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Franco Mabanta @ Thanks for the super not-corrupt correction, Vera Files! 1. You're right. When | said that Covid is the first global pandemic “in a century", what | meant to say is that it's the first global pandemic THIS century -- which is accurate. (But nevertheless, good job splitting hairs!) @ 2. When | said there were 17,727 Covid recoveries last November 2, | responsibly cited my source in the post as it wasn't clear to us at ‘that point that it was a delayed accumulation throughout one week, instead of one day. I'm sure the news publication | cited simply made an honest mistake as none of us knew the daily reports were delayed and then compiled. By the way, I'm sure your relationship with the sweet people at Rappler and my support of the President had nothing to do with you publishing this story more than two weeks late. I'm sure there was no malice on your end. After all, your banner proudly projects that "truth is (y)our business". Naks. While you guys do this for money, we tell the truth because it's the right thing to do. Again, thanks for non-malicious, zero-ulterior-motives correction! Love ya, you self-proclaimed “fact checkers" you. @ ge tw Edited 6099 436 Like - Reply » M

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