are produced, the king generally will get either death
or a fearful accident." (Valmiki Ramayana, 2-4-18 & 19)

Dasharatha says that his birth star was afflicted by three malefics such as the Sun, Mars
and Rahu at that time. This foretells something bad for himself. In monarchy if something
bad happens to the King, it means the subjects also would suffer. In modern day
democracies, we can deduce that such an affliction to the birth star of the ruling party
could spell danger to the government or fall of the government. Such an affliction to the
birth star of the democratic country could spell doom on the country itself.

Affliction by Sun, the nodes and solar eclipse

Dasharatha says that his birth star was afflicted by Sun, Mars and Rahu.

It was the solar month of Chithrai. The sun must have been transiting Aries. Counting
Rahu's position in Rama's horoscope for the 25th year (the year in which his coronation
was arranged as told in Ramayana), we can say that it was in Libra at the time of the
proposed coronation.. If the Sun were to afflict his birth star, the birth star must either
belong to Aries or Libra. This also fulfils the condition that Rahu also was afflicting the
Sun and his birth star. The sun and Rahu were in opposition and Ketu had joined the sun
in Aries at that time.

Ketu’s position is crucial on death, despair and suffering of not only the king but also the
subjects because we find a similar reference to affliction involving Sun, Rahu and Ketu in
Bheeshma Parva in Mahabharatha.

Sage Vyasa says, “The Earth is experiencing tremors intermittently and Rahu has seized
the Sun” (Mahabharatha VI. 3.11). He continues to say, “Ketu has transgressed Chitra.
If the afflicted asterism be Chitra, a wise astrologer should predict the death of the ruler
of Kurukshethra.”

The star Chitra is spread in Libra too. If Rahu was in Libra (as reasoned above) at the
time of the proposed coronation of Rama, then Ketu must be in Aries casting an aspect on
Chitra or Swati or Vishaka.

We have some other clues in Ramayana to ascertain the star position of Rahu and Ketu.

The coronation was planned on the day of Pushya. The moon had previously conjoined
the Sun in Aries. The New Moon day could have either occurred in Aswini or Bharani. If
it was Aswini, then the day of Pushya selected for coronation could in all probability be
Saptami and if the New moon was on Bharani, the day of pushya could have been
shashti. Of the two, saptami goes well for events like Coronation. So the New moon
could have occurred in Ashwini. The Sun must have been transiting Ashwini then.

Here is hidden an important astronomical event. A solar eclipse must have occurred when
the moon joined the sun in Aries with the nodes coming in opposition in Aries- Libra.
This is not mentioned in Ramayana. However the affliction caused by the Sun and Rahu

to Dasharatha’s birth star could well mean that it refers to a solar eclipse and that it had
occurred in Dasharatha’s birth star.

Generally no big events like coronation will be planned in the paksha (fortnight) that had
seen an eclipse. But due to the affliction to the King’s birth star, the astrologers had
rushed to the immediate good day that was auspicious for Rama’s birth star also. We
often come across reference to Tara balam in Ramayana. The Sampat tara for Rama was
considered as an important factor for the auspiciousness of the coronation day.

Affliction by Ketu.

From the above analysis, we can deduce that in all probability Ketu was aspecting Chitra
because death of the ruler is indicated by Ketu aspecting Chitra according to sage Vyasa.

It is also deduced that Dasharatha’s birth star must have been either Ashwini or
Chithra. The losses suffered by the people of Ayodhya in Ramayana and of Hastinapura
in Mahabharatha were foretold by the affliction of Rahu over the Sun and Ketu over

The Sun stands for the King and Government.

The Rahu signifies the strangulating coil that suffocates the victim.

Simultaneously Ketu casts its ‘eye’ on Chitra!

Chitra is the star presided by Mars, a natural malefic. But here, in the context of the
Ruler and the Ruled, it has a different connotation. That connotation is that the Full Moon
in Chitra (in the month of Chaithra) stands for the Royal Umbrella! The Royal Umbrella
is the symbol of Rule of the king.

This is known from the ancient Tamil text called Pura naanuru. Verse 60 of Pura
naanuru is categorized under a sub division called “Kudai Mangalam” which means
“The auspicious Royal Umbrella” as per the grammar texts.

The verse says that the Full moon resembles the Royal umbrella. The Royal umbrella is
a symbol of protection to the subjects similar to how the Full moon protects the world
from heat by absorbing the light rays of the sun and spreading only cool light to the earth.

The verse was written on the day of Chitra- Pournami and compares the full-moon to the
coolness spread by the King’s Royal Umbrella.

One can imagine what it would mean if the malefic Ketu aspects such a Chitra in the
solar month of Aries!

If Ketu afflicts Chitra, it foretells fall of the King and misfortune to the Throne.

It happened so, at the time of proposed coronation of Sri Rama.

It eventually saw the fall of the Royal Umbrella. The Crown Prince was sent on exile!

The result was that the kingdom went into gloom and people lost happiness.

This perhaps was foretold by astrologers to Dasharatha!

Thus the important astrological factors for the fall of the king or the government or the
country itself to enemy forces are known from the affliction caused by Sun, Mars and the
nodes to the star of the king or ruling party or the country and also a solar eclipse
occurring in that star.

Antiscion of the Sun to detect toppling conspiracies.

The analysis does not end here. The conspiracy by Manthara had been the cause of the
gloom in the country. Such conspiracies must also be hidden in the celestial map at that
time. In this context the Greek concept of Antiscia solves the riddle of how to identify
such sinister pre-plan made against the government or the king.

The word “Antiscia” comes from the Latin antiscii and the Greek
antiskioi meaning
anti = opposite and skia = shadow. Antiscia means “Shadows on the
other side”.
In his book “The mathesis: Ancient Astrology Theory and
Practice”, the author Julius Firmicus claims that “Ptolemy followed no other
theory but that of Antiscia.”

Ptolemy is said to have given utmost importance to antiscia in making predictions. He

had also explained in detail the unnatural or brutal or sudden deaths caused by nature or
by man-made actions. He did see a siege of the Sun and the Moon (government and the
people) in such deaths. According to him, the transit of malefic planets in the antiscion of
the Sun does show a secret plan to dislodge the throne or the king.

The antiscion (pl. antiscia) of a planet is the shadow point of a planet. Any planet
transiting or aspecting the antiscion point of another planet will bring out covert kinds of
events--backroom meetings, secret doings, discreet happenings that will have an impact
on the significance of the planet whose antiscion it is transiting or aspecting. If malefics
are involved, then the results will be inimical to the planet. Benefics in association with
antiscion will give benefic results.

Since Sun is the signifactor of the Government or King or throne, its antiscion gains
importance in assessing the fortunes of the king. If a malefic transits the antiscion of the
sun, it foretells some shady and secret happenings against the government. The
significance of the malefic determines who is involved in such secret activities.

Calculation of antiscion

The antiscion is the exact point of a planet on the other side of the solstice. In order to
calculate an antiscion point, the degree of the planet for which the antiscion is to be
located must be subtracted from 30 degrees. Suppose a planet is at 10 degrees north of
the axis of solstice (0 Cancer/0 Capricorn) in Capricorn, then its antiscion is at 10 degrees
south of the axis at Capricorn. That means its antiscion with be at 20 degrees of
Sagittarius. To put it shortly,

30 degrees – the longitude of the sun in a sign = antiscion of the sign.

The antiscion signs are shown here.

For Sagittarius, the antiscion is at Capricorn and vice versa.

For Scorpio, the antiscion is at Aquarius and vice versa.

For Libra, the antiscion is at Pisces and vice versa.

For Gemini, the antiscion is at Cancer and vice versa.

For Taurus, the antiscion is at Leo and vice versa.

For Aries, the antiscion is at Virgo and vice versa.

For our analysis, the antiscion point of Sun will be the point of shady activities
against the government (Sun). Malefics aspecting this point or transiting it is indicative
of some anti governmental activity.

Antiscion at the time of proposed coronation of Rama

We can check the antiscion of the Sun in the chart of the proposed coronation of Sri
Rama. There was a ‘pre-plan’ or a conspiracy that happened behind the back of the king
with Manthara injecting the venom into Kaikeyi’s mind, to destabilize the efforts of the
king in conducting the coronation of Rama. Such a conspiracy or toppling plan can
happen only at the shadow of the Sun according to the Greek concept of antiscia.

The antiscion falls on the other side of the sun.

At the time of coronation of Rama, the sun was Aries.

Therefore the antiscion of Aries falls in Virgo.

There must have been some affliction to Virgo at the time of proposed coronation.

One probability is that Mars was in Virgo at that time.

Recalling Dasharatha’s words on the astrological affliction to his birth star, Sun, Rahu
and Mars were encroaching his birth star at that time. We have analyzed the probable
position of Rahu and Sun. We had no way to know where Mars was at that time. The
probable location of Mars at that time could be in Virgo (8th aspect on Aries / Ashwini) or
in Libra in which case Mars would be in conjunction with Rahu or in Capricorn (4th
aspect from there)

The scenario could have been like this.


If Mars was in Libra, then Dasharatha’s birth star could have been encroached by both
Rahu and Mars in conjunction, while the Sun was aspecting it from Aries. This fulfils
Dasharatha’s explanation about the malefic combination.


If Mars was in Capricorn, then it could cast its 4th aspect on Aries.

We place Jupiter in Cancer at that time, going by the traditional quote by astrologers that
Jupiter was transiting Rama’s Janma rasi when he went on exile.

But Mars in Capricorn could not have marred the coronation of Rama, for Mars as 10th
lord (in Rama’s natal horoscope) would be in the 7th in Guru mangal yoga with Jupiter in


But if mars were to be in Virgo, then all the three, namely Sun, Rahu and Mars, would be
encroaching the birth star (assumed to be) in Aries. In addition, this position could also
fulfill the antiscion of the Sun!! The antiscion of the sun was in Virgo and if Mars was
transiting Virgo then, that indicates a toppling work against the throne.

In this scenario, Mars must be retrograde. A retrograde Mars in an inimical sign could be
damaging, though its own strength would be increased.

Recalling a similar instance from Udhyoga parva in Mahabharatha, Mars was

retrograde in Magha thereby his 4th glance on Scorpion Jyeshta also went retrograde –
moving towards Anuradha. “Mars has performed a retrograde turn at Antares (Jyeshta),
oh, Madhusoodhana, and appears to be begging Anuradha’s friendship, as if to pacify it.”
(Mahabharata -V.141. 8) This is said to reflect the similarity in the mood of
reconciliation that Krishna had when he came to meet Duryodhana for averting a war.

Applying the allegory of this to the retrogression of Mars in Virgo, it is seen that its
glance was moving towards Pisces, the Universal Moksha-sthaan, as though indicating a
Release from mortal coils for the king Dasharatha!

In this analysis, we have not included the important planet Saturn. If only we can locate
Saturn, it would give a clearer picture about the location of Mars.

Dasharatha did not talk about any affliction by Saturn.

But in all probability, Rama must be running the seven and a half year sojourn of Saturn,
as counted from its natal position.

It could have been either at Leo or cancer (Rama’s Janma rasi) in his 25th year.

If it was in Leo, then it would be aspecting Libra and Rahu in that.

If the birth star of Dasharatha was also in Libra, then Saturn must be afflicting the birth
star also. But Dasharatha did not include Saturn’s name in the affliction. So the birth star
could not have been in Libra if Saturn was in Leo.

If we accept the scenario-1 of Mars, then Saturn must have afflicted Mars too. If true,
Dasharatha would have definitely mentioned that. So Saturn was not in Leo nor was Mars
in Libra!

If Saturn was in cancer, then it must afflict Sun in Aries by its 10th aspect. Dasharatha did
not mention that too. But the antiscion of the Sun would be aspected by Saturn. And
Saturn would have afflicted Jupiter and Mars also if Mars was assumed to be in
Capricorn! But such an affliction could not have existed because Mars-Rahu- Sun
affliction alone was mentioned as a cause of concern.

Hence the probable scenario is Mars transiting Virgo and Saturn in Leo.

Saturn aspects Rahu from that position, but since Rahu is in the nature of Saturn
(Shanivat Rahu), no explicit mention of Saturn’s aspect on Rahu was made.

This also gives better chances to assume that Dasharatha’s birth star was not in Libra.

It must have been Ashwini in Aries.

And more importantly for our justification of Antiscion of the Sun working against
Dasharatha’s favor, Mars must have been in Virgo. This satisfies the contention of the
afflictions told by Dasharatha that Rahu, Sun and Mars were afflicting his birth star.

Assault on modern democracies.

The concept of antiscion of the sun works in the charts of terror attacks and attacks on
nations. A prominent instance of assault on our nation was the attack on Indian
Parliament that happened on 13-12-2001 at 11-45 am. The lagna was at 12-10 degrees
Aquarius. The sun was at 27 Sc-27’ degrees and its antiscion at 2 Aq-35’ degrees. Mars
has just crossed the Antiscion point which fell in the Martian constellation. Ketu aspects
it from Sagittarius.

The worst assault on the nation occurred on 26-11-2008, in Mumbai that lasted for a day
starting from 9-20 pm on 26th. The position of Sun was 27 Sc 25'. Its antiscion was 2 Aq
35’ in Shathabhishak. Saturn and Mars were aspecting the antiscion at the time of attack.

We can see the severe affliction to the antiscion of the sun in the bombing times of
Nagasaki and Hiroshima that led to the fall of the Japanese empire. The antiscion was
hemmed in between Mars, Saturn and Rahu while the Sun was transiting the asterism of
mercury which was afflicted by malefics. ]



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