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ROS Tutorial

Getting Started
with ROS

Benjamin Cohen
University of Pennsylvania
Disclaimer! Achtung!

 I am by no means a ROS wizard! I have a lot

of experience. That's about it.
 I can rant on and on about ROS for days. This
is a 1.5 hour summary and so I'm leaving some
useful things out...


 Part 1: Introduction to ROS (if you are ROS-curious)

 General Description
 Important concepts
 Simulation
 Debugging Tools
 Part 2: Create a node (if you are planning on using ROS immediatly)
 what your basic code should look like
 how to build your project
 how to run the simulator
 bring up the visualizer 3
What is ROS?

 ROS & ROS-Pkgs are a creation of Willow Garage, Inc.

 ROS is a 'meta-operating system' that provides a message passing system
between different processes across a network (Inter-Process Communication
 Why do I need some sort of IPC? Why not run a big 'for loop' on my robot?
 For loop:
 Simple design & implementation, only uses one core
 Works on basic platforms with minimal computing power
 Parallel:
 Use multiple cores, multiple computers
 Modular
 ex. plan on an old map while receiving new sensor data
 ex. run controller while planning
 Are 'ROS' and 'Gazebo' synonymous? NO
 ROS is not a simulator.
 Gazebo is a 3D simulator that originally used 'player' for
communication but now uses ROS.
 Supported Platforms
 Linux, MacOS, partial support for Windows
 Languages:
 C/C++,python,octave,lisp,~java
 Suggested Hardware:
 many cores!
 nVidia video card for simulation
 Network Support:
 TCP/IP 5
High Level Diagram

 is a process that performs some function.
 nodes communicate with each other using topics &
 nodes are assigned unique names
 nodes are intended to be modular and 'operate on the
fine-grained scale'
 a robotic system should be made up of many many
nodes – it provides some fault tolerance when an
isolated node crashes


 below is a diagram displaying the breakdown of

the functionality of a navigation system into

 nodes communicate by passing around messages
 a message is a data structure with typed fields
 many standard messages already exist, new messages can be defined
with a simple text file
 a message can be comprised of other messages
 ROS generates a data structure for new message that contains many
standard stl type of functions (size(), resize(),etc.)
CollisionMap.msg Header header
uint32 seq
#header for interpreting box positions
time stamp
Header header string frame_id
OrientedBoundingBox[] boxes
#boxes for use in collision testing geometry_msgs/Point32 center
OrientedBoundingBox[] boxes float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
geometry_msgs/Point32 extents
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z 9
float32 angle

 a parameter server that stores parameter strings & value pairs

which are normally passed as input to a program
 some params can be viewed by other nodes
 great way to pass around a name of a topic or other info
multiple nodes might need to know
 can put XML & YAML files onto server
 ex. ”shoulder_pan_max_vel” → '0.7' (double)
 ex. ”camera_resolution_640_480” → 'true' (bool)
 ex. ”type_of_planner” → ”ARA” (string)


 Method of passing messages

 Node 'N' advertises that it is publishing Topic 'A'
 Topic B subscribes to Topic 'A' (so do topics 'C','D'...)
 Whenever 'A' publishes message, all of its subscribers receive it
and their callback functions are executed
 Asynchronous
 Many-to-many
 Not appropriate for request/reply interaction
 Callback function is multi-threaded
 ex. 'base_scan' is a publisher that publishes laser scans at 10
hz. Global planner, Controller & localization nodes subscribe to

 Request/Reply interaction between nodes

 Node 'A' advertises service 'S', Node 'B' sends
request and waits for response.
 Node 'A' sends back a reply
 No topic callbacks are issued during service
call (service request is blocking)
 one-to-one
 Used as a remote procedure call
 ex. request a motion plan 12
Launch Nodes

 A launch file is a convenient way to bringup many different

nodes at once
 Written in XML
 Asynchronous execution
 Can put parameters on server
<!-- load empty world -->
<include file="$(find pr2_gazebo)/pr2_empty_world.launch"/>

<!-- load planning -->

<include file="$(find sbpl_arm_planner)/launch/sbpl_planning_right_arm.launch"/>

<!-- load common nodes for motion planning tests -->

<include file="$(find arm_navigation_tests)/tests/motion_planers/common/motion_planning_common_right_arm.launch"/>

<!-- tuck left arm-->

<node pkg="pr2_experimental_controllers" type="" args="l" output="screen" >
<param name="planner_service_name" value="/sbpl_planning/plan_path"/>
<param name="planner_id" value="435"/>
</node> 13
ROS Master

 The 'roscore' is the master process that establishes connections

between nodes (provides lookup info similar to DNS)
 Node 'N' wants to subscribe to topic 'T'. First a request for a
connection is made, then the master establishes a connection
over an agreed connection protocol between the nodes.
 ** Messages are not passed through the master to the receiving
node. Nodes connect to other nodes directly **
 Stores topics & services registration info for ROS nodes
 Updates nodes about other nodes' statuses
 Uses TCP/IP, many computers can connect to one master
 Environment Variable ”ROS_MASTER_URI” defines the
address & port number of ROS master
 Willow Garage created 'ROS' as well as ~600 ros-
packages that are available for your use.
 ex. laser pipeline, motor controllers, localization,
SLAM, forward kinematics, Hokuyo driver...
 A folder that contains your code, build files, launch
files, etc.
 Should only contain code that is related
 Can contain any number of nodes
 'manifest.xml' – lists the ROS dependencies &
system deps (some pkgs have up to 150 deps!)
 IMPORTANT: A package will not be found by ROS15if
it is not in your 'ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'
Build System

 Need to specify in 'Cmakelists.txt' how to build the

source code of a package
 No need for a handwritten Makefile
 Compile just package itself OR compile package + all
 'rosmake': compile pkg + deps
 'make': compile pkg
 Can download system dependencies if not installed
 Compile multiple pkgs in parallel. ROS resolves deps
first. 'ROS_PARALLEL_JOBS' = # of cores
Command Line Tools
General Use

 Many commands support ROS tab-completion!

 Use '--help' to learn about numerous options
Command Description
roscd Change directory to specified ros-package
rosls List contents of a ros-package
rosmake Build all of the ros packages that a package depends on
●'--pre-clean': first run 'make clean' in each package then run 'make'

●'--rosdep-install': install system dependencies first then compile all

roslaunch Launch a '.launch' file (looks in 'launch' directory for file)

roscreate-pkg Create a ros-package
●State the name & dependencies

●Automatically generates the directory, manifest.xml, Makefile, etc.

●Can always change anything later!

rosdep State dependencies of a package, Find out what depends on a specific

package, Capable of output in tree format
roscp Copy files from one package to another
rosed Bring up your default text editor and edit file ”ros_package filename.txt” 17
rostest Execute a regression test file
Command Line Tools

 rxgraph: displays a visualization of the ROS graph – the ROS

nodes that are currently running and the topics that connect

Command Line Tools

 rxplot: plot data from one or more ROS topic

fields that are currently being published.

Command Line Tools

 rxconsole: brings up a viewer that displays any messages being

published to 'rosout'
 can display the filename & line number of a message
 useful for debugging code you are unfamiliar with

Command Line Tools

Command Description
*** rostopic *** displays a lot of information about a topic
●lists all topics available (list')

●echo messages of a specified topic ('echo')

●get publishing rate of a topic ('hz')

●get bandwidth used by a topic ('bw')

●get info about a topic (subscribers, node) ('info')

●publish data to a topic ('pub')

●get the type of message of the topic ('type')

roswtf outputs possible errors/warnings with the current roscore based on a set
of defined rules
rosnode displays a list of nodes, can get detailed information about them
rosservice same as rostopic but for services

rostopic echo

Command Line Tools

 rosmsg: get field names and field types of a

 rossrv: get the field names and field types of a
service request/reply message

rosmsg show

Simulation: Gazebo
 open source 3D simulator
 has been around for a while but has now been converted to
using ROS for communication, is a ros package offered by WG
 uses ODE library for ridgid body dynamics
 supports multiple robots
 good for experiments that include motion planning, control &
perception of ground vehicles
 less good for experiments that require precise contact between
robot & environment such as manipulation
 world and objects in world are described in an XML '.world' file
 offers fake localization & fake sensors
 fully integrated into ROS
 we will discuss in more in the more technical half of the 23
Simulation: Gazebo

Simulation: Stage

 open source 2D simulator

 great for multi-agent experiments
 great for use with an integrated video card & slower machines
 fully integrated into ROS

Visualizers: rviz

 3D visualizer - not a simulator

 capable of displaying all 'visualizable'
messages without extra coding
 can change reference frame of visualization
 supports 'visualization markers', user created
shapes to represent 'unvisualizable' data - great
for debugging
 most vital ROS related tool available.
 note: 'nav_view' is a 2D version of rviz
(nav_view is to stage as rviz is to gazebo) 26
Visualizers: rviz

Visualization markers accelerate debugging!

simulation red: padding around obstacles
orange: obstacle cuboids in occupancy grid
blue cubes: poses of randomly generated high-level states
small green cubes: poses of low-level states expanded
large green cubes: poses of high-level states expanded

rviz visualization

 tf library
 'transform' library can fetch a transform from one frame to
another frame at a specific point in time
 uses description of robot, the state of joints
 can also transform from one point in time to another point in time
 ROS Play/Record
 can record any information passed over ROS to a 'bag' file
 the file can be played back later
 ex. log sensor data for later analysis
 ex. great for debugging hard to recreate situations
 glc-record
 record gazebo & rviz windows at the same time to create a
multi-window video
 can easily record many OpenGL apps simultaneously.

 documentation has been improving
 there are many tutorials available
 many schools have made public their own ros-
package repository (there is a list at
 drivers for lots of common hardware are available


 a message passing system between processes on
a single computer or on a network
 easy build system
 easy to navigate in huge code library
 valuable debugging tools are critical to hunting
down bugs in complicated systems
 ROS-Packages
 Simulators: Gazebo & Stage
 many other packages are available that perform
functions you might want
Part 2

 In part 2 we'll create a new ros package that

contains a basic node
 Feel free to run if you're ROSed-out

Part 2: Create a simple node

 create a new package

 write your code (usually as a class)
 create a main function that instantiates class
 list the dependencies
 describe how it should be built
 build it
 create a launch file
 use rviz to inspect it's working correctly
create a new package

roscreate-pkg meam620_tutorial

create a new package (cont'd)

 Does 'rospack' find my new package?

 test: open a new terminal, then run 'roscd
 if it can't be found then make sure you created the
package in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
 run 'echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH' to check the
 move the folder to within the path

start coding

 Why contain your node's functionality in a

 you will have many shared variables that you don't
want to pass around as parameters between
functions (publishers,subscribers,transforms, node handles)
 works best with specific pieces of functionality
written as classes so that they can build on top of
each other nicely and be reused
 have a main function that instantiates the class, and
then calls ros::spin()

using messages

 use 'rosmsg show …' to remind yourself of field

names and types (or go to
 remember to include the message header file
with the correct case
 <mapping_msgs/CollisionMap.h>
 package name: all lowercase
 message name: first letter of each word is

launching stuff

 running many nodes requires opening many

 launching many nodes from one launch file
reduces the number of terminals you will have
to open but is not a good idea to include a node
that you are debugging in that file
 try not to copy and paste exact duplicates of
launch files, but rather 'include' another launch
file and it will be launched from its location


 At this point we can continue from the



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